"""Default element properties:
The information in an element is:
number == atomic number
symbol == the short symbol (eg, He for helium)
name == the full (American) English name
mass == the atomic mass, in amu, natural propensities
negativity == Pauling negativity value
valences == list of possible valence occupancies
This was pretty much lifted from element.py
Thanks Andrew!
# Let's make dictionaries instead. That will
# be cleaner
class AtomType:
This class essentiall reads a bunch of named arguments in the form
a=2, b=3, c=[]
and makes a class O with attributes O.a=2, O.b=3 O.c=[]
Python is cool."""
def __init__(self, symbol, **args):
for kw, val in args.items():
self.__dict__[kw] = val
self.symbol = symbol
def __str__(self):
return "%s"%self.symbol
defaultAtomTypes = {}
# these represent valences in various rows of the periodic table.
valence_unknown = None
valence_1 =(1,)
valence_B =(3,)
valence_C =(4,)
# Nitrogen should not be pentavalent
valence_N =(3, 5)
valence_O =(2,)
valence_P =(3, 5)
valence_S =(2, 4, 6)
num = 0
# the big list of properties
for element in (
("*" , 0, "unknown", 0.0),
("H" , 1.00794, "hydrogen", 2.20), # 1
("He", 4.003, "helium", 0.0),
("Li", 6.941, "lithium", 0.98),
("Be", 9.0122, "beryllium", 1.57),
("B" , 10.81, "boron", 2.04),
("C" , 12.011, "carbon", 2.55),
("N" , 14.007, "nitrogen", 3.04),
("O" , 15.999, "oxygen", 3.44),
("F" , 18.998, "fluorine", 3.98),
("Ne", 20.179, "neon", 0.0),
("Na", 22.990, "sodium", 0.93), # 11
("Mg", 24.305, "magnesium", 1.31),
("Al", 26.98, "aluminum", 1.61),
("Si", 28.086, "silicon", 1.90),
("P" , 30.974, "phosphorus", 2.19),
("S" , 32.066, "sulfer", 2.58),
("Cl", 35.453, "chlorine", 3.16),
("Ar", 39.948, "argon", 0.0),
("K" , 39.098, "potassium", 0.82),
("Ca", 40.08, "calcium", 1.00),
("Sc", 44.956, "scandium", 1.36), # 21
("Ti", 47.88, "titanium", 1.54),
("V" , 50.94, "vanadium", 1.63),
("Cr", 51.996, "chromium", 1.66),
("Mn", 54.938, "manganese", 1.55),
("Fe", 55.847, "iron", 1.83),
("Co", 58.9332, "cobalt", 1.88),
("Ni", 58.69, "nickel", 1.91),
("Cu", 63.546, "copper", 1.90),
("Zn", 65.39, "zinc", 1.65),
("Ga", 69.72, "gallium", 1.81), # 31
("Ge", 72.59, "germanium", 2.01),
("As", 74.922, "arsenic", 2.18),
("Se", 78.96, "selenium", 2.55),
("Br", 79.904, "bromine", 2.96),
("Kr", 83.80, "krypton", 0.0),
("Rb", 85.468, "rubidium", 0.82),
("Sr", 87.62, "strontium", 0.95),
("Y" , 88.9059, "yttrium", 1.22),
("Zr", 91.224, "zirconium", 1.33),
("Nb", 92.91, "niobium", 1.6), # 41
("Mo", 95.94, "molybdenum", 2.16),
("Tc", 98., "technetium", 1.9),
("Ru", 101.07, "ruthenium", 2.2),
("Rh", 102.906, "rhodium", 2.28),
("Pd", 106.42, "palladium", 2.20),
("Ag", 107.868, "silver", 1.93),
("Cd", 112.41, "cadmium", 1.69),
("In", 114.82, "indium", 1.78),
("Sn", 118.71, "tin", 1.96),
("Sb", 121.76, "antimony", 2.05), # 51
("Te", 127.60, "tellurium", 2.1),
("I" , 126.9045, "iodine", 2.66),
("Xe", 131.29, "xenon", 0.0),
("Cs", 132.91, "cesium", 0.79),
("Ba", 137.33, "barium", 0.89),
("La", 138.906, "lanthanum", 1.10),
("Ce", 140.12, "cerium", 1.12),
("Pr", 140.908, "praseodymium", 1.13),
("Nd", 144.24, "neodymium", 1.14),
("Pm", 145., "promethium", 0.0), # 61
("Sm", 150.36, "samarium", 1.17),
("Eu", 151.96, "europium", 0.0),
("Gd", 157.25, "gadolinium", 1.20),
("Tb", 158.925, "terbium", 0.0),
("Dy", 162.50, "dysprosium", 1.22),
("Ho", 164.93, "holmium", 1.23),
("Er", 167.26, "erbium", 1.24),
("Tm", 168.934, "thulium", 1.25),
("Yb", 173.04, "ytterbium", 0.0),
("Lu", 174.967, "lutetium", 1.27), # 71
("Hf", 178.49, "hafnium", 1.3),
("Ta", 180.95, "tantalum", 1.5),
("W" , 183.84, "tungsten", 2.36),
("Re", 186.207, "rhenium", 1.9),
("Os", 190.2, "osmium", 2.2),
("Ir", 192.22, "iridium", 2.20),
("Pt", 195.08, "platinum", 2.28),
("Au", 196.967, "gold", 2.54),
("Hg", 200.59, "mercury", 2.00),
("Tl", 204.383, "thallium", 1.62), # 81
("Pb", 207.2, "lead", 1.8),
("Bi", 208.98, "bismuth", 2.02),
("Po", 209., "polonium", 2.0),
("At", 210., "astatine", 2.2),
("Rn", 222., "radon", 0.0),
("Fr", 223., "francium", 0.7),
("Ra", 226.025, "radium", 0.9),
("Ac", 227.028, "actinium", 1.1),
("Th", 232.038, "thorium", 1.3),
("Pa", 231.036, "protactinium", 1.5), # 91
("U" , 238.029, "uranium", 1.38),
("Np", 237.048, "neptunium", 1.36),
("Pu", 244., "plutonium", 1.28),
("Am", 243., "americium", 1.3),
("Cm", 247., "curium", 1.3),
("Bk", 247., "berkelium", 1.3),
("Cf", 251., "califorium", 1.3),
("Es", 252., "einsteinium", 1.3),
("Fm", 257., "fermium", 1.3),
("Md", 258., "mendelevium", 1.3), # 101
("No", 259., "nobelium", 1.3),
("Lr", 260., "lawrencium", 0.0),
("Rf", 261., "rutherfordium", 0.0),
("Ha", 262., "hahnium", 0.0), # also called "dubnium"
("Sg", 263., "seagorbium", 0.0), # once 'unnilhexium'
("Ns", 269., "bohrium", 0.0), # or "nielsbohrium"
("Hs", 268., "hassium", 0.0), # so what names do you want?
("Mt", 266., "meitnerium", 0.0),
("Uun", 269., "ununnilium", 0.0),
("Uuu", 272., "unununium", 0.0), # 111
("Uub", 277., "ununbium", 0.0),
# ("Uut", 0.0, "ununtrium", 0.0), # enter when they are
# ("Uuq", 0.0, "ununquadium", 0.0), # discovered
# ("Uup", 0.0, "", 0.0),
# ("Uuh", 0.0, "", 0.0),
# ("Uus", 0.0, "", 0.0),
# ("Uuo", 0.0, "", 0.0),
("R", 0, "R Group", 0.0),
if num in (1, 9, 17, 35, 53):
valences = valence_1
elif num == 5:
valences = valence_B
elif num == 6:
valences = valence_C
elif num == 7:
valences = valence_N
elif num == 8:
valences = valence_O
elif num == 15:
valences = valence_P
elif num == 16:
valences = valence_S
valences = valence_unknown
# ok, we have the info, now create the class and
# add it to the table
ele = (element[0],
num, # number
element[2], # fullname
element[1], # mass
element[3], # negativity
valences, # valences
num, # equiv_class
defaultAtomTypes[element[0]] = ele
num = num + 1
del valence_unknown
del valence_1
del valence_B
del valence_C
del valence_N
del valence_O
del valence_P
del valence_S
del num
del ele
del valences