import vflib
import random, types
"""vflib positive testing
This test checks the Monomorphism substructure functions.
A random core G is built
Then this core is randomly extended to become H
G should still be contained in H (using monomorphism)
This should also give a good idea how to build your own
class Core:
"""Core -> stores the core of a graph"""
def __init__(self, nodes=None, edges=None, undirected=0):
self.nodes = nodes or []
self.edges = edges or {}
self.undirected = undirected # is the graph directed
# or undirected
def InsertNode(self, data):
"""(data) -> node index
Add a node to a graph returning the index of the new node"""
return len(self.nodes)
def InsertEdge(self, start, end, data):
"""(start, end, data) -> Add an edge to a graph from start to end.
The edge has type data"""
assert start >= 0 and start < len(self.nodes), "start node error %s (max %s)"%(start, len(self.nodes))
assert end >= 0 and end < len(self.nodes), "end node error %s (max %s)"%(end, len(self.nodes))
assert type(start) == types.IntType
assert type(end) == types.IntType
self.edges[(start, end)] = data
if self.undirected:
self.edges[(end, start)] = data
def to_graph(self):
return an ARGEdit object that can be used as a match graph
or a target graph"""
G = vflib.ARGEdit()
for node in self.nodes:
for key, data in self.edges.items():
start, end = key
G.InsertEdge(start, end, data)
return G
def clone(self):
"""()->return a clone of this core"""
edges = {}
return Core(self.nodes[:], edges)
def to_connection_table(self):
"""return a connection table graph"""
result = []
result.append("%s %s"%(len(self.nodes), len(self.edges)))
for node in range(len(self.nodes)):
output = {}
for edge in self.edges:
node1, node2 = edge
if self.undirected and output.has_key((node2, node1)):
output[(node1, node2)] = 1
result.append("generic %s %s"%(node1+1, node2+1))
return "\n".join(result)
def to_graphviz(self):
"""return a dotty compatible graph"""
result = ["graph Test {"]
output = {}
for edge in self.edges:
node1, node2 = edge
if self.undirected and output.has_key((node2, node1)):
output[(node1, node2)] = 1
result.append("\tN%s -- N%s"%(node1+1, node2+1))
return "\n".join(result)
def grow_core(maxnodes = 100, maxedges = 1000, probNew=0.5, undirected=1):
G = Core(undirected=undirected)
G.InsertEdge(0, 1, None)
numnodes = 2
numedges = 1
# add up to maxedges to the graph
# if the generated probability is below probNew
# then add a new node and connect it to a random
# node from the graph
# otherwise randomly connect two nodes in the graph
for edge in range(int(random.random() * maxedges)):
p = random.random()
if p < probNew:
# add a new node and connect
numnodes += 1
connection = random.randrange(numnodes-1)
G.InsertEdge(numnodes-1, connection, None)
edge1 = edge2 = 0
count = 0
while edge1 == edge2:
edge1 = random.randrange(numnodes)
edge2 = random.randrange(numnodes)
count += 1
if count > 10000: raise "Too many iterations in while loop!"
G.InsertEdge(edge1, edge2, None)
return G
def make_core(maxnodes=100, maxedges=1000):
G = Core()
maxnodes = max(3, int(random.random() * maxnodes)+1)
for i in range(maxnodes):
lastnode = i
for j in range(int(random.random() * maxedges)+1):
n1 = n2 = 0
count = 0
while n1 == n2:
n1 = int(random.random() * lastnode)
n2 = int(random.random() * lastnode)
count += 1
if count > 10000: raise "Too many iterations in while loop!"
G.InsertEdge(n1, n2, 1)
return G
def add_to_core(G, maxnodes=100, maxedges=1000):
start = len(G.nodes)
maxnodes = max(3, int(random.random() * maxnodes)+1)
for i in range(maxnodes):
lastnode = len(G.nodes)
for j in range(int(random.random() * lastnode)+1):
n1 = n2 = 0
count = 0
while n1 == n2:
n1 = int(random.random() * lastnode)
n2 = int(random.random() * lastnode)
count += 1
if count > 10000: raise "Too many iterations in while loop!"
G.InsertEdge(n1, n2, 1)
def test(num_cores=5, num_extensions=5):
for i in range(num_cores):
G = make_core()
graph = G.to_graph()
matcher = vflib.GraphMatcher(graph)
assert matcher.matchVF(graph, -1) != []
for i in range(num_extensions):
H = G.clone()
assert H.nodes == G.nodes
assert H.edges == G.edges
matchers = ["matchVFMono", "matchVF2Mono"]
graph2 = H.to_graph()
for functionName in matchers:
func = getattr(matcher, functionName)
assert func(graph2, -1) != [], functionName
print "random extension tests passed"
def test_reference_count_bug():
graph = make_core()
G = graph.to_graph()
H = graph.to_graph()
matcher = vflib.GraphMatcher(G)
matcher.matchVF(H, -1)
del G
matcher.matchVF(H, -1)
except RuntimeError:
print "Caught runtime error from deallocated reference"
print "no deallocated reference!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# grow a random core
#g = grow_core()
#print g.to_connection_table()