SMARTS Primitives taken from daylight's web site
SMARTS Atomic primitives
Symbol Symbol name Atomic property Default
====== =========== ============ ===========
* wildcard any atom (no default)
a aromatic aromatic (no default)
A aliphatic aliphatic (no default)
D<n> degree <n> explicit connections (no default)
H<n> total-H-count <n> attached hydrogens exactly one
h<n> implicit-H-count <n> implicit hydrogens exactly one
R<n> ring membership in <n> SSSR rings any ring atom
r<n> ring size in smallest SSSR ring any ring atom
of size <n>
v<n> valence total bond order <n> (no default)
X<n> connectivity <n> total connections (no default)
-<n> negative charge -<n> charge -1 charge (-- is -2, etc)
+<n> positive charge +<n> formal charge +1 charge (++ is +2, etc)
#n atomic number atomic number <n> (no default)
@ chirality anticlockwise anticlockwise, default class
@@ chirality clockwise clockwise, default class
@<c><n> chirality chiral class <c> chirality <n> (nodefault)
@<c><n>? chiral or <c><n> orunspecified (no default)
unspec chirality
<n> atomic mass explicit atomic mass unspecified mass
SMARTS Bond Primitives
Symbol Atomic property requirements
====== =============== ============
- single bond (aliphatic)
/ directional single bond "up"
\ directional single bond "down"
/? directional bond "up or unspecified"
\? directional bond "down or unspecified"
= double bond
# triple bond
: aromatic bond
~ any bond (wildcard)
@ any ring bond
import string
# The goal of a matcher is to build an object that can be
# used to indicate wheter an atom or bond in a particular
# context is equivelent to a compiled expression.
# A compiled expression is an instance that has an overloaded
# equivalence operator (__eq__) so that the following operations
# can be performed
# expression == atom
# expression == bond
class PropertyMatch:
"""Matches a named property of an object exactly"""
property = None
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __eq__(self, atom):
return self.value == getattr(atom, self.property)
def __str__(self):
return "%s == %s" % (self.property, self.value)
class BooleanMatch(PropertyMatch):
def __init__(self, value = 1):
assert value in (0, 1)
PropertyMatch.__init__(self, value)
def __str__(self):
if self.value :
return "%s is true" % (self.property, )
return "%s is false" % (self.property, )
class SymbolMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "symbol"
def __eq__(self, atom):
if self.value == '*': return 1
return self.value == getattr(atom, self.property)
class AromaticMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "aromatic"
class AtomicNumberMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "number"
class WeightMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "weight"
class ChargeMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "charge"
class TotalHMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "hcount"
class ImplicitHMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "imp_hcount"
class DegreeMatch(PropertyMatch):
def __eq__(self, atom):
# we have to perform a computation here...
return self.value == len(atom.bonds)
class RingMembershipMatch(PropertyMatch):
def __eq__(self, atom):
# are we in self.value SSSR rings?
return self.value == len(atom.rings)
def __str__(self):
return "atom in %s rings"%(self.value)
class BooleanRingMembershipMatch(BooleanMatch):
def __eq__(self, atom):
return len(atom.rings) == 1
def __str__(self):
return "atom in 1 ring"
class RingSizeMatch(PropertyMatch):
# I don't understand this one too well. The description says
# atom in smallest SSSR ring of size <n>
# although that is a bit ambiguous isn't it?
# let's just say for now that the atom is in a ring of
# size n and leave it at that...
def __eq__(self, atom):
for cycle in atom.rings:
if len(cycle) == self.value:
return 1
return 0
class ValenceMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "valence"
def __eq__(self, atom):
order = 0
for bond in atom.bonds:
order += bond.bondorder
return self.value == order
class ConnectivityMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "connectivity"
def __eq__(self, atom):
return self.value == atom.hcount + len(atom.bonds)
# We don't support chirality yet
# This will be kind of bizzare...
# we will do a small internal match inside
# of this object
class ChiralClassMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "XXX ChiralClass"
class ChiralCountMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "XXX ChiralCount"
# The recursive matcher is not implemented at this
# point. I probably will need to modified the
# graph searcher a little bit to anchor the search
# at the starting atom of the recursion
class RecursiveMatcher:
def __init__(self, mol):
self.mol = mol
def __eq__(self, atom):
raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self):
s = self.mol.dump()
lines = string.split(s, "\n")
new_lines = []
for line in lines:
new_lines.append("recursive> " + line)
s = string.join(new_lines, "\n")
return "atom in\n%s\n" % (s,)
class BondSymbolMatch(PropertyMatch):
property = "symbol"
class UnspecifiedBondMatch(PropertyMatch):
def __init__(self):
self.value = "-:"
def __eq__(self, bond):
if bond.symbol in ["-", ":"]:
return 1
return 0
class AnyBond(PropertyMatch):
property = "anybond"
def __eq__(self, bond):
return 1
class AnyRingBond(PropertyMatch):
property = "anybond"
def __eq__(self, bond):
a1, a2 = bond.atoms
if a1.rings and a2.rings:
return 1
return 0