#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id: test_functional.py 6311 2010-04-23 13:09:58Z milde $
# Author: Lea Wiemann <LeWiemann@gmail.com>
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
Perform tests with the data in the functional/ directory.
Read README.txt for details on how this is done.
import sys
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import unittest
import difflib
import DocutilsTestSupport # must be imported before docutils
import docutils
import docutils.core
datadir = 'functional'
"""The directory to store the data needed for the functional tests."""
def join_path(*args):
return '/'.join(args) or '.'
class FunctionalTestSuite(DocutilsTestSupport.CustomTestSuite):
"""Test suite containing test cases for all config files."""
def __init__(self):
"""Process all config files in functional/tests/."""
self.added = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(join_path(datadir, 'tests')):
# Process all config files among `names` in `dirname`. A config
# file is a Python file (*.py) which sets several variables.
for name in files:
if name.endswith('.py') and not name.startswith('_'):
config_file_full_path = join_path(root, name)
self.addTestCase(FunctionalTestCase, 'test', None, None,
self.added += 1
except (AttributeError): # python2.2 does not have os.walk
os.path.walk(join_path(datadir, 'tests'), self.walker, None)
assert self.added, 'No functional tests found.'
def clear_output_directory(self):
files = os.listdir(os.path.join('functional', 'output'))
for f in files:
if f in ('README.txt', '.svn', 'CVS'):
continue # don't touch the infrastructure
path = os.path.join('functional', 'output', f)
if os.path.isdir(path):
def walker(self, dummy, dirname, names):
Process all config files among `names` in `dirname`.
This is a helper function for os.path.walk. A config file is
a Python file (*.py) which sets several variables.
for name in names:
if name.endswith('.py') and not name.startswith('_'):
config_file_full_path = join_path(dirname, name)
self.addTestCase(FunctionalTestCase, 'test', None, None,
self.added += 1
class FunctionalTestCase(DocutilsTestSupport.CustomTestCase):
"""Test case for one config file."""
no_expected_template = """\
Cannot find expected output at %(exp)s
If the output in %(out)s
is correct, move it to the expected/ dir and check it in:
mv %(out)s %(exp)s
svn add %(exp)s
svn commit -m "<comment>" %(exp)s"""
expected_output_differs_template = """\
The expected and actual output differs.
Please compare the expected and actual output files:
diff %(exp)s %(out)s\n'
If the actual output is correct, please replace the
expected output and check it in:
mv %(out)s %(exp)s
svn add %(exp)s
svn commit -m "<comment>" %(exp)s"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set self.configfile, pass arguments to parent __init__."""
self.configfile = kwargs['configfile']
del kwargs['configfile']
DocutilsTestSupport.CustomTestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def shortDescription(self):
return 'test_functional.py: ' + self.configfile
def test(self):
"""Process self.configfile."""
# Keyword parameters for publish_file:
namespace = {}
# Initialize 'settings_overrides' for test settings scripts,
# and disable configuration files:
namespace['settings_overrides'] = {'_disable_config': 1}
# Read the variables set in the default config file and in
# the current config file into namespace:
defaultpy = open(join_path(datadir, 'tests', '_default.py')).read()
exec(defaultpy, namespace)
exec(open(self.configfile).read(), namespace)
# Check for required settings:
assert 'test_source' in namespace,\
"No 'test_source' supplied in " + self.configfile
assert 'test_destination' in namespace,\
"No 'test_destination' supplied in " + self.configfile
# Set source_path and destination_path if not given:
join_path(datadir, 'input',
# Path for actual output:
join_path(datadir, 'output',
# Path for expected output:
expected_path = join_path(datadir, 'expected',
# shallow copy of namespace to minimize:
params = namespace.copy()
# remove unneeded parameters:
del params['test_source']
del params['test_destination']
# Delete private stuff like params['__builtins__']:
for key in params.keys():
if key.startswith('_'):
del params[key]
# Get output (automatically written to the output/ directory
# by publish_file):
output = docutils.core.publish_file(**params)
# ensure output is unicode
output_encoding = params.get('output_encoding', 'utf-8')
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
output = output.decode(output_encoding)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# failsafe (default for latex2e writer)
output = output.decode('latin1', 'replace')
# Get the expected output *after* writing the actual output.
no_expected = self.no_expected_template % {
'exp': expected_path, 'out': params['destination_path']}
self.assert_(os.access(expected_path, os.R_OK), no_expected)
f = open(expected_path, 'rb')
expected = f.read()
expected = expected.decode(output_encoding)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
expected = expected.decode('latin1', 'replace')
diff = self.expected_output_differs_template % {
'exp': expected_path, 'out': params['destination_path']}
self.assertEquals(output, expected, diff)
except AssertionError:
diff = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(
expected.splitlines(True), output.splitlines(True),
expected_path, params['destination_path']))
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
diff = diff.encode('ascii', 'replace')
print >>sys.stderr, '\n%s:' % (self,)
print >>sys.stderr, diff
# Execute optional function containing extra tests:
if '_test_more' in namespace:
namespace['_test_more'](join_path(datadir, 'expected'),
join_path(datadir, 'output'),
self, namespace)
def suite():
return FunctionalTestSuite()
if __name__ == '__main__':