#!/usr/bin/enb python
import string, re
import Handler
# Define some regular expressions inside a quoted string
# then turn the string into the actual data structure.
# (I found it was easiest to understand when done this way.)
definitions = r"""
# These are the atomic symbols Daylight allows outside of []s
# See "atom_class" for names like "a" and "A"
raw_atom Cl|Br|[cnospBCNOFPSI*]
# For atoms inside of []s
open_bracket \[
close_bracket \]
# See "element_modifiers" for the patterns for element names
# charges, chiralities, H count, etc.
# [235U]
weight \d+
# [#6]
atomic_number #\d+
# [!C]
atom_not !
# & is highest (an "and")
# , is next (an "or")
# ; is lowest (an "and")
# [n&H] [n,H] [c,h;H1]
atom_binary [&,;]
# C.C
dot \.
# - single bond (aliphatic)
# / directional single bond "up"
# \ directional single bond "down"
# /? directional bond "up or unspecified"
# \? directional bond "down or unspecified"
# = double bond
# # triple bond
# : aromatic bond
# ~ any bond (wildcard)
# @ any ring bond
bond [/\\]\??|[=#:~@-]
# *!:* -- not aromatic
bond_not !
# *@;!:* -- same as !:
bond_binary [&;,]
# (C).(C)
open_zero \(
# C(C)
open_branch \(
# [$(*C);$(*CC)]
open_recursive_smarts \$\(
# special cased because it closes open_zero, open_branch, and
# recursive_smarts
close_parens \)
# Ring closures, 1, %5 %99 (and even %00 for what it's worth)
closure \d|%\d\d?
# Turn the above string into key/value pairs where the
# values are the compiled regular expressions.
info = {}
for line in string.split(definitions, "\n"):
line = string.strip(line)
if not line or line[:1] == "#":
name, pattern = string.split(line)
info[name] = re.compile(pattern)
del line, name, pattern
info["atom_class"] = re.compile(r"""
(?P<raw_aromatic>a)| # Not really sure what these mean
""", re.X)
# 'H' is used for the hydrogen count, so those searches require a
# special recursive SMARTS definition. Eg, for deuterium or tritium
# [$([2H]),$([3H])]
# This is implemented as a special-case hack. Note: if there's
# an error in the parse string in this section then the error
# location will point to the start of this term, not at the
# character that really caused the error. Can be fixed with an
# 'error_' like I did for the SMILES -- not needed for now. XXX
hydrogen_term_fields = [
info["hydrogen_term"] = re.compile(r"""
(?P<weight>\d+)? # optional molecular weight [2H]
(?P<element>H) # Must be a hydrogen
( # optional charge
(?P<positive_count>\+\d+)| # +3
(?P<positive_symbols>\++)| # ++
(?P<negative_count>\-\d+)| # -2
(?P<negative_symbols>\-+)| # ---
""", re.X)
element_symbols_pattern = \
r"C[laroudsemf]?|Os?|N[eaibdpos]?|S[icernbmg]?|P[drmtboau]?|" \
r"H[eofgas]|c|n|o|s|p|A[lrsgutcm]|B[eraik]?|Dy|E[urs]|F[erm]?|" \
r"G[aed]|I[nr]?|Kr?|L[iaur]|M[gnodt]|R[buhenaf]|T[icebmalh]|" \
info["element_modifier"] = re.compile(r"""
# This does *not* contain H. Hydrogen searches must be done
# with a special recursive SMARTS. On the other hand, it does
# include the lower case aromatic names.
""" + element_symbols_pattern + r"""
(?P<aromatic>a)| # aromatic
(?P<aliphatic>A)| # Aliphatic
(?P<degree>D\d+)| # Degree<n>
(?P<total_hcount>H\d*)| # total Hydrogen count<n> (defaults to 1)
(?P<imp_hcount>h\d*)| # implicit hydrogen count<n> (defaults to 1)
(?P<ring_membership>R\d*)| # in <n> Rings (no n means any rings)
(?P<ring_size>r\d*)| # in a ring of size <n> (no n means any rings)
(?P<valence>v\d+)| # total bond order of <n>
(?P<connectivity>X\d+)| # <n> total connections
(?P<positive_count>\+\d+)| # +2 +3
(?P<positive_symbols>\++)| # + ++ +++
(?P<negative_count>\-\d+)| # -1 -4
(?P<negative_symbols>\-+)| # -- - -------
# XXX What about chiral_count?
(?P<chiral_named> # The optional '?' means "or unspecified"
@TH[12]\??| # @TH1 @TH2?
@AL[12]\??| # @AL2?
@SP[123]\??| # @SP3 @SP1?
@TB(1[0-9]?|20?|[3-9])\??| # @TH{1 through 20}
@OH(1[0-9]?|2[0-9]?|30?|[4-9])\?? # @OH{1 through 30}
(?P<chiral_symbols>@@?\??) # @ (anticlockwise) or @@ (clockwise)
""", re.X)
# The ')' closes three different open parens. This maps from the
# previous open state to the appropriate close state.
close_parens_states = {
"open_branch": "close_branch",
"open_recursive_smarts": "close_recursive_smarts",
"open_zero": "close_zero",
#### Some helpful definitions to reduce clutter and complication
# Possible transitions from the start node. Also visited after
# a '.' disconnect or in a recursive SMARTS.
expecting_start = ("raw_atom", "atom_class", "open_bracket", "open_zero")
# Looking for node definition, like "C" or "a" or "["
expecting_atom = ("raw_atom", "atom_class", "open_bracket")
# Inside of []s: 235U, #6, R, $([2H]), $(*=C), !
expecting_element_start = ("weight", "atomic_number",
"element_modifier", "hydrogen_term",
"open_recursive_smarts", "atom_not")
# the ';' in [n;H1] or the ']' at the end
expecting_element_end = ("atom_binary", "close_bracket")
# All bonds start with a '!' or one of the bond symbols
expecting_bond_start = ("bond", "bond_not")
expecting_raw_term = expecting_atom + expecting_bond_start + \
("close_parens", "open_branch", "dot", "closure")
expecting_modifier = ("element_modifier", "open_recursive_smarts")
table = {
"start": expecting_start,
# (C).(R).[U].([$(*)])
"open_zero": ("raw_atom", "atom_class", "open_bracket"),
# as well as (CC(C))
"close_zero": ("dot", "close_parens"),
# A raw term are the things like 'C', '[U]', '%10', '.', '(', '!#'
"raw_atom": expecting_raw_term,
# An atom_class is a non-specific atom term, like 'A' or 'r'
"atom_class": expecting_raw_term,
# the []s
"open_bracket": expecting_element_start,
"close_bracket": expecting_raw_term,
# Yes, '[!!!!C]' is legal, according to the docs, but it isn't
# supported by the parser, unless you optimze it.
"atom_not": expecting_element_start,
"atom_binary": expecting_element_start,
# "14N", "14a", ...
# Note that weight can only be set once so it isn't a modifier
# Also, "14#6" isn't legal (tested against the toolkit)
"weight": expecting_modifier,
# "#6R2" or "#8," or "#7]"
# The atomic_number can only be set once so it isn't a modifier
"atomic_number": expecting_modifier + expecting_element_end,
# All of these are type of modifiers
"element_modifier": expecting_modifier + expecting_element_end,
"hydrogen_term": expecting_modifier + expecting_element_end,
"close_recursive_smarts": expecting_modifier + expecting_element_end,
# This it the recursive part -- goes back to the beginning
"open_recursive_smarts": expecting_start,
# C=C, C1CCC=1, C~-C, C=(C)C, C=,-C
"bond": expecting_atom + ("closure", "bond", "open_branch",
# C!!=C
"bond_not": expecting_bond_start,
# C=,-C
"bond_binary": expecting_bond_start,
"closure": expecting_raw_term,
"close_branch": expecting_raw_term,
"open_branch": expecting_atom + expecting_bond_start + ("dot",),
# After a "." we can start all over again
"dot": expecting_start,
def tokenize(s, handler = Handler.TokenHandler()):
expected = table["start"]
parens_stack = []
n = len(s)
i = 0
while i < n:
for state in expected:
m = info[state].match(s, i)
if m:
handler.error("Unknown character", i, s[i:])
if close_parens_states.has_key(state):
elif state == "close_parens":
state = close_parens_states[parens_stack.pop()]
except IndexError:
# Too many close parens
handler.error("Too many ')'", i, s[i:])
d = m.groupdict()
if d and state == "hydrogen_term":
# Special case the hydrogen term
for field in hydrogen_term_fields:
if d[field] is not None:
handler.add_token(field, i, d[field])
#print " --> New state:", state
name = state
if d:
# There should only be one match
for name, v in d.items():
if v is not None:
handler.add_token(name, i, m.group(0))
expected = table[state]
i = m.end(0)