#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3439:@thin leoPlugins.py
"""Install and run Leo plugins.
On startup:
- doPlugins() calls loadHandlers() to import all
mod_x.py files in the Leo directory.
- Imported files should register hook handlers using the
registerHandler and registerExclusiveHandler functions.
Only one "exclusive" function is allowed per hook.
After startup:
- doPlugins() calls doHandlersForTag() to handle the hook.
- The first non-None return is sent back to Leo.
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@@pagewidth 70
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import glob
import bisect
handlers = {}
loadedModulesFilesDict = {}
# Keys are module names, values are the names of .leo files
# containing @enabled-plugins nodes that caused the plugin to be loaded
loadedModules = {}
# Keys are module names, values are modules.
loadingModuleNameStack = [] # The stack of module names. Top is the module being loaded.
def init():
global handlers,loadedModules,loadedModulesNameStack
handlers = {}
loadedModules = {} # Keys are module names, values are modules.
loadingModuleNameStack = [] # The stack of module names. Top is the module being loaded.
g.act_on_node = CommandChainDispatcher()
g.visit_tree_item = CommandChainDispatcher()
g.tree_popup_handlers = []
class baseLeoPlugin(object):
#@ <<docstring>>
"""A Convenience class to simplify plugin authoring
.. contents::
- import the base class::
from leoPlugins import leo.core.leoBasePlugin as leoBasePlugin
- create a class which inherits from leoBasePlugin::
class myPlugin(leoBasePlugin):
- in the __init__ method of the class, call the parent constructor::
def __init__(self, tag, keywords):
leoBasePlugin.__init__(self, tag, keywords)
- put the actual plugin code into a method; for this example, the work
is done by myPlugin.handler()
- put the class in a file which lives in the <LeoDir>/plugins directory
for this example it is named myPlugin.py
- add code to register the plugin::
leoPlugins.registerHandler("after-create-leo-frame", Hello)
baseLeoPlugins has 3 *methods* for setting commands
- setCommand::
def setCommand(self, commandName, handler,
shortcut = None, pane = 'all', verbose = True):
- setMenuItem::
def setMenuItem(self, menu, commandName = None, handler = None):
- setButton::
def setButton(self, buttonText = None, commandName = None, color = None):
:commandName: the string typed into minibuffer to execute the ``handler``
:handler: the method in the class which actually does the work
:shortcut: the key combination to activate the command
:menu: a string designating on of the menus ('File', Edit', 'Outline', ...)
:buttonText: the text to put on the button if one is being created.
Contents of file ``<LeoDir>/plugins/hello.py``::
class Hello(baseLeoPlugin):
def __init__(self, tag, keywords):
# call parent __init__
baseLeoPlugin.__init__(self, tag, keywords)
# if the plugin object defines only one command,
# just give it a name. You can then create a button and menu entry
self.setCommand('Hello', self.hello)
# create a command with a shortcut
self.setCommand('Hola', self.hola, 'Alt-Ctrl-H')
# create a button using different text than commandName
self.setButton('Hello in Spanish')
# create a menu item with default text
# define a command using setMenuItem
self.setMenuItem('Cmds', 'Ciao baby', self.ciao)
def hello(self, event):
g.pr("hello from node %s" % self.c.p.h)
def hola(self, event):
g.pr("hola from node %s" % self.c.p.h)
def ciao(self, event):
g.pr("ciao baby (%s)" % self.c.p.h)
leoPlugins.registerHandler("after-create-leo-frame", Hello)
#@ <<baseLeoPlugin declarations>>
#@+node:ktenney.20060628092017.3:<<baseLeoPlugin declarations>>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
#@-node:ktenney.20060628092017.3:<<baseLeoPlugin declarations>>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, tag, keywords):
"""Set self.c to be the ``commander`` of the active node
self.c = keywords['c']
self.commandNames = []
def setCommand(self, commandName, handler,
shortcut = None, pane = 'all', verbose = True):
"""Associate a command name with handler code,
optionally defining a keystroke shortcut
self.commandName = commandName
self.shortcut = shortcut
self.handler = handler
self.c.k.registerCommand (commandName, shortcut, handler,
pane, verbose)
def setMenuItem(self, menu, commandName = None, handler = None):
"""Create a menu item in 'menu' using text 'commandName' calling handler 'handler'
if commandName and handler are none, use the most recently defined values
# setMenuItem can create a command, or use a previously defined one.
if commandName is None:
commandName = self.commandName
# make sure commandName is in the list of commandNames
if commandName not in self.commandNames:
if handler is None:
handler = self.handler
table = ((commandName, None, handler),)
self.c.frame.menu.createMenuItemsFromTable(menu, table)
def setButton(self, buttonText = None, commandName = None, color = None):
"""Associate an existing command with a 'button'
if buttonText is None:
buttonText = self.commandName
if commandName is None:
commandName = self.commandName
if commandName not in self.commandNames:
raise NameError("setButton error, %s is not a commandName" % commandName)
if color is None:
color = 'grey'
script = "c.k.simulateCommand('%s')" % self.commandName
buttonText = buttonText, bg = color)
def callTagHandler (bunch,tag,keywords):
handler = bunch.fn ; moduleName = bunch.moduleName
# if tag != 'idle': g.pr('callTagHandler',tag,keywords.get('c'))
# Make sure the new commander exists.
if True: # tag == 'idle':
for key in ('c','new_c'):
c = keywords.get(key)
if c:
# Make sure c exists and has a frame.
if not c.exists or not hasattr(c,'frame'):
g.pr('skipping tag %s: c does not exists or does not have a frame.' % tag)
return None
# Calls to registerHandler from inside the handler belong to moduleName.
global loadingModuleNameStack
result = handler(tag,keywords)
return result
def doHandlersForTag (tag,keywords):
"""Execute all handlers for a given tag, in alphabetical order.
All exceptions are caught by the caller, doHook."""
global handlers
if g.app.killed:
return None
if tag in handlers:
bunches = handlers.get(tag)
# Execute hooks in some random order.
# Return if one of them returns a non-None result.
for bunch in bunches:
val = callTagHandler(bunch,tag,keywords)
if val is not None:
return val
if 'all' in handlers:
bunches = handlers.get('all')
for bunch in bunches:
return None
ignoringMessageGiven = False
def doPlugins(tag,keywords):
global ignoringMessageGiven
if g.app.killed:
if tag in ('start1','open0'):
return doHandlersForTag(tag,keywords)
def getHandlersForTag(tags):
import types
if type(tags) in (type((),),type([])):
result = []
for tag in tags:
aList = getHandlersForOneTag(tag)
return result
return getHandlersForOneTag(tags)
def getHandlersForOneTag (tag):
global handlers
aList = handlers.get(tag,[])
return aList
# return [bunch.fn for bunch in aList]
def getPluginModule (moduleName):
global loadedModules
return loadedModules.get(moduleName)
def isLoaded (name):
if name.endswith('.py'): name = name[:-3]
return name in g.app.loadedPlugins
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3440:loadHandlers & helper
def loadHandlers(tag):
"""Load all enabled plugins from the plugins directory"""
warn_on_failure = g.app.config.getBool(c=None,setting='warn_when_plugins_fail_to_load')
def pr (*args,**keys):
if not g.app.unitTesting:
plugins_path = g.os_path_finalize_join(g.app.loadDir,"..","plugins")
files = glob.glob(g.os_path_join(plugins_path,"*.py"))
files = [g.os_path_finalize(theFile) for theFile in files]
s = g.app.config.getEnabledPlugins()
if not s: return
if tag == 'open0' and not g.app.silentMode and not g.app.batchMode:
s2 = '@enabled-plugins found in %s' % (
enabled_files = getEnabledFiles(s,plugins_path)
# Load plugins in the order they appear in the enabled_files list.
if files and enabled_files:
for theFile in enabled_files:
if theFile in files:
# Warn about any non-existent enabled file.
if warn_on_failure and tag == 'open0':
for z in enabled_files:
if z not in files:
g.es_print('plugin does not exist:',
# Note: g.plugin_signon adds module names to g.app.loadedPlugins
if 0:
if g.app.loadedPlugins:
pr("%d plugins loaded" % (len(g.app.loadedPlugins)), color="blue")
def getEnabledFiles (s,plugins_path):
'''Return a list of plugins mentioned in non-comment lines of s.'''
enabled_files = []
for s in g.splitLines(s):
s = s.strip()
if s and not s.startswith('#'):
path = g.os_path_finalize_join(plugins_path,s)
return enabled_files
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3440:loadHandlers & helper
def loadOnePlugin (moduleOrFileName,tag='open0',verbose=False):
trace = False # and not g.unitTesting
global loadedModules,loadingModuleNameStack
# Prevent Leo from crashing if .leoID.txt does not exist.
if g.app.config is None:
print ('No g.app.config, making stub...')
class StubConfig(g.nullObject):
g.app.config = StubConfig()
# Fixed reversion: do this after possibly creating stub config class.
verbose = False or verbose or g.app.config.getBool(c=None,setting='trace_plugins')
warn_on_failure = g.app.config.getBool(c=None,setting='warn_when_plugins_fail_to_load')
if moduleOrFileName.endswith('.py'):
moduleName = moduleOrFileName [:-3]
moduleName = moduleOrFileName
moduleName = g.shortFileName(moduleName)
if isLoaded(moduleName):
module = loadedModules.get(moduleName)
if trace or verbose:
g.trace('plugin',moduleName,'already loaded',color="blue")
return module
assert g.app.loadDir
plugins_path = g.os_path_finalize_join(g.app.loadDir,"..","plugins")
moduleName = g.toUnicode(moduleName)
# This import will typically result in calls to registerHandler.
# if the plugin does _not_ use the init top-level function.
result = g.importFromPath(moduleName,plugins_path,pluginName=moduleName,verbose=True)
if result:
if tag == 'unit-test-load':
pass # Keep the result, but do no more.
elif hasattr(result,'init'):
# Indicate success only if init_result is True.
init_result = result.init()
# g.trace('result',result,'init_result',init_result)
if init_result:
loadedModules[moduleName] = result
loadedModulesFilesDict[moduleName] = g.app.config.enabledPluginsFileName
if verbose and not g.app.initing:
g.es_print('loadOnePlugin: failed to load module',moduleName,color="red")
result = None
except Exception:
g.es_print('exception loading plugin',color='red')
result = None
# No top-level init function.
# Guess that the module was loaded correctly,
# but do *not* load the plugin if we are unit testing.
if g.app.unitTesting:
result = None
loadedModules[moduleName] = None
g.trace('no init()',moduleName)
loadedModules[moduleName] = result
if g.app.batchMode or g.app.inBridge: # or g.unitTesting
elif result:
if trace or verbose:
g.trace('loaded plugin:',moduleName,color="blue")
if trace or warn_on_failure or (verbose and not g.app.initing):
if trace or tag == 'open0':
g.trace('can not load enabled plugin:',moduleName,color="red")
return result
def printHandlers (c,moduleName=None):
tabName = 'Plugins'
if moduleName:
s = 'handlers for %s...\n' % (moduleName)
s = 'all plugin handlers...\n'
data = []
modules = {}
for tag in handlers:
bunches = handlers.get(tag)
for bunch in bunches:
name = bunch.moduleName
tags = modules.get(name,[])
modules[name] = tags
n = 4
for key in sorted(modules):
tags = modules.get(key)
if moduleName in (None,key):
for tag in tags:
n = max(n,len(tag))
lines = ['%*s %s\n' % (-n,s1,s2) for (s1,s2) in data]
def printPlugins (c):
tabName = 'Plugins'
data = []
data.append('enabled plugins...\n')
for z in sorted(loadedModules):
lines = ['%s\n' % (s) for s in data]
def printPluginsInfo (c):
'''Print the file name responsible for loading a plugin.
This is the first .leo file containing an @enabled-plugins node
that enables the plugin.'''
d = loadedModulesFilesDict
tabName = 'Plugins'
data = []
# for z in g.app.loadedPlugins:
# print (z, d.get(z))
data = [] ; n = 4
for moduleName in d:
fileName = d.get(moduleName)
n = max(n,len(moduleName))
lines = ['%*s %s\n' % (-n,s1,s2) for (s1,s2) in data]
def registerExclusiveHandler(tags, fn):
""" Register one or more exclusive handlers"""
import types
if type(tags) in (type((),),type([])):
for tag in tags:
def registerOneExclusiveHandler(tag, fn):
"""Register one exclusive handler"""
global handlers, loadingModuleNameStack
moduleName = loadingModuleNameStack[-1]
except IndexError:
moduleName = '<no module>'
if 0:
if g.app.unitTesting: g.pr('')
g.pr('%6s %15s %25s %s' % (g.app.unitTesting,moduleName,tag,fn.__name__))
if g.app.unitTesting: return
if tag in handlers:
g.es("*** Two exclusive handlers for","'%s'" % (tag))
bunch = g.Bunch(fn=fn,moduleName=moduleName,tag='handler')
handlers = [bunch]
def registerHandler(tags,fn):
""" Register one or more handlers"""
import types
if type(tags) in (type((),),type([])):
for tag in tags:
def registerOneHandler(tag,fn):
"""Register one handler"""
global handlers, loadingModuleNameStack
moduleName = loadingModuleNameStack[-1]
except IndexError:
moduleName = '<no module>'
if 0:
if g.app.unitTesting: g.pr('')
g.pr('%6s %15s %25s %s' % (g.app.unitTesting,moduleName,tag,fn.__name__))
items = handlers.get(tag,[])
if fn not in items:
bunch = g.Bunch(fn=fn,moduleName=moduleName,tag='handler')
# g.trace(tag) ; g.printList(items)
handlers[tag] = items
def unloadOnePlugin (moduleOrFileName,verbose=False):
if moduleOrFileName [-3:] == ".py":
moduleName = moduleOrFileName [:-3]
moduleName = moduleOrFileName
moduleName = g.shortFileName(moduleName)
if moduleName in g.app.loadedPlugins:
if verbose:
for tag in handlers:
bunches = handlers.get(tag)
bunches = [bunch for bunch in bunches if bunch.moduleName != moduleName]
handlers[tag] = bunches
def unregisterHandler(tags,fn):
import types
if type(tags) in (type((),),type([])):
for tag in tags:
def unregisterOneHandler (tag,fn):
global handlers
if 1: # New code
bunches = handlers.get(tag)
bunches = [bunch for bunch in bunches if bunch.fn != fn]
handlers[tag] = bunches
fn_list = handlers.get(tag)
if fn_list:
while fn in fn_list:
handlers[tag] = fn_list
# g.trace(handlers.get(tag))
#@+node:ville.20090222141717.2:TryNext (exception)
class TryNext(Exception):
"""Try next hook exception.
Raise this in your hook function to indicate that the next hook handler
should be used to handle the operation. If you pass arguments to the
constructor those arguments will be used by the next hook instead of the
original ones.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
#@-node:ville.20090222141717.2:TryNext (exception)
#@+node:ville.20090222141717.1:class CommandChainDispatcher
class CommandChainDispatcher:
""" Dispatch calls to a chain of commands until some func can handle it
Usage: instantiate, execute "add" to add commands (with optional
priority), execute normally via f() calling mechanism.
def __init__(self,commands=None):
if commands is None:
self.chain = []
self.chain = commands
def __call__(self,*args, **kw):
""" Command chain is called just like normal func.
This will call all funcs in chain with the same args as were given to this
function, and return the result of first func that didn't raise
TryNext """
for prio,cmd in self.chain:
#print "prio",prio,"cmd",cmd #dbg
ret = cmd(*args, **kw)
return ret
except TryNext as exc:
if exc.args or exc.kwargs:
args = exc.args
kw = exc.kwargs
# if no function will accept it, raise TryNext up to the caller
raise TryNext
def __str__(self):
return str(self.chain)
def add(self, func, priority=0):
""" Add a func to the cmd chain with given priority """
def __iter__(self):
""" Return all objects in chain.
Handy if the objects are not callable.
return iter(self.chain)
#@-node:ville.20090222141717.1:class CommandChainDispatcher
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3439:@thin leoPlugins.py