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#! /usr/bin/env python

# $Id: test_tables.py 6307 2010-04-15 14:45:41Z milde $
# Author: David Goodger <goodger@python.org>
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.

Tests for states.py.

import os
from __init__ import DocutilsTestSupport

def suite():
    s = DocutilsTestSupport.ParserTestSuite()
    return s

mydir = 'test_parsers/test_rst/'
include2 = os.path.join(mydir, 'test_directives/include2.txt')

totest = {}

totest['grid_tables'] = [
| A table with one cell and one line. |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="37">
                            A table with one cell and one line.
| A table with one cell |
| and two lines.        |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="23">
                            A table with one cell
                            and two lines.
| A malformed table. |
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            | A malformed table. |
| A well-formed | table. |

| This +----------+ too! |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="24">
                            A well-formed | table.
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="24">
                            This +----------+ too!
| A table with | two columns. |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
                            A table with
                            two columns.
| A table with |
| two rows.    |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
                            A table with
                            two rows.
| A table with | two columns |
| and          | two rows.   |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
            <colspec colwidth="13">
                            A table with
                            two columns
                            two rows.
| A table with | two columns,  |
| two rows, and a column span. |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
            <colspec colwidth="15">
                            A table with
                            two columns,
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            two rows, and a column span.
| A table with three rows, |
| and two    | columns.    |
| First and last rows      |
| contains column spans.   |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="13">
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            A table with three rows,
                            and two
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            First and last rows
                            contains column spans.
| A table with | two columns, |
+--------------+ and a row    |
| two rows,    | span.        |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
                            A table with
                    <entry morerows="1">
                            two columns,
                            and a row
                            two rows,
| A table    | two rows in | and row spans |
| with three +-------------+ to left and   |
| columns,   | the middle, | right.        |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="3">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="13">
            <colspec colwidth="15">
                    <entry morerows="1">
                            A table
                            with three
                            two rows in
                    <entry morerows="1">
                            and row spans
                            to left and
                            the middle,
Complex spanning pattern (no edge knows all rows/cols):

| W/NW cell | N/NE cell               |
|           +-------------+-----------+
|           | Middle cell | E/SE cell |
+-----------+-------------+           |
| S/SE cell               |           |
<document source="test data">
        Complex spanning pattern (no edge knows all rows/cols):
        <tgroup cols="3">
            <colspec colwidth="11">
            <colspec colwidth="13">
            <colspec colwidth="11">
                    <entry morerows="1">
                            W/NW cell
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            N/NE cell
                            Middle cell
                    <entry morerows="1">
                            E/SE cell
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            S/SE cell
| Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3 | Header 4 |
| body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |
| body row 2             | Cells may span columns.          |
| body row 3             | Cells may  | - Table cells       |
+------------------------+ span rows. | - contain           |
| body row 4             |            | - body elements.    |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="4">
            <colspec colwidth="24">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="10">
            <colspec colwidth="10">
                            Header row, column 1
                            Header 2
                            Header 3
                            Header 4
                            body row 1, column 1
                            column 2
                            column 3
                            column 4
                            body row 2
                    <entry morecols="2">
                            Cells may span columns.
                            body row 3
                    <entry morerows="1">
                            Cells may
                            span rows.
                    <entry morecols="1" morerows="1">
                        <bullet_list bullet="-">
                                    Table cells
                                    body elements.
                            body row 4
| A simple table  | cell 2 |
| cell 3          | cell 4 |
No blank line after table.
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="17">
            <colspec colwidth="8">
                            A simple table
                            cell 2
                            cell 3
                            cell 4
    <system_message level="2" line="6" source="test data" type="WARNING">
            Blank line required after table.
        No blank line after table.
| A simple table  | cell 2 |
| cell 3          | cell 4 |
    Unexpected indent and no blank line after table.
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="17">
            <colspec colwidth="8">
                            A simple table
                            cell 2
                            cell 3
                            cell 4
    <system_message level="3" line="6" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Unexpected indentation.
    <system_message level="2" line="6" source="test data" type="WARNING">
            Blank line required after table.
            Unexpected indent and no blank line after table.
| A bad table. |             |
+--------------+             |
| Cells must be rectangles.  |
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            Malformed table; parse incomplete.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            | A bad table. |             |
            +--------------+             |
            | Cells must be rectangles.  |
| This table contains another. |
|                              |
| +-------------------------+  |
| | A table within a table. |  |
| +-------------------------+  |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="30">
                            This table contains another.
                            <tgroup cols="1">
                                <colspec colwidth="25">
                                                A table within a table.
| A simple table   |        |
| with empty cells |        |
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="18">
            <colspec colwidth="8">
                            A simple table
                            with empty cells
| .. include::                                                                 |
| (The first cell of this table may expand                                     |
| to accommodate long filesystem paths.)                                       |
""") % ('\n'.join(['|    %-70s    |' % include2[part * 70 : (part + 1) * 70]
                   for part in range(len(include2) // 70 + 1)])),
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="78">
                            Here are some paragraphs
                            that can appear at any level.
                            This file (include2.txt) is used by
                            (The first cell of this table may expand
                            to accommodate long filesystem paths.)
Something before.

| .. include::                                                                 |

Something afterwards.

And more.
""") % ('\n'.join(['|    %-70s    |' % include2[part * 70 : (part + 1) * 70]
                   for part in range(len(include2) // 70 + 1)])),
<document source="test data">
        Something before.
        <tgroup cols="1">
            <colspec colwidth="78">
                            Here are some paragraphs
                            that can appear at any level.
                            This file (include2.txt) is used by
        Something afterwards.
        And more.

totest['simple_tables'] = [
============  ============
A table with  two columns.
============  ============

<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
                            A table with
                            two columns.
============  ============
A table with  two columns
and           two rows.
============  ============
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
                            A table with
                            two columns
                            two rows.
============  ==============
A table with  two columns,
two rows, and a column span.
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
                            A table with
                            two columns,
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            two rows, and a column span.
==  ===========  ===========
1   A table with three rows,
--  ------------------------
2   and three    columns.
3   First and third rows
    contain column spans.

    This row is a multi-line row, and overflows to the right.
--  ------------------------
4   One last     row.
==  ===========  ===========
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="3">
            <colspec colwidth="2">
            <colspec colwidth="11">
            <colspec colwidth="44">
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            A table with three rows,
                            and three
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            First and third rows
                            contain column spans.
                            This row is a multi-line row, and overflows to the right.
                            One last
=======  =========  ========
A table with three  columns.
==================  ========
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="3">
            <colspec colwidth="7">
            <colspec colwidth="9">
            <colspec colwidth="8">
                    <entry morecols="1">
                            A table with three
==============  ======
A simple table  with
no bottom       border
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            No bottom table border found.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ==============  ======
            A simple table  with
            no bottom       border
==============  ======
A simple table  cell 2
cell 3          cell 4
==============  ======
No blank line after table.
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            No bottom table border found or no blank line after table bottom.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ==============  ======
            A simple table  cell 2
            cell 3          cell 4
            ==============  ======
    <system_message level="2" line="5" source="test data" type="WARNING">
            Blank line required after table.
        No blank line after table.
==============  ======
A simple table  cell 2
==============  ======
cell 3          cell 4
==============  ======
No blank line after table.
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
            <colspec colwidth="6">
                            A simple table
                            cell 2
                            cell 3
                            cell 4
    <system_message level="2" line="6" source="test data" type="WARNING">
            Blank line required after table.
        No blank line after table.
==============  ======
A simple table  cell 2
cell 3          cell 4
==============  ======
    Unexpected indent and no blank line after table.
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            No bottom table border found or no blank line after table bottom.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ==============  ======
            A simple table  cell 2
            cell 3          cell 4
            ==============  ======
    <system_message level="2" line="5" source="test data" type="WARNING">
            Blank line required after table.
            Unexpected indent and no blank line after table.
==============  ======
A bad table     cell 2
cell 3          cell 4
============  ========
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            Column span alignment problem at line offset 3.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ==============  ======
            A bad table     cell 2
            cell 3          cell 4
            ============  ========
========  =========
A bad table  cell 2
cell 3       cell 4
========  =========
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            Text in column margin at line offset 1.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ========  =========
            A bad table  cell 2
            cell 3       cell 4
            ========  =========
==  ============================
1   This table contains another.
2   =======  ======  ========
    A table  within  a table.
    =======  ======  ========

    The outer table does have to
    have at least two columns
==  ============================
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="2">
            <colspec colwidth="28">
                            This table contains another.
                            <tgroup cols="3">
                                <colspec colwidth="7">
                                <colspec colwidth="6">
                                <colspec colwidth="8">
                                                A table
                                                a table.
                            The outer table does have to
                            have at least two columns
================  ======
A simple table
with empty cells
================  ======
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="16">
            <colspec colwidth="6">
                            A simple table
                            with empty cells
==============  ========
   A table        with
==============  ========
   centered      cells.

==============  ========
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="14">
            <colspec colwidth="8">
                            A table
==============  ======
A simple table  this text extends to the right
cell 3          the bottom border below is too long
==============  ========
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            Bottom/header table border does not match top border.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ==============  ======
            A simple table  this text extends to the right
            cell 3          the bottom border below is too long
            ==============  ========
============  =================
A table with  row separators.
------------  -----------------

Blank line    before.
------------  -----------------

Blank lines   before and after.

------------  -----------------
Blank line    after.

============  =================
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="17">
                            A table with
                            row separators.
                            Blank line
                            Blank lines
                            before and after.
                            Blank line
============  ====================
A table with  many row separators.
------------  --------------------
------------  --------------------

------------  --------------------
============  ====================
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="12">
            <colspec colwidth="20">
                            A table with
                            many row separators.
==  ===========  ===========
1   Span columns 2 & 3
--  ------------------------
2   Span columns 2 & 3
==  ===========  ===========

==  ===========  ===========
1 Span cols 1&2  but not 3
---------------  -----------
2 Span cols 1&2  but not 3
3   no spans     here
==  ===========  ===========

==  ===========  ===========
1   Not a span   Not a span
    -----------  -----------
==  ===========  ===========
<document source="test data">
    <system_message level="3" line="1" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            Text in column margin at line offset 3.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ==  ===========  ===========
            1   Span columns 2 & 3
            --  ------------------------
            2   Span columns 2 & 3
            ==  ===========  ===========
    <system_message level="3" line="9" source="test data" type="ERROR">
            Malformed table.
            Column span incomplete at line offset 4.
        <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
            ==  ===========  ===========
            1 Span cols 1&2  but not 3
            ---------------  -----------
            2 Span cols 1&2  but not 3
            3   no spans     here
            ==  ===========  ===========
        <tgroup cols="3">
            <colspec colwidth="2">
            <colspec colwidth="11">
            <colspec colwidth="11">
                        <system_message level="4" line="19" source="test data" type="SEVERE">
                                Unexpected section title.
                            <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
                                Not a span
                        <system_message level="4" line="19" source="test data" type="SEVERE">
                                Unexpected section title.
                            <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
                                Not a span
=========  =====================================================================
Inclusion  .. include::
Note       The first row of this table may expand
           to accommodate long filesystem paths.
=========  =====================================================================
""" % ('\n'.join(['              %-65s' % include2[part * 65 : (part + 1) * 65]
                  for part in range(len(include2) // 65 + 1)])),
<document source="test data">
        <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="9">
            <colspec colwidth="69">
                            Here are some paragraphs
                            that can appear at any level.
                            This file (include2.txt) is used by
                            The first row of this table may expand
                            to accommodate long filesystem paths.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import unittest
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