from sqlalchemy.test.testing import eq_
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.test import *
from sqlalchemy.test.schema import Table,Column
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator
class ReturningTest(TestBase, AssertsExecutionResults):
__unsupported_on__ = ('sqlite', 'mysql', 'maxdb', 'sybase', 'access')
def setup(self):
meta = MetaData(testing.db)
global table, GoofyType
class GoofyType(TypeDecorator):
impl = String
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
if value is None:
return None
return "FOO" + value
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
if value is None:
return None
return value + "BAR"
table = Table('tables', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True),
Column('persons', Integer),
Column('full', Boolean),
Column('goofy', GoofyType(50))
def teardown(self):
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 0), '2.0+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
def test_column_targeting(self):
result = table.insert().returning(, table.c.full).execute({'persons': 1, 'full': False})
row = result.first()
assert row[] == row['id'] == 1
assert row[table.c.full] == row['full'] == False
result = table.insert().values(persons=5, full=True, goofy="somegoofy").\
returning(table.c.persons, table.c.full, table.c.goofy).execute()
row = result.first()
assert row[table.c.persons] == row['persons'] == 5
assert row[table.c.full] == row['full'] == True
eq_(row[table.c.goofy], row['goofy'])
eq_(row['goofy'], "FOOsomegoofyBAR")
@testing.fails_on('firebird', "fb can't handle returning x AS y")
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 0), '2.0+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
def test_labeling(self):
result = table.insert().values(persons=6).\
row = result.first()
assert row['lala'] == 6
@testing.fails_on('firebird', "fb/kintersbasdb can't handle the bind params")
@testing.fails_on('oracle+zxjdbc', "JDBC driver bug")
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 0), '2.0+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
def test_anon_expressions(self):
result = table.insert().values(goofy="someOTHERgoofy").\
returning(func.lower(table.c.goofy, type_=GoofyType)).execute()
row = result.first()
assert row[0] == "foosomeothergoofyBAR"
result = table.insert().values(persons=12).\
returning(table.c.persons + 18).execute()
row = result.first()
assert row[0] == 30
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 1), '2.1+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
def test_update_returning(self):
table.insert().execute([{'persons': 5, 'full': False}, {'persons': 3, 'full': False}])
result = table.update(table.c.persons > 4, dict(full=True)).returning(
eq_(result.fetchall(), [(1,)])
result2 = select([, table.c.full]).order_by(
eq_(result2.fetchall(), [(1,True),(2,False)])
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 0), '2.0+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
def test_insert_returning(self):
result = table.insert().returning({'persons': 1, 'full': False})
eq_(result.fetchall(), [(1,)])
@testing.fails_on('postgresql', '')
@testing.fails_on('oracle+cx_oracle', '')
@testing.crashes('mssql+mxodbc', 'Raises an error')
def test_executemany():
# return value is documented as failing with psycopg2/executemany
result2 = table.insert().returning(table).execute(
[{'persons': 2, 'full': False}, {'persons': 3, 'full': True}])
if testing.against('mssql+zxjdbc'):
# jtds apparently returns only the first row
eq_(result2.fetchall(), [(2, 2, False, None)])
elif testing.against('firebird', 'mssql', 'oracle'):
# Multiple inserts only return the last row
eq_(result2.fetchall(), [(3, 3, True, None)])
# nobody does this as far as we know (pg8000?)
eq_(result2.fetchall(), [(2, 2, False, None), (3, 3, True, None)])
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 1), '2.1+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
@testing.fails_on_everything_except('postgresql', 'firebird')
def test_literal_returning(self):
if testing.against("postgresql"):
literal_true = "true"
literal_true = "1"
result4 = testing.db.execute('insert into tables (id, persons, "full") '
'values (5, 10, %s) returning persons' % literal_true)
eq_([dict(row) for row in result4], [{'persons': 10}])
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 1), '2.1+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
def test_delete_returning(self):
table.insert().execute([{'persons': 5, 'full': False}, {'persons': 3, 'full': False}])
result = table.delete(table.c.persons > 4).returning(
eq_(result.fetchall(), [(1,)])
result2 = select([, table.c.full]).order_by(
eq_(result2.fetchall(), [(2,False),])
class SequenceReturningTest(TestBase):
__unsupported_on__ = ('sqlite', 'mysql', 'maxdb', 'sybase', 'access', 'mssql')
def setup(self):
meta = MetaData(testing.db)
global table, seq
seq = Sequence('tid_seq')
table = Table('tables', meta,
Column('id', Integer, seq, primary_key=True),
Column('data', String(50))
def teardown(self):
def test_insert(self):
r = table.insert().values(data='hi').returning(
assert r.first() == (1, )
assert seq.execute() == 2
class KeyReturningTest(TestBase, AssertsExecutionResults):
"""test returning() works with columns that define 'key'."""
__unsupported_on__ = ('sqlite', 'mysql', 'maxdb', 'sybase', 'access')
def setup(self):
meta = MetaData(testing.db)
global table
table = Table('tables', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, key='foo_id', test_needs_autoincrement=True),
Column('data', String(20)),
def teardown(self):
@testing.exclude('firebird', '<', (2, 0), '2.0+ feature')
@testing.exclude('postgresql', '<', (8, 2), '8.2+ feature')
def test_insert(self):
result = table.insert().returning(table.c.foo_id).execute(data='somedata')
row = result.first()
assert row[table.c.foo_id] == row['id'] == 1
result =
assert row[table.c.foo_id] == row['id'] == 1