import vflib
def to_argedit(molecule):
"""molecule -> vflib editable graph"""
G = vflib.ARGEdit()
lookup = {}
for atom in molecule.atoms:
lookup[atom.handle] = G.InsertNode(atom)
for bond in molecule.bonds:
atom1, atom2 = bond.atoms
index1, index2 = lookup[atom1.handle], lookup[atom2.handle]
G.InsertEdge(index1, index2, bond)
# we have to make the graph UNDIRECTED
G.InsertEdge(index2, index1, bond)
return G
class Path:
def __init__(self, atoms, bonds):
"""contains atoms and bonds for a single match
of a pattern against a molecule.
path.atoms conatain atoms
path.bonds contain bonds"""
self.atoms = atoms
self.bonds = bonds
class PathSet:
def __init__(self, atoms, bonds, paths):
"""Contain all the matches of a target against a molecule
PathSet.atoms contain all the atoms hit
PathSet.bonds contain all the bonds hit
PathSet.paths contain all the paths hit"""
self.atoms = atoms
self.bonds = bonds
self.paths = paths
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.paths[index]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.paths)
class Matcher:
def __init__(self, pattern):
"""(argedit, undirected=1)->initialize the matching object
argedit MUST be a vflib.ARGEdit object
undirected specifies whether the initial graph was
directed or undirected. This is used for pruning the
returned results"""
self._pattern = pattern
ag = self._argedit = to_argedit(pattern)
self._g = vflib.GraphMatcher(ag)
def dump(self):
return self._pattern.dump()
def match(self, molecule, limit=-1):
"""(h, limit=-1)-> return all matches against the
target molecule
The match function returns up to limit matches of the
matcher topology on the matchableGraph topology.
This returns all matches found in all permutations.
#molecule._graph = h = molecule._graph or to_argedit(molecule)
h = to_argedit(molecule)
results = self._g.matchVF2Mono(h, limit)
# we need to prune multiple edge results
# from undirected graphs
pruned = []
atoms = []
bonds = []
for nodes, edges in results:
found = {}
prunedEdges = []
for edge in edges:
if not found.has_key(edge.handle):
found[edge.handle] = 1
pruned.append(Path(nodes, tuple(prunedEdges)))
atoms += list(nodes)
bonds += prunedEdges
results = pruned
if results:
return PathSet(atoms, bonds, results)
return None
def umatch(self, molecule, limit=-1):
"""(h, limit=-1)-> return all the unique matches against
the molecule.
The match function returns up to limit matches of the
matcher topology on the matchableGraph topology.
This returns all the unique matches on a graph.
Permutations of the same match are not returned.
molecule._graph = h = molecule._graph or to_argedit(molecule)
results = self.match(h, limit)
# gather up the unique matches
# each object must have a unique handle attribute!
matches = []
groups = []
hash = {}
atoms = []
bonds = []
for nodes, edges in results:
hash = {}
for object in nodes + edges:
hash[object.handle] = 1
if hash not in matches:
groups.append((nodes, edges))
atoms += list(nodes)
bonds += list(edges)
if groups:
return PathSet(atoms, bonds, groups)
return None