# This file is part of Lyntin.
# Lyntin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Lyntin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# copyright (c) Free Software Foundation 2001-2007
# $Id: substitute.py,v 1.10 2007/07/24 00:39:03 willhelm Exp $
This module defines the SubstituteManager which handles substitutes.
from lyntin import ansi,manager,utils,exported
from lyntin.modules import modutils
class SubstituteData:
def __init__(self):
self._substitutes = {}
self._antisubs = []
def addSubstitute(self, item, substitute):
Adds a substitute to the dict.
@param item: the item to substitute
@type item: string
@param substitute: the thing to substitute in place of "item"
@type substitute: string
self._substitutes[item] = substitute
def addAntiSubstitute(self, item):
""" Adds an antisubstitute."""
def clear(self):
Removes all the substitutes.
self._antisubs = []
def removeSubstitutes(self, text):
Removes substitutes from the list.
Returns a list of tuples of substitute item/substitute that
were removed.
@param text: substitutes matching text will be removed
@type text: string
@returns: list of (item, substitute) tuples of removed substitutes
@rtype: list of (string, string)
badsubstitutes = utils.expand_text(text, self._substitutes.keys())
ret = []
for mem in badsubstitutes:
ret.append((mem, self._substitutes[mem]))
del self._substitutes[mem]
return ret
def removeAntiSubstitutes(self, text):
Removes antisubstitutes from the list.
@returns: a list of antisubstitutes that were removed.
@rtype: list of strings
badsubs = utils.expand_text(text, self._antisubs)
ret = []
for mem in badsubs:
return ret
def getSubstitutes(self):
Returns the keys of the substitute dict.
@returns: list of all the substitute items
@rtype: list of strings
listing = self._substitutes.keys()
return listing
def getAntiSubstitutes(self):
Returns the list of antisubs that we have.
@returns: list of all antisubs
@rtype: list of strings
return self._antisubs
def expand(self, text):
Looks at mud data and performs any substitutes.
It returns the final text--even if there were no substitutes.
@param text: the text to expand substitutes in
@type text: string
@return: the (un)adjusted text
@rtype: string
# FIXME -- this isn't done correctly.
if len(text) > 0:
# check for antisubs first
for mem in self._antisubs:
if text.find(mem) != -1:
return text
# check for subs
for mem in self._substitutes.keys():
text = text.replace(mem, self._substitutes[mem])
return text
def getInfo(self, text=''):
Returns information about the substitutes in here.
This is used by #substitute to tell all the substitutes involved
as well as #write which takes this information and dumps
it to the file.
@param text: the text used to figure out which substitutes to provide
information on
@type text: string
@return: list of strings where each string represents a substitute
@rtype: list of strings
listing = self._substitutes.keys()
if text:
listing = utils.expand_text(text, listing)
listing = ["substitute {%s} {%s}" % (mem, utils.escape(self._substitutes[mem])) for mem in listing]
return listing
def getSubstituteInfoMapping(self):
l = []
for mem in self._substitutes.keys():
l.append( { "item": mem,
"substitution": utils.escape(self._substitutes[mem]) } )
return l
def getAntiSubstitutesInfo(self, text):
Returns information about the antisubstitutes in here.
This is used by #antisubstitute to tell all the antisubstitutes involved
as well as #write which takes this information and dumps it to the file.
@param text: the text used to figure out which antisubstitutes to provide
information on
@type text: string
@return: list of strings where each string represents an antisubstitute
@rtype: list of strings
listing = self._antisubs
if text:
listing = utils.expand_text(text, listing)
listing = ["antisubstitute {%s}" % mem for mem in listing]
return listing
def getAntiSubstituteInfoMapping(self):
l = []
for mem in self._antisubs:
l.append( {"item": mem } )
return l
def getStatus(self):
Returns a one liner of number of substitutes we're managing.
@returns: string describing how many substitutes we're managing
@rtype: string
subs = len(self._substitutes.keys())
antisubs = len(self._antisubs)
return "%d substitute(s). %d antisub(s)." % (subs, antisubs)
class SubstituteManager(manager.Manager):
def __init__(self):
self._subs = {}
def addSubstitute(self, ses, item, sub):
if not self._subs.has_key(ses):
self._subs[ses] = SubstituteData()
self._subs[ses].addSubstitute(item, sub)
def addAntiSubstitute(self, ses, item):
if not self._subs.has_key(ses):
self._subs[ses] = SubstituteData()
def clear(self, ses):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
def removeSubstitutes(self, ses, text):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
return self._subs[ses].removeSubstitutes(text)
return []
def removeAntiSubstitutes(self, ses, text):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
return self._subs[ses].removeAntiSubstitutes(text)
return []
def getSubstitutes(self, ses):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
return self._subs[ses].getSubstitutes()
return []
def getInfo(self, ses, text=''):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
return self._subs[ses].getInfo(text)
return []
def getItems(self):
return [ "substitute", "antisubstitute" ]
def getParameters(self, item):
if item == "substitute":
return [ ("item", "The thing to substitute."),
("substitution", "The thing to substitute with.") ]
if item == "antisubstitute":
return [ ( "item", "The thing whose presence denotes we shouldn't substitute." ) ]
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid item for this manager." % item)
def getInfoMappings(self, item, ses):
if item not in ["substitute", "antisubstitute"]:
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid item for this manager." % item)
if not self._subs.has_key(ses):
return []
if item == "substitute":
return self._subs[ses].getSubstituteInfoMapping()
return self._subs[ses].getAntiSubstituteInfoMapping()
def getAntiSubstitutesInfo(self, ses, text=''):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
return self._subs[ses].getAntiSubstitutesInfo(text)
return []
def getStatus(self, ses):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
return self._subs[ses].getStatus()
return "0 substitute(s). 0 antisub(s)."
def addSession(self, newsession, basesession=None):
if basesession:
if self._subs.has_key(basesession):
sdata = self._subs[basesession]
for mem in sdata._substitutes.keys():
self.addSubstitute(newsession, mem, sdata._substitutes[mem])
def removeSession(self, ses):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
del self._subs[ses]
def expand(self, ses, text):
if self._subs.has_key(ses):
return self._subs[ses].expand(text)
return text
def persist(self, args):
write_hook function for persisting the state of our session.
ses = args["session"]
quiet = args["quiet"]
data = self.getInfo(ses) + self.getAntiSubstitutesInfo(ses)
if not quiet:
data = [m + " quiet={true}" for m in data]
return data
def mudfilter(self, args):
mud_filter_hook function to perform substitutions on data
that comes from the mud.
ses = args["session"]
text = args["dataadj"]
if exported.get_config("ignoresubs", ses, 0) == 0:
text = self.expand(ses, text)
return text
commands_dict = {}
def substitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
With no arguments, prints all substitutes.
With one argument, prints all substitutes which match the argument.
Otherwise creates a substitution.
Braces are advised around both 'item' and 'substitution'.
category: commands
item = args["item"]
substitution = args["substitution"]
quiet = args["quiet"]
sm = exported.get_manager("substitute")
if not substitution:
data = sm.getInfo(ses, item)
if not data:
data = ["substitute: no substitutes defined."]
exported.write_message("substitutes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)
sm.addSubstitute(ses, item, substitution)
if not quiet:
exported.write_message("substitute: {%s} {%s} added." % (item, substitution), ses)
commands_dict["substitute"] = (substitute_cmd, "item= substitution= quiet:boolean=false")
def unsubstitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
Allows you to remove substitutes.
category: commands
func = exported.get_manager("substitute").removeSubstitutes
modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "substitute", "substitutes")
commands_dict["unsubstitute"] = (unsubstitute_cmd, "str= quiet:boolean=false")
def antisubstitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
Allows you to create antisubstitutes.
For any line that contains an antisubstitute, we won't do substitutions
on it.
category: commands
item = args["item"]
quiet = args["quiet"]
sm = exported.get_manager("substitute")
if not item:
data = sm.getAntiSubstitutesInfo(ses)
if not data:
data = ["antisubstitute: no antisubstitutes defined."]
exported.write_message("antisubstitutes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)
sm.addAntiSubstitute(ses, item)
if not quiet:
exported.write_message("antisubstitute: {%s} added." % item, ses)
commands_dict["antisubstitute"] = (antisubstitute_cmd, "item= quiet:boolean=false")
def unantisubstitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
Allows you to remove antisubstitutes.
category: commands
func = exported.get_manager("substitute").removeAntiSubstitutes
modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "antisubstitute", "antisubstitutes")
commands_dict["unantisubstitute"] = (unantisubstitute_cmd, "str= quiet:boolean=false")
sm = None
def load():
""" Initializes the module by binding all the commands."""
global sm
sm = SubstituteManager()
exported.add_manager("substitute", sm)
exported.hook_register("mud_filter_hook", sm.mudfilter, 50)
exported.hook_register("write_hook", sm.persist)
from lyntin import config
for mem in exported.get_active_sessions():
tc = config.BoolConfig("ignoresubs", 0, 1,
"Allows you to turn on and turn off substitutions.")
exported.add_config("ignoresubs", tc, mem)
def unload():
""" Unloads the module by calling any unload/unbind functions."""
global sm
exported.hook_unregister("mud_filter_hook", sm.mudfilter)
exported.hook_unregister("write_hook", sm.persist)
# remove configuration items for every session involved
for mem in exported.get_active_sessions():
exported.remove_config("ignoresubs", mem)
# Local variables:
# mode:python
# py-indent-offset:2
# tab-width:2
# End: