import re, string
import Handler
# To verify this is correct, run
# support.make_re_pattern(support.element_symbols + support.aromatic_symbols)
# Yes, I included aromatics in this list.
element_symbols_pattern = \
r"C[laroudsemf]?|Os?|N[eaibdpos]?|S[icernbmg]?|P[drmtboau]?|" \
r"H[eofgas]?|c|n|o|s|p|A[lrsgutcm]|B[eraik]?|Dy|E[urs]|F[erm]?|" \
r"G[aed]|I[nr]?|Kr?|L[iaur]|M[gnodt]|R[buhenaf]|T[icebmalh]|" \
atom_fields = [
atom = re.compile(r"""
(?P<raw_atom>Cl|Br|[cnospBCNOFPSI]) | # "raw" means outside of brackets
(?P<open_bracket>\[) # Start bracket
(?P<weight>\d+)? # Atomic weight (optional)
( # valid term or error
( # valid term
(?P<element>""" + element_symbols_pattern + r""") # element or aromatic
( # Chirality can be
(?P<chiral_count>@\d+) | # @1 @2 @3 ...
(?P<chiral_named> # or
@TH[12] | # @TA1 @TA2
@AL[12] | # @AL1 @AL2
@SP[123] | # @SP1 @SP2 @SP3
@TB(1[0-9]?|20?|[3-9]) | # @TB{1-20}
@OH(1[0-9]?|2[0-9]?|30?|[4-9])) | # @OH{1-30}
(?P<chiral_symbols>@+) # or @@@@@@@...
)? # and chirality is optional
(?P<hcount>H\d*)? # Optional hydrogen count
( # Charges can be
(?P<positive_count>\+\d+) | # +<number>
(?P<positive_symbols>\++) | # +++... This includes the single '+'
(?P<negative_count>-\d+) | # -<number>
(?P<negative_symbols>-+) # ---... including a single '-'
)? # and are optional
(?P<error_1>[^\]]+)? # If there's anything left, it's an error
) | ( # End of parsing stuff in []s, except
(?P<error_2>[^\]]*) # If there was an error, we get here
((?P<close_bracket>\])| # End bracket
(?P<error_3>$)) # unexpectedly reached end of string
""", re.X)
bond_fields = ["bond"]
bond = re.compile(r"(?P<bond>[=#/\\:~-])")
dot_fields = ["dot"]
dot = re.compile(r"(?P<dot>\.)")
closure_fields = ["closure"]
closure = re.compile(r"(?P<closure>\d|%\d\d?)")
close_branch_fields = ["close_branch"]
close_branch = re.compile(r"(?P<close_branch>\))")
open_branch_fields = ["open_branch"]
open_branch = re.compile(r"(?P<open_branch>\()")
# Make from the state name to
# 1. the regular expession to try to match and
# 2. the list of field names in that regexp.
# (There's no way to use sre to get #2 as an ordered list so
# it needs to be done manually.)
info = {
"atom": (atom, atom_fields),
"bond": (bond, bond_fields),
"dot": (dot, dot_fields),
"closure": (closure, closure_fields),
"close_branch": (close_branch, close_branch_fields),
"open_branch": (open_branch, open_branch_fields),
# Mapping from current state to allowed states
table = {
# Could allow a dot
"start": ("atom",),
# CC, C=C, C(C)C, C(C)C, C.C, C1CCC1
"atom": ("atom", "bond", "close_branch", "open_branch", "dot", "closure"),
# C=C, C=1CCC=1
"bond": ("atom", "closure"),
# C(C)C, C(C)=C, C(C).C, C(C(C))C, C(C)(C)C
"close_branch": ("atom", "bond", "dot", "close_branch", "open_branch"),
# C(C), C(=C), C(.C) (really!)
"open_branch": ("atom", "bond", "dot"),
# C.C -- allow a dot? as in C..C
"dot": ("atom",),
# C1CCC1, C1=CCC1, C12CC1C2, C1C(CC)1, C1(CC)CC1, c1ccccc1.[NH4+]
"closure": ("atom", "bond", "closure", "close_branch", "open_branch", "dot"),
# Parse a SMILES string and print the events found
def tokenize(s, handler = Handler.TokenHandler()):
expected = table["start"]
n = len(s)
i = 0
while i < n:
# Of the expected states, find one that matches the
# text at the current position.
for state in expected:
pat, fields = info[state]
m = pat.match(s, i)
if m:
# No matches found, so this was an error
handler.error("Unknown character", i, s[i:])
# The handler is allowed to not throw an
# exception, but we are done, so return.
#print "New state:", state,
# Get the dictionary of matched name groups
d = m.groupdict()
# Go through the list of fields that could have matched.
# Needs to go in a order so the token text can be converted
# back into the original string.
for field in fields:
# See if there was a match for the given named field
if d[field] is not None:
# Was it an error match?
if field[:5] == "error":
pos = m.start(field)
if field == "error_3":
handler.error("Missing ']'", pos, s[pos:])
handler.error("Unknown character", pos, s[pos:])
# Success, so send the token to the callback
#print "--> ",, field
handler.add_token(field, i,
# Get the new list of expected states, and move to
# the end of the previous match.
expected = table[state]
i = m.end(0)