# Leo colorizer control file for ini mode.
# This file is in the public domain.
# Properties for ini mode.
properties = {
"lineComment": ";",
# Attributes dict for ini_main ruleset.
ini_main_attributes_dict = {
"default": "null",
"digit_re": "",
"escape": "",
"highlight_digits": "true",
"ignore_case": "true",
"no_word_sep": "",
# Dictionary of attributes dictionaries for ini mode.
attributesDictDict = {
"ini_main": ini_main_attributes_dict,
# Keywords dict for ini_main ruleset.
ini_main_keywords_dict = {}
# Dictionary of keywords dictionaries for ini mode.
keywordsDictDict = {
"ini_main": ini_main_keywords_dict,
# Rules for ini_main ruleset.
def ini_rule0(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="keyword2", begin="[", end="]",
at_line_start=True, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False)
def ini_rule1(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_eol_span(s, i, kind="comment1", seq=";",
at_line_start=True, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
delegate="", exclude_match=False)
def ini_rule2(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_eol_span(s, i, kind="comment1", seq="#",
at_line_start=True, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
delegate="", exclude_match=False)
def ini_rule3(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_mark_previous(s, i, kind="keyword1", pattern="=",
at_line_start=True, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, exclude_match=True)
# Rules dict for ini_main ruleset.
rulesDict1 = {
"#": [ini_rule2,],
";": [ini_rule1,],
"=": [ini_rule3,],
"[": [ini_rule0,],
# x.rulesDictDict for ini mode.
rulesDictDict = {
"ini_main": rulesDict1,
# Import dict for ini mode.
importDict = {}