# sheesh, how much indirection can there be?
# I'm longing for Mitch's Graph.T right about
# now :)
from frowns.Canonicalization import Disambiguate,Traverse
from frowns.Canonicalization.EquivClass import compute_equiv_class
# for now these molecules will be immutable
# Fix Me, don't use _atoms use atom.parent
class Molecule:
def __init__(self, atoms=None, bonds=None):
self.atoms = atoms or []
self.bonds = bonds or []
index = 0
for atom in self.atoms:
if atom.parent:
ValueError("Atom %s already has a parent"%atom)
atom.parent = self
atom.index = index
index += 1
if atom.chiral_class:
atom.setchival(None, atom.chiral_class)
index = 0
for bond in self.bonds:
if bond.parent:
ValueError("Atom %s already has a parent"%atom)
bond.parent = self
bond.index = index
index += 1
self.fields = {}
self.cycles = []
self._canonical = None
self.dirty = 1 # a molecule is dirty
# when it needs to be recanonicalized
# or various properties need to be updated
self.name = ""
self.vfgraph = None # place holder for a vflib matching graph
# must be rebuilt if None
def add_atom(self, atom):
if atom.parent:
raise "Already have atom", atom
# set the parent of the atom to be this object
# set up all the relevant datastructures for
# the atom
atom.parent = self
atom.index = len(self.atoms)
self.dirty = 1
if self.vfgraph:
index = self.vfgraph.InsertNode(atom)
assert index == atom.index
self.vfgraph = None
def add_bond(self, bond, atom1, atom2):
if atom1.parent is not self:
raise "Atom", atom1, "is not in the molecule"
if atom2.parent is not self:
raise "Atom", atom2, "is not in the molecule"
if bond.parent:
raise "Bond", bond, "already has a parent"
bond.parent = self
bond.index = len(self.bonds)
bond.atoms = [atom1, atom2]
self.dirty = 1
if self.vfgraph:
vfgraph = self.vfgraph
vfgraph.InsertEdge(index1, index2, bond)
vfgraph.InsertEdge(index2, index1, bond)
def remove_bond(self, bond):
self.dirty = 1
self.vfgraph = None
index = 0
for bond in self.bonds:
bond.index = index
index += 1
def remove_atom(self, atom):
if atom.parent is not self:
raise "Atom not in molecule"
for bond in atom.bonds[:]:
atom.parent = None
self.dirty = 1
self.vfgraph = None
index = 0
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.index = index
index += 1
def cansmiles(self, isomeric=0):
if isomeric: draw = Traverse.drawIsomeric
else: draw = Traverse.draw
if self.dirty:
# Move equivalence_class setter outside?
# recompute the equivalence classes
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.equiv_class = compute_equiv_class(atom)
self._canonical, self.canonical_list = Traverse.draw(self)
self.dirty = 0
if isomeric:
return Traverse.drawIsomeric(self)[0]
return self._canonical
def arbsmarts(self, isomeric=0):
# compute canonicalization smarts
# without hydrogens and charges
canonical, canonical_list = Traverse.drawSmarts(self)
return canonical
def arbsmiles(self, isomeric=0):
if isomeric: draw = Traverse.drawIsomeric
else: draw = Traverse.draw
symorders = [atom.symorder for atom in self.atoms]
# XXX FIX ME - kind of a hack!
# set all the symorders to the index of the
# atom in self.atoms
i = 0
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.symorder = i
i+= 1
result, self.arb_list = draw(self)
# restore the symorders
for atom, order in zip(self.atoms, symorders):
atom.symorder = order
return result
def pruneToAtoms(self, atoms):
"""Prune the molecule to the specified atoms
bonds will be removed atomatically"""
_atoms = self.atoms[:]
for atom in _atoms:
if atom not in atoms: