def _dfswalk(atom, visitedAtoms, visitedBonds, nonPathBonds, path, paths, depth, mindepth, maxdepth):
if depth >= maxdepth:
mark = len(path)
markNonPathBonds = len(nonPathBonds)
for bond in atom.bonds:
oatom = bond.xatom(atom)
if not visitedAtoms.has_key(oatom):
visitedAtoms[oatom] = 1
visitedBonds[bond] = 1
# keep a record of all the bonds that are not in the linear path
# but branch back to it
for bond2 in oatom.bonds:
if bond2 not in visitedBonds and bond2 not in nonPathBonds:
a1, a2 = bond2.atoms
if a1 is oatom:
check = a2
check = a1
if check in visitedAtoms:
print bond2, nonPathBonds
assert bond2 not in nonPathBonds
if (len(path)+1)/2 >= mindepth:
paths[tuple(path), tuple(nonPathBonds)] = 1
_dfswalk(oatom, visitedAtoms, visitedBonds, nonPathBonds, path, paths, depth+1, mindepth, maxdepth)
while len(path) != mark:
while len(nonPathBonds) != markNonPathBonds:
del visitedAtoms[oatom]
del visitedBonds[bond]
def generatePaths(molecule, mindepth=6, maxdepth=7):
"""(molecule, mindepth maxdepth) -> linear paths
Generate all linear paths through a molecule from mindepth atoms
to maxdepth atoms
paths = {}
for atom in molecule.atoms:
_dfswalk(atom, {atom:1}, {}, [], [atom], paths, 1, mindepth, maxdepth)
return paths.keys()
if __name__ == "__main__":
from frowns import Smiles
m = Smiles.smilin("CCCNc1ccccc1")
for paths in generatePaths(m):
print paths