# This file is part of Lyntin.
# Lyntin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Lyntin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# copyright (c) Free Software Foundation 2001-2007
# $Id: exported.py,v 1.18 2007/07/24 00:39:03 willhelm Exp $
This is the X{API} for lyntin internals and is guaranteed to change
very rarely even though we might change Lyntin's internals. If
it does change it'll be between major Lyntin versions.
The write_hook allows you to persist data. Functions that register
with this hook should return a list of strings.
For example, the alias plugin would register with this hook and if
I had an alias vv, it would return:
[ "alias {vv} {this is my alias}" ]
as its data. If quiet == 1, then it would return:
[ "alias {vv} {this is my alias} quiet={true}" ]
because "quiet" is an argument for the alias command which quells
output when it's called (assuming the output isn't error output).
Arg mapping: {"session": Session, "quiet": boolean }
session - the session in question
quiet - whether (1) or not (0) to append an argument that causes
the command to quell input when it is later read in
import sys, traceback
from lyntin import utils,constants
from lyntin.ui import message
LAST = 99
myengine = None
def get_engine():
This is a helper function provided for backwards compatibility with
older modules.
return myengine
class StopSpammingException(Exception):
This is what you raise when you're implementing a handler hook
and you've handled the data. This will cause the hook to stop
iterating through the rest of the hook functions.
class DoneSpammingException(Exception):
def __init__(self, output):
self.output = output
def lyntin_command(text, internal=0, session=None):
The best way of executing a Lyntin command as if the user had typed it.
This executes "#help", doesn't create an entry in the history, and
doesn't spam the from_user_hook::
from lyntin.exported import lyntin_command
lyntin_command("#help", internal=1, session=None)
This executes "#action {killing blow} {reclaim}", creates an entry
in the history, spams the from_user_hook, and does it in the session
named "a"::
from lyntin.exported import lyntin_command, get_session
lyntin_command("#action {killing blow} {reclaim}", internal=0, session=get_session("a"))
@param text: the command to execute. ex. "#help"
@type text: string
@param internal: whether (1) or not (0) to execute the line internally
suppressing history and the spamhook.
@type internal: boolean
@param session: the session instance to execute this command in
(defaults to the current session)
@type session: Session
if session != None:
myengine.handleUserData(text, internal, session)
myengine.handleUserData(text, internal)
def add_command(cmd, func, arguments=None, argoptions=None, helptext=""):
This function allows you to add additional commands to Lyntin.
Note, if you add a command that has the same name as an existing
command, we'll first remove the existing command and then add
the new command (this is done in the CommandManager).
If you add a E{^} to the beginning of the command name, then the user
has to type the entire command name for it to kick off. For
example, if I specified "E{^}end", then the user has to type "#end"
to execute that command. If I had specified "end", then the user
could type "e", "en", or "end".
If you don't specify helptext and the function has a doc_string,
then we'll pull the helptext from the function's doc_string.
This creates a basic command that has no arguments or argoptions
and adds it to the CommandManager::
import os
from lyntin.exported import add_command
ht = "This command does an os.system("who") to let you see " + \
"who's online\\nright now."
def who_cmd(ses, args, input):
add_command("who", who_cmd, "", None, ht)
Same thing, but the help text is in the doc_string of the command::
import os
from lyntin.exported import add_command
def who_cmd(ses, args, input):
This command does an os.system("who") to let you see who's
online right now.
add_command("who", who_cmd)
@param cmd: the command name to add. ex. "help"
@type cmd: string
@param func: the function to call to handle the command
@type func: function
@param arguments: the argument spec for building the ArgumentParser
@type arguments: string
@param argoptions: the options to give the ArgumentParser to tell it
how to parse the arguments
@type argoptions: string
@param helptext: the helptext associated with this command to give to
the HelpManager
@type helptext: string
get_manager("command").addCommand(cmd, func, arguments, argoptions, helptext)
def remove_command(text):
Removes a command from Lyntin.
@param text: the name of the command to remove
@type text: string
@return: 0 if no command was found, 1 if the command was removed
@rtype: boolean
return get_manager("command").removeCommand(text)
def get_commands():
Returns a list of the existing commands in Lyntin.
@return: the list of commands currently registered with Lyntin
@rtype: list of strings
return get_manager("command").getCommands()
def add_manager(name, mgr):
Registers a manager with the engine.
example of usage::
from lyntin.exported import add_manager
from lyntin import manager
class MyManager(manager.Manager):
def __init__(self):
add_manager("mymanager", MyManager)
Managers are pretty straightforward especially considering that
Lyntin makes great use of them so there are lots of examples.
@param name: the name of the manager to register with Lyntin
@type name: string
@param mgr: the manager instance being registered
@type mgr: manager.Manager
myengine.addManager(name, mgr)
def remove_manager(name):
Removes a manager from the engine.
@param name: the name of the manager to remove from Lyntin
@type name: string
@return: 0 if nothing happened, 1 if the manager was removed
@rtype: boolean
return myengine.removeManager(name)
def get_manager(name):
Retrieves a manager from the engine.
@param name: the name of the manager to retrieve
@type name: string
@return: the manager instance
@rtype: manager.Manager
return myengine.getManager(name)
def get_config(name, ses=None, defaultvalue=constants.NODEFAULTVALUE):
Gets a value for a config item. If the default value is
not specified, then it will raise a ValueError.
This gets the snoopdefault config value. Since we're not
specifying a session, it'll get the global one::
from lyntin.exported import get_config
snoopdefault = get_config("snoopdefault", defaultvalue=0)
This gets the ignoreactions setting for the session named "a"::
from lyntin.exported import get_config, get_session
ia = get_config("ignoreactions", get_session("a"), defaultvalue=0)
@param name: the name of the item to retrieve the value of
@type name: string
@param ses: the session (or None if this is not session-scoped)
@type ses: Session
@param defaultvalue: the value to return if there is no config
item of that name. if you don't specify this, then we'll
raise a ValueError.
@type defaultvalue: varies
return myengine.getConfigManager().get(name, ses, defaultvalue)
def add_config(name, configitem, ses=None):
Adds a new configuration item. Configuration items allow you to
present the user with options that they can change which control
the behavior of your module. Examples of this abound in Lyntin.
Here we create a boolean config item to control whether we're
ignoring actions or not for the session named "a"::
from lyntin import config
from lyntin.exported import add_config
tc = config.BoolConfig("ignoreactions", 0, 1, "Allows you to turn off action handling")
add_config("ignoreactions", tc, get_session("a"))
@param name: the name of the item
@type name: string
@param configitem: the configuration item to add
@type configitem: ConfigBase
@param ses: if this item is session based, then this is the session
to associate the item with
@type ses: Session
@raises ValueError: if there is already an item with that name for
that session
myengine.getConfigManager().add(name, configitem, ses)
def remove_config(name, ses=None):
Allows you to remove a configuration item from the system.
@param name: the name of the item to remove
@type name: string
@param ses: the session from which to remove the item (None if
it's a general Lyntin item)
@type ses: Session
@raises ValueError: if the item does not exist
myengine.getConfigManager().remove(name, ses)
def add_help(fqn, helptext):
Adds a help topic to the structure. See the helpmanager documentation
for more details as to what the helptext should look like.
Note: If you're building commands, the add_command function allows you
to pass in help text for the command. If you don't pass in help text
and the command function has a doc_string, then we'll try to
extract the help text from the doc_string.
@param fqn: a . delmited string of categories ending
with a help name
@type fqn: string
@param helptext: the help text
@type helptext: string
@return: the fqn of where the help topic was stored (you can place
category overrides in the helptext)
@rtype: string
return get_manager("help").addHelp(fqn, helptext)
def remove_help(fqn):
Removes a help topic from Lyntin.
@param fqn: a . delmited string of categories ending
with a help name
@type fqn: string
def get_help(fqn):
Retrieves a help topic via a fully qualified name.
@param fqn: a . delimited string of categories ending
with a help name
@type fqn: string
@return: the help topic of that name or None if the topic
doesn't exist
@rtype: string
return get_manager("help").getHelp(fqn)
def get_version():
Returns Lyntin's version number as a tuple. For example, if
this were Lyntin version 4.0, the tuple would be (4, 0, 0).
If this were Lyntin version 55.3.2 the tuple would be
(55, 3, 2).
@return: the version number of this installation of Lyntin
@rtype: tuple of (int, int, int)
import lyntin.__init__
return lyntin.__init__.__version_tuple__
def expand_ses_vars(text, ses):
Grabs the variable manager (which we're hoping is using the
same expand_vars as what's registered--only time will tell)
and expands variables using the variable manager and its
@param text: the text to expand variables in
@type text: string
@param ses: the session object to pass to the VariableManager
@type ses: session.Session
@return: the text with variables expanded
@rtype: string
vm = get_manager("variable")
if vm:
return vm.expand(ses, text)
return text
def get_session(name):
Returns a named session or None if the session doesn't exist.
@param name: the name of the session to retrieve
@type name: string
@return: the session instance or None
@rtype: session.Session
return myengine.getSession(name)
def get_active_sessions():
Returns a list of the active sessions including the common one.
@return: the list of active sessions
@rtype: list of session.Session's
return myengine._sessions.values()
def get_current_session():
Returns the current session.
@return: the current session
@rtype: session.Session
return myengine._current_session
def set_current_session(ses):
Changes the current session to another session.
@param ses: the session instance to set the current session to
@type ses: session.Session
def get_num_errors():
Returns the total number of errors Lyntin has had thus far.
@return: the number of unhandled errors Lyntin has encountered so far
@rtype: int
return myengine._errorcount
def set_num_errors(num):
Sets the number of errors Lyntin has had thus far. Do be careful
when setting this because Lyntin keeps track of errors for the
purposes of shutting down the client in case we get into a runaway
exception loop.
@param num: the number of errors to set
@type num: int
myengine._errorcount = num
def write_ui(text):
Calls engine.myengine.writeUI which writes a message to the ui.
If there is no engine instance available, it prints it to sysout.
@param text: the message to write to the ui
@type text: string or ui.Message
if myengine:
print text
def write_message(text, ses=None, **hints):
Calls engine.myengine.writeMessage which writes LTDATA message.
If there is no engine instance available, it prints it to sysout.
@param text: the message to send
@type text: string
@param ses: the session instance the error data is associated with
@type ses: session.Session
text = str(text)
if myengine:
myengine.writeUI(message.Message(text + "\n", message.LTDATA, ses, **hints))
print "message:", text
def write_error(text, ses=None):
Calls engine.myengine.writeError which writes ERROR message.
If there is no engine instance available, it prints it to sysout.
@param text: the message to send
@type text: string
@param ses: the session instance the error data is associated with
@type ses: session.Session
text = str(text)
if myengine:
myengine.writeUI(message.Message(text + "\n", message.ERROR, ses))
print "error:", text
def write_user_data(text, ses=None):
Calls engine.myengine.writeUserData which writes a USERDATA message.
If there is no engine instance available, it prints it to sysout.
@param text: the message to send
@type text: string
@param ses: the session instance the user data is associated with
@type ses: session.Session
text = str(text)
if myengine:
myengine.writeUI(message.Message(text + "\n", message.USERDATA, ses))
print "userdata:", text
def write_mud_data(text, ses=None):
Calls engine.myengine.writeMudData which writes a MUDDATA message.
If there is no engine instance available, it prints it to sysout.
@param text: the message to send
@type text: string
@param ses: the session instance the mud data is associated with
@type ses: session.Session
text = str(text)
if myengine:
myengine.writeUI(message.Message(text, message.MUDDATA, ses))
print "muddata:", text
def write_traceback(message="", ses=None):
Convenience method for grabbing the traceback, formatting it,
piping it through write_error, with a message for the user.
@param message: any message you want to pass to the user--this
gets printed first
@type message: string
@param ses: the session instance the mud data is associated with
@type ses: session.Session
exc = "".join(traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]))
if message:
message = message + "\n" + exc
message = exc
write_error(message, ses)
def get_history(count=30):
Retrieves the history as a oldest to youngest list of strings.
@param count: the number of lines to return
@type count: int
@return: the history oldest to youngest
@rtype: list of strings
return get_manager("history").getHistory(count)
def tally_error():
This adds one to the current error count and checks to see
if we're over our limit. If we are, it enqueues a shutdown
event which will shutdown Lyntin.
def get_hook(hookname):
If the hook exists, returns the hook. Otherwise it creates
a new hook and returns that.
@param hookname: the name of the hook to retrieve
@type hookname: string
@returns: the Hook by the name of hookname
@rtype: Hook
return myengine.getHook(hookname)
def hook_register(hookname, func, place=constants.LAST):
Registers a function with a hook.
@param hookname: the name of the hook
@type hookname: string
@param func: the function to register with the hook
@type func: function
@param place: the function will get this place in the call
order. functions with the same place specified will get
arbitrary ordering. defaults to constants.LAST.
@type place: int
myengine.hookRegister(hookname, func, place)
def hook_unregister(hookname, func):
If the hook exists, unregisters the func from the hook.
@param hookname: the name of the hook
@type hookname: string
@param func: the function to remove from the hook
@type func: function
if myengine._hooks.has_key(hookname):
def hook_spam(hookname, argmap={}, mappingfunc=lambda x,y:x,
emptyfunc=lambda x:x, donefunc=lambda x:x):
Sends out input to all the registrants of a hook.
@param hookname: the name of the hook to spam
@type hookname: string
@param argmap: the map of arguments that gets passed to
each function in the hook. the actual arguments differs
from hook to hook.
@type argmap: dict of arguments
@param mappingfunc: function whose output will be passed to the next
function in the hook. Must take two arguments: the previous
arglist and the return from the previous function.
@type mappingfunc: function
@param emptyfunc: Function to be called with arglist if there are no
objects registered with this hook. Must take 1 argument, the arglist
tuple, and return what spamhook should return.
@type emptyfunc: function
@param donefunc: Function to be called when spamming finishes normally.
Should take 1 argument and return what spamhook should return.
@type donefunc: function
@return: argmap
@rtype: map of output arguments
hooklist = get_hook(hookname).getList()
if hooklist:
for mem in hooklist:
output = mem(argmap)
argmap = mappingfunc(argmap, output)
argmap = emptyfunc(argmap)
except StopSpammingException, e:
return None
except DoneSpammingException, d:
return d.output
return donefunc(argmap)
def filter_mapper_hook_spam(hookname, argmap={}, emptyfunc=lambda x:x,
donefunc=lambda x:x):
This is a slightly optimized filter_mapper hook because it's used so
often in the system. It incorproates the filter_mapper, but skips
any exception handling.
Arguments correspond to hook_spam.
hooklist = get_hook(hookname).getList()
if hooklist:
for mem in hooklist:
output = mem(argmap)
if output == None:
return None
argmap["dataadj"] = output
argmap = emptyfunc(argmap)
return donefunc(argmap)
def filter_mapper(x, y):
This is the mapping function to use for filter-style hooks.
Spamhook should be called as:
1. spamargs = {"session": ses, "data": data, "dataadj": data... }
2. spamargs = exported.hook_spam(... spamargs ...)
3. output = spamargs["dataadj"]
Each filter function will get a map with at least the following keys when
it is called:
- session - the session
- data - the original data
- dataadj - the adjusted data
if y != None:
x["dataadj"] = y
return x
raise StopSpammingException
def query_mapper(x, y):
This is the mapping function to be used for query-style hooks.
Spamhook should be called as:
1. output = hook.spamhook( arguments )
Each hook function will be called with the arguments until one function
returns non-None. That non-None value will be returned from spamhook
if y != None:
raise DoneSpammingException(y)
return x
def query_done(x):
This is the done hook function to go with the query mapper for proper
return None
def get_write_data(ses, quiet=0):
Calls the write_hook and retrieves data from all the functions that
have registered with the hook. It passes in the session involved,
and also the "quiet" argument.
For example, the alias module might have one alias for session a. It
would return::
[ "alias {vv %1} {evoke %1}" ]
If quiet was 1, then it would return::
[ "alias {vv %1} {evoke %1} quiet={true}" ]
Then this method would take all those lists of strings and generate
one list of all the strings and return it.
Exceptions kicked up by poorly written plugins (and bad Lyntin code)
will get percolated upwards. i.e. if exceptions are raised, then you
won't get any return data.
@param ses: the session to save the data for
@type ses: Session
@param quiet: whether or not to be quiet--this is for when the data
that is written is eventually read in. 0 if not quiet, 1 if quiet.
@type quiet: boolean
@returns: data as a list of strings
@rtype: list of strings
data = []
def write_mapper(x, y):
Takes the data from x and sticks it into y so that we continue
it all the way through.
return x
hook_spam("write_hook", {"session": ses, "quiet": quiet}, mappingfunc=write_mapper)
listing = []
if data:
for mem in data:
listing = listing + mem
return listing
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