import vflib
class Matcher:
def __init__(self, argedit, undirected=1):
"""(argedit, undirected=1)->initialize the matching object
argedit MUST be a vflib.ARGEdit object
undirected specifies whether the initial graph was
directed or undirected. This is used for pruning the
returned results"""
self._g = vflib.GraphMatcher(argedit)
self.undirected = undirected
def match(self, h, limit=-1):
"""(h, limit=-1)-> return all matches against h
h MUST be a vflib.ARGEdit object
The match function returns up to limit matches of the
matcher topology on the matchableGraph topology.
This returns all matches found in all permutations.
results = self._g.matchVF2Mono(h, limit)
# we need to prune multiple edge results
# from undirected graphs
if self.undirected:
pruned = []
for nodes, edges in results:
found = {}
prunedEdges = []
for edge in edges:
if not found.has_key(edge.handle):
found[edge.handle] = 1
pruned.append((nodes, tuple(prunedEdges)))
results = pruned
return results
return results
def umatch(self, h, limit=-1):
"""(h, limit=-1)-> return all the unique matches against h
h MUST be a vflib ARGEDit object
The match function returns up to limit matches of the
matcher topology on the matchableGraph topology.
This returns all the unique matches on a graph.
Permutations of the same match are not returned.
results = self.match(h, limit)
# gather up the unique matches
# each object must have a unique handle attribute!
matches = []
groups = []
hash = {}
for nodes, edges in results:
hash = {}
for object in nodes + edges:
hash[object.handle] = 1
if hash not in matches:
groups.append((nodes, edges))
return groups