# epydoc -- Utility functions used by regression tests (*.doctest)
# Edward Loper
# Created [01/30/01 05:18 PM]
# $Id: html.py 1420 2007-01-28 14:19:30Z dvarrazzo $
Utility functions used by the regression tests (C{*.doctest}).
__docformat__ = 'epytext en'
import tempfile, re, os, os.path, textwrap, sys
from epydoc.docbuilder import build_doc,build_doc_index
from epydoc.docparser import parse_docs
from epydoc.docintrospecter import introspect_docs
from epydoc.apidoc import ClassDoc,RoutineDoc
from epydoc.markup import ParsedDocstring
from epydoc.docwriter.html import HTMLWriter
#{ Test Functions
def buildvaluedoc(s):
This test function takes a string containing the contents of a
module. It writes the string contents to a file, imports the file
as a module, and uses build_doc to build documentation, and
returns it as a C{ValueDoc} object.
tmp_dir = write_pystring_to_tmp_dir(s)
val_doc = build_doc(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'epydoc_test.py'))
return val_doc
def runbuilder(s, attribs='', build=None, exclude=''):
This test function takes a string containing the contents of a
module. It writes the string contents to a file, imports the file
as a module, and uses build_doc to build documentation, and pretty
prints the resulting ModuleDoc object. The C{attribs} argument
specifies which attributes of the C{APIDoc}s should be displayed.
The C{build} argument gives the name of a variable in the module
whose documentation should be built, instead of bilding docs for
the whole module.
# Write it to a temp file.
tmp_dir = write_pystring_to_tmp_dir(s)
# Build it.
val_doc = build_doc(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'epydoc_test.py'))
if build: val_doc = val_doc.variables[build].value
# Display it.
if isinstance(val_doc, ClassDoc):
for val in val_doc.variables.values():
if isinstance(val.value, RoutineDoc):
s = val_doc.pp(include=attribs.split(),exclude=exclude.split())
s = re.sub(r"(filename = ).*", r"\1...", s)
s = re.sub(r"(<module 'epydoc_test' from ).*", r'\1...', s)
s = re.sub(r"(<function \w+ at )0x\w+>", r"\1...>", s)
s = re.sub(r"(<\w+ object at )0x\w+>", r"\1...>", s)
print s
# Clean up.
def runparser(s, attribs='', show=None, exclude=''):
This test function takes a string containing the contents of a
module, and writes it to a file, uses `parse_docs` to parse it,
and pretty prints the resulting ModuleDoc object. The `attribs`
argument specifies which attributes of the `APIDoc`s should be
displayed. The `show` argument, if specifies, gives the name of
the object in the module that should be displayed (but the whole
module will always be inspected; this just selects what to
# Write it to a temp file.
tmp_dir = write_pystring_to_tmp_dir(s)
# Parse it.
val_doc = parse_docs(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'epydoc_test.py'))
if show is not None:
for name in show.split('.'):
if isinstance(val_doc, ClassDoc):
val_doc = val_doc.local_variables[name].value
val_doc = val_doc.variables[name].value
# Display it.
s = val_doc.pp(include=attribs.split(), exclude=exclude.split())
s = re.sub(r"filename = .*", "filename = ...", s)
print s
# Clean up.
def runintrospecter(s, attribs='', introspect=None, exclude=''):
This test function takes a string containing the contents of a
module. It writes the string contents to a file, imports the file
as a module, and uses C{introspect_docs} to introspect it, and
pretty prints the resulting ModuleDoc object. The C{attribs}
argument specifies which attributes of the C{APIDoc}s should be
displayed. The C{introspect} argument gives the name of a variable
in the module whose value should be introspected, instead of
introspecting the whole module.
# Write it to a temp file.
tmp_dir = write_pystring_to_tmp_dir(s)
# Import it.
sys.path.insert(0, tmp_dir)
if introspect is None:
import epydoc_test as val
exec("from epydoc_test import %s as val" % introspect)
del sys.path[0]
# Introspect it.
val_doc = introspect_docs(val)
# Display it.
s = val_doc.pp(include=attribs.split(),exclude=exclude.split())
s = re.sub(r"(filename = ).*", r"\1...", s)
s = re.sub(r"(<module 'epydoc_test' from ).*", r'\1...', s)
s = re.sub(r"(<function \w+ at )0x\w+>", r"\1...>", s)
s = re.sub(r"(<\w+ object at )0x\w+>", r"\1...>", s)
print s
# Clean up.
def print_warnings():
Register a logger that will print warnings & errors.
from epydoc import log
del log._loggers[:]
def testencoding(s, introspect=True, parse=True, debug=False):
An end-to-end test for unicode encodings. This function takes a
given string, writes it to a python file, and processes that
file's documentation. It then generates HTML output from the
documentation, extracts all docstrings from the generated HTML
output, and displays them. (In order to extract & display all
docstrings, it monkey-patches the HMTLwriter.docstring_to_html()
# Monkey-patch docstring_to_html
original_docstring_to_html = HTMLWriter.docstring_to_html
HTMLWriter.docstring_to_html = print_docstring_as_html
# Write s to a temporary file.
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'enc_test.py')
out = open(path, 'w')
# Build docs for it
docindex = build_doc_index([path], introspect, parse)
if docindex is None: return
sys.modules.pop('enc_test', None)
# Write html output.
writer = HTMLWriter(docindex, mark_docstrings=True)
for file in os.listdir(tmp_dir):
# Restore the HTMLWriter class to its original state.
HTMLWriter.docstring_to_html = original_docstring_to_html
#{ Helper Functions
def write_pystring_to_tmp_dir(s):
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
out = open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'epydoc_test.py'), 'w')
return tmp_dir
def cleanup_tmp_dir(tmp_dir):
os.unlink(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'epydoc_test.py'))
try: os.unlink(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'epydoc_test.pyc'))
except OSError: pass
sys.modules.pop('epydoc_test', None)
def to_plain(docstring):
"""Conver a parsed docstring into plain text"""
if isinstance(docstring, ParsedDocstring):
docstring = docstring.to_plaintext(None)
return docstring.rstrip()
def fun_to_plain(val_doc):
"""Convert parsed docstrings in text from a RoutineDoc"""
for k, v in val_doc.arg_types.items():
val_doc.arg_types[k] = to_plain(v)
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(val_doc.arg_descrs):
val_doc.arg_descrs[i] = (k, to_plain(v))
def print_docstring_as_html(self, parsed_docstring, *varargs, **kwargs):
Convert the given parsed_docstring to HTML and print it. Ignore
any other arguments. This function is used by L{testencoding} to
monkey-patch the HTMLWriter class's docstring_to_html() method.
s = parsed_docstring.to_html(None).strip()
s = s.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
s = remove_surrogates(s)
print s
return ''
def remove_surrogates(s):
The following is a helper function, used to convert two-character
surrogate sequences into single characters. This is needed
because some systems create surrogates but others don't.
pieces = re.split('(&#\d+;)', s)
for i in range(3, len(pieces)-1, 2):
if pieces[i-1] != '': continue
high,low = int(pieces[i-2][2:-1]), int(pieces[i][2:-1])
if 0xd800 <= high <= 0xdbff and 0xdc00 <= low <= 0xdfff:
pieces[i-2] = '&#%d;' % (((high&0x3ff)<<10) +
(low&0x3ff) + 0x10000)
pieces[i] = ''
return ''.join(pieces)