# -*- python -*-
# GetPot Version 1.0 Sept/13/2002
# WEBSITE: http://getpot.sourceforge.net
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# (C) 2001, 2002 Frank R. Schaefer
#<<:BEGIN-FRAME FRAMEWORK/code.python>>
import string
import os
import copy
class GetPot_variable:
def __init__(self, name, str_value):
self.name = name
def take(self, str_value):
self.value = string.split(str_value)
self.original = str_value
class GetPot:
#<<BEGIN init/code.python>>
def __init__(self, Argv=None, Filename=None):
# in case a search for a specific argument failed,
# it effects the next functions block.
self.search_failed_f = 0
# indeces of arguments that do not start with minus
self.idx_nominus = []
# vector of identified variables
# (arguments of the form "variable=value")
self.variables = [ ]
self.section_list = []
# cursor oriented functions (nect(), follow(), etc.):
# pointer to actual position to be parsed.
self.cursor = 0
self.nominus_cursor = -1
self.search_loop_f = 1
self.prefix = ""
# set up the internal database
if Filename != None:
Argv = [ Filename ]
parsed_argv = self.__read_in_file(Filename)
try: Argv.extend(parsed_argv)
except: pass
self.argv = self.__parse_argument_vector(Argv)
#<<END init/code.python BEGIN parse_argv/code.python>>
def __parse_argument_vector(self, argv_):
self.section = ''
section_stack = []
argv = []
for i in range(len(argv_)):
arg = argv_[i]
if len(arg) == 0: continue
elif i == 0: argv.append(arg); continue
# [section] ?
if len(arg) > 1 and arg[0] == '[' and arg[-1] == ']':
name = self.DBE_expand_string(arg[1:-1])
self.section = self.__process_section_label(name, section_stack)
if self.section not in self.section_list:
arg = self.section + self.DBE_expand_string(arg[:])
# no-minus argument ?
if arg[0] != '-': self.idx_nominus.append(i)
# assignment ?
for k in range(len(arg)-1):
if arg[k] == '=':
v = self.__find_variable(arg[0:k])
if v == None:
self.variables.append(GetPot_variable(arg[0:k], arg[k+1:]))
return argv
#<<END parse_argv/code.python BEGIN parse_file/code.python>>
# (*) file parsing
def __read_in_file(self, Filename):
"""Parses a file and returns a vector of arguments."""
try: fh = open(Filename, "rb")
except: return None
brute_tokens = []
token = 0
while token != '':
token = self.__get_next_token(fh)
# -- reduce expressions of token1'='token2 to a single
# string 'token1=token2'
# -- copy everything into 'argv'
# -- arguments preceded by something like '[' name ']' (section)
# produce a second copy of each argument with a prefix '[name]argument'
i1 = 0; i2 = 1; i3 = 2;
argv = []
# loop over brute tokens to create argv vector
while i1 < len(brute_tokens):
SRef = brute_tokens[i1];
# concatinate 'variable' '=' 'value' to 'variable=value'
if i2 < len(brute_tokens) and brute_tokens[i2] == '=':
if i3 >= len(brute_tokens):
argv.append(brute_tokens[i1] + brute_tokens[i2])
argv.append(brute_tokens[i1] + brute_tokens[i2] + brute_tokens[i3])
i1 = i3 + 1; i2 = i3 + 2; i3 = i3 + 3;
i1 = i2; i2 = i3; i3 += 1;
return argv
def __skip_whitespace(self, FH):
"""Skips whitespaces: space, tabulator, newline and #-comments."""
tmp = ' '
while 1+1==2:
while tmp == ' ' or tmp == '\t' or tmp == '\n':
tmp = FH.read(1)
if tmp == '': return # end of file ?
# found a non whitespace
if tmp != '#':
# put the last read letter back
FH.seek(-1,1) # (seek -1 backwards from current position (code=1))
# '#' - comment => skip until end of line
while tmp != '\n':
tmp = FH.read(1)
if tmp == '': return # end of file ?
def __get_next_token(self, FH):
"""Reads next chunk of characters that are not separated by
whitespace. Quotes and ${ ... }, however, allow to embrace whitespaces."""
token = ''; tmp = 0; last_letter = 0
while 1+1 == 2:
last_letter = tmp; tmp = FH.read(1);
if tmp == '' or \
((tmp == ' ' or tmp == '\t' or tmp == '\n') and last_letter != '\\'):
return token
elif tmp == '\'' and not last_letter == '\\':
# QUOTES: un-backslashed quotes => it's a string
token += self.__get_string(FH)
elif tmp == "{" and last_letter == '$':
token += '{' + self.__get_until_closing_bracket(FH)
elif tmp == "$" and last_letter == '\\':
token += tmp; tmp = 0 # so that last_letter will become = 0, not '$'
elif tmp == '\\' and not last_letter == '\\':
continue # don't append un-backslashed backslashes
token += tmp
def __get_string(self, FH):
"""Reads characters until the next un-backslashed quote."""
str = ''; tmp = 0
while 1 + 1 == 2:
last_letter = tmp; tmp = FH.read(1)
if tmp == '': return str
# un-backslashed quotes => it's the end of the string
elif tmp == '\'' and not last_letter == '\\': return str
elif tmp == '\\' and not last_letter == '\\': continue # don't append
str += tmp
def __get_until_closing_bracket(self, FH):
"""Reads characters until the next un-backslashed '}'."""
str = ''; tmp = 0
brackets = 1
while 1 + 1 == 2:
last_letter = tmp; tmp = FH.read(1)
if tmp == '': return str
elif tmp == '{' and last_letter == '$': brackets += 1
elif tmp == '}':
brackets -= 1
# un-backslashed brackets => it's the end of the string
if brackets == 0: return str + '}'
elif tmp == '\\' and not last_letter == '\\':
continue # do not append an unbackslashed backslash
str += tmp
def __process_section_label(self, label, section_stack):
# 1) subsection of actual section ('./' prefix)
if len(label) >= 2 and label[:2] == "./":
label = label[2:]
# a single [./] means 'the same section'
# 2) subsection of parent section ('../' prefix)
elif label[0:3] == "../":
while label[0:3] == "../":
if len(section_stack) != 0: section_stack.pop()
label = label[3:]
# 3) subsection of the root-section
del section_stack[:]
# 4) parse section name for slashes
if label != "":
while i < len(label):
if label[i] == '/':
if i+1 < len(label):
label = label[i+1:]
i = 0
i += 1
section = ""
for s in section_stack:
section += s + '/'
return section
#<<END parse_file/code.python BEGIN convert_to_type/code.python>>
def __convert_to_type(self, String, Default):
"""Converts a string into an object of the same type as 'Default'.
Returns 'None' in case this is not possible."""
if type(Default) == type(""):
# character string
return String
elif type(Default) == type(0.):
# float
try: return float(String)
except: return Default
elif type(Default) == type(0):
# integer
if len(String) >= 2 and String[0:2] == "0x": start_i = 2
elif len(String) >=3 and String[0:3] == "-0x": start_i = 3
# normal integer, not a hexadecimal
try: return int(String)
except: return Default
# a hexadecimal number
number = 0;
for c in String[start_i:len(String)]:
c = int(c)
if c >= int('0') and c <= int('9'): digit = c - int('0')
elif c >= int('a') and c <= int('f'): digit = c - int('a')
elif c >= int('A') and c <= int('F'): digit = c - int('A')
else: break
number *= 16
number += digit
if start_i == 2: return number
else: return -number
#<<END convert_to_type/code.python BEGIN search/code.python>>
def __get_remaining_string(self, String, Start):
"""Checks if 'String' begins with 'Start' and returns the remaining String.
Returns None if String does not begin with Start."""
if Start == "": return String
if string.find(String, Start) == 0: return String[len(Start):]
else: return None
# -- search for a certain option and set cursor to position
def search(self, *Args):
"""Search for a command line argument and set cursor. Starts search
from current cursor position. Only wraps arround the end, if 'loop'
is enabled. Returns '0' if nothing was found."""
if self.cursor >= len(self.argv)-1:
self.cursor = len(self.argv)-1
self.search_failed_f = 1
old_cursor = self.cursor
def check_match(i0, i1, Args, Argv=self.argv, Prefix=self.prefix, obj=self):
"""Checks if one of the arguments in Args matches an argument in sequence."""
for i in range(i0, i1):
for arg in Args:
if Prefix + arg == Argv[i]:
obj.cursor = i; obj.search_failed_f = 0
return 1
return 0
# first run: from cursor to end
if check_match(self.cursor, len(self.argv), Args) == 1: return 1
if self.search_loop_f == 0: return 0
# second run: from 1 to old_cursor position
# (note, that old_cursor can be at maximum = len(self.argv),
# the range function contains therefore only values until
# "len(self.argv) - 1")
if check_match(1, old_cursor, Args) == 1: return 1
return 0
def disable_loop(self):
self.search_loop_f = 0
def enable_loop(self):
self.search_loop_f = 1
# -- reset cursor to initial position
def reset_cursor(self):
self.search_failed_f = 0; self.cursor = 0
def search_failed(self):
return self.search_failed_f
def init_multiple_occurrence(self):
self.disable_loop(); self.reset_cursor()
def set_prefix(self, Prefix):
self.prefix = Prefix
#<<END search/code.python BEGIN get/code.python>>
# (*) direct access to command line arguments through []-operator
def __getitem__(self, Idx):
"""Returns a specific argument indexed by Idx or 'None' if this
does not exist."""
if Idx < 0 or Idx >= len(self.argv): return None
return self.argv[Idx]
def get(self, Idx, Default):
"""Looks if the type of argv[Idx] matches the type of the default argument.
If it does not, the default argument is returned."""
if self[Idx] == None: return Default
return self.__convert_to_type(self[Idx], Default)
def size(self):
"""Returns the size of the argument list."""
return len(self.argv)
#<<END get/code.python BEGIN next/code.python>>
# -- get argument at cursor++
def next(self, Default):
"""Tests if the following argument is of the same type as Default. If not
Default is returned. Note, that if the following argument does not contain
the 'prefix', the same way the Default argument is returned."""
if self.search_failed_f == 1: return Default
self.cursor += 1
if self.cursor >= len(self.argv): self.cursor = len(self.argv)-1; return Default
if self.prefix == "": return self.__convert_to_type(self.argv[self.cursor], Default)
remain = self.__get_remaining_string(self.argv[self.cursor], self.prefix)
if remain != None: return self.__convert_to_type(remain, Default)
else: return Default
#<<END next/code.python BEGIN follow/code.python>>
# -- search for option and get argument at cursor++
def follow(self, Default, *Args):
for arg in Args:
if self.search(arg) == 1:
return self.next(Default)
return Default
#<<END follow/code.python BEGIN direct_follow/code.python>>
def direct_follow(self, Default, Arg):
remaining_string = self.__match_starting_string(Arg)
if remaining_string == None:
return Default
self.cursor += 1
if self.cursor >= len(self.argv): self.cursor = len(self.argv)
return self.__convert_to_type(remaining_string, Default)
# helper to find directly followed arguments
def __match_starting_string(self, StartString):
"""Searches argument list for next occurrence of 'StartString', beginning
from current cursor position. Returns string after StartString if found.
Returns None if no argument contains the starting string."""
old_cursor = self.cursor
self.search_failed_f = 1
# first run: from cursor to end
if self.cursor < len(self.argv):
for i in range(old_cursor, len(self.argv)):
if string.find(self.argv[i], StartString) == 0:
self.cursor = i
self.search_failed_f = 0
return self.argv[i][len(StartString):]
if self.search_loop_f == 0: return None
# second run: from 1 to old_cursor position
# (note, that old_cursor can be at maximum = len(self.argv),
# the range function contains therefore only values until
# "len(self.argv) - 1")
for i in range(1, old_cursor):
if string.find(self.argv[i], StartString) == 0:
self.cursor = i
self.search_failed_f = 0
return self.argv[i][len(StartString):]
return None
#<<END direct_follow/code.python BEGIN flags/code.python>>
# (*) flags
def options_contain(self, FlagList):
"""Go through all arguments that start with a '-' and watch if they
contain a flag in flaglist. In case a prefix is specified, the option
must be preceeded with it, e.g. 'pack-options/-cvx'."""
for arg in self.argv:
if self.prefix != "": arg = self.__get_remaining_string(arg, self.prefix)
if arg != None and len(arg) >= 2 and arg[0] == '-' and arg[1] != '-' \
and self.__check_flags(arg, FlagList) == 1: return 1
return 0
def argument_contains(self, Idx, FlagList):
"""Check if an argument that is associated with a certain index contains
a certain flag. If a prefix is specified, the index indicates the number
inside the list."""
if Idx < 0 or Idx > len(self.argv): return 0
if self.prefix == "":
# search argument for any flag in flag list
return self.__check_flags(self.argv[Idx], FlagList)
# if a prefix is set, then the argument index is the index
# inside the 'namespace'
# => only check list of arguments that start with prefix
no_matches = 0
for i in range(len(self.argv)):
remain = self.__get_remaining_string(self.argv[i], self.prefix)
if remain != None:
no_matches += 1
if no_matches == Idx:
return self.__check_flags(remain, FlagList)
# no argument in this namespace
return 0
def __check_flags(self, Str, FlagList):
"""Does a given string 'Str' contain a flag in 'FlagList' ?"""
for l in Str:
for f in FlagList:
if f == l:
return 1
return 0
#<<END flags/code.python BEGIN nominus/code.python>>
# (*) nominus arguments
def reset_nominus_cursor(self):
self.nominus_cursor = -1
def nominus_vector(self):
v_nm = []
for i in self.idx_nominus:
return v_nm
def nominus_size(self):
return len(self.idx_nominus)
def next_nominus(self):
if self.nominus_cursor >= len(self.idx_nominus)-1: return None
self.nominus_cursor += 1
return self.argv[self.idx_nominus[self.nominus_cursor]]
#<<END nominus/code.python BEGIN variables/code.python>>
# (*) variables
# helper to find arguments
def get_variable_names(self):
# return all variables for given prefix
vars = []
for v in self.variables:
tmp = self.__get_remaining_string(v.name, self.prefix)
if tmp != None: vars.append(tmp)
return vars
def get_section_names(self):
# helper to find arguments
def __find_variable(self, VarName):
"""Search for a variable in the array of variables."""
v_name = self.prefix + VarName
for v in self.variables:
if v.name == v_name: return v
return None
# -- scalar values and vectors
def __call__(self, VarName, Default, Idx=-1):
"""Returns 'None' in case variable was not found or type did not match."""
v = self.__find_variable(VarName)
if v == None:
return Default
if Idx == -1:
# variable has to be considered as a single value
return self.__convert_to_type(v.original, Default)
# variable interpreted as vector
if Idx >= len(v.value):
return Default
return self.__convert_to_type(v.value[Idx], Default)
def vector_variable_size(self):
return variables.size()
#<<END variables/code.python BEGIN print/code.python>>
def Print(self):
print "argc = %i" % len(self.argv)
for arg in self.argv:
print "%s" % arg
# (*) dollar bracket expressions (DBEs) ------------------------------------
# 1) Entry Function: DBE_expand_string()
# Takes a string such as
# "${+ ${x} ${y}} Subject-${& ${section} ${subsection}}: ${title}"
# calls DBE_expand() for each of the expressions
# ${+ ${x} ${y}}
# ${& ${section} ${subsection}}
# ${Title}
# and returns the string
# "4711 Subject-1.01: Mit den Clowns kamen die Schwaene"
# assuming that
# x = "4699"
# y = "12"
# section = "1."
# subsection = "01"
# title = "Mit den Clowns kamen die Schwaene"
# 2) DBE_expand():
# checks for the command, i.e. the 'sign' that follows '${'
# divides the argument list into sub-expressions using
# DBE_get_expr_list()
# ${+ ${x} ${y}} -> "${x}" "${y}"
# ${& ${section} ${subsection}} -> "${section}" "${subsection}"
# ${Title} -> Nothing, variable expansion
# 3) DBE_expression_list():
# builds a vector of unbracketed whitespace separated strings, i.e.
# " ${Number}.a ${: Das Marmorbild} AB-${& Author= ${Eichendorf}-1870}"
# is split into a vector
# [0] ${Number}.a
# [1] ${: Das Marmorbild}
# [2] ${& Author= ${Eichendorf}}
# The each sub-expression is expanded using expand().
def DBE_expand_string(self, String):
"""Parses for closing operators '${ }' and expands them letting
white spaces and other letters as they are."""
new_string = ""
open_brackets = 0
for i in range(len(String)):
if i < len(String)-2 and String[i:i+2] == "${":
if open_brackets == 0: first = i+2;
open_brackets += 1;
elif String[i] == "}" and open_brackets > 0:
open_brackets -= 1
if open_brackets == 0:
new_string += self.DBE_expand(String[first:i])
elif open_brackets == 0:
new_string += String[i]
return new_string
def DBE_get_expr_list(self, String, ExpectedNumber):
"""Separates expressions by non-bracketed whitespaces, expands them
and puts them into a list."""
i = 0
# (1) eat initial whitespaces
for letter in String:
if letter != " " and letter != "\t" and letter != "\n":
i += 1
expr_list = []
open_brackets = 0
start_idx = []
start_new_string = i
L = len(String)
# (2) search for ${ } expressions ...
while i < L:
letter = String[i]
# whitespace -> end of expression
if (letter == " " or letter == "\t" or letter == "\n") \
and open_brackets == 0:
for i in range(i+1, L):
letter = String[i]
if letter != " " and letter != "\t" and letter != "\n":
start_new_string = i
# end of expression list
if len(expr_list) < ExpectedNumber:
expr_list.extend(["<< ${ }: missing arguments>>"] * (ExpectedNumber - len(expr_list)))
return expr_list
# dollar-bracket expression
if len(String) >= i+2 and String[i:i+2] == "${":
open_brackets += 1
elif letter == "}" and open_brackets > 0:
start = start_idx.pop()
Replacement = self.DBE_expand(String[start:i])
if start-2 <= 0: String = Replacement + String[i+1:]
else: String = String[:start-2] + Replacement + String[i+1:]
L = len(String)
i = start + len(Replacement) - 3
open_brackets -= 1
i += 1
if len(expr_list) < ExpectedNumber:
expr_list.extend(["<< ${ }: missing arguments>>"] * (ExpectedNumber - len(expr_list)))
return expr_list
def DBE_get_variable(self, VarName):
SECURE_Prefix = self.prefix
for p in [self.section, ""]:
self.prefix = p
# (1) first search in currently active section
# (2) search in root name space
var = self.__find_variable(VarName)
if type(var) != type(None):
self.prefix = SECURE_Prefix
return var
self.prefix = SECURE_Prefix
return "<<${ } variable '%s' undefined>>" % VarName
def DBE_expand(self, Expr):
# ${: } pure text
if Expr[0] == ":":
return Expr[1:]
# ${& expr expr ... } text concatination
elif Expr[0] == "&":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 1)
return reduce(lambda a,b: "%s%s" % (a, b), A)
# ${<-> expr expr expr} text replacement
elif len(Expr) >= 3 and Expr[0:3] == "<->":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[3:], 3)
# string old new
return string.replace(A[0], A[1], A[2])
# ${+ ...}, ${- ...}, ${* ...}, ${/ ...} expressions
elif Expr[0] == "+":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
return "%e" % (reduce(lambda a, b:
self.__convert_to_type(a, 0.) + self.__convert_to_type(b,0.),
elif Expr[0] == "-":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
return "%e" % reduce(lambda a, b:
self.__convert_to_type(a, 0.) - self.__convert_to_type(b,0.),
elif Expr[0] == "*":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
return "%e" % reduce(lambda a, b:
self.__convert_to_type(a, 0.) * self.__convert_to_type(b,0.),
elif Expr[0] == "/":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
Q = self.__convert_to_type(A[0], 0.)
if Q == 0: return repr(0.)
for q in A[1:]:
q = self.__convert_to_type(q, 0.)
if q == 0.0: return repr(0.)
Q /= q
return "%e" % Q
# ${^ ... } power expressions
elif Expr[0] == "^":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
return "%e" % reduce(lambda a, b:
self.__convert_to_type(a, 0.) ** self.__convert_to_type(b,0.),
# ${== } ${<= } ${>= } comparisons (return the number of the first 'match'
elif len(Expr) >= 2 and \
(Expr[0:2] == "==" or Expr[0:2] == ">=" or Expr[0:2] == "<=" or \
Expr[0:1] == ">" or Expr[0:1] == "<"):
# differentiate between two and one sign operators
if Expr[1] == "=": OP = Expr[0:2]; A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[2:], 2)
else: OP = Expr[0]; A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
x_orig = A[0]
x = self.__convert_to_type(x_orig, 1e37)
i = 1
for y_orig in A[1:]:
y = self.__convert_to_type(y_orig, 1e37)
# set the strings as reference if one wasn't a number
if x == 1e37 or y == 1e37: xc = x_orig; y = y_orig;
else: xc = x
if OP == "==" and xc == y: return repr(i)
elif OP == ">=" and xc >= y: return repr(i)
elif OP == "<=" and xc <= y: return repr(i)
elif OP == ">" and xc > y: return repr(i)
elif OP == "<" and xc < y: return repr(i)
i += 1
# nothing fulfills the condition => return 0
return repr(0)
# ${?? expr expr} select
elif len(Expr) >=2 and Expr[0:2] == "??":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[2:], 2)
X = self.__convert_to_type(A[0], 1e37)
# last element is always the default argument
if X == 1e37 or X < 0 or X >= len(A) - 1:
return A[-1]
# round X to closest integer
return A[int(X+0.5)]
# ${? expr expr expr} if then else conditions
elif Expr[0] == "?":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
if self.__convert_to_type(A[0], 0.0) == 1.0: return A[1]
elif len(A) > 2: return A[2]
# ${! expr} maxro expansion
elif Expr[0] == "!":
Var = self.DBE_get_variable(Expr[1:])
# error
if type(Var) == type(""): return Var
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Var.original, 2)
return A[0]
# ${@: } - string subscription
elif len(Expr) >= 2 and Expr[0:2] == "@:":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[2:], 2)
X = self.__convert_to_type(A[1], 1e37)
# last element is always the default argument
if X == 1e37 or X < 0 or X >= len(A[0]) - 1:
return "<<1st index out of range>>"
if len(A) > 2:
Y = self.__convert_to_type(A[2], 1e37)
if Y != 1e37 and Y > 0 and Y <= len(A[0]) - 1 and Y > X:
return A[0][int(X+0.5):int(Y+1.5)]
elif Y == -1:
return A[0][int(X+0.5):]
return "<<2nd index out of range>>"
return A[0][int(X+0.5)]
# ${@ } - vector subscription
elif Expr[0] == "@":
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(Expr[1:], 2)
Var = self.DBE_get_variable(A[0])
# error
if type(Var) == type(""): return Var
X = self.__convert_to_type(A[1], 1e37)
# last element is always the default argument
if X == 1e37 or X < 0 or X >= len(Var.value):
return "<<1st index out of range>>"
if len(A) > 2:
Y = self.__convert_to_type(A[2], 1e37)
if Y != 1e37 and Y > 0 and Y <= len(Var.value) and Y > X:
Vec = Var.value[int(X+0.5):int(Y+1.5)]
elif Y == -1:
Vec = Var.value[int(X+0.5):]
return "<<2nd index out of range>>"
return reduce(lambda a,b: "%s %s" % (a,b), Vec)
return Var.value[int(X+0.5)]
A = self.DBE_get_expr_list(copy.copy(Expr), 1)
B = self.DBE_get_variable(A[0])
if type(B) == type(""): return B
else: return B.original
# (*) unidentified flying objects
def unidentified_arguments(self, *Knowns):
ufos = []
for it in self.argv[1:]:
arg = self.__get_remaining_string(it, self.prefix)
if arg not in Knowns: ufos.append(it)
return ufos
def unidentified_options(self, *Knowns):
ufos = []
for it in self.argv[1:]:
arg = self.__get_remaining_string(it, self.prefix)
if len(arg) < 2 or arg[0] != '-': continue
if arg not in Knowns: ufos.append(it)
return ufos
def unidentified_flags(self, KnownFlags, ArgumentNumber=-1):
ufos = ""
if ArgumentNumber == -1:
# (*) search through all options with one single '-'
for it in self.argv[1:]:
arg = self.__get_remaining_string(it, self.prefix)
if len(arg) < 2: continue
elif arg[0] != '-': continue
elif arg[1] == '-': continue
for letter in arg[1:]:
if letter not in KnownFlags: ufos += letter;
no_matches = 0
for it in argv[1:]:
Remain = self.__get_remaining_string(it, self.prefix)
if Remain != "":
no_matches += 1
if no_matches == ArgumentNumber:
# -- the right argument number inside the section is found
# => check it for flags
for letter in Remain:
if letter not in KnownFlags: ufos += letter;
return ufos
return ufos
def unidentified_variables(self, *Knowns):
ufos = []
for it in self.variables:
var_name = self.__get_remaining_string(it.name, self.prefix)
if var_name not in Knowns: ufos.append(it.name)
return ufos
def unidentified_sections(self, *Knowns):
ufos = []
for it in self.section_list:
sec_name = self.__get_remaining_string(it, self.prefix)
if sec_name not in Knowns: ufos.append(it)
return ufos
def unidentified_nominuses(self, Knowns):
ufos = []
for it in self.argv[1:]:
arg = self.__get_remaining_string(it, self.prefix)
# only 'real nominuses'
if len(arg) < 1 or arg[0] == '-': continue
elif arg[0] == '[' and arg[-1] == ']': continue # section label
elif '=' in arg: continue # variable definition
if arg not in Knowns: ufos.append(it)
return ufos
#<<END print/code.python >>