SP3 = "SP3"
SP2 = "SP2"
SP = "SP"
SD3 = "SD3"
DSP3 = "DSP3"
D2SP3 = "D2SP3"
ANY = None
# symbol, connected atoms, charge
_hybrid = {
("C", 4, 0): SP3,
("C", 3, -1): SP3,
("C", 3, 0): SP2,
("C", 4, +1): SP2,
("C", 2, ANY): SP,
("C", 1, 0): SP2,
("C", 1, -1): SP,
("N", 4, +1): SP3,
("N", 3, 0): SP3,
("N", 3, +1): SP2,
("N", 2, ANY): SP2,
("N", 1, -1): SP2,
("N", 1, 0): SP,
("O", 2, 0): SP3,
("O", 1, -1): SP3,
("O", 1, 0): SP2,
("O", 2, 1): SP2,
("P", 3, 0): SP3,
("P", 4, 1): SP3,
("P", 4, 0): SD3,
("P", 5, 0): DSP3,
("P", 6, 0): D2SP3,
("S", 2, 0): SP3,
("S", 1, -1): SP3,
("S", 1, 0): SP2,
("S", 3, 1): SP3,
("S", 3, 0): SD3,
("S", 4, 0): SD3,
def getHybridAtoms(molecule):
"""(molecule) -> mark all hybridiced atoms in a molecule
that is set the atom.hybrid property to the correct value"""
for atom in molecule.atoms:
if atom.aromatic:
# assume the combined bondorder is 3
atom.hybrid = SP2
symbol = atom.symbol
hcount = atom.valences[0] - atom.sumBondOrders()
connections = len(atom.bonds) + hcount
charge = atom.charge
if atom.symbol in ["C", "N"] and connections == 2:
charge = ANY
atom.hybrid = _hybrid.get((symbol, connections, charge), "")
#print atom, `atom`, hcount, atom.hybrid
if __name__ == "__main__":
from frowns import Smiles
from frowns.perception import TrustedSmiles,sssr
smiles = "CC(=O)OC1C(N(c2c(CC1c1ccc(OC)cc1)cc(cc2)Oc1ccccc1)CCN(C)C)=O"
smiles = "O=C1NC(N)=NC2=C1N=CNC2"
#smiles = "O=C1C=CC(=O)C=C1"
print smiles
mol = Smiles.smilin(smiles, [sssr.sssr])
for cycle in mol.cycles:
print [(atom, atom.symbol, atom.hybrid) for atom in cycle.atoms]