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pyodbc » pyodbc 2.1.7 » tests »

# Unit tests for PostgreSQL on Linux (Fedora)
# This is a stripped down copy of the SQL Server tests.

import sys, os, re
import unittest
from decimal import Decimal
from testutils import *

_TESTSTR = '0123456789-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-'

def _generate_test_string(length):
    Returns a string of composed of `seed` to make a string `length` characters long.

    To enhance performance, there are 3 ways data is read, based on the length of the value, so most data types are
    tested with 3 lengths.  This function helps us generate the test data.

    We use a recognizable data set instead of a single character to make it less likely that "overlap" errors will
    be hidden and to help us manually identify where a break occurs.
    if length <= len(_TESTSTR):
        return _TESTSTR[:length]

    c = (length + len(_TESTSTR)-1) / len(_TESTSTR)
    v = _TESTSTR * c
    return v[:length]

class PGTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # These are from the C++ code.  Keep them up to date.

    # If we are reading a binary, string, or unicode value and do not know how large it is, we'll try reading 2K into a
    # buffer on the stack.  We then copy into a new Python object.
    SMALL_READ  = 2048

    # A read guaranteed not to fit in the MAX_STACK_STACK stack buffer, but small enough to be used for varchar (4K max).
    LARGE_READ = 4000

    SMALL_STRING = _generate_test_string(SMALL_READ)
    LARGE_STRING = _generate_test_string(LARGE_READ)

    def __init__(self, connection_string, method_name):
        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, method_name)
        self.connection_string = connection_string

    def setUp(self):
        self.cnxn   = pyodbc.connect(self.connection_string)
        self.cursor = self.cnxn.cursor()

        for i in range(3):
                self.cursor.execute("drop table t%d" % i)

    def tearDown(self):
            # If we've already closed the cursor or connection, exceptions are thrown.

    def test_datasources(self):
        p = pyodbc.dataSources()
        self.assert_(isinstance(p, dict))

    def test_getinfo_string(self):
        value = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_CATALOG_NAME_SEPARATOR)
        self.assert_(isinstance(value, str))

    def test_getinfo_bool(self):
        value = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES)
        self.assert_(isinstance(value, bool))

    def test_getinfo_int(self):
        value = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION)
        self.assert_(isinstance(value, (int, long)))

    def test_getinfo_smallint(self):
        value = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_CONCAT_NULL_BEHAVIOR)
        self.assert_(isinstance(value, int))

    def test_negative_float(self):
        value = -200
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(n float)")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values (?)", value)
        result  = self.cursor.execute("select n from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(value, result)

    def _test_strtype(self, sqltype, value, colsize=None):
        The implementation for string, Unicode, and binary tests.
        assert colsize is None or (value is None or colsize >= len(value))

        if colsize:
            sql = "create table t1(s %s(%s))" % (sqltype, colsize)
            sql = "create table t1(s %s)" % sqltype

        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(?)", value)
        v = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(v), type(value))

        if value is not None:
            self.assertEqual(len(v), len(value))

        self.assertEqual(v, value)

    # varchar

    def test_empty_varchar(self):
        self._test_strtype('varchar', '', self.SMALL_READ)

    def test_null_varchar(self):
        self._test_strtype('varchar', None, self.SMALL_READ)

    def test_large_null_varchar(self):
        # There should not be a difference, but why not find out?
        self._test_strtype('varchar', None, self.LARGE_READ)

    def test_small_varchar(self):
        self._test_strtype('varchar', self.SMALL_STRING, self.SMALL_READ)

    def test_large_varchar(self):
        self._test_strtype('varchar', self.LARGE_STRING, self.LARGE_READ)

    def test_varchar_many(self):
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(c1 varchar(300), c2 varchar(300), c3 varchar(300))")

        v1 = 'ABCDEFGHIJ' * 30
        v2 = '0123456789' * 30
        v3 = '9876543210' * 30

        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1(c1, c2, c3) values (?,?,?)", v1, v2, v3);
        row = self.cursor.execute("select c1, c2, c3 from t1").fetchone()

        self.assertEqual(v1, row.c1)
        self.assertEqual(v2, row.c2)
        self.assertEqual(v3, row.c3)

    def test_small_decimal(self):
        # value = Decimal('1234567890987654321')
        value = Decimal('100010')       # (I use this because the ODBC docs tell us how the bytes should look in the C struct)
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(d numeric(19))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(?)", value)
        v = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(v), Decimal)
        self.assertEqual(v, value)

    def test_small_decimal_scale(self):
        # The same as small_decimal, except with a different scale.  This value exactly matches the ODBC documentation
        # example in the C Data Types appendix.
        value = '1000.10'
        value = Decimal(value)
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(d numeric(20,6))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(?)", value)
        v = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(v), Decimal)
        self.assertEqual(v, value)

    def test_negative_decimal_scale(self):
        value = Decimal('-10.0010')
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(d numeric(19,4))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(?)", value)
        v = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(v), Decimal)
        self.assertEqual(v, value)

    def _exec(self):
    def test_close_cnxn(self):
        """Make sure using a Cursor after closing its connection doesn't crash."""

        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(id integer, s varchar(20))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values (?,?)", 1, 'test')
        self.cursor.execute("select * from t1")

        # Now that the connection is closed, we expect an exception.  (If the code attempts to use
        # the HSTMT, we'll get an access violation instead.)
        self.sql = "select * from t1"
        self.assertRaises(pyodbc.ProgrammingError, self._exec)

    def test_empty_string(self):
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(s varchar(20))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(?)", "")

    def test_fixed_str(self):
        value = "testing"
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(s char(7))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(?)", "testing")
        v = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(v), str)
        self.assertEqual(len(v), len(value)) # If we alloc'd wrong, the test below might work because of an embedded NULL
        self.assertEqual(v, value)

    def test_negative_row_index(self):
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(s varchar(20))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(?)", "1")
        row = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()
        self.assertEquals(row[0], "1")
        self.assertEquals(row[-1], "1")

    def test_version(self):
        self.assertEquals(3, len(pyodbc.version.split('.'))) # 1.3.1 etc.

    def test_rowcount_delete(self):
        self.assertEquals(self.cursor.rowcount, -1)
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(i int)")
        count = 4
        for i in range(count):
            self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values (?)", i)
        self.cursor.execute("delete from t1")
        self.assertEquals(self.cursor.rowcount, count)

    def test_rowcount_nodata(self):
        This represents a different code path than a delete that deleted something.

        The return value is SQL_NO_DATA and code after it was causing an error.  We could use SQL_NO_DATA to step over
        the code that errors out and drop down to the same SQLRowCount code.  On the other hand, we could hardcode a
        zero return value.
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(i int)")
        # This is a different code path internally.
        self.cursor.execute("delete from t1")
        self.assertEquals(self.cursor.rowcount, 0)

    def test_rowcount_select(self):
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(i int)")
        count = 4
        for i in range(count):
            self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values (?)", i)
        self.cursor.execute("select * from t1")
        self.assertEquals(self.cursor.rowcount, 4)

    # PostgreSQL driver fails here?
    # def test_rowcount_reset(self):
    #     "Ensure rowcount is reset to -1"
    #     self.cursor.execute("create table t1(i int)")
    #     count = 4
    #     for i in range(count):
    #         self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values (?)", i)
    #     self.assertEquals(self.cursor.rowcount, 1)
    #     self.cursor.execute("create table t2(i int)")
    #     self.assertEquals(self.cursor.rowcount, -1)

    def test_lower_case(self):
        "Ensure pyodbc.lowercase forces returned column names to lowercase."

        # Has to be set before creating the cursor, so we must recreate self.cursor.

        pyodbc.lowercase = True
        self.cursor = self.cnxn.cursor()

        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(Abc int, dEf int)")
        self.cursor.execute("select * from t1")

        names = [ t[0] for t in self.cursor.description ]

        self.assertEquals(names, [ "abc", "def" ])

        # Put it back so other tests don't fail.
        pyodbc.lowercase = False
    def test_row_description(self):
        Ensure Cursor.description is accessible as Row.cursor_description.
        self.cursor = self.cnxn.cursor()
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b char(3))")
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(1, 'abc')")

        row = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()
        self.assertEquals(self.cursor.description, row.cursor_description)

    def test_executemany(self):
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b varchar(10))")

        params = [ (i, str(i)) for i in range(1, 6) ]

        self.cursor.executemany("insert into t1(a, b) values (?,?)", params)

        # REVIEW: Without the cast, we get the following error:
        # [07006] [unixODBC]Received an unsupported type from Postgres.;\nERROR:  table "t2" does not exist (14)

        count = self.cursor.execute("select cast(count(*) as int) from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(count, len(params))

        self.cursor.execute("select a, b from t1 order by a")
        rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(count, len(rows))

        for param, row in zip(params, rows):
            self.assertEqual(param[0], row[0])
            self.assertEqual(param[1], row[1])

    def test_executemany_failure(self):
        Ensure that an exception is raised if one query in an executemany fails.
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b varchar(10))")

        params = [ (1, 'good'),
                   ('error', 'not an int'),
                   (3, 'good') ]
        self.failUnlessRaises(pyodbc.Error, self.cursor.executemany, "insert into t1(a, b) value (?, ?)", params)

    def test_row_slicing(self):
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b int, c int, d int)");
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(1,2,3,4)")

        row = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()

        result = row[:]
        self.failUnless(result is row)

        result = row[:-1]
        self.assertEqual(result, (1,2,3))

        result = row[0:4]
        self.failUnless(result is row)

    def test_row_repr(self):
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b int, c int, d int)");
        self.cursor.execute("insert into t1 values(1,2,3,4)")

        row = self.cursor.execute("select * from t1").fetchone()

        result = str(row)
        self.assertEqual(result, "(1, 2, 3, 4)")

        result = str(row[:-1])
        self.assertEqual(result, "(1, 2, 3)")

        result = str(row[:1])
        self.assertEqual(result, "(1,)")

def main():
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] connection_string")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", help="Increment test verbosity (can be used multiple times)")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print debugging items")
    parser.add_option("-t", "--test", help="Run only the named test")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) > 1:
        parser.error('Only one argument is allowed.  Do you need quotes around the connection string?')

    if not args:
        connection_string = load_setup_connection_string('pgtests')

        if not connection_string:
            raise SystemExit()
        connection_string = args[0]

    if options.verbose:
        cnxn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string)

        print 'library:', os.path.abspath(pyodbc.__file__)
        print 'odbc:    %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_ODBC_VER)
        print 'driver:  %s %s' % (cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME), cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_VER))
        print 'driver supports ODBC version %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER)

    if options.test:
        # Run a single test
        if not options.test.startswith('test_'):
            options.test = 'test_%s' % (options.test)

        s = unittest.TestSuite([ PGTestCase(connection_string, options.test) ])
        # Run all tests in the class

        methods = [ m for m in dir(PGTestCase) if m.startswith('test_') ]
        s = unittest.TestSuite([ PGTestCase(connection_string, m) for m in methods ])

    testRunner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=options.verbose)
    result =

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Add the build directory to the path so we're testing the latest build, not the installed version.


    import pyodbc
    main() | Contact Us
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