# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3206:@thin leoImport.py
# Required so non-ascii characters will be valid in unit tests.
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@@pagewidth 70
#@@encoding utf-8
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20091224155043.6539:<< imports >>
# Required so the unit test that simulates an @auto leoImport.py will work!
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoTest as leoTest
import string
if g.isPython3:
import io
StringIO = io.StringIO
import StringIO
StringIO = StringIO.StringIO
#@-node:ekr.20091224155043.6539:<< imports >>
#@<< class scanUtility >>
#@+node:sps.20081112093624.1:<< class scanUtility >>
class scanUtility:
#@ @+others
def escapeFalseSectionReferences(self,s):
result = []
for line in g.splitLines(s):
r1 = line.find('<<')
r2 = line.find('>>')
if r1>=0 and r2>=0 and r1<r2:
return ''.join(result)
#@-node:sps.20081112093624.1:<< class scanUtility >>
#@<< class leoImportCommands >>
#@+node:ekr.20071127175948:<< class leoImportCommands >>
class leoImportCommands (scanUtility):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3207:import.__init__ & helper
def __init__ (self,c):
self.c = c
self.default_directory = None # For @path logic.
self.encoding = 'utf-8'
self.errors = 0
self.fileName = None # The original file name, say x.cpp
self.fileType = None # ".py", ".c", etc.
self.methodName = None # x, as in < < x methods > > =
self.output_newline = g.getOutputNewline(c=c) # Value of @bool output_newline
self.rootLine = "" # Empty or @root + self.fileName
self.tab_width = c.tab_width # The tab width in effect in the c.currentPosition.
self.trace = c.config.getBool('trace_import')
self.treeType = "@file" # "@root" or "@file"
self.webType = "@noweb" # "cweb" or "noweb"
self.web_st = [] # noweb symbol table.
def createImportDispatchDict (self):
self.importDispatchDict = {
# Keys are file extensions, values are text scanners.
# Text scanners must have the signature scanSomeText(self,s,parent,atAuto=False)
'.c': self.scanCText,
'.h': self.scanCText,
'.h++': self.scanCText,
'.cc': self.scanCText,
'.c++': self.scanCText,
'.cpp': self.scanCText,
'.cxx': self.scanCText,
'.cs': self.scanCSharpText,
'.el': self.scanElispText,
'.htm': self.scanXmlText,
'.html': self.scanXmlText,
'.java': self.scanJavaText,
'.js': self.scanJavaScriptText,
'.php': self.scanPHPText,
'.pas': self.scanPascalText,
'.py': self.scanPythonText,
'.pyw': self.scanPythonText,
# '.txt': self.scanRstText, # A reasonable default.
# '.rest': self.scanRstText,
# '.rst': self.scanRstText,
'.xml': self.scanXmlText,
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3207:import.__init__ & helper
# Headlines not containing a section reference are ignored in noweb and generate index index in cweb.
def convertCodePartToWeb (self,s,i,v,result):
# g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
c = self.c ; nl = self.output_newline
lb = g.choose(self.webType=="cweb","@<","<<")
rb = g.choose(self.webType=="cweb","@>",">>")
h = v.headString().strip()
#@ << put v's headline ref in head_ref >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3291:<< put v's headline ref in head_ref>>
# We look for either noweb or cweb brackets. head_ref does
# not include these brackets.
head_ref = None
j = 0
if g.match(h,j,"<<"):
k = h.find(">>",j)
elif g.match(h,j,"<@"):
k = h.find("@>",j)
k = -1
if k > -1:
head_ref = h[j+2:k].strip()
if len(head_ref) == 0:
head_ref = None
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3291:<< put v's headline ref in head_ref>>
#@ << put name following @root or @file in file_name >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3292:<< put name following @root or @file in file_name >>
if g.match(h,0,"@file") or g.match(h,0,"@root"):
line = h[5:].strip()
#@ << set file_name >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3293:<< Set file_name >>
# set j & k so line[j:k] is the file name.
# g.trace(line)
if g.match(line,0,"<"):
j = 1 ; k = line.find(">",1)
elif g.match(line,0,'"'):
j = 1 ; k = line.find('"',1)
j = 0 ; k = line.find(" ",0)
if k == -1:
k = len(line)
file_name = line[j:k].strip()
if file_name and len(file_name) == 0:
file_name = None
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3293:<< Set file_name >>
file_name = line = None
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3292:<< put name following @root or @file in file_name >>
if g.match_word(s,i,"@root"):
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
#@ << append ref to file_name >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3294:<< append ref to file_name >>
if self.webType == "cweb":
if not file_name:
result += "@<root@>=" + nl
result += "@(" + file_name + "@>" + nl # @(...@> denotes a file.
if not file_name:
file_name = "*"
result += lb + file_name + rb + "=" + nl
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3294:<< append ref to file_name >>
elif g.match_word(s,i,"@c") or g.match_word(s,i,"@code"):
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
#@ << append head_ref >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3295:<< append head_ref >>
if self.webType == "cweb":
if not head_ref:
result += "@^" + h + "@>" + nl # Convert the headline to an index entry.
result += "@c" + nl # @c denotes a new section.
escaped_head_ref = head_ref.replace("@","@@")
result += "@<" + escaped_head_ref + "@>=" + nl
if not head_ref:
if v == c.currentVnode():
head_ref = g.choose(file_name,file_name,"*")
head_ref = "@others"
result += lb + head_ref + rb + "=" + nl
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3295:<< append head_ref >>
elif g.match_word(h,0,"@file"):
# Only do this if nothing else matches.
#@ << append ref to file_name >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3294:<< append ref to file_name >>
if self.webType == "cweb":
if not file_name:
result += "@<root@>=" + nl
result += "@(" + file_name + "@>" + nl # @(...@> denotes a file.
if not file_name:
file_name = "*"
result += lb + file_name + rb + "=" + nl
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3294:<< append ref to file_name >>
i = g.skip_line(s,i) # 4/28/02
#@ << append head_ref >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3295:<< append head_ref >>
if self.webType == "cweb":
if not head_ref:
result += "@^" + h + "@>" + nl # Convert the headline to an index entry.
result += "@c" + nl # @c denotes a new section.
escaped_head_ref = head_ref.replace("@","@@")
result += "@<" + escaped_head_ref + "@>=" + nl
if not head_ref:
if v == c.currentVnode():
head_ref = g.choose(file_name,file_name,"*")
head_ref = "@others"
result += lb + head_ref + rb + "=" + nl
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3295:<< append head_ref >>
i,result = self.copyPart(s,i,result)
return i, result.strip() + nl
# %defs a b c
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3296:convertDocPartToWeb (handle @ %def)
def convertDocPartToWeb (self,s,i,result):
nl = self.output_newline
# g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
if g.match_word(s,i,"@doc"):
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
elif g.match(s,i,"@ ") or g.match(s,i,"@\t") or g.match(s,i,"@*"):
i += 2
elif g.match(s,i,"@\n"):
i += 1
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
i, result2 = self.copyPart(s,i,"")
if len(result2) > 0:
# Break lines after periods.
result2 = result2.replace(". ","." + nl)
result2 = result2.replace(". ","." + nl)
result += nl+"@"+nl+result2.strip()+nl+nl
# All nodes should start with '@', even if the doc part is empty.
result += g.choose(self.webType=="cweb",nl+"@ ",nl+"@"+nl)
return i, result
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3296:convertDocPartToWeb (handle @ %def)
# This code converts a vnode to noweb text as follows:
# Convert @doc to @
# Convert @root or @code to < < name > >=, assuming the headline
# contains < < name > >
# Ignore other directives
# Format doc parts so they fit in pagewidth columns.
# Output code parts as is.
def convertVnodeToWeb (self,v):
c = self.c
if not v or not c: return ""
startInCode = not c.config.at_root_bodies_start_in_doc_mode
nl = self.output_newline
s = v.b
lb = g.choose(self.webType=="cweb","@<","<<")
i = 0 ; result = "" ; docSeen = False
while i < len(s):
progress = i
# g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isDocStart(s,i) or g.match_word(s,i,"@doc"):
i,result = self.convertDocPartToWeb(s,i,result)
docSeen = True
elif (g.match_word(s,i,"@code") or g.match_word(s,i,"@root") or
g.match_word(s,i,"@c") or g.match(s,i,lb)):
#@ << Supply a missing doc part >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3298:<< Supply a missing doc part >>
if not docSeen:
docSeen = True
result += g.choose(self.webType=="cweb",nl+"@ ",nl+"@"+nl)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3298:<< Supply a missing doc part >>
i,result = self.convertCodePartToWeb(s,i,v,result)
elif self.treeType == "@file" or startInCode:
#@ << Supply a missing doc part >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3298:<< Supply a missing doc part >>
if not docSeen:
docSeen = True
result += g.choose(self.webType=="cweb",nl+"@ ",nl+"@"+nl)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3298:<< Supply a missing doc part >>
i,result = self.convertCodePartToWeb(s,i,v,result)
i,result = self.convertDocPartToWeb(s,i,result)
docSeen = True
assert(progress < i)
result = result.strip()
if len(result) > 0:
result += nl
return result
# Copies characters to result until the end of the present section is seen.
def copyPart (self,s,i,result):
# g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
lb = g.choose(self.webType=="cweb","@<","<<")
rb = g.choose(self.webType=="cweb","@>",">>")
theType = self.webType
while i < len(s):
progress = j = i # We should be at the start of a line here.
i = g.skip_nl(s,i) ; i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if self.isDocStart(s,i):
return i, result
if (g.match_word(s,i,"@doc") or
g.match_word(s,i,"@c") or
g.match_word(s,i,"@root") or
g.match_word(s,i,"@code")): # 2/25/03
return i, result
elif (g.match(s,i,"<<") and # must be on separate lines.
g.find_on_line(s,i,">>=") > -1):
return i, result
# Copy the entire line, escaping '@' and
# Converting @others to < < @ others > >
i = g.skip_line(s,j) ; line = s[j:i]
if theType == "cweb":
line = line.replace("@","@@")
j = g.skip_ws(line,0)
if g.match(line,j,"@others"):
line = line.replace("@others",lb + "@others" + rb)
elif g.match(line,0,"@"):
# Special case: do not escape @ %defs.
k = g.skip_ws(line,1)
if not g.match(line,k,"%defs"):
line = "@" + line
result += line
assert(progress < i)
return i, result.rstrip()
def exportHeadlines (self,fileName):
c = self.c ; nl = g.u(self.output_newline)
p = c.p
if not p: return
firstLevel = p.level()
mode = c.config.output_newline
mode = g.choose(mode=="platform",'w','wb')
theFile = open(fileName,mode)
except IOError:
g.es("can not open",fileName,color="blue")
for p in p.self_and_subtree():
head = p.moreHead(firstLevel,useVerticalBar=True)
s = g.toEncodedString(head + nl,self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
def flattenOutline (self,fileName):
c = self.c ; nl = g.u(self.output_newline)
p = c.currentVnode()
if not p: return
firstLevel = p.level()
# 10/14/02: support for output_newline setting.
mode = c.config.output_newline
mode = g.choose(mode=="platform",'w','wb')
theFile = open(fileName,mode)
except IOError:
g.es("can not open",fileName,color="blue")
for p in p.self_and_subtree():
head = p.moreHead(firstLevel)
s = g.toEncodedString(head + nl,encoding=self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
body = p.moreBody() # Inserts escapes.
if len(body) > 0:
s = g.toEncodedString(body + nl,self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
def outlineToWeb (self,fileName,webType):
c = self.c ; nl = self.output_newline
current = c.p
if not current: return
self.webType = webType
# 10/14/02: support for output_newline setting.
mode = c.config.output_newline
mode = g.choose(mode=="platform",'w','wb')
theFile = open(fileName,mode)
except IOError:
g.es("can not open",fileName,color="blue")
self.treeType = "@file"
# Set self.treeType to @root if p or an ancestor is an @root node.
for p in current.parents():
flag,junk = g.is_special(p.b,0,"@root")
if flag:
self.treeType = "@root"
for p in current.self_and_subtree():
s = self.convertVnodeToWeb(p)
if len(s) > 0:
s = g.toEncodedString(s,self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
if s[-1] != '\n': theFile.write(nl)
def removeSentinelsCommand (self,paths,toString=False):
c = self.c
for fileName in paths:
path, self.fileName = g.os_path_split(fileName)
s,e = g.readFileIntoString(fileName,self.encoding)
if s is None: return
if e: self.encoding = e
#@ << set delims from the header line >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3302:<< set delims from the header line >>
# Skip any non @+leo lines.
i = 0
while i < len(s) and g.find_on_line(s,i,"@+leo") == -1:
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
# Get the comment delims from the @+leo sentinel line.
at = self.c.atFileCommands
j = g.skip_line(s,i) ; line = s[i:j]
valid,junk,start_delim,end_delim,junk = at.parseLeoSentinel(line)
if not valid:
if not toString: g.es("invalid @+leo sentinel in",fileName)
if end_delim:
line_delim = None
line_delim,start_delim = start_delim,None
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3302:<< set delims from the header line >>
# g.trace("line: '%s', start: '%s', end: '%s'" % (line_delim,start_delim,end_delim))
s = self.removeSentinelLines(s,line_delim,start_delim,end_delim)
ext = c.config.remove_sentinels_extension
if not ext:
ext = ".txt"
if ext[0] == '.':
newFileName = c.os_path_finalize_join(path,fileName+ext)
head,ext2 = g.os_path_splitext(fileName)
newFileName = c.os_path_finalize_join(path,head+ext+ext2)
if toString:
return s
#@ << Write s into newFileName >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1149:<< Write s into newFileName >>
mode = c.config.output_newline
mode = g.choose(mode=="platform",'w','wb')
theFile = open(newFileName,mode)
s = g.toEncodedString(s,self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
if not g.unitTesting:
except Exception:
g.es("exception creating:",newFileName)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1149:<< Write s into newFileName >>
return None
# This does not handle @nonl properly, but that's a nit...
def removeSentinelLines(self,s,line_delim,start_delim,unused_end_delim):
'''Properly remove all sentinle lines in s.'''
delim = (line_delim or start_delim or '') + '@'
verbatim = delim + 'verbatim' ; verbatimFlag = False
result = [] ; lines = g.splitLines(s)
for line in lines:
i = g.skip_ws(line,0)
if not verbatimFlag and g.match(line,i,delim):
if g.match(line,i,verbatim):
verbatimFlag = True # Force the next line to be in the result.
# g.trace(repr(line))
verbatimFlag = False
result = ''.join(result)
return result
def weave (self,filename):
c = self.c ; nl = self.output_newline
p = c.p
if not p: return
#@ << open filename to f, or return >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1150:<< open filename to f, or return >>
# 10/14/02: support for output_newline setting.
mode = c.config.output_newline
mode = g.choose(mode=="platform",'w','wb')
f = open(filename,mode)
if not f: return
except Exception:
g.es("exception opening:",filename)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1150:<< open filename to f, or return >>
for p in p.self_and_subtree():
s = p.b
s2 = s.strip()
if s2 and len(s2) > 0:
f.write("-" * 60) ; f.write(nl)
#@ << write the context of p to f >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1465:<< write the context of p to f >>
# write the headlines of p, p's parent and p's grandparent.
context = [] ; p2 = p.copy() ; i = 0
while i < 3:
i += 1
if not p2: break
indent = ""
for line in context:
indent += '\t'
line = g.toEncodedString(line,self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1465:<< write the context of p to f >>
f.write("-" * 60) ; f.write(nl)
s = g.toEncodedString(s,self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
f.write(s.rstrip() + nl)
#@+node:ekr.20090122201952.4:appendStringToBody & setBodyString (leoImport)
def appendStringToBody (self,p,s):
'''Similar to c.appendStringToBody,
but does not recolor the text or redraw the screen.'''
if s:
body = p.b
s = g.toUnicode(s,self.encoding)
self.setBodyString(p,body + s)
def setBodyString (self,p,s):
'''Similar to c.setBodyString,
but does not recolor the text or redraw the screen.'''
c = self.c ; v = p.v
if not c or not p: return
s = g.toUnicode(s,self.encoding)
current = c.p
if current and p.v==current.v:
w = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl
i = w.getInsertPoint()
# Keep the body text up-to-date.
if v.b != s:
if not c.isChanged():
#@-node:ekr.20090122201952.4:appendStringToBody & setBodyString (leoImport)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3306:createHeadline (leoImport)
def createHeadline (self,parent,body,headline):
# g.trace("parent,headline:",parent,headline)
# Create the vnode.
p = parent.insertAsLastChild()
body = g.u(body)
headline = g.u(headline)
if len(body) > 0:
return p
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3306:createHeadline (leoImport)
def error (self,s):
def getTabWidth (self,p=None):
c = self.c
if 1:
# Faster, more self-contained.
val = g.scanAllAtTabWidthDirectives(c,p)
return val
d = c.scanAllDirectives(p)
w = d.get("tabwidth")
if w not in (0,None):
return w
return self.c.tab_width
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3309:isDocStart and isModuleStart
# The start of a document part or module in a noweb or cweb file.
# Exporters may have to test for @doc as well.
def isDocStart (self,s,i):
if not g.match(s,i,"@"):
return False
j = g.skip_ws(s,i+1)
if g.match(s,j,"%defs"):
return False
elif self.webType == "cweb" and g.match(s,i,"@*"):
return True
return g.match(s,i,"@ ") or g.match(s,i,"@\t") or g.match(s,i,"@\n")
def isModuleStart (self,s,i):
if self.isDocStart(s,i):
return True
return self.webType == "cweb" and (
g.match(s,i,"@c") or g.match(s,i,"@p") or
g.match(s,i,"@d") or g.match(s,i,"@f"))
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3309:isDocStart and isModuleStart
def massageWebBody (self,s):
theType = self.webType
lb = g.choose(theType=="cweb","@<","<<")
rb = g.choose(theType=="cweb","@>",">>")
#@ << Remove most newlines from @space and @* sections >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3313:<< Remove most newlines from @space and @* sections >>
i = 0
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isDocStart(s,i):
# Scan to end of the doc part.
if g.match(s,i,"@ %def"):
# Don't remove the newline following %def
i = g.skip_line(s,i) ; start = end = i
start = end = i ; i += 2
while i < len(s):
progress2 = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isModuleStart(s,i) or g.match(s,i,lb):
end = i ; break
elif theType == "cweb": i += 1
else: i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s,i)
assert (i > progress2)
# Remove newlines from start to end.
doc = s[start:end]
doc = doc.replace("\n"," ")
doc = doc.replace("\r","")
doc = doc.strip()
if doc and len(doc) > 0:
if doc == "@":
doc = g.choose(self.webType=="cweb", "@ ","@\n")
doc += "\n\n"
# g.trace("new doc:",doc)
s = s[:start] + doc + s[end:]
i = start + len(doc)
else: i = g.skip_line(s,i)
assert (i > progress)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3313:<< Remove most newlines from @space and @* sections >>
#@ << Replace abbreviated names with full names >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3314:<< Replace abbreviated names with full names >>
i = 0
while i < len(s):
progress = i
# g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
if g.match(s,i,lb):
i += 2 ; j = i ; k = g.find_on_line(s,j,rb)
if k > -1:
name = s[j:k]
name2 = self.cstLookup(name)
if name != name2:
# Replace name by name2 in s.
# g.trace("replacing %s by %s" % (name,name2))
s = s[:j] + name2 + s[k:]
i = j + len(name2)
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
assert (i > progress)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3314:<< Replace abbreviated names with full names >>
s = s.rstrip()
return s
#@+node:ekr.20080211085914:scanDefaultDirectory (leoImport)
def scanDefaultDirectory(self,p):
"""Set the default_directory ivar by looking for @path directives."""
c = self.c
self.default_directory, error = g.setDefaultDirectory(c,p,importing=False)
if error: self.error(error)
#@-node:ekr.20080211085914:scanDefaultDirectory (leoImport)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1463:setEncoding (leoImport)
def setEncoding (self,p=None,atAuto=False):
# c.scanAllDirectives checks the encoding: may return None.
c = self.c
if p is None: p = c.p
theDict = c.scanAllDirectives(p)
encoding = theDict.get("encoding")
if encoding and g.isValidEncoding(encoding):
self.encoding = encoding
elif atAuto:
self.encoding = c.config.default_at_auto_file_encoding
self.encoding = 'utf-8'
# g.trace(self.encoding)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1463:setEncoding (leoImport)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3210:createOutline (leoImport)
def createOutline (self,fileName,parent,
c = self.c ; u = c.undoer ; s1 = s
w = c.frame.body
# New in Leo 4.4.7: honor @path directives.
self.scanDefaultDirectory(parent) # sets .defaultDirectory.
fileName = c.os_path_finalize_join(self.default_directory,fileName)
junk,self.fileName = g.os_path_split(fileName)
self.methodName,self.fileType = g.os_path_splitext(self.fileName)
if not ext: ext = self.fileType
ext = ext.lower()
if not s:
if atShadow: kind = '@shadow '
elif atAuto: kind = '@auto '
else: kind = ''
s,e = g.readFileIntoString(fileName,encoding=self.encoding,kind=kind)
if s is None: return None
if e: self.encoding = e
# Create the top-level headline.
if atAuto:
p = parent.copy()
undoData = u.beforeInsertNode(parent)
p = parent.insertAsLastChild()
if self.treeType == "@file":
p.initHeadString("@file " + fileName)
# @root nodes don't have @root in the headline.
self.rootLine = g.choose(self.treeType=="@file","","@root-code "+self.fileName+'\n')
if p.isAtAutoRstNode(): # @auto-rst is independent of file extension.
func = self.scanRstText
func = self.importDispatchDict.get(ext)
if func and not c.config.getBool('suppress_import_parsing',default=False):
# Just copy the file to the parent node.
if atAuto:
# Remember that we have read this file.
# Fixes bug 488894: unsettling dialog when saving Leo file
# after creating and populating an @auto node.
# Important: this often sets the bit in the wrong node:
# The caller may have to set the bit in the "real" root node.
p.v.at_read = True # Create the attribute
return p
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3210:createOutline (leoImport)
#@+node:ekr.20070806111212:readAtAutoNodes (importCommands) & helper
def readAtAutoNodes (self):
c = self.c
p = c.p ; after = p.nodeAfterTree()
found = False
while p and p != after:
if p.isAtAutoNode():
if p.isAtIgnoreNode():
found = True
message = g.choose(found,'finished','no @auto nodes in the selected tree')
#@+node:ekr.20070807084545:readOneAtAutoNode (leoImport)
def readOneAtAutoNode(self,p):
'''Read the @auto node at p'''
c = self.c
# Delete all children.
while p.hasChildren():
# 2010/01/15: Remember that we have read this file.
# http://groups.google.com/group/leo-editor/browse_thread/thread/b77b5260854ffbf6
# Important: createOutline usually sets the bit in the wrong node.
p.v.at_read = True # Create the attribute
# Force an update of the body pane.
#@-node:ekr.20070807084545:readOneAtAutoNode (leoImport)
#@-node:ekr.20070806111212:readAtAutoNodes (importCommands) & helper
def importDerivedFiles (self,parent=None,paths=None):
# Not a command. It must *not* have an event arg.
c = self.c ; u = c.undoer ; command = 'Import'
at = c.atFileCommands ; current = c.p
self.tab_width = self.getTabWidth()
if not paths: return
for fileName in paths:
#@ << set isThin if fileName is a thin derived file >>
#@+node:ekr.20040930135204:<< set isThin if fileName is a thin derived file >>
fileName = g.os_path_normpath(fileName)
theFile = open(fileName,'rb')
isThin = at.scanHeaderForThin(theFile,fileName)
except IOError:
isThin = False
#@-node:ekr.20040930135204:<< set isThin if fileName is a thin derived file >>
undoData = u.beforeInsertNode(parent)
p = parent.insertAfter()
if isThin:
p.initHeadString("@thin " + fileName)
p.initHeadString("Imported @file " + fileName)
def importFilesCommand (self,files=None,treeType=None):
# Not a command. It must *not* have an event arg.
c = self.c
if c == None: return
v = current = c.currentVnode()
if current == None: return
if len(files) < 1: return
self.tab_width = self.getTabWidth() # New in 4.3.
self.treeType = treeType
if len(files) == 2:
#@ << Create a parent for two files having a common prefix >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3213:<< Create a parent for two files having a common prefix >>
# The two filenames have a common prefix everything
# before the last period is the same. For example, x.h
# and x.cpp.
name0 = files[0]
name1 = files[1]
prefix0, junk = g.os_path_splitext(name0)
prefix1, junk = g.os_path_splitext(name1)
if len(prefix0) > 0 and prefix0 == prefix1:
current = current.insertAsLastChild()
# junk, nameExt = g.os_path_split(prefix1)
name,junk = g.os_path_splitext(prefix1)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3213:<< Create a parent for two files having a common prefix >>
for fileName in files:
v = self.createOutline(fileName,current)
if v: # createOutline may fail.
if not g.unitTesting:
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3214:importFlattenedOutline & allies
# Used by paste logic.
def convertMoreStringToOutlineAfter (self,s,first_p):
s = s.replace("\r","")
strings = s.split("\n")
return self.convertMoreStringsToOutlineAfter(strings,first_p)
# Almost all the time spent in this command is spent here.
def convertMoreStringsToOutlineAfter (self,strings,first_p):
c = self.c
if len(strings) == 0: return None
if not self.stringsAreValidMoreFile(strings): return None
firstLevel, junk = self.moreHeadlineLevel(strings[0])
lastLevel = -1 ; theRoot = last_p = None
index = 0
while index < len(strings):
progress = index
s = strings[index]
level,junk = self.moreHeadlineLevel(s)
level -= firstLevel
if level >= 0:
#@ << Link a new position p into the outline >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3216:<< Link a new position p into the outline >>
assert(level >= 0)
if not last_p:
# g.trace(first_p)
theRoot = p = first_p.insertAfter()
elif level == lastLevel:
p = last_p.insertAfter()
elif level == lastLevel + 1:
p = last_p.insertAsNthChild(0)
assert(level < lastLevel)
while level < lastLevel:
lastLevel -= 1
last_p = last_p.parent()
assert(lastLevel >= 0)
p = last_p.insertAfter()
last_p = p
lastLevel = level
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3216:<< Link a new position p into the outline >>
#@ << Set the headline string, skipping over the leader >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3217:<< Set the headline string, skipping over the leader >>
j = 0
while g.match(s,j,'\t'):
j += 1
if g.match(s,j,"+ ") or g.match(s,j,"- "):
j += 2
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3217:<< Set the headline string, skipping over the leader >>
#@ << Count the number of following body lines >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3218:<< Count the number of following body lines >>
bodyLines = 0
index += 1 # Skip the headline.
while index < len(strings):
s = strings[index]
level, junk = self.moreHeadlineLevel(s)
level -= firstLevel
if level >= 0:
# Remove first backslash of the body line.
if g.match(s,0,'\\'):
strings[index] = s[1:]
bodyLines += 1
index += 1
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3218:<< Count the number of following body lines >>
#@ << Add the lines to the body text of p >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3219:<< Add the lines to the body text of p >>
if bodyLines > 0:
body = ""
n = index - bodyLines
while n < index:
body += strings[n]
if n != index - 1:
body += "\n"
n += 1
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3219:<< Add the lines to the body text of p >>
else: index += 1
assert progress < index
if theRoot:
return theRoot
def importFlattenedOutline (self,files): # Not a command, so no event arg.
c = self.c ; u = c.undoer ; current = c.p
if current == None: return
if len(files) < 1: return
fileName = files[0] # files contains at most one file.
s,e = g.readFileIntoString(fileName)
if s is None: return
array = s.split("\n")
# Convert the string to an outline and insert it after the current node.
undoData = u.beforeInsertNode(current)
p = self.convertMoreStringsToOutlineAfter(array,current)
if p:
g.es("not a valid MORE file",fileName)
# return the headline level of s,or -1 if the string is not a MORE headline.
def moreHeadlineLevel (self,s):
level = 0 ; i = 0
while g.match(s,i,'\t'):
level += 1
i += 1
plusFlag = g.choose(g.match(s,i,"+"),True,False)
if g.match(s,i,"+ ") or g.match(s,i,"- "):
return level, plusFlag
return -1, plusFlag
# Used by paste logic.
def stringIsValidMoreFile (self,s):
s = s.replace("\r","")
strings = s.split("\n")
return self.stringsAreValidMoreFile(strings)
def stringsAreValidMoreFile (self,strings):
if len(strings) < 1: return False
level1, plusFlag = self.moreHeadlineLevel(strings[0])
if level1 == -1: return False
# Check the level of all headlines.
i = 0 ; lastLevel = level1
while i < len(strings):
s = strings[i] ; i += 1
level, newFlag = self.moreHeadlineLevel(s)
if level > 0:
if level < level1 or level > lastLevel + 1:
return False # improper level.
elif level > lastLevel and not plusFlag:
return False # parent of this node has no children.
elif level == lastLevel and plusFlag:
return False # last node has missing child.
lastLevel = level
plusFlag = newFlag
return True
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3214:importFlattenedOutline & allies
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3224:importWebCommand & allies
def createOutlineFromWeb (self,path,parent):
c = self.c ; u = c.undoer
junk,fileName = g.os_path_split(path)
undoData = u.beforeInsertNode(parent)
# Create the top-level headline.
p = parent.insertAsLastChild()
if self.webType=="cweb":
self.setBodyString(p,"@ignore\n" + self.rootLine + "@language cweb")
# Scan the file, creating one section for each function definition.
return p
def importWebCommand (self,files,webType):
c = self.c ; current = c.p
if current == None: return
if not files: return
self.tab_width = self.getTabWidth() # New in 4.3.
self.webType = webType
for fileName in files:
p = self.createOutlineFromWeb(fileName,current)
def findFunctionDef (self,s,i):
# Look at the next non-blank line for a function name.
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
k = g.skip_line(s,i)
name = None
while i < k:
if g.is_c_id(s[i]):
j = i ; i = g.skip_c_id(s,i) ; name = s[j:i]
elif s[i] == '(':
if name: return name
else: break
else: i += 1
return None
# This method returns the proper headline text.
# 1. If s contains a section def, return the section ref.
# 2. cweb only: if s contains @c, return the function name
# following the @c.
# 3. cweb only: if s contains @d name, returns @d name.
# 4. Otherwise, returns "@"
def scanBodyForHeadline (self,s):
if self.webType == "cweb":
#@ << scan cweb body for headline >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3229:<< scan cweb body for headline >>
i = 0
while i < len(s):
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
# line = g.get_line(s,i) ; g.trace(line)
# Allow constructs such as @ @c, or @ @<.
if self.isDocStart(s,i):
i += 2 ; i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.match(s,i,"@d") or g.match(s,i,"@f"):
# Look for a macro name.
directive = s[i:i+2]
i = g.skip_ws(s,i+2) # skip the @d or @f
if i < len(s) and g.is_c_id(s[i]):
j = i ; g.skip_c_id(s,i) ; return s[j:i]
else: return directive
elif g.match(s,i,"@c") or g.match(s,i,"@p"):
# Look for a function def.
name = self.findFunctionDef(s,i+2)
return g.choose(name,name,"outer function")
elif g.match(s,i,"@<"):
# Look for a section def.
# A small bug: the section def must end on this line.
j = i ; k = g.find_on_line(s,i,"@>")
if k > -1 and (g.match(s,k+2,"+=") or g.match(s,k+2,"=")):
return s[j:k+2] # return the section ref.
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3229:<< scan cweb body for headline >>
#@ << scan noweb body for headline >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3230:<< scan noweb body for headline >>
i = 0
while i < len(s):
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
# line = g.get_line(s,i) ; g.trace(line)
if g.match(s,i,"<<"):
k = g.find_on_line(s,i,">>=")
if k > -1:
ref = s[i:k+2]
name = s[i+2:k].strip()
if name != "@others":
return ref
name = self.findFunctionDef(s,i)
if name:
return name
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3230:<< scan noweb body for headline >>
return "@" # default.
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3231:scanWebFile (handles limbo)
def scanWebFile (self,fileName,parent):
theType = self.webType
lb = g.choose(theType=="cweb","@<","<<")
rb = g.choose(theType=="cweb","@>",">>")
s,e = g.readFileIntoString(fileName)
if s is None: return
#@ << Create a symbol table of all section names >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3232:<< Create a symbol table of all section names >>
i = 0 ; self.web_st = []
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
# line = g.get_line(s,i) ; g.trace(line)
if self.isDocStart(s,i):
if theType == "cweb": i += 2
else: i = g.skip_line(s,i)
elif theType == "cweb" and g.match(s,i,"@@"):
i += 2
elif g.match(s,i,lb):
i += 2 ; j = i ; k = g.find_on_line(s,j,rb)
if k > -1: self.cstEnter(s[j:k])
else: i += 1
assert (i > progress)
# g.trace(self.cstDump())
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3232:<< Create a symbol table of all section names >>
#@ << Create nodes for limbo text and the root section >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3233:<< Create nodes for limbo text and the root section >>
i = 0
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isModuleStart(s,i) or g.match(s,i,lb):
else: i = g.skip_line(s,i)
assert(i > progress)
j = g.skip_ws(s,0)
if j < i:
self.createHeadline(parent,"@ " + s[j:i],"Limbo")
j = i
if g.match(s,i,lb):
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isModuleStart(s,i):
else: i = g.skip_line(s,i)
assert(i > progress)
self.createHeadline(parent,s[j:i],g.angleBrackets(" @ "))
# g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3233:<< Create nodes for limbo text and the root section >>
while i < len(s):
outer_progress = i
#@ << Create a node for the next module >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3234:<< Create a node for the next module >>
if theType=="cweb":
start = i
if self.isDocStart(s,i):
i += 2
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isModuleStart(s,i): break
else: i = g.skip_line(s,i)
assert (i > progress)
#@ << Handle cweb @d, @f, @c and @p directives >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3235:<< Handle cweb @d, @f, @c and @p directives >>
if g.match(s,i,"@d") or g.match(s,i,"@f"):
i += 2 ; i = g.skip_line(s,i)
# Place all @d and @f directives in the same node.
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if g.match(s,i,"@d") or g.match(s,i,"@f"): i = g.skip_line(s,i)
else: break
assert (i > progress)
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
while i < len(s) and not self.isModuleStart(s,i):
progress = i
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
assert (i > progress)
if g.match(s,i,"@c") or g.match(s,i,"@p"):
i += 2
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_line(s,i)
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isModuleStart(s,i):
assert (i > progress)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3235:<< Handle cweb @d, @f, @c and @p directives >>
assert(self.isDocStart(s,i)) # isModuleStart == isDocStart for noweb.
start = i ; i = g.skip_line(s,i)
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if self.isDocStart(s,i): break
else: i = g.skip_line(s,i)
assert (i > progress)
body = s[start:i]
body = self.massageWebBody(body)
headline = self.scanBodyForHeadline(body)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3234:<< Create a node for the next module >>
assert(i > outer_progress)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3231:scanWebFile (handles limbo)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3236:Symbol table
# We canonicalize strings before looking them up, but strings are entered in the form they are first encountered.
def cstCanonicalize (self,s,lower=True):
if lower:
s = s.lower()
s = s.replace("\t"," ").replace("\r","")
s = s.replace("\n"," ").replace(" "," ")
return s.strip()
def cstDump (self):
s = "Web Symbol Table...\n\n"
for name in sorted(self.web_st):
s += name + "\n"
return s
# We only enter the section name into the symbol table if the ... convention is not used.
def cstEnter (self,s):
# Don't enter names that end in "..."
s = s.rstrip()
if s.endswith("..."): return
# Put the section name in the symbol table, retaining capitalization.
lower = self.cstCanonicalize(s,True) # do lower
upper = self.cstCanonicalize(s,False) # don't lower.
for name in self.web_st:
if name.lower() == lower:
# This method returns a string if the indicated string is a prefix of an entry in the web_st.
def cstLookup (self,target):
# Do nothing if the ... convention is not used.
target = target.strip()
if not target.endswith("..."): return target
# Canonicalize the target name, and remove the trailing "..."
ctarget = target[:-3]
ctarget = self.cstCanonicalize(ctarget).strip()
found = False ; result = target
for s in self.web_st:
cs = self.cstCanonicalize(s)
if cs[:len(ctarget)] == ctarget:
if found:
g.es('',"****** %s" % (target),"is also a prefix of",s)
found = True ; result = s
# g.es("replacing",target,"with",s)
return result
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3236:Symbol table
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3224:importWebCommand & allies
#@+node:ekr.20070713075450:Unit tests
# atAuto must be False for unit tests: otherwise the test gets wiped out.
def cUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest(p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.c')
def cSharpUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest(p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.c#')
def elispUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.el')
def htmlUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.htm')
def javaUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.java')
def javaScriptUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.js')
def pascalUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.pas')
def phpUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.php')
def pythonUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.py')
def rstUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.rst')
def textUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.txt')
def xmlUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.xml')
def defaultImporterUnitTest(self,p,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
return self.scannerUnitTest (p,atAuto=False,fileName=fileName,s=s,showTree=showTree,ext='.xxx')
def scannerUnitTest (self,p,atAuto=False,ext=None,fileName=None,s=None,showTree=False):
'''Run a unit test of an import scanner,
i.e., create a tree from stringsatlocationp. import
c = self.c ; h = p.h ; old_root = p.copy()
oldChanged = c.changed
d = g.app.unitTestDict
expectedErrors = d.get('expectedErrors')
expectedErrorMessage = d.get('expectedErrorMessage')
expectedMismatchLine = d.get('expectedMismatchLine')
g.app.unitTestDict = {
if not fileName: fileName = p.h
if not s: s = self.removeSentinelsCommand([fileName],toString=True)
title = g.choose(h.startswith('@test'),h[5:],h)
d = g.app.unitTestDict
ok = ((d.get('result') and expectedErrors in (None,0)) or
# checkTrialWrite returns *True* if the following match.
# d.get('result') == False and
d.get('actualErrors') == d.get('expectedErrors') and
d.get('actualMismatchLine') == d.get('expectedMismatchLine') and
(expectedErrorMessage is None or d.get('actualErrorMessage') == d.get('expectedErrorMessage'))
if not ok:
'expectedMismatchLine', d.get('expectedMismatchLine'),
'\nactualErrorMessage ',d.get('actualErrorMessage'),
if not showTree and ok:
while old_root.hasChildren():
if g.app.unitTesting:
assert ok
return ok
#@-node:ekr.20070713075450:Unit tests
#@+node:ekr.20071127175948.1:Import scanners
def scanCText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = cScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanCSharpText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = cSharpScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanElispText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = elispScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanJavaText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = javaScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanJavaScriptText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = javaScriptScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanPascalText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = pascalScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanPHPText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = phpScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanPythonText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = pythonScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanRstText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
scanner = rstScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
def scanXmlText (self,s,parent,atAuto=False):
# g.trace(atAuto,parent.h)
scanner = xmlScanner(importCommands=self,atAuto=atAuto)
#@+node:ekr.20070713075352:scanUnknownFileType (default scanner) & helper
def scanUnknownFileType (self,s,p,ext,atAuto=False):
c = self.c
changed = c.isChanged()
body = g.choose(atAuto,'','@ignore\n')
if ext in ('.html','.htm'): body += '@language html\n'
elif ext in ('.txt','.text'): body += '@nocolor\n'
language = self.languageForExtension(ext)
if language: body += '@language %s\n' % language
self.setBodyString(p,body + self.rootLine + self.escapeFalseSectionReferences(s))
if atAuto:
for p in p.self_and_subtree():
if not changed:
g.app.unitTestDict = {'result':True}
def languageForExtension (self,ext):
'''Return the language corresponding to the extensiion ext.'''
unknown = 'unknown_language'
if ext.startswith('.'): ext = ext[1:]
if ext:
z = g.app.extra_extension_dict.get(ext)
if z not in (None,'none','None'):
language = z
language = g.app.extension_dict.get(ext)
if language in (None,'none','None'):
language = unknown
language = unknown
# g.trace(ext,repr(language))
# Return the language even if there is no colorizer mode for it.
return language
#@-node:ekr.20070713075352:scanUnknownFileType (default scanner) & helper
#@-node:ekr.20071127175948.1:Import scanners
#@-node:ekr.20071127175948:<< class leoImportCommands >>
#@<< class baseScannerClass >>
#@+node:ekr.20070703122141.65:<< class baseScannerClass >>
class baseScannerClass (scanUtility):
'''The base class for all import scanner classes.
This class contains common utility methods.'''
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto,language):
ic = importCommands
self.atAuto = atAuto
self.c = c = ic.c
self.atAutoWarnsAboutLeadingWhitespace = c.config.getBool('at_auto_warns_about_leading_whitespace')
self.classId = None # The identifier containing the class tag: 'class', 'interface', 'namespace', etc.
self.codeEnd = None
# The character after the last character of the class, method or function.
# An error will be given if this is not a newline.
self.encoding = ic.encoding
self.errors = 0
ic.errors = 0
self.errorLines = []
self.escapeSectionRefs = True
self.extraIdChars = ''
self.fileName = ic.fileName # The original filename.
self.fileType = ic.fileType # The extension, '.py', '.c', etc.
self.file_s = '' # The complete text to be parsed.
self.fullChecks = c.config.getBool('full_import_checks')
self.functionSpelling = 'function' # for error message.
self.importCommands = ic
self.indentRefFlag = None # None, True or False.
self.isRst = False
self.language = language
self.lastParent = None # The last generated parent node (used only by rstScanner).
self.methodName = ic.methodName # x, as in < < x methods > > =
self.methodsSeen = False
self.mismatchWarningGiven = False
self.output_newline = ic.output_newline # = c.config.getBool('output_newline')
self.output_indent = 0 # The minimum indentation presently in effect.
self.root = None # The top-level node of the generated tree.
self.rootLine = ic.rootLine # '' or @root + self.fileName
self.sigEnd = None # The index of the end of the signature.
self.sigId = None # The identifier contained in the signature, i.e., the function or method name.
self.sigStart = None
# The start of the line containing the signature.
# An error will be given if something other than whitespace precedes the signature.
self.startSigIndent = None
self.tab_width = None # Set in run: the tab width in effect in the c.currentPosition.
self.tab_ws = '' # Set in run: the whitespace equivalent to one tab.
self.trace = False or ic.trace # = c.config.getBool('trace_import')
self.treeType = ic.treeType # '@root' or '@file'
self.webType = ic.webType # 'cweb' or 'noweb'
# Compute language ivars.
delim1,junk,junk = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
self.comment_delim = delim1
# May be overridden in subclasses.
self.anonymousClasses = [] # For Delphi Pascal interfaces.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = None
self.blockCommentDelim2 = None
self.blockCommentDelim1_2 = None
self.blockCommentDelim2_2 = None
self.blockDelim1 = '{'
self.blockDelim2 = '}'
self.blockDelim2Cruft = [] # Stuff that can follow .blockDelim2.
self.classTags = ['class',] # tags that start a tag.
self.functionTags = []
self.hasClasses = True
self.hasFunctions = True
self.lineCommentDelim = None
self.lineCommentDelim2 = None
self.outerBlockDelim1 = None
self.outerBlockDelim2 = None
self.outerBlockEndsDecls = True
self.sigHeadExtraTokens = [] # Extra tokens valid in head of signature.
self.sigFailTokens = []
# A list of strings that abort a signature when seen in a tail.
# For example, ';' and '=' in C.
self.strict = False # True if leading whitespace is very significant.
def check (self,unused_s,unused_parent):
'''Make sure the generated nodes are equivalent to the original file.
1. Regularize and check leading whitespace.
2. Check that a trial write produces the original file.
Return True if the nodes are equivalent to the original file.
if self.fullChecks and self.treeType == '@file':
return self.checkTrialWrite()
return True
#@+node:ekr.20070703122141.104:checkTrialWrite (baseScannerClass)
def checkTrialWrite (self,s1=None,s2=None):
'''Return True if a trial write produces the original file.'''
# s1 and s2 are for unit testing.
c = self.c ; at = c.atFileCommands
if s1 is None and s2 is None:
if self.isRst:
outputFile = StringIO()
s1,s2 = self.file_s,outputFile.getvalue()
s1,s2 = self.file_s, at.stringOutput
s1 = g.toUnicode(s1,self.encoding)
s2 = g.toUnicode(s2,self.encoding)
# Make sure we have a trailing newline in both strings.
s1 = s1.replace('\r','')
s2 = s2.replace('\r','')
if not s1.endswith('\n'): s1 = s1 + '\n'
if not s2.endswith('\n'): s2 = s2 + '\n'
if s1 == s2: return True
lines1 = g.splitLines(s1)
lines2 = g.splitLines(s2)
if self.isRst:
lines1 = self.adjustRstLines(lines1)
lines2 = self.adjustRstLines(lines2)
n1,n2 = len(lines1), len(lines2)
ok = True ; bad_i = 0
for i in range(max(n1,n2)):
ok = self.compareHelper(lines1,lines2,i,self.strict)
if not ok:
bad_i = i
if g.app.unitTesting:
d = g.app.unitTestDict
# g.trace('expected',d.get('expectedMismatchLine'),'actual',d.get('actualMismatchLine'))
ok = d.get('expectedMismatchLine') == d.get('actualMismatchLine')
# Unit tests do not generate errors unless the mismatch line does not match.
if not ok: d['fail'] = g.callers() # 2008/10/3
if not ok:
return ok
#@-node:ekr.20070703122141.104:checkTrialWrite (baseScannerClass)
#@+node:ekr.20070730093735:compareHelper & helpers
def compareHelper (self,lines1,lines2,i,strict):
'''Compare lines1[i] and lines2[i].
strict is True if leading whitespace is very significant.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
def pr(*args,**keys): #compareHelper
def pr_mismatch(i,line1,line2):
g.es_print('first mismatched line at line',str(i+1))
g.es_print('original line: ',line1)
g.es_print('generated line:',line2)
d = g.app.unitTestDict
expectedMismatch = g.app.unitTesting and d.get('expectedMismatchLine')
enableWarning = not self.mismatchWarningGiven and self.atAutoWarnsAboutLeadingWhitespace
messageKind = None
if i >= len(lines1):
if i != expectedMismatch or not g.unitTesting:
pr('extra lines')
for line in lines2[i:]:
d ['actualMismatchLine'] = i
return False
if i >= len(lines2):
if i != expectedMismatch or not g.unitTesting:
g.es_print('missing lines')
for line in lines2[i:]:
d ['actualMismatchLine'] = i
return False
line1,line2 = lines1[i],lines2[i]
if line1 == line2:
return True # An exact match.
elif not line1.strip() and not line2.strip():
return True # Blank lines compare equal.
elif self.isRst and self.compareRstUnderlines(line1,line2):
return True
elif strict:
s1,s2 = line1.lstrip(),line2.lstrip()
messageKind = g.choose(
s1 == s2 and self.startsComment(s1,0) and self.startsComment(s2,0),
s1,s2 = line1.lstrip(),line2.lstrip()
messageKind = g.choose(s1==s2,'warning','error')
# if trace:
# g.es_print('original line: ',line1)
# g.es_print('generated line:',line2)
# return True # continue checking.
if g.unitTesting:
d ['actualMismatchLine'] = i+1
ok = i+1 == expectedMismatch
if not ok: pr_mismatch(i,line1,line2)
return ok
elif strict:
if enableWarning:
self.mismatchWarningGiven = True
if messageKind == 'comment':
self.warning('mismatch in leading whitespace before comment')
self.error('mismatch in leading whitespace')
return messageKind == 'comment' # Only mismatched comment lines are valid.
if enableWarning:
self.mismatchWarningGiven = True
self.warning('mismatch in leading whitespace')
return messageKind in ('comment','warning') # Only errors are invalid.
def adjustRstLines(self,lines):
'''Ignore newlines.
This fudge allows the rst code generators to insert needed newlines freely.'''
return [z for z in lines if z.strip() != '']
def compareRstUnderlines(self,s1,s2):
s1,s2 = s1.rstrip(),s2.rstrip()
if s1 == s2:
return True # Don't worry about trailing whitespace.
n1, n2 = len(s1),len(s2)
ch1 = n1 and s1[0] or ''
ch2 = n2 and s2[0] or ''
val = (
n1 >= 2 and n2 >= 2 and # Underlinings must be at least 2 long.
ch1 == ch2 and # The underlining characters must match.
s1 == ch1 * n1 and # The line must consist only of underlining characters.
s2 == ch2 * n2)
return val
#@-node:ekr.20070730093735:compareHelper & helpers
def checkLeadingWhitespace (self,line):
tab_width = self.tab_width
lws = line[0:g.skip_ws(line,0)]
w = g.computeWidth(lws,tab_width)
ok = (w % abs(tab_width)) == 0
if not ok:
self.report('leading whitespace not consistent with @tabwidth %d' % tab_width)
return ok
def reportMismatch (self,lines1,lines2,bad_i):
kind = g.choose(self.atAuto,'@auto','import command')
n1,n2 = len(lines1),len(lines2)
'%s did not import %s perfectly\nfirst mismatched line: %d' % (
aList = []
for i in range(max(0,bad_i-2),min(bad_i+3,max(n1,n2))):
for lines,n in ((lines1,n1),(lines2,n2)):
if i < n: line = repr(lines[i])
else: line = '<eof>'
aList.append('%4d %s' % (i,line))
if not g.unitTesting:
return False
#@+node:ekr.20070706084535:Code generation
# None of these methods should ever need to be overridden in
# subclasses.
def adjustParent (self,parent,headline):
'''Return the effective parent.
This is overridden by the rstScanner class.'''
return parent
def addRef (self,parent):
'''Create an unindented @others or section reference in the parent node.'''
c = self.c
if self.isRst and not self.atAuto:
if self.treeType == '@file':
if self.treeType == '@root' and self.methodsSeen:
g.angleBrackets(' ' + self.methodName + ' methods ') + '\n\n')
#@+node:ekr.20090122201952.6:appendStringToBody & setBodyString (baseScannerClass)
def appendStringToBody (self,p,s):
'''Similar to c.appendStringToBody,
but does not recolor the text or redraw the screen.'''
return self.importCommands.appendStringToBody(p,s)
def setBodyString (self,p,s):
'''Similar to c.setBodyString,
but does not recolor the text or redraw the screen.'''
return self.importCommands.setBodyString(p,s)
#@-node:ekr.20090122201952.6:appendStringToBody & setBodyString (baseScannerClass)
#@+node:ekr.20090512153903.5806:computeBody (baseScannerClass)
def computeBody (self,s,start,sigStart,codeEnd):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
body1 = s[start:sigStart]
# Adjust start backwards to get a better undent.
if body1.strip():
while start > 0 and s[start-1] in (' ','\t'):
start -= 1
body1 = self.undentBody(s[start:sigStart],ignoreComments=False)
body2 = self.undentBody(s[sigStart:codeEnd])
body = body1 + body2
if trace: g.trace('body: %s' % repr(body))
tail = body[len(body.rstrip()):]
if not '\n' in tail:
'%s %s does not end with a newline; one will be added\n%s' % (
return body
#@-node:ekr.20090512153903.5806:computeBody (baseScannerClass)
def createDeclsNode (self,parent,s):
'''Create a child node of parent containing s.'''
# Create the node for the decls.
headline = '%s declarations' % self.methodName
body = self.undentBody(s)
def createFunctionNode (self,headline,body,parent):
# Create the prefix line for @root trees.
if self.treeType == '@file':
prefix = ''
prefix = g.angleBrackets(' ' + headline + ' methods ') + '=\n\n'
self.methodsSeen = True
# Create the node.
return self.createHeadline(parent,prefix + body,headline)
#@+node:ekr.20070703122141.77:createHeadline (baseScannerClass)
def createHeadline (self,parent,body,headline):
return self.importCommands.createHeadline(parent,body,headline)
#@-node:ekr.20070703122141.77:createHeadline (baseScannerClass)
def endGen (self,s):
'''Do any language-specific post-processing.'''
def getLeadingIndent (self,s,i,ignoreComments=True):
'''Return the leading whitespace of a line.
Ignore blank and comment lines if ignoreComments is True'''
width = 0
i = g.find_line_start(s,i)
if ignoreComments:
while i < len(s):
# g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
j = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.is_nl(s,j) or g.match(s,j,self.comment_delim):
i = g.skip_line(s,i) # ignore blank lines and comment lines.
i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s,i,self.tab_width)
i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s,i,self.tab_width)
# g.trace('returns:',width)
return width
def indentBody (self,s,lws=None):
'''Add whitespace equivalent to one tab for all non-blank lines of s.'''
result = []
if not lws: lws = self.tab_ws
for line in g.splitLines(s):
if line.strip():
result.append(lws + line)
elif line.endswith('\n'):
result = ''.join(result)
return result
def insertIgnoreDirective (self,parent):
if not g.unitTesting:
g.es_print('inserting @ignore',color='blue')
#@+node:ekr.20070707113832.1:putClass & helpers
def putClass (self,s,i,sigEnd,codeEnd,start,parent):
'''Creates a child node c of parent for the class,
and a child of c for each def in the class.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
if trace:
# g.trace('tab_width',self.tab_width)
# Enter a new class 1: save the old class info.
oldMethodName = self.methodName
oldStartSigIndent = self.startSigIndent
# Enter a new class 2: init the new class info.
self.indentRefFlag = None
class_kind = self.classId
class_name = self.sigId
headline = '%s %s' % (class_kind,class_name)
headline = headline.strip()
self.methodName = headline
# Compute the starting lines of the class.
prefix = self.createClassNodePrefix()
if not self.sigId:
g.trace('Can not happen: no sigId')
self.sigId = 'Unknown class name'
classHead = s[start:sigEnd]
i = self.extendSignature(s,sigEnd)
extend = s[sigEnd:i]
if extend:
classHead = classHead + extend
# Create the class node.
class_node = self.createHeadline(parent,'',headline)
# Remember the indentation of the class line.
undentVal = self.getLeadingIndent(classHead,0)
# Call the helper to parse the inner part of the class.
putRef,bodyIndent,classDelim,decls,trailing = self.putClassHelper(
# g.trace('bodyIndent',bodyIndent,'undentVal',undentVal)
# Set the body of the class node.
ref = putRef and self.getClassNodeRef(class_name) or ''
if trace: g.trace('undentVal',undentVal,'bodyIndent',bodyIndent)
# Give ref the same indentation as the body of the class.
if ref:
bodyWs = g.computeLeadingWhitespace (bodyIndent,self.tab_width)
ref = '%s%s' % (bodyWs,ref)
# Remove the leading whitespace.
result = (
prefix +
self.undentBy(classHead,undentVal) +
self.undentBy(classDelim,undentVal) +
self.undentBy(decls,undentVal) +
self.undentBy(ref,undentVal) +
# Append the result to the class node.
# Exit the new class: restore the previous class info.
self.methodName = oldMethodName
self.startSigIndent = oldStartSigIndent
def appendTextToClassNode (self,class_node,s):
c = self.c
def createClassNodePrefix (self):
'''Create the class node prefix.'''
if self.treeType == '@file':
prefix = ''
prefix = g.angleBrackets(' ' + self.methodName + ' methods ') + '=\n\n'
self.methodsSeen = True
return prefix
def getClassNodeRef (self,class_name):
'''Insert the proper body text in the class_vnode.'''
if self.treeType == '@file':
s = '@others'
s = g.angleBrackets(' class %s methods ' % (class_name))
return '%s\n' % (s)
def putClassHelper(self,s,i,end,class_node):
'''s contains the body of a class, not including the signature.
Parse s for inner methods and classes, and create nodes.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
# Increase the output indentation (used only in startsHelper).
# This allows us to detect over-indented classes and functions.
old_output_indent = self.output_indent
self.output_indent += abs(self.tab_width)
# Parse the decls.
j = i ; i = self.skipDecls(s,i,end,inClass=True)
decls = s[j:i]
# Set the body indent if there are real decls.
bodyIndent = decls.strip() and self.getIndent(s,i) or None
if trace: g.trace('bodyIndent',bodyIndent)
# Parse the rest of the class.
delim1, delim2 = self.outerBlockDelim1, self.outerBlockDelim2
if g.match(s,i,delim1):
# Do *not* use g.skip_ws_and_nl here!
j = g.skip_ws(s,i + len(delim1))
if g.is_nl(s,j): j = g.skip_nl(s,j)
classDelim = s[i:j]
end2 = self.skipBlock(s,i,delim1=delim1,delim2=delim2)
start,putRef,bodyIndent2 = self.scanHelper(s,j,end=end2,parent=class_node,kind='class')
classDelim = ''
start,putRef,bodyIndent2 = self.scanHelper(s,i,end=end,parent=class_node,kind='class')
if bodyIndent is None: bodyIndent = bodyIndent2
# Restore the output indentation.
self.output_indent = old_output_indent
# Return the results.
trailing = s[start:end]
return putRef,bodyIndent,classDelim,decls,trailing
#@-node:ekr.20070707113832.1:putClass & helpers
#@+node:ekr.20070707082432:putFunction (baseScannerClass)
def putFunction (self,s,sigStart,codeEnd,start,parent):
'''Create a node of parent for a function defintion.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = False
# if trace: g.trace(start,sigStart,self.sigEnd,codeEnd)
# Enter a new function: save the old function info.
oldStartSigIndent = self.startSigIndent
if self.sigId:
headline = self.sigId
g.trace('Can not happen: no sigId')
headline = 'unknown function'
body = self.computeBody(s,start,sigStart,codeEnd)
if trace:
if verbose: g.trace('**body...\n',body)
parent = self.adjustParent(parent,headline)
self.lastParent = self.createFunctionNode(headline,body,parent)
# Exit the function: restore the function info.
self.startSigIndent = oldStartSigIndent
#@-node:ekr.20070707082432:putFunction (baseScannerClass)
def putRootText (self,p):
c = self.c
self.appendStringToBody(p,'%s@language %s\n@tabwidth %d\n' % (
def undentBody (self,s,ignoreComments=True):
'''Remove the first line's leading indentation from alllinesofs. import
trace = False
if trace: g.trace('before...\n',g.listToString(g.splitLines(s)))
if self.isRst:
return s # Never unindent rst code.
# Calculate the amount to be removed from each line.
undentVal = self.getLeadingIndent(s,0,ignoreComments=ignoreComments)
if undentVal == 0:
return s
result = self.undentBy(s,undentVal)
if trace: g.trace('after...\n',g.listToString(g.splitLines(result)))
return result
def undentBy (self,s,undentVal):
'''Remove leading whitespace equivalent to undentVal from eachline. import
add an underindentEscapeString for underindented line.'''
trace = False and not g.app.unitTesting
if self.isRst:
return s # Never unindent rst code.
tag = self.c.atFileCommands.underindentEscapeString
result = [] ; tab_width = self.tab_width
for line in g.splitlines(s):
lws_s = g.get_leading_ws(line)
lws = g.computeWidth(lws_s,tab_width)
s = g.removeLeadingWhitespace(line,undentVal,tab_width)
n = lws - undentVal
if s.strip() and lws < undentVal:
if trace: g.trace('undentVal: %s, lws: %s, %s' % (
result.append("%s%s%s" % (tag,undentVal-lws,s.lstrip()))
return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20070801074524:underindentedComment & underindentedLine
def underindentedComment (self,line):
if self.atAutoWarnsAboutLeadingWhitespace:
'underindented python comments.\nExtra leading whitespace will be added\n' + line)
def underindentedLine (self,line):
'underindented line.\nExtra leading whitespace will be added\n' + line)
#@-node:ekr.20070801074524:underindentedComment & underindentedLine
#@-node:ekr.20070706084535:Code generation
#@+node:ekr.20070703122141.78:error, oops, report and warning
def error (self,s):
self.errors += 1
self.importCommands.errors += 1
if g.unitTesting:
if self.errors == 1:
g.app.unitTestDict ['actualErrorMessage'] = s
g.app.unitTestDict ['actualErrors'] = self.errors
if 0: # For debugging unit tests.
def oops (self):
g.pr('baseScannerClass oops: %s must be overridden in subclass' % g.callers())
def report (self,message):
if self.strict: self.error(message)
else: self.warning(message)
def warning (self,s):
if not g.unitTesting:
#@-node:ekr.20070703122141.78:error, oops, report and warning
# Scan and skipDecls would typically not be overridden.
def adjustDefStart (self,unused_s,i):
'''A hook to allow the Python importer to adjust the
start of a class or function to include decorators.'''
return i
def extendSignature(self,unused_s,i):
'''Extend the signature line if appropriate.
The text *must* end with a newline.
For example, the Python scanner appends docstrings if they exist.'''
return i
def getIndent (self,s,i):
j,junk = g.getLine(s,i)
junk,indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s,j,self.tab_width)
return indent
#@+node:ekr.20070706101600:scan & scanHelper
def scan (self,s,parent):
'''A language independent scanner: it uses language-specific helpers.
Create a child of self.root for:
- Leading outer-level declarations.
- Outer-level classes.
- Outer-level functions.
# Init the parser status ivars.
self.methodsSeen = False
# Create the initial body text in the root.
# Parse the decls.
i = self.skipDecls(s,0,len(s),inClass=False)
decls = s[:i]
# Create the decls node.
if decls: self.createDeclsNode(parent,decls)
# Scan the rest of the file.
start,junk,junk = self.scanHelper(s,i,end=len(s),parent=parent,kind='outer')
# Finish adding to the parent's body text.
if start < len(s):
# Do any language-specific post-processing.
def scanHelper(self,s,i,end,parent,kind):
'''Common scanning code used by both scan and putClassHelper.'''
# g.trace(g.callers())
# g.trace('i',i,g.get_line(s,i))
assert kind in ('class','outer')
start = i ; putRef = False ; bodyIndent = None
while i < end:
progress = i
if s[i] in (' ','\t','\n'):
i += 1 # Prevent lookahead below, and speed up the scan.
elif self.startsComment(s,i):
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
elif self.startsString(s,i):
i = self.skipString(s,i)
elif self.startsClass(s,i): # Sets sigStart,sigEnd & codeEnd ivars.
putRef = True
if bodyIndent is None: bodyIndent = self.getIndent(s,i)
end2 = self.codeEnd # putClass may change codeEnd ivar.
i = start = end2
elif self.startsFunction(s,i): # Sets sigStart,sigEnd & codeEnd ivars.
putRef = True
if bodyIndent is None: bodyIndent = self.getIndent(s,i)
i = start = self.codeEnd
elif self.startsId(s,i):
i = self.skipId(s,i)
elif kind == 'outer' and g.match(s,i,self.outerBlockDelim1): # Do this after testing for classes.
i = self.skipBlock(s,i,delim1=self.outerBlockDelim1,delim2=self.outerBlockDelim2)
# Bug fix: 2007/11/8: do *not* set start: we are just skipping the block.
else: i += 1
assert progress < i,'i: %d, ch: %s' % (i,repr(s[i]))
return start,putRef,bodyIndent
#@-node:ekr.20070706101600:scan & scanHelper
def skipArgs (self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip the argument or class list. Return i, ok
kind is in ('class','function')'''
start = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if not g.match(s,i,'('):
return start,kind == 'class'
i = self.skipParens(s,i)
# skipParens skips the ')'
if i >= len(s):
return start,False
return i,True
def skipBlock(self,s,i,delim1=None,delim2=None):
'''Skip from theopeningdelimtopastthematchingclosingdelim. import
If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
start = i
if delim1 is None: delim1 = self.blockDelim1
if delim2 is None: delim2 = self.blockDelim2
match1 = g.choose(len(delim1)==1,g.match,g.match_word)
match2 = g.choose(len(delim2)==1,g.match,g.match_word)
assert match1(s,i,delim1)
level = 0 ; start = i
startIndent = self.startSigIndent
if trace: g.trace('***','startIndent',startIndent,g.callers())
while i < len(s):
progress = i
if g.is_nl(s,i):
backslashNewline = i > 0 and g.match(s,i-1,'\\\n')
i = g.skip_nl(s,i)
if not backslashNewline and not g.is_nl(s,i):
j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s,i,self.tab_width)
line = g.get_line(s,j)
if trace: g.trace('indent',indent,line)
if indent < startIndent and line.strip():
# An non-empty underindented line.
# Issue an error unless it contains just the closing bracket.
if level == 1 and match2(s,j,delim2):
if j not in self.errorLines: # No error yet given.
elif s[i] in (' ','\t',):
i += 1 # speed up the scan.
elif self.startsComment(s,i):
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
elif self.startsString(s,i):
i = self.skipString(s,i)
elif match1(s,i,delim1):
level += 1 ; i += len(delim1)
elif match2(s,i,delim2):
level -= 1 ; i += len(delim2)
# Skip junk following Pascal 'end'
for z in self.blockDelim2Cruft:
i2 = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.match(s,i2,z):
i = i2 + len(z)
if level <= 0:
if trace: g.trace('returns:',repr(s[start:i]))
return i
else: i += 1
assert progress < i
self.error('no block')
if 1:
g.pr('** no block **')
i,j = g.getLine(s,start)
if trace: g.trace('** no block')
return start
def skipCodeBlock (self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip the code block in a function or class definition.'''
trace = False
start = i
i = self.skipBlock(s,i,delim1=None,delim2=None)
if self.sigFailTokens:
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
for z in self.sigFailTokens:
if g.match(s,i,z):
if trace: g.trace('failtoken',z)
return start,False
if i > start:
i = self.skipNewline(s,i,kind)
if trace:
return i,True
#@+node:ekr.20070711104014:skipComment & helper
def skipComment (self,s,i):
'''Skip a comment and return the index of the following character.'''
if g.match(s,i,self.lineCommentDelim) or g.match(s,i,self.lineCommentDelim2):
return g.skip_to_end_of_line(s,i)
return self.skipBlockComment(s,i)
def skipBlockComment (self,s,i):
'''Skip past a block comment.'''
start = i
# Skip the opening delim.
if g.match(s,i,self.blockCommentDelim1):
delim2 = self.blockCommentDelim2
i += len(self.blockCommentDelim1)
elif g.match(s,i,self.blockCommentDelim1_2):
i += len(self.blockCommentDelim1_2)
delim2 = self.blockCommentDelim2_2
assert False
# Find the closing delim.
k = s.find(delim2,i)
if k == -1:
self.error('Run on block comment: ' + s[start:i])
return len(s)
return k + len(delim2)
#@-node:ekr.20070711104014:skipComment & helper
def skipDecls (self,s,i,end,inClass):
'''Skip everything until the start of the next class or function.
The decls *must* end in a newline.'''
trace = False or self.trace
start = i ; prefix = None
classOrFunc = False
if trace: g.trace(g.callers())
while i < end:
progress = i
if s[i] in (' ','\t','\n'):
i += 1 # Prevent lookahead below, and speed up the scan.
elif self.startsComment(s,i):
# Add the comment to the decl if it *doesn't* start the line.
i2,junk = g.getLine(s,i)
i2 = g.skip_ws(s,i2)
if i2 == i and prefix is None:
prefix = i2 # Bug fix: must include leading whitespace in the comment.
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
elif self.startsString(s,i):
i = self.skipString(s,i)
prefix = None
elif self.startsClass(s,i):
# Important: do not include leading ws in the decls.
classOrFunc = True
i = g.find_line_start(s,i)
i = self.adjustDefStart(s,i)
elif self.startsFunction(s,i):
# Important: do not include leading ws in the decls.
classOrFunc = True
i = g.find_line_start(s,i)
i = self.adjustDefStart(s,i)
elif self.startsId(s,i):
i = self.skipId(s,i)
prefix = None
# Don't skip outer blocks: they may contain classes.
elif g.match(s,i,self.outerBlockDelim1):
if self.outerBlockEndsDecls:
i = self.skipBlock(s,i,delim1=self.outerBlockDelim1,delim2=self.outerBlockDelim2)
i += 1 ; prefix = None
assert(progress < i)
if prefix is not None:
i = g.find_line_start(s,prefix) # i = prefix
decls = s[start:i]
if inClass and not classOrFunc:
# Don't return decls if a class contains nothing but decls.
if trace and decls.strip(): g.trace('**class is all decls...\n',decls)
return start
elif decls.strip():
if trace or self.trace: g.trace('\n'+decls)
return i
else: # Ignore empty decls.
return start
def skipId (self,s,i):
return g.skip_id(s,i,chars=self.extraIdChars)
def skipNewline(self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip whitespace and comments up to a newline, then skip the newline.
Issue an error if no newline is found.'''
while i < len(s):
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if self.startsComment(s,i):
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
else: break
if i >= len(s):
return len(s)
if g.match(s,i,'\n'):
i += 1
'%s %s does not end in a newline; one will be added\n%s' % (
# g.trace(g.callers())
return i
def skipParens (self,s,i):
'''Skip a parenthisized list, that might contain strings or comments.'''
return self.skipBlock(s,i,delim1='(',delim2=')')
def skipString (self,s,i):
# Returns len(s) on unterminated string.
return g.skip_string(s,i,verbose=False)
#@+node:ekr.20070711132314:startsClass/Function (baseClass) & helpers
# We don't expect to override this code, but subclasses may override the helpers.
def startsClass (self,s,i):
'''Return True if s[i:] starts a class definition.
Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
val = self.hasClasses and self.startsHelper(s,i,kind='class',tags=self.classTags)
return val
def startsFunction (self,s,i):
'''Return True if s[i:] starts a function.
Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
val = self.hasFunctions and self.startsHelper(s,i,kind='function',tags=self.functionTags)
return val
def getSigId (self,ids):
'''Return the signature's id.
By default, this is the last id in the ids list.'''
return ids and ids[-1]
def skipSigStart (self,s,i,kind,tags):
'''Skip over the start of a function/class signature.
tags is in (self.classTags,self.functionTags).
Return (i,ids) where ids is list of all ids found, in order.'''
trace = False and self.trace # or kind =='function'
ids = [] ; classId = None
if trace: g.trace('*entry',kind,i,s[i:i+20])
start = i
while i < len(s):
j = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
for z in self.sigFailTokens:
if g.match(s,j,z):
if trace: g.trace('failtoken',z,'ids',ids)
return start, [], None
for z in self.sigHeadExtraTokens:
if g.match(s,j,z):
i += len(z) ; break
i = self.skipId(s,j)
theId = s[j:i]
if theId and theId in tags: classId = theId
if theId: ids.append(theId)
else: break
if trace: g.trace('*exit ',kind,i,i < len(s) and s[i],ids,classId)
return i, ids, classId
def skipSigTail(self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip from the end of the arg list to the start of the block.'''
trace = False and self.trace
start = i
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
for z in self.sigFailTokens:
if g.match(s,i,z):
if trace: g.trace('failToken',z,'line',g.skip_line(s,i))
return i,False
while i < len(s):
if self.startsComment(s,i):
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
elif g.match(s,i,self.blockDelim1):
if trace: g.trace(repr(s[start:i]))
return i,True
i += 1
if trace: g.trace('no block delim')
return i,False
def startsHelper(self,s,i,kind,tags):
'''return True if s[i:] starts a class or function.
Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
# if not tags: return False
trace = False or self.trace
verbose = False # kind=='function'
self.codeEnd = self.sigEnd = self.sigId = None
self.sigStart = i
# Underindented lines can happen in any language, not just Python.
# The skipBlock method of the base class checks for such lines.
self.startSigIndent = self.getLeadingIndent(s,i)
# Get the tag that starts the class or function.
j = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
i = self.skipId(s,j)
self.sigId = theId = s[j:i] # Set sigId ivar 'early' for error messages.
if not theId: return False
if tags:
if theId not in tags:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('**** %s theId: %s not in tags: %s' % (kind,theId,tags))
return False
if trace and verbose: g.trace('kind',kind,'id',theId)
# Get the class/function id.
if kind == 'class' and self.sigId in self.anonymousClasses:
# A hack for Delphi Pascal: interfaces have no id's.
# g.trace('anonymous',self.sigId)
classId = theId
sigId = ''
i, ids, classId = self.skipSigStart(s,j,kind,tags) # Rescan the first id.
sigId = self.getSigId(ids)
if not sigId:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('**no sigId',g.get_line(s,i))
return False
if self.output_indent < self.startSigIndent:
if trace: g.trace('**over-indent',sigId)
return False
# Skip the argument list.
i, ok = self.skipArgs(s,i,kind)
if not ok:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('no args',g.get_line(s,i))
return False
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
# Skip the tail of the signature
i, ok = self.skipSigTail(s,i,kind)
if not ok:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('no tail',g.get_line(s,i))
return False
sigEnd = i
# A trick: make sure the signature ends in a newline,
# even if it overlaps the start of the block.
if not g.match(s,sigEnd,'\n') and not g.match(s,sigEnd-1,'\n'):
if trace and verbose: g.trace('extending sigEnd')
sigEnd = g.skip_line(s,sigEnd)
if self.blockDelim1:
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if kind == 'class' and self.sigId in self.anonymousClasses:
pass # Allow weird Pascal unit's.
elif not g.match(s,i,self.blockDelim1):
if trace and verbose: g.trace('no block',g.get_line(s,i))
return False
i,ok = self.skipCodeBlock(s,i,kind)
if not ok: return False
# skipCodeBlock skips the trailing delim.
# Success: set the ivars.
self.sigStart = self.adjustDefStart(s,self.sigStart)
self.codeEnd = i
self.sigEnd = sigEnd
self.sigId = sigId
self.classId = classId
# Note: backing up here is safe because
# we won't back up past scan's 'start' point.
# Thus, characters will never be output twice.
k = self.sigStart
if not g.match(s,k,'\n'):
self.sigStart = g.find_line_start(s,k)
# Issue this warning only if we have a real class or function.
if 0: # wrong.
if s[self.sigStart:k].strip():
self.error('%s definition does not start a line\n%s' % (
if trace: g.trace(kind,'returns\n'+s[self.sigStart:i])
return True
#@-node:ekr.20070711132314:startsClass/Function (baseClass) & helpers
def startsComment (self,s,i):
return (
g.match(s,i,self.lineCommentDelim) or
g.match(s,i,self.lineCommentDelim2) or
g.match(s,i,self.blockCommentDelim1) or
def startsId(self,s,i):
return g.is_c_id(s[i:i+1])
def startsString(self,s,i):
return g.match(s,i,'"') or g.match(s,i,"'")
#@+node:ekr.20070707072749:run (baseScannerClass)
def run (self,s,parent):
c = self.c
self.root = root = parent.copy()
self.file_s = s
self.tab_width = self.importCommands.getTabWidth(p=root)
# g.trace('tab_width',self.tab_width)
# Create the ws equivalent to one tab.
if self.tab_width < 0:
self.tab_ws = ' '*abs(self.tab_width)
self.tab_ws = '\t'
# Init the error/status info.
self.errors = 0
self.errorLines = []
self.mismatchWarningGiven = False
changed = c.isChanged()
# Use @verbatim to escape section references
if self.escapeSectionRefs: # 2009/12/27
s = self.escapeFalseSectionReferences(s)
# Check for intermixed blanks and tabs.
if self.strict or self.atAutoWarnsAboutLeadingWhitespace:
if not self.isRst:
# Regularize leading whitespace for strict languages only.
if self.strict: s = self.regularizeWhitespace(s)
# Generate the nodes, including directive and section references.
# Check the generated nodes.
# Return True if the result is equivalent to the original file.
ok = self.errors == 0 and self.check(s,parent)
g.app.unitTestDict ['result'] = ok
# Insert an @ignore directive if there were any serious problems.
if not ok: self.insertIgnoreDirective(parent)
if self.atAuto and ok:
for p in root.self_and_subtree():
def checkBlanksAndTabs(self,s):
'''Check for intermixed blank & tabs.'''
# Do a quick check for mixed leading tabs/blanks.
blanks = tabs = 0
for line in g.splitLines(s):
lws = line[0:g.skip_ws(line,0)]
blanks += lws.count(' ')
tabs += lws.count('\t')
ok = blanks == 0 or tabs == 0
if not ok:
self.report('intermixed blanks and tabs')
return ok
def regularizeWhitespace (self,s):
'''Regularize leading whitespace in s:
Convert tabs to blanks or vice versa depending on the @tabwidth in effect.
This is only called for strict languages.'''
changed = False ; lines = g.splitLines(s) ; result = [] ; tab_width = self.tab_width
if tab_width < 0: # Convert tabs to blanks.
for line in lines:
i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line,0,tab_width)
s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(w,-abs(tab_width)) + line [i:] # Use negative width.
if s != line: changed = True
elif tab_width > 0: # Convert blanks to tabs.
for line in lines:
s = g.optimizeLeadingWhitespace(line,abs(tab_width)) # Use positive width.
if s != line: changed = True
if changed:
action = g.choose(self.tab_width < 0,'tabs converted to blanks','blanks converted to tabs')
message = 'inconsistent leading whitespace. %s' % action
return ''.join(result)
#@-node:ekr.20070707072749:run (baseScannerClass)
#@-node:ekr.20070703122141.65:<< class baseScannerClass >>
#@<< scanner classes >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3241:<< scanner classes >>
# All these classes are subclasses of baseScannerClass.
#@+node:edreamleo.20070710093042:class cScanner
class cScanner (baseScannerClass):
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Set the parser delims.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = '/*'
self.blockCommentDelim2 = '*/'
self.blockDelim1 = '{'
self.blockDelim2 = '}'
self.classTags = ['class',]
self.extraIdChars = ':'
self.functionTags = []
self.lineCommentDelim = '//'
self.lineCommentDelim2 = '#' # A hack: treat preprocess directives as comments(!)
self.outerBlockDelim1 = '{'
self.outerBlockDelim2 = '}'
self.outerBlockEndsDecls = False # To handle extern statement.
self.sigHeadExtraTokens = ['*']
self.sigFailTokens = [';','=']
#@-node:edreamleo.20070710093042:class cScanner
#@+node:ekr.20071008130845.2:class cSharpScanner
class cSharpScanner (baseScannerClass):
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Set the parser delims.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = '/*'
self.blockCommentDelim2 = '*/'
self.blockDelim1 = '{'
self.blockDelim2 = '}'
self.classTags = ['class','interface','namespace',]
self.extraIdChars = ':'
self.functionTags = []
self.lineCommentDelim = '//'
self.lineCommentDelim2 = None
self.outerBlockDelim1 = '{'
self.outerBlockDelim2 = '}'
self.sigHeadExtraTokens = []
self.sigFailTokens = [';','='] # Just like C.
#@-node:ekr.20071008130845.2:class cSharpScanner
#@+node:ekr.20070711060113:class elispScanner
class elispScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20070711060113.1: __init__
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Set the parser delims.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = None
self.blockCommentDelim2 = None
self.lineCommentDelim = ';'
self.lineCommentDelim2 = None
self.blockDelim1 = '('
self.blockDelim2 = ')'
self.extraIdChars = '-'
#@-node:ekr.20070711060113.1: __init__
# skipClass/Function/Signature are defined in the base class.
#@+node:ekr.20070711060113.3:startsClass/Function & skipSignature
def startsClass (self,unused_s,unused_i):
'''Return True if s[i:] starts a class definition.
Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
return False
def startsFunction(self,s,i):
'''Return True if s[i:] starts a function.
Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
self.startSigIndent = self.getLeadingIndent(s,i)
self.sigStart = i
self.codeEnd = self.sigEnd = self.sigId = None
if not g.match(s,i,'('): return False
end = self.skipBlock(s,i)
# g.trace('%3s %15s block: %s' % (i,repr(s[i:i+10]),repr(s[i:end])))
if not g.match(s,end-1,')'): return False
i = g.skip_ws(s,i+1)
if not g.match_word(s,i,'defun'): return False
i += len('defun')
sigEnd = i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
j = self.skipId(s,i) # Bug fix: 2009/09/30
word = s[i:j]
if not word: return False
self.codeEnd = end + 1
self.sigEnd = sigEnd
self.sigId = word
return True
#@-node:ekr.20070711060113.3:startsClass/Function & skipSignature
def startsString(self,s,i):
# Single quotes are not strings.
return g.match(s,i,'"')
#@-node:ekr.20070711060113:class elispScanner
#@+node:edreamleo.20070710085115:class javaScanner
class javaScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Set the parser delims.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = '/*'
self.blockCommentDelim2 = '*/'
self.lineCommentDelim = '//'
self.lineCommentDelim2 = None
self.outerBlockDelim1 = '{'
self.classTags = ['class','interface']
self.functionTags = []
self.sigFailTokens = [';','='] # Just like c.
def getSigId (self,ids):
'''Return the signature's id.
By default, this is the last id in the ids list.'''
# Remove 'public' and 'private'
ids2 = [z for z in ids if z not in ('public','private','final',)]
# Remove 'extends' and everything after it.
ids = []
for z in ids2:
if z == 'extends': break
return ids and ids[-1]
#@-node:edreamleo.20070710085115:class javaScanner
#@+node:ekr.20071027111225.2:class javaScriptScanner
# The syntax for patterns causes all kinds of problems...
class javaScriptScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# The langauge is used to set comment delims.
# Set the parser delims.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = '/*'
self.blockCommentDelim2 = '*/'
self.blockDelim1 = '{'
self.blockDelim2 = '}'
self.hasClasses = False
self.hasFunctions = True
self.lineCommentDelim = '//'
self.lineCommentDelim2 = None
self.outerBlockDelim1 = None # For now, ignore outer blocks.
self.outerBlockDelim2 = None
self.classTags = []
self.functionTags = ['function']
self.sigFailTokens = [';',] # ','=',] # Just like Java.
def startsString(self,s,i):
if g.match(s,i,'"') or g.match(s,i,"'"):
# Count the number of preceding backslashes:
n = 0 ; j = i-1
while j >= 0 and s[j] == '\\':
n += 1
j -= 1
return (n % 2) == 0
elif g.match(s,i,'//'):
# Neither of these are valid in regexp literals.
return False
elif g.match(s,i,'/'):
# could be a division operator or regexp literal.
while i >= 0 and s[i-1] in ' \t\n':
i -= 1
if i == 0: return True
return s[i-1] in (',([{=')
return False
def skipString (self,s,i):
# Returns len(s) on unterminated string.
if s[i] in ('"',"'"):
return g.skip_string(s,i,verbose=False)
# Match a regexp pattern.
delim = '/'
assert(s[i] == delim)
i += 1
n = len(s)
while i < n:
if s[i] == delim and s[i-1] != '\\':
# This ignores flags, but does that matter?
return i + 1
i += 1
return i
#@-node:ekr.20071027111225.2:class javaScriptScanner
#@+node:ekr.20070711104241.3:class pascalScanner
class pascalScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
def skipArgs (self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip the argument or class list. Return i, ok
kind is in ('class','function')'''
# Pascal interfaces have no argument list.
if kind == 'class':
return i, True
start = i
i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if not g.match(s,i,'('):
return start,kind == 'class'
i = self.skipParens(s,i)
# skipParens skips the ')'
if i >= len(s):
return start,False
return i,True
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Set the parser overrides.
self.anonymousClasses = ['interface']
self.blockCommentDelim1 = '(*'
self.blockCommentDelim1_2 = '{'
self.blockCommentDelim2 = '*)'
self.blockCommentDelim2_2 = '}'
self.blockDelim1 = 'begin'
self.blockDelim2 = 'end'
self.blockDelim2Cruft = [';','.'] # For Delphi.
self.classTags = ['interface']
self.functionTags = ['function','procedure','constructor','destructor',]
self.hasClasses = True
self.lineCommentDelim = '//'
self.strict = False
def skipCodeBlock (self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip the code block in a function or class definition.'''
trace = False
start = i
if kind == 'class':
i = self.skipInterface(s,i)
i = self.skipBlock(s,i,delim1=None,delim2=None)
if self.sigFailTokens:
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
for z in self.sigFailTokens:
if g.match(s,i,z):
if trace: g.trace('failtoken',z)
return start,False
if i > start:
i = self.skipNewline(s,i,kind)
if trace:
return i,True
def skipInterface(self,s,i):
'''Skip from theopeningdelimtopastthematchingclosingdelim. import
If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
trace = False
start = i
delim2 = 'end.'
level = 0 ; start = i
startIndent = self.startSigIndent
if trace: g.trace('***','startIndent',startIndent,g.callers())
while i < len(s):
progress = i
if g.is_nl(s,i):
backslashNewline = i > 0 and g.match(s,i-1,'\\\n')
i = g.skip_nl(s,i)
if not backslashNewline and not g.is_nl(s,i):
j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s,i,self.tab_width)
line = g.get_line(s,j)
if trace: g.trace('indent',indent,line)
if indent < startIndent and line.strip():
# An non-empty underindented line.
# Issue an error unless it contains just the closing bracket.
if level == 1 and g.match(s,j,delim2):
if j not in self.errorLines: # No error yet given.
elif s[i] in (' ','\t',):
i += 1 # speed up the scan.
elif self.startsComment(s,i):
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
elif self.startsString(s,i):
i = self.skipString(s,i)
elif g.match(s,i,delim2):
i += len(delim2)
if trace: g.trace('returns\n',repr(s[start:i]))
return i
else: i += 1
assert progress < i
self.error('no interface')
if 1:
g.pr('** no interface **')
i,j = g.getLine(s,start)
if trace: g.trace('** no interface')
return start
def skipSigTail(self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip from the end of the arg list to the start of the block.'''
trace = False and self.trace
# Pascal interface has no tail.
if kind == 'class':
return i,True
start = i
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
for z in self.sigFailTokens:
if g.match(s,i,z):
if trace: g.trace('failToken',z,'line',g.skip_line(s,i))
return i,False
while i < len(s):
if self.startsComment(s,i):
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
elif g.match(s,i,self.blockDelim1):
if trace: g.trace(repr(s[start:i]))
return i,True
i += 1
if trace: g.trace('no block delim')
return i,False
#@+node:ekr.20080211071959:putClass & helpers
def putClass (self,s,i,sigEnd,codeEnd,start,parent):
'''Create a node containing the entire interface.'''
# Enter a new class 1: save the old class info.
oldMethodName = self.methodName
oldStartSigIndent = self.startSigIndent
# Enter a new class 2: init the new class info.
self.indentRefFlag = None
class_kind = self.classId
class_name = self.sigId
headline = '%s %s' % (class_kind,class_name)
headline = headline.strip()
self.methodName = headline
# Compute the starting lines of the class.
prefix = self.createClassNodePrefix()
# Create the class node.
class_node = self.createHeadline(parent,'',headline)
# Put the entire interface in the body.
result = s[start:codeEnd]
# Exit the new class: restore the previous class info.
self.methodName = oldMethodName
self.startSigIndent = oldStartSigIndent
#@-node:ekr.20080211071959:putClass & helpers
#@-node:ekr.20070711104241.3:class pascalScanner
#@+node:ekr.20100219075946.5742:class phpScanner
class phpScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20100219075946.5743: __init__
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Set the parser delims.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = '/*'
self.blockCommentDelim2 = '*/'
self.lineCommentDelim = '//'
self.lineCommentDelim2 = '#'
self.blockDelim1 = '{'
self.blockDelim2 = '}'
self.hasClasses = True # 2010/02/19
self.hasFunctions = True
self.functionTags = ['function']
# The valid characters in an id
self.chars = list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
extra = [chr(z) for z in range(127,256)]
#@-node:ekr.20100219075946.5743: __init__
def isPurePHP (self,s):
'''Return True if the file begins with <?php and ends with ?>'''
s = s.strip()
return (
s.startswith('<?') and
s[2:3] in ('P','p','=','\n','\r',' ','\t') and
# Does not create @first/@last nodes
#@+node:ekr.20100219075946.5746:startsString skipString
def startsString(self,s,i):
return g.match(s,i,'"') or g.match(s,i,"'") or g.match(s,i,'<<<')
def skipString (self,s,i):
if g.match(s,i,'"') or g.match(s,i,"'"):
return g.skip_string(s,i)
return g.skip_heredoc_string(s,i)
#@-node:ekr.20100219075946.5746:startsString skipString
def getSigId (self,ids):
'''Return the signature's id.
By default, this is the last id in the ids list.
For Php, the first id is better.'''
return ids and ids[1]
#@-node:ekr.20100219075946.5742:class phpScanner
#@+node:ekr.20070703122141.100:class pythonScanner
class pythonScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20070703122141.101: __init__
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Set the parser delims.
self.lineCommentDelim = '#'
self.classTags = ['class',]
self.functionTags = ['def',]
self.blockDelim1 = self.blockDelim2 = None
# Suppress the check for the block delim.
# The check is done in skipSigTail.
self.strict = True
#@-node:ekr.20070703122141.101: __init__
#@+node:ekr.20071201073102.1:adjustDefStart (python)
def adjustDefStart (self,s,i):
'''A hook to allow the Python importer to adjust the
start of a class or function to include decorators.'''
if i == 0 or s[i-1] != '\n':
return i
while i > 0:
progress = i
start = j = g.find_line_start(s,i-2)
j = g.skip_ws(s,j)
if not g.match(s,j,'@'):
return i
j += 1
k = g.skip_id(s,j)
word = s[j:k]
if word and word not in g.globalDirectiveList:
# g.trace(repr(word),repr(s[start:i]))
i = start
assert i < progress
return i
#@-node:ekr.20071201073102.1:adjustDefStart (python)
def extendSignature(self,s,i):
'''Extend the text to be added to the class node following the signature.
The text *must* end with a newline.'''
# Add a docstring to the class node,
# And everything on the line following it
j = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
if g.match(s,j,'"""') or g.match(s,j,"'''"):
j = g.skip_python_string(s,j)
if j < len(s): # No scanning error.
# Return the docstring only if nothing but whitespace follows.
j = g.skip_ws(s,j)
if g.is_nl(s,j):
return j + 1
return i
def skipString (self,s,i):
# Returns len(s) on unterminated string.
return g.skip_python_string(s,i,verbose=False)
#@+node:ekr.20070712090019.1:skipCodeBlock (python) & helpers
def skipCodeBlock (self,s,i,kind):
trace = False ; verbose = True
# if trace: g.trace('***',g.callers())
startIndent = self.startSigIndent
if trace: g.trace('startIndent',startIndent)
assert startIndent is not None
i = start = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
parenCount = 0
underIndentedStart = None # The start of trailing underindented blank or comment lines.
while i < len(s):
progress = i
ch = s[i]
if g.is_nl(s,i):
i = g.skip_nl(s,i)
j = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.is_nl(s,j):
pass # We have already made progress.
if trace and verbose: g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
backslashNewline = (i > 0 and g.match(s,i-1,'\\\n'))
if not backslashNewline:
i,underIndentedStart,breakFlag = self.pythonNewlineHelper(
if breakFlag: break
elif ch == '#':
i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s,i)
elif ch == '"' or ch == '\'':
i = g.skip_python_string(s,i)
elif ch in '[{(':
i += 1 ; parenCount += 1
# g.trace('ch',ch,parenCount)
elif ch in ']})':
i += 1 ; parenCount -= 1
# g.trace('ch',ch,parenCount)
else: i += 1
assert(progress < i)
# The actual end of the block.
if underIndentedStart is not None:
i = underIndentedStart
if trace: g.trace('***backtracking to underindent range')
if trace: g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
if 0 < i < len(s) and not g.match(s,i-1,'\n'):
g.trace('Can not happen: Python block does not end in a newline.')
return i,False
# 2010/02/19: Include all following material
# until the next 'def' or 'class'
i = self.skipToTheNextClassOrFunction(s,i,startIndent)
if (trace or self.trace) and s[start:i].strip():
g.trace('%s returns\n' % (kind) + s[start:i])
return i,True
def pythonNewlineHelper (self,s,i,parenCount,startIndent,underIndentedStart):
trace = False
breakFlag = False
j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s,i,self.tab_width)
if trace: g.trace(
if indent <= startIndent and parenCount == 0:
# An underindented line: it ends the block *unless*
# it is a blank or comment line or (2008/9/1) the end of a triple-quoted string.
if g.match(s,j,'#'):
if trace: g.trace('underindent: comment')
if underIndentedStart is None: underIndentedStart = i
i = j
elif g.match(s,j,'\n'):
if trace: g.trace('underindent: blank line')
# Blank lines never start the range of underindented lines.
i = j
if trace: g.trace('underindent: end of block')
breakFlag = True # The actual end of the block.
if underIndentedStart and g.match(s,j,'\n'):
# Add the blank line to the underindented range.
if trace: g.trace('properly indented blank line extends underindent range')
elif underIndentedStart and g.match(s,j,'#'):
# Add the (properly indented!) comment line to the underindented range.
if trace: g.trace('properly indented comment line extends underindent range')
elif underIndentedStart is None:
# A properly indented non-comment line.
# Give a message for all underindented comments in underindented range.
if trace: g.trace('properly indented line generates underindent errors')
s2 = s[underIndentedStart:i]
lines = g.splitlines(s2)
for line in lines:
if line.strip():
junk, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line,0,self.tab_width)
if indent <= startIndent:
if j not in self.errorLines: # No error yet given.
underIndentedStart = None
if trace: g.trace('breakFlag',breakFlag,'returns',i,'underIndentedStart',underIndentedStart)
return i,underIndentedStart,breakFlag
#@+node:ekr.20100223094350.5834:skipToTheNextClassOrFunction (New in 4.8)
def skipToTheNextClassOrFunction(self,s,i,lastIndent):
'''Skip to the next python def or class.
Return the original i if nothing more is found.
This allows the "if __name__ == '__main__' hack
to appear at the top level.'''
return i ### A rewrite may be needed.
trace = False # and not g.unitTesting
c,found,i1 = self.c,False,i
at_line_start,last_comment,last_nl = True,None,-1
while i < len(s):
progress = i
if self.startsComment(s,i):
# Break at underindented comments.
if at_line_start:
if i == last_nl:
n = 0
ws = s[last_nl+1:i]
n = g.computeWidth (ws,c.tab_width)
if n < lastIndent:
if trace: g.trace('underindented comment',
found = True ; break
# Remember the start of a range of comments and whitespace.
if last_comment is None:
last_comment = i
last_nl = i = self.skipComment(s,i)
at_line_start = True
# An interior comment.
assert last_comment is None
last_nl = i = self.skipComment(s,i)
at_line_start = True
elif self.startsString(s,i):
at_line_start = False
last_comment = None
i = self.skipString(s,i)
elif at_line_start and (
g.match_word(s,i,'def') or
# Do not break for over-indent matches.
# This allows something reasonable to happen for::
# if 0:
# def spam():
# pass
ws = s[last_nl+1:i]
# g.trace('ws',repr(ws))
n = g.computeWidth (ws,c.tab_width)
if (not ws or ws.isspace()) and n <= lastIndent:
found = True ; break
else: # Ignore the over-indented def.
if trace: g.trace('overindented','ws',repr(ws),
last_comment = None
last_nl = i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s,i)
at_line_start = True
elif s[i] == '@':
# Leo directives will look like comments,
# so we can safely assume we have a decorator
if at_line_start and last_comment is None:
last_comment = i
last_nl = i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s,i)
at_line_start = True
elif s[i] == '\n':
at_line_start = True
last_nl = i
i += 1
elif s[i].isspace():
i += 1
at_line_start = False
last_comment = None
i += 1
assert progress < i
if found:
if last_comment is None:
return i
return last_comment
return i1
#@-node:ekr.20100223094350.5834:skipToTheNextClassOrFunction (New in 4.8)
#@-node:ekr.20070712090019.1:skipCodeBlock (python) & helpers
# This must be overridden in order to handle newlines properly.
def skipSigTail(self,s,i,kind):
'''Skip from the end of the arg list to the start of the block.'''
while i < len(s):
ch = s[i]
if ch == '\n':
elif ch in (' ','\t',):
i += 1
elif self.startsComment(s,i):
i = self.skipComment(s,i)
return i,g.match(s,i,':')
#@-node:ekr.20070703122141.100:class pythonScanner
#@+node:ekr.20090501095634.41:class rstScanner
class rstScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20090501095634.42: __init__
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# Scanner overrides
self.atAutoWarnsAboutLeadingWhitespace = True
self.blockDelim1 = self.blockDelim2 = None
self.classTags = []
self.escapeSectionRefs = False
self.functionSpelling = 'section'
self.functionTags = []
self.hasClasses = False
self.isRst = True
self.lineCommentDelim = '..'
self.outerBlockDelim1 = None
self.sigFailTokens = []
self.strict = False # Mismatches in leading whitespace are irrelevant.
# Ivars unique to rst scanning & code generation.
self.lastParent = None # The previous parent.
self.lastSectionLevel = 0 # The section level of previous section.
self.sectionLevel = 0 # The section level of the just-parsed section.
self.underlineCh = '' # The underlining character of the last-parsed section.
self.underlines = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" # valid rst underlines.
self.underlines1 = [] # Underlining characters for underlines.
self.underlines2 = [] # Underlining characters for over/underlines.
#@-node:ekr.20090501095634.42: __init__
def adjustParent (self,parent,headline):
'''Return the proper parent of the new node.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
level,lastLevel = self.sectionLevel,self.lastSectionLevel
lastParent = self.lastParent
if trace: g.trace('**entry level: %s lastLevel: %s lastParent: %s' % (
level,lastLevel,lastParent and lastParent.h or '<none>'))
if self.lastParent:
if level <= lastLevel:
parent = lastParent.parent()
while level < lastLevel:
level += 1
parent = parent.parent()
else: # level > lastLevel.
level -= 1
parent = lastParent
while level > lastLevel:
level -= 1
h2 = '@rst-no-head %s' % headline
body = ''
parent = self.createFunctionNode(h2,body,parent)
assert self.root
self.lastParent = self.root
if not parent: parent = self.root
if trace: g.trace('level %s lastLevel %s %s returns %s' % (
#self.lastSectionLevel = self.sectionLevel
self.lastParent = parent.copy()
return parent.copy()
#@+node:ekr.20091229090857.11694:computeBody (rst)
def computeBody (self,s,start,sigStart,codeEnd):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
body1 = s[start:sigStart]
# Adjust start backwards to get a better undent.
if body1.strip():
while start > 0 and s[start-1] in (' ','\t'):
start -= 1
# Never indent any text; discard the entire signature.
body1 = s[start:sigStart]
body2 = s[self.sigEnd+1:codeEnd]
body2 = g.removeLeadingBlankLines(body2) # 2009/12/28
body = body1 + body2
# Don't warn about missing tail newlines: they will be added.
if trace: g.trace('body: %s' % repr(body))
return body
#@-node:ekr.20091229090857.11694:computeBody (rst)
def computeSectionLevel (self,ch,kind):
'''Return the section level of the underlining character ch.'''
# Can't use g.choose here.
if kind == 'over':
assert ch in self.underlines2
level = 0
level = 1 + self.underlines1.index(ch)
if False:
g.trace('level: %s kind: %s ch: %s under2: %s under1: %s' % (
return level
def createDeclsNode (self,parent,s):
'''Create a child node of parent containing s.'''
# Create the node for the decls.
headline = '@rst-no-head %s declarations' % self.methodName
body = self.undentBody(s)
def endGen (self,s):
'''Remember the underlining characters in the root's uA.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
p = self.root
if p:
tag = 'rst-import'
d = p.v.u.get(tag,{})
underlines1 = ''.join([str(z) for z in self.underlines1])
underlines2 = ''.join([str(z) for z in self.underlines2])
d ['underlines1'] = underlines1
d ['underlines2'] = underlines2
self.underlines1 = underlines1
self.underlines2 = underlines2
if trace: g.trace(repr(underlines1),repr(underlines2),g.callers(4))
p.v.u [tag] = d
# Append a warning to the root node.
warningLines = (
'Warning: this node is ignored when writing this file.',
'However, @ @rst-options are recognized in this node.',
lines = ['.. %s' % (z) for z in warningLines]
warning = '\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(lines)
self.root.b = self.root.b + warning
def isUnderLine(self,s):
'''Return True if s consists of only the same rST underline character.'''
if not s: return False
ch1 = s[0]
if not ch1 in self.underlines:
return False
for ch in s:
if ch != ch1:
return False
return True
# These do not affect parsing.
def startsComment (self,s,i):
return False
def startsID (self,s,i):
return False
def startsString (self,s,i):
return False
def startsHelper(self,s,i,kind,tags):
'''return True if s[i:] starts an rST section.
Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = True
kind,name,next,ch = self.startsSection(s,i)
if kind == 'plain': return False
self.underlineCh = ch
self.lastSectionLevel = self.sectionLevel
self.sectionLevel = self.computeSectionLevel(ch,kind)
self.sigStart = g.find_line_start(s,i)
self.sigEnd = next
self.sigId = name
i = next + 1
if trace: g.trace('sigId',self.sigId,'next',next)
while i < len(s):
progress = i
i,j = g.getLine(s,i)
kind,name,next,ch = self.startsSection(s,i)
if trace and verbose: g.trace(kind,repr(s[i:j]))
if kind in ('over','under'):
i = j
assert i > progress
self.codeEnd = i
if trace:
if verbose:
g.trace('found...\n%s' % s[self.sigStart:self.codeEnd])
g.trace('level %s %s' % (self.sectionLevel,self.sigId))
return True
#@+node:ekr.20090501095634.47:startsSection & helper
def startsSection (self,s,i):
'''Scan a line and possible one or two other lines,
looking for an underlined or overlined/underlined name.
Return (kind,name,i):
kind: in ('under','over','plain')
name: the name of the underlined or overlined line.
i: the following character if kind is not 'plain'
ch: the underlining and possibly overlining character.
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = False
# Under/overlines can not begin with whitespace.
i1,j,nows,line = self.getLine(s,i)
ch,kind = '','plain' # defaults.
if nows and self.isUnderLine(line): # an overline.
name_i = g.skip_line(s,i1)
name_i,name_j = g.getLine(s,name_i)
name = s[name_i:name_j].strip()
next_i = g.skip_line(s,name_i)
i,j,nows,line2 = self.getLine(s,next_i)
n1,n2,n3 = len(line),len(name),len(line2)
ch1,ch3 = line[0],line2 and line2[0]
ok = (nows and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
n1 >= n2 and n2 > 0 and n3 >= n2 and ch1 == ch3)
if ok:
i += n3
ch,kind = ch1,'over'
if ch1 not in self.underlines2:
if trace: g.trace('*** underlines2',self.underlines2,name)
if trace and verbose:
g.trace('\nline %s\nname %s\nline2 %s' % (
repr(line),repr(name),repr(line2))) #,'\n',g.callers(4))
name = line.strip()
i = g.skip_line(s,i1)
i,j,nows2,line2 = self.getLine(s,i)
n1,n2 = len(name),len(line2)
# look ahead two lines.
i3,j3 = g.getLine(s,j)
name2 = s[i3:j3].strip()
i4,j4,nows4,line4 = self.getLine(s,j3)
n3,n4 = len(name2),len(line4)
overline = (
nows2 and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
nows4 and self.isUnderLine(line4) and
n3 > 0 and n2 >= n3 and n4 >= n3)
ok = (not overline and nows2 and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
n1 > 0 and n2 >= n1)
if ok:
old_i = i
i += n2
ch,kind = line2[0],'under'
if ch not in self.underlines1:
if trace: g.trace('*** underlines1',self.underlines1,name)
if trace and verbose: g.trace('\nname %s\nline2 %s' % (
repr(name),repr(line2))) # ,'\n',g.callers(4))
return kind,name,i,ch
def getLine (self,s,i):
i,j = g.getLine(s,i)
line = s[i:j]
nows = i == g.skip_ws(s,i)
line = line.strip()
return i,j,nows,line
#@-node:ekr.20090501095634.47:startsSection & helper
#@-node:ekr.20090501095634.41:class rstScanner
#@+node:ekr.20071214072145.1:class xmlScanner
class xmlScanner (baseScannerClass):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20071214072451: __init__ (xmlScanner)
def __init__ (self,importCommands,atAuto):
# Init the base class.
# sets self.c
# Set the parser delims.
self.blockCommentDelim1 = '<!--'
self.blockCommentDelim2 = '-->'
self.blockDelim1 = None
self.blockDelim2 = None
self.classTags = [] # Inited by import_xml_tags setting.
self.extraIdChars = None
self.functionTags = []
self.lineCommentDelim = None
self.lineCommentDelim2 = None
self.outerBlockDelim1 = None
self.outerBlockDelim2 = None
self.outerBlockEndsDecls = False
self.sigHeadExtraTokens = []
self.sigFailTokens = []
# Overrides more attributes.
self.hasClasses = True
self.hasFunctions = False
self.strict = False
self.trace = False
#@-node:ekr.20071214072451: __init__ (xmlScanner)
def addTags (self):
'''Add items to self.class/functionTags and from settings.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
c = self.c
for ivar,setting in (
# ('functionTags','import_xml_function_tags'),
aList = getattr(self,ivar)
aList2 = c.config.getData(setting) or []
if trace: g.trace(ivar,aList)
#@+node:ekr.20091230062012.6238:skipId (override base class) & helper
# For characters valid in names see:
# www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/#NT-Name
def skipId (self,s,i):
# Fix bug 497332: @data import_xml_tags does not allow dashes in tag.
chars = '.-:' # Allow : anywhere.
n = len(s)
while i < n and (self.isWordChar(s[i]) or s[i] in chars):
i += 1
return i
# From www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/#NT-Name
# NameStartChar ::= ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] |
# [#xC0-#xD6] | [#xD8-#xF6] | [#xF8-#x2FF] |
# [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] |
# [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] |
# [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF]
# NameChar ::= NameStartChar | "-" | "." | [0-9] | #xB7 |
# [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040]
def isWordChar(self,ch):
# At present, same as g.isWordChar.
# This is not correct.
return ch and (ch.isalnum() or ch == '_')
#@-node:ekr.20091230062012.6238:skipId (override base class) & helper
#@+node:ekr.20071214072924.4:startsHelper & helpers
def startsHelper(self,s,i,kind,tags):
'''return True if s[i:] starts a class or function.
Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
trace = self.trace ; verbose = False
self.codeEnd = self.sigEnd = self.sigId = None
# Underindented lines can happen in any language, not just Python.
# The skipBlock method of the base class checks for such lines.
self.startSigIndent = self.getLeadingIndent(s,i)
# Get the tag that starts the class or function.
if not g.match(s,i,'<'): return False
self.sigStart = i
i += 1
j = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
i = self.skipId(s,j)
self.sigId = theId = s[j:i] # Set sigId ivar 'early' for error messages.
if not theId: return False
if theId not in tags:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('**** %s theId: %s not in tags: %s' % (kind,theId,tags))
return False
if trace and verbose: g.trace(theId)
classId = ''
sigId = theId
# Complete the opening tag.
i, ok = self.skipToEndOfTag(s,i)
if not ok:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('no tail',g.get_line(s,i))
return False
sigEnd = i
# A trick: make sure the signature ends in a newline,
# even if it overlaps the start of the block.
if 0:
if not g.match(s,sigEnd,'\n') and not g.match(s,sigEnd-1,'\n'):
if trace and verbose: g.trace('extending sigEnd')
sigEnd = g.skip_line(s,sigEnd)
i,ok = self.skipToMatchingTag(s,i,theId)
if not ok:
if trace: g.trace('no matching tag',theId)
return False
# Success: set the ivars.
self.sigStart = self.adjustDefStart(s,self.sigStart)
self.codeEnd = i
self.sigEnd = sigEnd
self.sigId = sigId
self.classId = classId
# Note: backing up here is safe because
# we won't back up past scan's 'start' point.
# Thus, characters will never be output twice.
k = self.sigStart
if not g.match(s,k,'\n'):
self.sigStart = g.find_line_start(s,k)
# Issue this warning only if we have a real class or function.
if 0: # wrong.if trace: g.trace(kind,'returns\n'+s[self.sigStart:i])
if s[self.sigStart:k].strip():
self.error('%s definition does not start a line\n%s' % (
if trace: g.trace(kind,'returns\n'+s[self.sigStart:i])
return True
def skipToEndOfTag(self,s,i):
'''Skip to the end of an open tag.'''
while i < len(s):
progress = i
if i == '"':
i = self.skipString(s,i)
elif g.match(s,i,'/>'):
return i,False # Starts a self-contained tag.
elif g.match(s,i,'>'):
i += 1
if g.match(s,i,'\n'): i += 1
return i,True
i += 1
assert progress < i
return i,False
def skipToMatchingTag (self,s,i,tag):
while i < len(s):
progress = i
if i == '"':
i = self.skipString(s,i)
elif g.match(s,i,'</'):
i += 2 ; j = i
i = self.skipId(s,j)
tag2 = s[j:i]
if tag2.lower() == tag.lower():
i,ok = self.skipToEndOfTag(s,i)
return i,ok
i += 1
assert progress < i
return i,False
#@-node:ekr.20071214072924.4:startsHelper & helpers
#@-node:ekr.20071214072145.1:class xmlScanner
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3241:<< scanner classes >>
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3206:@thin leoImport.py