# Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Canonical Ltd
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
"""man.py - create man page from built-in bzr help and static text
* use usage information instead of simple "bzr foo" in COMMAND OVERVIEW
* add command aliases
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import bzrlib
import bzrlib.help
import bzrlib.help_topics
import bzrlib.commands
def get_filename(options):
"""Provides name of manpage"""
return "%s.1" % (options.bzr_name)
def infogen(options, outfile):
"""Assembles a man page"""
t = time.time()
tt = time.gmtime(t)
params = \
{ "bzrcmd": options.bzr_name,
"datestamp": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",tt),
"timestamp": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000",tt),
"version": bzrlib.__version__,
outfile.write(man_preamble % params)
outfile.write(man_escape(man_head % params))
outfile.write(man_escape(man_foot % params))
def man_escape(string):
"""Escapes strings for man page compatibility"""
result = string.replace("\\","\\\\")
result = result.replace("`","\\`")
result = result.replace("'","\\'")
result = result.replace("-","\\-")
return result
def command_name_list():
"""Builds a list of command names from bzrlib"""
command_names = bzrlib.commands.builtin_command_names()
return command_names
def getcommand_list (params):
"""Builds summary help for command names in manpage format"""
bzrcmd = params["bzrcmd"]
output = '.SH "COMMAND OVERVIEW"\n'
for cmd_name in command_name_list():
cmd_object = bzrlib.commands.get_cmd_object(cmd_name)
if cmd_object.hidden:
cmd_help = cmd_object.help()
if cmd_help:
firstline = cmd_help.split('\n', 1)[0]
usage = cmd_object._usage()
tmp = '.TP\n.B "%s"\n%s\n' % (usage, firstline)
output = output + tmp
raise RuntimeError, "Command '%s' has no help text" % (cmd_name)
return output
def getcommand_help(params):
"""Shows individual options for a bzr command"""
formatted = {}
for cmd_name in command_name_list():
cmd_object = bzrlib.commands.get_cmd_object(cmd_name)
if cmd_object.hidden:
formatted[cmd_name] = format_command(params, cmd_object)
for alias in cmd_object.aliases:
formatted[alias] = format_alias(params, alias, cmd_name)
for cmd_name in sorted(formatted):
output += formatted[cmd_name]
return output
def format_command (params, cmd):
"""Provides long help for each public command"""
subsection_header = '.SS "%s"\n' % (cmd._usage())
doc = "%s\n" % (cmd.__doc__)
doc = bzrlib.help_topics.help_as_plain_text(cmd.help())
option_str = ""
options = cmd.options()
if options:
option_str = "\nOptions:\n"
for option_name, option in sorted(options.items()):
for name, short_name, argname, help in option.iter_switches():
if option.is_hidden(name):
l = ' --' + name
if argname is not None:
l += ' ' + argname
if short_name:
l += ', -' + short_name
l += (30 - len(l)) * ' ' + (help or '')
wrapped = textwrap.fill(l, initial_indent='',
subsequent_indent=30*' ',
option_str = option_str + wrapped + '\n'
aliases_str = ""
if cmd.aliases:
if len(cmd.aliases) > 1:
aliases_str += '\nAliases: '
aliases_str += '\nAlias: '
aliases_str += ', '.join(cmd.aliases)
aliases_str += '\n'
see_also_str = ""
see_also = cmd.get_see_also()
if see_also:
see_also_str += '\nSee also: '
see_also_str += ', '.join(see_also)
see_also_str += '\n'
return subsection_header + option_str + aliases_str + see_also_str + "\n" + doc + "\n"
def format_alias(params, alias, cmd_name):
help = '.SS "bzr %s"\n' % alias
help += 'Alias for "%s", see "bzr %s".\n' % (cmd_name, cmd_name)
return help
man_preamble = """\
.\\\"Man page for Bazaar (%(bzrcmd)s)
.\\\" Large parts of this file are autogenerated from the output of
.\\\" \"%(bzrcmd)s help commands\"
.\\\" \"%(bzrcmd)s help <cmd>\"
.\\\" Generation time: %(timestamp)s
man_head = """\
.TH bzr 1 "%(datestamp)s" "%(version)s" "Bazaar"
%(bzrcmd)s - Bazaar next-generation distributed version control
.B "%(bzrcmd)s"
.I "command"
.I "command_options"
.B "%(bzrcmd)s"
.B "help"
.B "%(bzrcmd)s"
.B "help"
.I "command"
Bazaar (or %(bzrcmd)s) is a project of Canonical to develop an open source
distributed version control system that is powerful, friendly, and scalable.
Version control means a system that keeps track of previous revisions
of software source code or similar information and helps people work on it in teams.
man_foot = """\
Path where
.B "%(bzrcmd)s"
is to look for shell plugin external commands.
E-Mail address of the user. Overrides default user config.
E-Mail address of the user. Overrides default user config.
Editor for editing commit messages
Editor for editing commit messages
Paths where bzr should look for plugins
Home directory for bzr
.I "~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf"
Contains the user's default configuration. The section
is used to define general configuration that will be applied everywhere.
The section
can be used to create command aliases for
commonly used options.
A typical config file might look something like:
email=John Doe <jdoe@isp.com>
commit = commit --strict
log10 = log --short -r -10..-1
.UR http://www.bazaar.canonical.com/
.BR http://www.bazaar.canonical.com/