# Copyright (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
"""Tests for branch implementations - test reconcile() functionality"""
from bzrlib import errors,reconcile
from bzrlib.tests.per_branch import TestCaseWithBranch
class TestBranchReconcile(TestCaseWithBranch):
def test_reconcile_fixes_invalid_revhistory(self):
# Different formats have different ways of handling invalid revision
# histories, so the setup portion is customized
tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('test')
r1 = tree.commit('one')
r2 = tree.commit('two')
r3 = tree.commit('three')
r4 = tree.commit('four')
# create an alternate branch
tree.branch.set_last_revision_info(1, r1)
r2b = tree.commit('two-b')
# now go back and merge the commit
tree.set_parent_ids([r4, r2b])
tree.branch.set_last_revision_info(4, r4)
r5 = tree.commit('five')
# Now, try to set an invalid history
tree.branch.set_revision_history([r1, r2b, r5])
if tree.branch.last_revision_info() != (3, r5):
# RemoteBranch silently corrects an impossible revision
# history given to set_revision_history. It can be tricked
# with set_last_revision_info though.
tree.branch.set_last_revision_info(3, r5)
except errors.NotLefthandHistory:
# Branch5 allows set_revision_history to be wrong
# Branch6 raises NotLefthandHistory, but we can force bogus stuff
# with set_last_revision_info
tree.branch.set_last_revision_info(3, r5)
self.assertEqual((3, r5), tree.branch.last_revision_info())
reconciler = tree.branch.reconcile()
self.assertEqual((5, r5), tree.branch.last_revision_info())
self.assertIs(True, reconciler.fixed_history)
def test_reconcile_returns_reconciler(self):
a_branch = self.make_branch('a_branch')
result = a_branch.reconcile()
self.assertIsInstance(result, reconcile.BranchReconciler)
# No history to fix
self.assertIs(False, result.fixed_history)
def test_reconcile_supports_thorough(self):
a_branch = self.make_branch('a_branch')
def test_reconcile_handles_ghosts_in_revhistory(self):
tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('test')
tree.set_parent_ids(["spooky"], allow_leftmost_as_ghost=True)
r1 = tree.commit('one')
r2 = tree.commit('two')
tree.branch.set_last_revision_info(2, r2)
reconciler = tree.branch.reconcile()
self.assertEquals([r1, r2], tree.branch.revision_history())