# This file is part of Gato (Graph Animation Toolbox)
# file: Graph.py
# author: Alexander Schliep (schliep@molgen.mpg.de)
# Copyright (C) 1998-2005, Alexander Schliep, Winfried Hochstaettler and
# Copyright 1998-2001 ZAIK/ZPR, Universitaet zu Koeln
# Contact: schliep@molgen.mpg.de, wh@zpr.uni-koeln.de
# Information: http://gato.sf.net
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# This file is version $Revision: 1.1 $
# from $Date: 2007/10/04 14:36:39 $
# last change by $Author: edream $.
import types
import StringIO
from string import split
import string
from GatoGlobals import *
from Graph import Graph
from DataStructures import Point2D,VertexLabeling,EdgeLabeling,EdgeWeight,VertexWeight,Queue
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("GraphUtil.py")
# Syntactic Sugar
def Vertices(G):
""" Returns the vertices of G. Hide method call """
return G.vertices
def Edges(G):
""" Returns the edges of G. Hide method call """
return G.Edges()
# Basic algorithms
def BFS(G,root,direction='forward'):
""" Calculate BFS distances and predecessor without showing animations.
If G is directed, direction does matter:
- 'forward' BFS will use outgoing edges
- 'backward' BFS will use incoming edges
It uses gInfinity (from GatoGlobals.py) as infinite distance.
returns (dist,pred) """
Q = Queue()
d = {}
pred = {}
for v in G.vertices:
d[v] = gInfinity
d[root] = 0
pred[root] = root
while Q.IsNotEmpty():
v = Q.Top()
if G.QDirected() == 1 and direction == 'backward':
nbh = G.InNeighbors(v)
nbh = G.Neighborhood(v)
for w in nbh:
if d[w] == gInfinity:
d[w] = d[v] + 1
pred[w] = v
return (d,pred)
def ConnectedComponents(G):
""" Compute the connected components of the undirected graph G.
Returns a list of lists of vertices. """
result = []
visited = {}
for v in G.vertices:
visited[v] = None
for root in G.vertices:
if visited[root] is not None:
else: # Found a new component
component = [root]
visited[root] = 1
Q = Queue()
while Q.IsNotEmpty():
v = Q.Top()
nbh = G.Neighborhood(v)
for w in nbh:
if visited[w] == None:
visited[w] = 1
return result
# GraphInformer
class GraphInformer:
""" Provides information about edges and vertices of a graph.
Used as argument for GraphDisplay.RegisterGraphInformer() """
def __init__(self,G):
self.G = G
self.info = ""
def DefaultInfo(self):
""" Provide an default text which is shown when no edge/vertex
info is displayed """
return self.info
def VertexInfo(self,v):
""" Provide an info text for vertex v """
t = self.G.GetEmbedding(v)
return "Vertex %d at position (%d,%d)" % (v, int(t.x), int(t.y))
def EdgeInfo(self,tail,head):
""" Provide an info text for edge (tail,head) """
return "Edge (%d,%d)" % (tail, head)
def SetDefaultInfo(self, info=""):
self.info = info
class WeightedGraphInformer(GraphInformer):
""" Provides information about weighted edges and vertices of a graph.
Used as argument for GraphDisplay.RegisterGraphInformer() """
def __init__(self,G,weightDesc="weight"):
""" G is the graph we want to supply information about and weightDesc
a textual interpretation of the weight """
self.weightDesc = weightDesc
def EdgeInfo(self,tail,head):
""" Provide an info text for weighted edge (tail,head) """
# How to handle undirected graph
if self.G.QDirected() == 0:
w = self.G.GetEdgeWeight(0,tail, head)
except KeyError:
w = self.G.GetEdgeWeight(0, head, tail)
w = self.G.GetEdgeWeight(0, tail, head)
if self.G.edgeWeights[0].QInteger():
return "Edge (%d,%d) %s: %d" % (tail, head, self.weightDesc, w)
return "Edge (%d,%d) %s: %f" % (tail, head, self.weightDesc, w)
class MSTGraphInformer(WeightedGraphInformer):
def __init__(self,G,T):
self.T = T
def DefaultInfo(self):
""" Provide an default text which is shown when no edge/vertex
info is displayed """
return "Tree has %d vertices and weight %5.2f" % (self.T.Order(),self.T.Weight())
class FlowGraphInformer(GraphInformer):
def __init__(self,G,flow):
self.flow = flow
self.cap = flow.cap
self.res = flow.res
self.excess = flow.excess
def EdgeInfo(self,v,w):
return "Edge (%d,%d) - flow: %d of %d" % (v,w, self.flow[(v,w)], self.cap[(v,w)])
def VertexInfo(self,v):
tmp = self.excess[v]
if tmp == gInfinity:
str1 = "Infinity"
elif tmp == -gInfinity:
str1 = "-Infinity"
str1 = "%d"%tmp
return "Vertex %d - excess: %s" % (v, str1)
class ResidualGraphInformer(FlowGraphInformer):
def EdgeInfo(self,v,w):
return "Edge (%d,%d) - residual capacity: %d" % (v, w, self.res[(v,w)])
def OpenCATBoxGraph(_file):
""" Reads in a graph from file fileName. File-format is supposed
to be from old CATBOX++ (*.cat) """
G = Graph()
E = VertexLabeling()
W = EdgeWeight(G)
L = VertexLabeling()
# get file from name or file object
if type(_file) in types.StringTypes:
graphFile = open(_file, 'r')
elif type(_file)==types.FileType or issubclass(_file.__class__,StringIO.StringIO):
raise Exception("got wrong argument")
lineNr = 1
firstVertexLineNr = -1
lastVertexLineNr = -1
firstEdgeLineNr = -1
lastEdgeLineNr = -1
intWeights = 0
while 1:
line = graphFile.readline()
if not line:
if lineNr == 2: # Read directed and euclidian
splitLine = split(line[:-1],';')
G.directed = eval(split(splitLine[0],':')[1])
G.simple = eval(split(splitLine[1],':')[1])
G.euclidian = eval(split(splitLine[2],':')[1])
intWeights = eval(split(splitLine[3],':')[1])
nrOfEdgeWeights = eval(split(splitLine[4],':')[1])
nrOfVertexWeights = eval(split(splitLine[5],':')[1])
for i in xrange(nrOfEdgeWeights):
G.edgeWeights[i] = EdgeWeight(G)
for i in xrange(nrOfVertexWeights):
G.vertexWeights[i] = VertexWeight(G)
if lineNr == 5: # Read nr of vertices
nrOfVertices = eval(split(line[:-2],':')[1]) # Strip of "\n" and ;
firstVertexLineNr = lineNr + 1
lastVertexLineNr = lineNr + nrOfVertices
if firstVertexLineNr <= lineNr and lineNr <= lastVertexLineNr:
splitLine = split(line[:-1],';')
v = G.AddVertex()
x = eval(split(splitLine[1],':')[1])
y = eval(split(splitLine[2],':')[1])
for i in xrange(nrOfVertexWeights):
w = eval(split(splitLine[3+i],':')[1])
G.vertexWeights[i][v] = w
E[v] = Point2D(x,y)
if lineNr == lastVertexLineNr + 1: # Read Nr of edges
nrOfEdges = eval(split(line[:-2],':')[1]) # Strip of "\n" and ;
firstEdgeLineNr = lineNr + 1
lastEdgeLineNr = lineNr + nrOfEdges
if firstEdgeLineNr <= lineNr and lineNr <= lastEdgeLineNr:
splitLine = split(line[:-1],';')
h = eval(split(splitLine[0],':')[1])
t = eval(split(splitLine[1],':')[1])
for i in xrange(nrOfEdgeWeights):
G.edgeWeights[i][(t,h)] = eval(split(splitLine[3+i],':')[1])
lineNr = lineNr + 1
for v in G.vertices:
L[v] = v
G.embedding = E
G.labeling = L
if intWeights:
for i in xrange(nrOfVertexWeights):
return G
def SaveCATBoxGraph(G, _file):
""" Save graph to file fileName in file-format from old CATBOX++ (*.cat) """
# get file from name or file object
if type(_file) in types.StringTypes:
file = open(_file, 'w')
elif type(_file)==types.FileType or issubclass(_file.__class__,StringIO.StringIO):
raise Exception("got wrong argument")
nrOfVertexWeights = len(G.vertexWeights.keys())
nrOfEdgeWeights = len(G.edgeWeights.keys())
integerEdgeWeights = G.edgeWeights[0].QInteger()
file.write("dir:%d; simp:%d; eucl:%d; int:%d; ew:%d; vw:%d;\n" %
(G.QDirected(), G.simple, G.QEuclidian(), integerEdgeWeights,
nrOfEdgeWeights, nrOfVertexWeights))
file.write("vdim:1000; hdim:1000; vlinc:10; hlinc:10; vpinc:50; hpinc:50;\n")
file.write("vertices:" + `G.Order()` + ";\n")
# Force continous numbering of vertices
count = 1
save = {}
for v in G.vertices:
save[v] = count
count = count + 1
file.write("n:%d; x:%d; y:%d;" % (save[v], G.embedding[v].x, G.embedding[v].y))
for i in xrange(nrOfVertexWeights):
if integerEdgeWeights: # XXX
file.write(" w:%d;" % int(round(G.vertexWeights[i][v])))
file.write(" w:%d;" % G.vertexWeights[i][v])
file.write("edges:" + `G.Size()` + ";\n")
for tail in G.vertices:
for head in G.OutNeighbors(tail):
file.write("h:%d; t:%d; e:2;" % (save[head], save[tail]))
for i in xrange(nrOfEdgeWeights):
if integerEdgeWeights:
file.write(" w:%d;" % int(round(G.edgeWeights[i][(tail,head)])))
file.write(" w:%f;" % G.edgeWeights[i][(tail,head)])
#### GML
def ParseGML(file):
retval = []
while 1:
line = file.readline()
if not line:
return retval
token = filter(lambda x: x != '', split(line[:-1],"[\t ]*"))
if len(token) == 1 and token[0] == ']':
return retval
elif len(token) == 2:
if token[1] == '[':
retval.append((token[0], ParseGML(file)))
retval.append((token[0], token[1]))
log.error("Serious format error line %s:" % line)
def PairListToDictionary(l):
d = {}
for i in xrange(len(l)):
d[l[i][0]] = l[i][1]
return d
def OpenGMLGraph(fileName):
""" Reads in a graph from file fileName. File-format is supposed
to be GML (*.gml) """
G = Graph()
G.directed = 0
E = VertexLabeling()
W = EdgeWeight(G)
L = VertexLabeling()
VLabel = VertexLabeling()
ELabel = EdgeLabeling()
file = open(fileName, 'r')
g = ParseGML(file)
if g[0][0] != 'graph':
log.error("Serious format error in %s. first key is not graph" % fileName)
l = g[0][1]
for i in xrange(len(l)):
key = l[i][0]
value = l[i][1]
if key == 'node':
d = PairListToDictionary(value)
v = G.AddVertex()
VLabel[v] = eval(d['label'])
P = PairListToDictionary(d['graphics'])
E[v] = Point2D(eval(P['x']), eval(P['y']))
d = None
P = None
elif key == 'edge':
d = PairListToDictionary(value)
s = eval(d['source'])
t = eval(d['target'])
ELabel[(s,t)] = eval(d['label'])
W[(s,t)] = 0
d = None
elif key == 'directed':
G.directed = 1
for v in G.vertices:
L[v] = v
G.embedding = E
G.labeling = L
G.nrEdgeWeights = 1
G.edgeWeights[0] = W
G.vertexAnnotation = VLabel
G.edgeAnnotation = ELabel
return G
def OpenDotGraph(fileName):
""" Reads in a graph from file fileName. File-format is supposed
to be dot (*.dot) used in """
G = Graph()
G.directed = 1
E = VertexLabeling()
W = EdgeWeight(G)
L = VertexLabeling()
VLabel = VertexLabeling()
ELabel = EdgeLabeling()
import re
file = open(fileName, 'r')
lines = file.readlines()
dot2graph = {}
for l in lines[3:]:
items = string.split(l)
if len(items) < 2:
if items[1] != '->':
v = G.AddVertex()
dot_v = int(items[0])
L[v] = "%d" % dot_v
dot2graph[dot_v] = v
m = re.search('label=("[^"]+")', l)
VLabel[v] = m.group(1)[1:-1]
m = re.search('pos="(\d+),(\d+)"', l)
x = int(m.group(1))
y = int(m.group(2))
E[v] = Point2D(x,y)
m = re.search('(\d+) -> (\d+)', l)
v = dot2graph[int(m.group(1))]
w = dot2graph[int(m.group(2))]
m = re.search('label=("[^"]+")', l)
#print l
#print v,w,m.group(1)
weight = float(m.group(1)[1:-1])
W[(v,w)] = weight
ELabel[(v,w)] = "%0.2f" % weight
G.embedding = E
G.labeling = L
G.nrEdgeWeights = 1
G.edgeWeights[0] = W
G.vertexAnnotation = VLabel
G.edgeAnnotation = ELabel
return G