# This file is part of Lyntin.
# Lyntin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Lyntin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# copyright (c) Free Software Foundation 2001-2007
# $Id: highlight.py,v 1.11 2007/07/24 00:39:03 willhelm Exp $
This module defines the HighlightManager which handles highlights.
Highlights can be used by the user to colorize text making it easier
for the user to glance and see what's going on quickly.
Note, if Lyntin's ansi is turned off, though, highlights won't happen.
We might at some point want to highlight things with [[ ... ]] or
something like that when ansi is off.
from lyntin import ansi,manager,utils,config,exported
from lyntin.modules import modutils
class HighlightData:
def __init__(self):
self._highlights = {}
self._currcolor = list(ansi.DEFAULT_COLOR)
self._colorleftover = ''
def addHighlight(self, style, text):
Adds a highlight to the dict.
@param style: the style to highlight the text with
@type style: string
@param text: the text to highlight
@type text: string
style = style.lower()
markup, compiled = ansi.get_color(style), utils.compile_regexp(text, 0, 1)
self._highlights[text] = (style, markup, compiled)
def clear(self):
Removes all the highlights.
def removeHighlights(self, text):
Removes highlights from the list.
Returns a list of tuples of highlight item/highlight that
were removed.
@param text: we remove highlights that match this text
@type text: string
@return: list of (text, style)
@rtype: list of (string, string)
badhighlights = utils.expand_text(text, self._highlights.keys())
ret = []
for mem in badhighlights:
ret.append((self._highlights[mem][0], mem))
del self._highlights[mem]
return ret
def getHighlights(self):
Returns the keys of the highlight dict.
@return: the list of highlight keys--which is the highlight text
@rtype: list of strings
listing = self._highlights.keys()
return listing
def expand(self, text):
Looks at mud data and performs any highlights.
It returns the final text--even if there were no highlights.
@param text: the input text
@type text: string
@return: the finalized text--even if no highlights were expanded
@rtype: string
if text:
faketext = ansi.filter_ansi(text)
textlist = ansi.split_ansi_from_text(text)
hlist = self._highlights.keys()
for mem in hlist:
miter = self._highlights[mem][2].finditer(faketext)
for m in miter:
# we need to loop for multiple instances of the highlight
begin, end = m.span()
hl = self._highlights[mem][1]
textlist = self.highlight(textlist, begin, end - begin, hl)
# here we sweep through the text string to update our current
# color and leftover color attributes
self._currcolor, self._colorleftover = ansi.figure_color(textlist, self._currcolor, self._colorleftover)
text = "".join(textlist)
return text
def highlight(self, textlist, place, memlength, hl):
Takes a bunch of stuff and applies the highlight involved.
It's messy.
@param textlist: the list of strings representing the incoming
text--this is usually text interspersed with ansi color tokens.
@type textlist: list of strings
@param place: the point in the text (skipping over ansi color stuff)
that marks the beginning of the highlight
@type place: int
@param memlength: the length of the string to be highlighted
@type memlength: int
@param hl: the highlight to apply
@type hl: string
@returns: the newly adjusted textlist
@rtype: list of strings
# first we find the place to stick the highlight thingy.
i = 0
for i in range(0, len(textlist)):
if not ansi.is_color_token(textlist[i]):
if place > len(textlist[i]):
place -= len(textlist[i])
newlist = textlist[:i]
newcolor = ansi.figure_color(newlist, self._currcolor)[0]
# if the string to highlight begins and ends in the
# same token we deal with that and eject
if len(textlist[i][place:]) >= memlength:
newlist.append(textlist[i][place:place + memlength])
newlist.append(chr(27) + "[0m")
color = ansi.convert_tuple_to_ansi(newcolor)
if color:
newlist.append(textlist[i][place + memlength:])
for mem in textlist[i+1:]:
return newlist
# now we have to find the end of the highlight
memlength -= len(textlist[i][place:])
j = i+1
for j in range(i+1, len(textlist)):
if not ansi.is_color_token(textlist[j]):
if memlength > len(textlist[j]):
memlength -= len(textlist[j])
newcolor = ansi.figure_color([textlist[j]], newcolor, '')[0]
newlist.append(chr(27) + "[0m")
color = ansi.convert_tuple_to_ansi(newcolor)
if color:
for mem in textlist[j+1:]:
return newlist
def getInfo(self, text="", colorize=0):
Returns information about the highlights in here.
This is used by #highlight to tell all the highlights involved
as well as #write which takes this information and dumps
it to the file.
@param text: we return info on highlights that match this text
@type text: string
@param colorize: whether (1) or not (0) to colorize the style
text in the style
@type colorize: int
@return: list of strings where each string represents a highlight
@rtype: list of strings
listing = self._highlights.keys()
if text:
listing = utils.expand_text(text, listing)
data = []
for mem in listing:
if colorize == 1:
data.append("highlight {%s%s%s} {%s}" %
data.append("highlight {%s} {%s}" %
(self._highlights[mem][0], utils.escape(mem)))
return data
def getInfoMappings(self):
l = []
for mem in self._highlights.keys():
l.append( { "style": self._highlights[mem][0],
"text": utils.escape(mem) } )
return l
def getStatus(self):
Returns a one-liner describing this data object
@return: one liner describing this object
@rtype: string
return "%d highlight(s)." % len(self._highlights.keys())
class HighlightManager(manager.Manager):
def __init__(self, c):
self._highlights = {}
self._config = c
def addHighlight(self, ses, style, text):
if not self._highlights.has_key(ses):
self._highlights[ses] = HighlightData()
self._highlights[ses].addHighlight(style, text)
def clear(self, ses):
if self._highlights.has_key(ses):
def removeHighlights(self, ses, text):
if self._highlights.has_key(ses):
return self._highlights[ses].removeHighlights(text)
return []
def getHighlights(self, ses):
if self._highlights.has_key(ses):
return self._highlights[ses].getHighlights()
return []
def getInfo(self, ses, text="", colorize=0):
if self._highlights.has_key(ses):
return self._highlights[ses].getInfo(text, colorize)
return []
def getItems(self):
return ["highlight"]
def getParameters(self, item):
if item != "highlight":
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid item for this manager." % item)
return [ ("style", "The formatting style to highlight the text with."),
("text", "The text to highlight.") ]
def getInfoMappings(self, item, ses):
if item != "highlight":
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid item for this manager." % item)
if not self._highlights.has_key(ses):
return []
return self._highlights[ses].getInfoMappings()
def getStatus(self, ses):
if self._highlights.has_key(ses):
return self._highlights[ses].getStatus()
return "0 highlight(s)."
def addSession(self, newsession, basesession=None):
if basesession:
if self._highlights.has_key(basesession):
hdata = self._highlights[basesession]
for mem in hdata._highlights.keys():
self.addHighlight(newsession, hdata._highlights[mem][0], mem)
def removeSession(self, ses):
if self._highlights.has_key(ses):
del self._highlights[ses]
def persist(self, args):
write_hook function for persisting the state of our session.
ses = args["session"]
quiet = args["quiet"]
data = self.getInfo(ses)
if quiet:
data = [m + " quiet={true}" for m in data]
return data
def mudfilter(self, args):
mud_filter_hook function for filtering incoming data from the mud.
ses = args["session"]
text = args["dataadj"]
if self._config.get("ansicolor") == 0:
return ansi.filter_ansi(text)
if self._highlights.has_key(ses):
return self._highlights[ses].expand(text)
return text
commands_dict = {}
def highlight_cmd(ses, args, input):
With no arguments, prints all highlights.
With one argument, prints all highlights which match the arg.
With multiple arguments, creates a highlight.
Highlights enable you to colorfully "tag" text that's of interest
to you with the given style.
Styles available are:
styles foreground colors background colors
bold black grey b black
blink red light red b red
reverse green light green b green
underline yellow light yellow b yellow
blue light blue b blue
magenta light magenta b magenta
cyan light cyan b cyan
white light white b white
Highlights handle * at the beginning and end of non-regular expression
texts. Highlights will handle regular expression texts as well. See
"#help regexp" for more details.
Note: blink, underline, and reverse may not be available in all ui's.
#highlight {green} {Sven arrives.}
#highlight {reverse,green} {Sven arrives.}
#highlight {blue} {r[^.*?says:]}
which is the same as:
#highlight {blue} {*says:}
category: commands
style = args["style"]
text = args["text"]
quiet = args["quiet"]
if not text:
data = exported.get_manager("highlight").getInfo(ses, style, 1)
if not data:
data = ["highlight: no highlights defined."]
exported.write_message("highlights:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)
style = style.lower()
stylelist = style.split(",")
for mem in stylelist:
if mem not in ansi.STYLEMAP:
exported.write_error("highlight: '%s' not a valid style.\nCheck out the highglight help file for more information." % mem)
exported.get_manager("highlight").addHighlight(ses, style, text)
if not quiet:
exported.write_message("highlight: {%s} {%s} added." % (style, text), ses)
commands_dict["highlight"] = (highlight_cmd, "style= text= quiet:boolean=false")
def unhighlight_cmd(ses, args, input):
Allows you to remove highlights.
#highlight {hello}
#highlight {blah*}
category: commands
func = exported.get_manager("highlight").removeHighlights
modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "highlight", "highlights")
commands_dict["unhighlight"] = (unhighlight_cmd, "str= quiet:boolean=false")
hm = None
def load():
""" Initializes the module by binding all the commands."""
global hm
hm = HighlightManager(exported.myengine.getConfigManager())
exported.add_manager("highlight", hm)
exported.hook_register("mud_filter_hook", hm.mudfilter, 90)
exported.hook_register("write_hook", hm.persist)
def unload():
""" Unloads the module by calling any unload/unbind functions."""
global hm
exported.hook_unregister("mud_filter_hook", hm.mudfilter)
exported.hook_unregister("write_hook", hm.persist)
# Local variables:
# mode:python
# py-indent-offset:2
# tab-width:2
# End: