from frowns.FrownsError import FrownsError
# this would be much better moved into a class structure
# a lot of data structures are used between the functions
NEVER = -1
AROMATIC_ATOMS = {'N':1, 'C':1, 'S':1, 'O':1}
AROMATIC_PYROLE_ATOMS = {'C':1, 'N':1, 'O':1, 'S':1}
AROMATIC_5_RING = [(1,), (2,4), (1,4), (2,4), (1,)]
# Here's the deal. When we get molecules out of the smiles
# parser, some properties are not known. Mainly, we would
# like to find whether
# 1) is the bond type aromatic or single for non specified
# bonds. Non specified bonds are like C1CCCCC1 in the
# smiles strings. These are determined through the bond.fixed
# property. If a bond is fixed then it really is a single, double
# triple or sacrifice fly bond :)
# 2) is an atom aromatic or not?
# At this point what is known is this:
# lower case atoms are specified to be aromatic.
# These have atom.aromatic = 1
# Bonds are single, double or triple.
# a double or triple bound can never be changed.
# a specified single bond can never be changed
# Table that indicates which atoms can be considered
# "pyrole like" and behave like the pyrole nitrogen
# in c1[nH]ccc1
#symbol charge hcount bonds
PyroleTable = {
('C', -1, 1, 2):1,
('C', -1, 0, 3):1,
('N', 0, 1, 2):1,
('N', 0, 0, 3):1,
('O', 0, 0, 2):1,
('S', 0, 0, 2):1,
def getPyroleLikeAtoms(cycle):
"""cycle->return a dictionary of pyrole nitrogen-like atoms in
a cycle or a molecule The dictionary is keyed on the atom.handle"""
result = {}
# the outgoing bonds might need to be single or aromatic
for atom in cycle.atoms:
lookup = (atom.symbol, atom.charge, atom.hcount, len(atom.bonds))
if PyroleTable.get(lookup, 0):
result[atom.handle] = atom
return result
def canBeAromatic(cycle, pyroleLike):
"""(cycle)-> returns AROMATIC if a ring is conjugatable and
passes the simple tests for aromaticity
returns MAYBE if the ring in its present form
can be aromatic but is not currently
NEVER if the ring can never be aromatic"""
cycleLength = len(cycle)
# *******************************************************
# check for kekular five membered rings
if cycleLength == 5:
# check atom types
for atom in cycle.atoms:
if not AROMATIC_PYROLE_ATOMS.has_key(atom.symbol):
return NEVER
# do we have exactly one pyrole nitrogen like atom?
pyroleCount = 0
for atom in cycle.atoms:
if pyroleLike.has_key(atom.handle):
pyrole = atom
pyroleCount += 1
if pyroleCount < 1 or pyroleCount > 2:
return NEVER
# rotate the ring so that we start on the pyrole like atom
bonds = cycle.bonds[:]
# check the bonds for a kekular structure
for index, bond in zip(range(len(bonds)), bonds):
if bond.bondtype not in AROMATIC_5_RING[index]:
return MAYBE
# *****************************************************
# check for kekular six membered rings
# kekular rings must have atoms in the AROMATIC_ATOMS
# groups and must belong in 6 membered rings.
# bonds must be conjugated
elif cycleLength == 6:
# XXX FIX ME -> there is a lot of problems with this
# code I think, what about bonds that are already fixed?
for atom in cycle.atoms:
if not AROMATIC_ATOMS.has_key(atom.symbol):
return NEVER
bonds = cycle.bonds[:]
last = None
switch = {1:2, 2:1}
while bonds:
bond = bonds.pop()
bondtype = bond.bondtype
if bond.bondorder == 3:
return NEVER
if last is None:
if bond.bondtype in [1,2]:
last = bond.bondtype
if last == 1 and bond.bondtype not in [2,4]:
return MAYBE
elif last == 2 and bond.bondtype not in [1, 4]:
return MAYBE
last = switch[last]
if bondtype != last:
bond.bondorder = last
# we can never be aromatic
return NEVER
def convert(cycle, pyroleLike, usedPyroles):
"""cycle, pyroleLike, aromatic=0-> aromatize the cycle
pyroleLike is a lookup of the pyrole like atoms in the
return 1 if the cycle was aromatized
2 if the cycle could not be aromatized"""
bonds = cycle.bonds
atoms = cycle.atoms
initialBondStates = []
initialAtomStates = []
_usedPyroles = {}
for bond in bonds:
# store the initial states but assume the
# bond is aromatic
initialBondStates.append((bond, bond.symbol,
bond.bondorder, bond.bondtype,
bond.aromatic, bond.stereo))
# until we get proper conjugation, aromatic bond orders
# are 1.5
bond.reset(':', bond.bondorder, 4, bond.fixed, bond.stereo)
aromatized = 1
for atom in atoms:
initialAtomStates.append((atom, atom.aromatic))
atom.aromatic = 1
nonhydrogens = atom.sumBondOrders() + atom.charge
# look for the lowest valence where we don't
# have to change the charge of the atom to
# fill the valences
for valence in atom.valences:
neededHydrogens = int(valence - nonhydrogens)
if neededHydrogens >= 0:
# we can't change the aromaticity and have correct
# valence.
# there is one special case of a five membered
# ring and a pyrole nitrogen like atom we need
# to look for.
if len(cycle) == 5 and pyroleLike.has_key(atom.handle):
_usedPyroles[atom.handle] = 1
# nope, the valences don't work out so
# we can't aromatize
aromatized = 0
# sanity check, this should be true because of the
# canBeAromatic routine above
assert len(_usedPyroles) <=1, "Too many used pyroles!"
cycle.aromatic = aromatized
if not aromatized:
for bond, symbol, order, bondtype, aromatic, stereo in initialBondStates:
bond.reset(symbol, order, bondtype, bond.fixed, stereo)
for atom, aromatic in initialAtomStates:
atom.aromatic = aromatic
# we used some pyroles, we'll have to send these to
# the valence checker later
return aromatized
def addHydrogens(molecule, usedPyroles=None):
"""(molecule) -> add implicit hydrogens to a molecule.
If the atom has specified valences and the atom must be
charged then a Valence Error is raised"""
for atom in molecule.atoms:
# if the atom has an explicit hcount, we can't set the
# hcount
if atom.has_explicit_hcount:
atom.hcount = atom.explicit_hcount
if atom.valences:
for valence in atom.valences:
hcount = max(0, int(valence - atom.sumBondOrders() + atom.charge))
if hcount >= 0:
if usedPyroles and not usedPyroles.has_key(atom.handle):
#print atom.symbol, atom.valences, atom.hcount, atom.charge,\
# atom.sumBondOrders()
#print [x.bondtype for x in atom.bonds]
#print molecule.cansmiles()
raise FrownsError("Valence error in atom %s"%molecule.atoms.index(atom))
#hcount = int(hcount)
atom.hcount = hcount
return molecule
def fixBonds(molecule, usedPyroles):
bondsToBeFixed = {}
# collect the bonds that need to be fixed
for bond in molecule.bonds:
if bond.fixed == 0:
for atom in bond.atoms:
if not atom.rings:
bond.fixed = 1
bondsToBeFixed[bond.handle] = bond
if not bondsToBeFixed:
return molecule
# seperate the bonds in cycles from the bonds outside
# XXX FIX ME, this is a slow way to do this, perhaps
# the bond should "know" what cycles it's in?
# cycleBonds holds bonds in aromatic cycles
cycleBonds = {}
for cycle in molecule.cycles:
if not cycle.aromatic:
# if the cycle is not aromatic, assume
# that the bond orders are already okay
for bond in cycle.bonds:
bond.fixed = 1
if bond.handle in bondsToBeFixed:
del bondsToBeFixed[bond.handle]
for bond in cycle.bonds:
# check for bonds adjacent to pyrole like
# atoms
if bondsToBeFixed.has_key(bond.handle) and len(cycle) == 5:
for atom in bond.atoms:
if atom in cycle.atoms and usedPyroles.has_key(atom.handle):
bond.reset(bond.symbol, 1, 4, 1, bond.stereo)
del bondsToBeFixed[bond.handle]
cycleBonds[bond.handle] = bond
for bond in bondsToBeFixed.values():
if not cycleBonds.has_key(bond.handle):
if bond.bondtype == 4:
raise "Aromatic Bond outside ring %s"% bond
# fix the bond
# precondition, bondorder and bondtype are the
# same!
assert bond.bondorder == bond.bondtype
bond.reset(bond.symbol, bond.bondorder,
bond.bondtype, 1, bond.stereo)
## This below seems wrong, it doesn't work!
## else:
## for atom in bond.atoms:
## # XXX FIX ME, should I check for all valences?
## assert atom.valences
## if atom.sumBondOrders() + atom.explicit_hcount >= atom.valences[0]:
## assert not bond.fixed
## bond.bondorder = 1
## assert bond.bondtype == 4 or bond.bondtype == bond.bondorder, "bondtype = %s, bondorder=%s"%(
## bond.bondtype, bond.bondorder)
## print "setting valence", bond
## bond.fixed = 1
## del bondsToBeFixed[bond.handle]
## break
while bondsToBeFixed:
changed = 1
while changed:
changed = 0
for bond in bondsToBeFixed.values():
for atom in bond.atoms:
for connectedBond in atom.bonds:
if connectedBond is not bond and \
cycleBonds.has_key(connectedBond.handle) and \
if connectedBond.bondorder == 2:
bondorder = 1
bondorder = 2
bond.bondorder = bondorder
bond.fixed = 1
changed = 1
del bondsToBeFixed[bond.handle]
# if we fixed the bond, break out of the atom
# loop
if bond.fixed: break
if not changed and bondsToBeFixed:
# arbitrarily fix a bond to be a single bond
bond = bondsToBeFixed.values()[0]
bond.fixed = 1
del bondsToBeFixed[bond.handle]
for bond in molecule.bonds:
assert bond.fixed == 1
return molecule
def aromatize(molecule, usedPyroles=None):
"""(molecule, usedPyroles=None)->aromatize a molecular graph
usedPyroles is a dictionary that holds the pyrole like
atoms that are used in the conversion process.
The following valence checker may need this information"""
pyroleLike = getPyroleLikeAtoms(molecule)
if usedPyroles is None:
usedPyroles = {}
cyclesToCheck = []
# determine which cycles came in marked as aromatic
# and which need to be checked form the kekular form
# if a cycle came in as aromatic, convert it
# before going on.
for cycle in molecule.cycles:
for atom in cycle.atoms:
if not atom.aromatic:
if not convert(cycle, pyroleLike, usedPyroles):
# oops, an aromatic ring came in but
# we can't convert it. This is an error
# daylight would conjugate the ring
raise "Bad initial aromaticity"
# keep checking rings until something happens
while 1:
# assume nothing happened
needToCheckAgain = 0
_cyclesToCheck = []
for cycle in cyclesToCheck:
canAromatic = canBeAromatic(cycle, pyroleLike)
if canAromatic == NEVER:
# the ring can NEVER EVER be aromatic, so remove it for good
elif canAromatic and convert(cycle, pyroleLike, usedPyroles):
needToCheckAgain = 1
cyclesToCheck = _cyclesToCheck
if not needToCheckAgain:
# fix bonds that have no bondorder if necessary
molecule = fixBonds(molecule, pyroleLike)
# add implicit hydrogens
return addHydrogens(molecule, usedPyroles)
if __name__ == "__main__":
smiles = 'C1=CC(NC=C2)=C2C=C1'
smiles = 'C1=CC(NC=C2)=C2C=C1'
smiles = 'C1C=C[NH]2C=1C=CC=C2'
smiles = 'C1[NH]C=CC=1CCC2C=CC=CC=2'
#smiles = 'C1NC=CC=1'
smiles = 'c1ccccc1'
smiles = 'CC1=CC=CC2=NC=C(C)C(=C12)Cl'
smiles = 'O=n1ccccc1'
#smiles = 'O=N1=CC=CC=C1'
from frowns import Smiles
import RingDetection
print smiles,
mol = Smiles.smilin(smiles, transforms=[RingDetection.sssr,
print '->', mol.cansmiles()
print "atoms"
for atom in mol.atoms:
print "\t", atom.symbol, atom.valences, atom.hcount, atom.sumBondOrders(), atom.charge, atom.aromatic
print "bonds"
for bond in mol.bonds:
print "\t", bond.bondtype, bond.bondorder, bond.aromatic