# This file is part of Lyntin.
# copyright (c) Free Software Foundation 1999-2002
# Lyntin is distributed under the GNU General Public License license. See the
# file LICENSE for distribution details.
# $Id: tkui.py,v 1.29 2007/11/09 20:09:42 willhelm Exp $
This is a tk oriented user interface for lyntin. Based on
Lyntin, but largely re-coded in various areas.
from Tkinter import *
from ScrolledText import ScrolledText
import os, tkFont, types, Queue
import locale
import sys
from lyntin import ansi,event,engine,exported,utils,constants,config
from lyntin.ui import base,message
if locale.__dict__.has_key('getpreferredencoding'):
UNICODE_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding() # python2.3 and later
UNICODE_ENCODING = locale.getlocale()[1]
def _decode(text):
Decodes the text to the unicode representation.
Tries its best to replace illegal characters.
@param text: text to convert to unicode
@type text: string
@returns: unicode text
@rtype: unicode string
while True:
return text.decode(UNICODE_ENCODING)
ex_class, ex_info, tb = sys.exc_info()
if str(ex_class) == 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError': # python2.3
text = text.replace(text[ex_info.start:ex_info.end], '?')
else: # python2.2
letters = []
for char in text:
return ''.join(letters)
HELP_TEXT = """The tkui uses the Tk widget set and provides a graphical interface
to Lyntin. It also has the following additional functionality:
- numpad bindings (VK_NUMPAD0 through VK_NUMPAD9)
- function key bindings (VK_F2 through VK_F12)
- pgup and pgdown scroll back (escape to get rid of the split
- up and down command line history
- ctrl-u removal of text
- ctrl-c copy from the text buffer and ctrl-v paste into the command
buffer (in Windows)
- ctrl-t autotyper
- NamedWindow handling
To bind function key and numpad bindings, create an alias for the
symbol. For example:
#alias {VK_NUMPAD2} {south}
# the complete list of foreground color codes and what color they
# map to in RGB.
fg_color_codes = {"30": "#000000",
"31": "#aa0000",
"32": "#00dd00",
"33": "#daa520",
"34": "#0000aa",
"35": "#bb00bb",
"36": "#00cccc",
"37": "#aaaaaa",
"b30": "#666666",
"b31": "#ff3333",
"b32": "#00ff3f",
"b33": "#ffff00",
"b34": "#2222ff",
"b35": "#ff33ff",
"b36": "#70eeee",
"b37": "#ffffff" }
# the complete list of background color codes and what color they
# map to in RGB.
bg_color_codes = {"40": "#000000",
"41": "#ff0000",
"42": "#00ff00",
"43": "#daa520",
"44": "#0000aa",
"45": "#ff00ff",
"46": "#00cccc",
"47": "#bbbbbb",
"b40": "#777777",
"b41": "#fa6072",
"b42": "#00ff7f",
"b43": "#ffff00",
"b44": "#2222ff",
"b45": "#ee82ee",
"b46": "#70eeee",
"b47": "#ffffff" }
# this is the default color--it's what we use when the mud hasn't
# specified a color yet. this might get a little fishy.
# when using DEFAULT make sure you clone it first.
myui = None
def get_ui_instance():
global myui
if myui == None:
myui = Tkui()
return myui
class _Event:
def __init__(self):
def execute(self, tkui):
class _OutputEvent(_Event):
def __init__(self, text):
self._text = text
def execute(self, tkui):
class _ColorCheckEvent(_Event):
def execute(self, tkui):
class _TitleEvent(_Event):
def __init__(self, tk, title):
self._tk = tk
self._title = title
def execute(self, tkui):
class _WriteWindowEvent(_Event):
def __init__(self, windowname, message):
self._windowname = windowname
self._message = message
def execute(self, tkui):
tkui.writeWindow_internal(self._windowname, self._message)
class Tkui(base.BaseUI):
This is a ui class which handles the complete Tk user interface.
def __init__(self):
""" Initializes."""
# internal ui queue
self._event_queue = Queue.Queue()
# map of session -> (bold, foreground, background)
self._currcolors = {}
# ses -> string
self._unfinishedcolor = {}
self._viewhistory = 0
self._do_i_echo = 1
# holds a map of window names -> window references
self._windows = {}
# instantiate all the widgets
self._tk = Tk()
fnt = tkFont.Font(family="FixedSys", size=10)
self._entry = CommandEntry(self._tk, self, fg='white', bg='black',
insertbackground='yellow', font=fnt,
self._entry.pack(side='bottom', fill='both')
self._topframe = Frame(self._tk)
self._topframe.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
self._txt = ScrolledText(self._topframe, fg='white',
bg='black', font=fnt, height=20)
self._txt.pack(side='bottom', fill='both', expand=1)
self._txt.bind("<KeyPress>", self._ignoreThis)
self._txtbuffer = ScrolledText(self._topframe, fg='white',
bg='black', font=fnt, height=20)
self._txtbuffer.bind("<KeyPress-Escape>", self.escape)
self._txtbuffer.bind("<KeyPress>", self._ignoreThis)
exported.hook_register("config_change_hook", self.configChangeHandler)
exported.hook_register("to_user_hook", self.write)
# FIXME - fix this explanation. this is just terrible.
tc = config.BoolConfig("saveinputhighlight", 0, 1,
"Allows you to change the behavior of the command entry. When "
"saveinputhighlight is off, we discard whatever is on the entry "
"line. When it is on, we will retain the contents allowing you "
"to press the enter key to do whatever you typed again.")
exported.add_config("saveinputhighlight", tc)
self._quit = 0
def runui(self):
global HELP_TEXT
exported.add_help("tkui", HELP_TEXT)
exported.write_message("For tk help type \"#help tkui\".")
exported.add_command("colorcheck", colorcheck_cmd)
# run the tk mainloop here
def wantMainThread(self):
# The tkui needs the main thread of execution so we return
# a 1 here.
return 1
def quit(self):
if not self._quit:
self._quit = 1
def dequeue(self):
qsize = self._event_queue.qsize()
if qsize > 10:
qsize = 10
for i in range(qsize):
ev = self._event_queue.get_nowait()
self._tk.after(25, self.dequeue)
def settitle(self, title=""):
Sets the title bar to the Lyntin title plus the given string.
@param title: the title to set
@type title: string
if title:
title = constants.LYNTINTITLE + title
title = constants.LYNTINTITLE
self._event_queue.put(_TitleEvent(self._tk, title))
def removeWindow(self, windowname):
This removes a NamedWindow from our list of NamedWindows.
@param windowname: the name of the window to write to
@type windowname: string
if self._windows.has_key(windowname):
del self._windows[windowname]
def writeWindow(self, windowname, message):
This writes to the window named "windowname". If the window
does not exist, we spin one off. It handles ansi text and
messages just like writing to the main window.
@param windowname: the name of the window to write to
@type windowname: string
@param message: the message to write to the window
@type message: string or Message instance
self._event_queue.put(_WriteWindowEvent(windowname, message))
def writeWindow_internal(self, windowname, message):
if not self._windows.has_key(windowname):
self._windows[windowname] = NamedWindow(windowname, self, self._tk)
def _ignoreThis(self, tkevent):
""" This catches keypresses from the history buffer."""
# kludge so that ctrl-c doesn't get caught allowing windows
# users to copy the buffer....
if tkevent.keycode == 17 or tkevent.keycode == 67:
if tkevent.char:
# we do this little song and dance so as to pass events
# we don't want to deal with to the entry widget essentially
# by creating a new event and tossing it in the event list.
# it only sort of works--but it's the best code we've got
# so far.
args = ('event', 'generate', self._entry, "<KeyPress>")
args = args + ('-rootx', tkevent.x_root)
args = args + ('-rooty', tkevent.y_root)
args = args + ('-keycode', tkevent.keycode)
args = args + ('-keysym', tkevent.keysym)
return "break"
def pageUp(self):
""" Handles prior (Page-Up) events."""
if self._viewhistory == 0:
self._txtbuffer.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
self._viewhistory = 1
self._txtbuffer.delete ("1.0", "end")
lotofstuff = self._txt.get ('1.0', 'end')
self._txtbuffer.insert ('end', lotofstuff)
for t in self._txt.tag_names():
for e in self._txt.tag_ranges(t):
if tst==0:
self._txtbuffer.yview('moveto', '1')
if os.name != 'posix':
self._txtbuffer.yview('scroll', '20', 'units')
if os.name != 'posix':
self._txt.yview('scroll', '220', 'units')
# yscroll up stuff
self._txtbuffer.yview('scroll', '-15', 'units')
def pageDown(self):
""" Handles next (Page-Down) events."""
if self._viewhistory == 1:
# yscroll down stuff
self._txtbuffer.yview('scroll', '15', 'units')
def escape(self, tkevent):
""" Handles escape (Escape) events."""
if self._viewhistory == 1:
self._viewhistory = 0
def configChangeHandler(self, args):
""" This handles config changes including mudecho. """
name = args["name"]
newvalue = args["newvalue"]
if name == "mudecho":
if newvalue == 1:
# echo on
self._do_i_echo = 1
# echo off
self._do_i_echo = 0
def _yadjust(self):
"""Handles y scrolling after text insertion."""
self._txt.yview('moveto', '1')
# if os.name != 'posix':
self._txt.yview('scroll', '20', 'units')
def _clipText(self):
Scrolls the text buffer up so that the new text written at
the bottom of the text buffer can be seen.
temp = self._txt.index("end")
ind = temp.find(".")
temp = temp[:ind]
if (temp.isdigit() and int(temp) > 800):
self._txt.delete ("1.0", "100.end")
def write(self, args):
This writes text to the text buffer for viewing by the user.
This is overridden from the 'base.BaseUI'.
def write_internal(self, args):
mess = args["message"]
if type(mess) == types.StringType:
mess = message.Message(mess, message.LTDATA)
elif "window" in mess.hints:
self.writeWindow_internal(mess.hints["window"], mess)
line = mess.data
ses = mess.session
if line == '' or self.showTextForSession(ses) == 0:
color, leftover = buffer_write(mess, self._txt, self._currcolors,
if mess.type == message.MUDDATA:
self._unfinishedcolor[ses] = leftover
self._currcolors[ses] = color
def convertColor(self, name):
Tk has this really weird color palatte. So I switched to using
color names in most cases and rgb values in cases where I couldn't
find a good color name.
This method allows me to specify either an rgb or a color name
and it converts the color names to rgb.
@param name: either an rgb value or a name
@type name: string
@returns: the rgb color value
@rtype: string
if name.startswith("#"):
return name
rgb = self._tk._getints(self._tk.tk.call('winfo', 'rgb', self._txt, name))
rgb = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (rgb[0]/256, rgb[1]/256, rgb[2]/256)
print name, "converted to: ", rgb
return rgb
def _initColorTags(self):
""" Sets up Tk tags for the text widget (fg/bg/u)."""
for ck in fg_color_codes.keys():
color = self.convertColor(fg_color_codes[ck])
self._txt.tag_config(ck, foreground=color)
self._txtbuffer.tag_config(ck, foreground=color)
for ck in bg_color_codes.keys():
self._txt.tag_config(ck, background=bg_color_codes[ck])
self._txtbuffer.tag_config(ck, background=bg_color_codes[ck])
self._txt.tag_config("u", underline=1)
self._txtbuffer.tag_config("u", underline=1)
def colorCheck(self):
Goes through and displays all the combinations of fg and bg
with the text string involved. Purely for debugging
fgkeys = ['30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37']
bgkeys = ['40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47']
self._txt.insert('end', 'color check:\n')
for bg in bgkeys:
for fg in fgkeys:
self._txt.insert('end', str(fg), (fg, bg))
self._txt.insert('end', str("b" + fg), ("b" + fg, bg))
self._txt.insert('end', '\n')
for fg in fgkeys:
self._txt.insert('end', str(fg), (fg, "b" + bg))
self._txt.insert('end', str("b" + fg), ("b" + fg, "b" + bg))
self._txt.insert('end', '\n')
self._txt.insert('end', '\n')
self._txt.insert('end', '\n')
class CommandEntry(Entry):
""" This class handles the user input area."""
def __init__(self, master, partk, **kw):
""" Initializes and sets the key-bindings."""
self._partk = partk
self._inputstack = []
self._autotyper = None
self._autotyper_ses = None
Entry.__init__(self, master, kw)
self.bind("<KeyPress-Return>", self.createInputEvent)
self.bind("<KeyPress-Up>", self.insertPrevCommand)
self.bind("<KeyPress-Down>", self.insertNextCommand)
self.bind("<KeyPress-Tab>", self.do_completion)
self.bind("<KeyPress-Prior>", self.callPrior)
self.bind("<KeyPress-Next>", self.callNext)
self.bind("<Control-KeyPress-t>", self.startAutotyper)
self.bind("<Control-KeyPress-u>", self.callKillLine)
self.bind("<Control-KeyPress-Up>", self.callPushInputStack)
self.bind("<Control-KeyPress-Down>", self.callPopInputStack)
self.bind("<KeyPress-Escape>", self.callEsc)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F1>", self.callBinding) # reserved for help
self.bind("<KeyPress-F2>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F3>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F4>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F5>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F6>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F7>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F8>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F9>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F10>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F11>", self.callBinding)
self.bind("<KeyPress-F12>", self.callBinding)
# this next line totally hoses win32
# self.bind("<Destroy>", self.deathHandler)
if os.name!="posix":
self.bind("<KeyPress-8>", self.callKP8)
self.bind("<KeyPress-6>", self.callKP6)
self.bind("<KeyPress-4>", self.callKP4)
self.bind("<KeyPress-2>", self.callKP2)
self.bind("<KeyPress-9>", self.callKP9)
self.bind("<KeyPress-7>", self.callKP7)
self.bind("<KeyPress-5>", self.callKP5)
self.bind("<KeyPress-3>", self.callKP3)
self.bind("<KeyPress-1>", self.callKP1)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Up>", self.callKP8)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Right>", self.callKP6)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Left>", self.callKP4)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Down>", self.callKP2)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Prior>", self.callKP9)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Home>", self.callKP7)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Begin>", self.callKP5)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Next>", self.callKP3)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_End>", self.callKP1)
self.bind("<KeyPress-KP_Enter>", self.createInputEvent)
self.bind("<KeyPress>", self.reset_completion)
self.hist_index = -1
self._partk = partk
def reset_completion(self, tkevent):
""" If the key is not Tab, then reset current completion """
if not tkevent.keysym == "Tab":
def createInputEvent(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <KeyPress-Return> event."""
val = fix_unicode(self.get())
# self._inputstack.insert(0, val)
# if len(self._inputstack) > 30:
# self._inputstack = self._inputstack[:-1]
if exported.get_config("saveinputhighlight") == 1:
self.selection_range(0, 'end')
self.delete(0, 'end')
self.hist_index = -1
if val == exported.get_config("commandchar") + "end":
def deathHandler(self, tkevent):
This catches the event where the window is being closed.
We can't stop it from closing, but we can try to shut down the app.
self._partk.handleinput(exported.get_config("commandchar") + "end")
def _executeBinding(self, binding):
""" Returns the alias for this keybinding."""
ses = exported.get_current_session()
action = exported.get_manager("alias").getAlias(ses, binding)
if action:
return 1
# we're commenting this out since it seems to be more annoying
# than useful. it's not a good substitute for good documentation
# for the tkui.
# exported.write_error("%s is currently not bound to anything." % binding)
return 0
def callBinding(self, tkevent):
""" Handles arbitrary bindings of function call keypresses."""
# handle all the function keys except F1
if tkevent.keysym == "F1":
self._partk.handleinput(exported.get_config("commandchar") + "help")
return "break"
if self._executeBinding("VK_%s" % tkevent.keysym) == 1:
return "break"
# these two lines help in debugging stuff we bound
# but don't know how to handle because I can't seem to
# find a solid listing of Tk keysyms (grrrrrrr).
# print repr(tkevent)
# print repr(tkevent.__dict__)
def callKP9(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 105 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD9") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP8(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 104 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD8") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP7(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 103 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD7") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP6(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 102 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD6") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP5(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 101 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD5") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP4(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 100 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD4") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP3(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 99 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD3") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP2(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 98 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD2") == 1:
return "break"
def callKP1(self, tkevent):
if tkevent.keycode == 97 or os.name=='posix':
if self._executeBinding("VK_NUMPAD1") == 1:
return "break"
def startAutotyper(self, tkevent):
This will start the autotyper. It will be called if you type <Ctrl>+<t>.
There can be only one autotyper at a time. The autotyper cannot be started
for the common session.
if self._autotyper != None:
exported.write_error("cannot start autotyper: already started.")
session = exported.get_current_session()
if session.getName() == "common":
exported.write_error("autotyper cannot be applied to common session.")
self._autotyper = Autotyper(self._partk._tk, self.autotyperDone)
self._autotyper_ses = session
exported.write_message("autotyper: started.")
def autotyperDone(self, data):
This is a callback for the autotyper. It will be called when the autotyper
is finished.
@param data: the autotyper data--None if the user clicked on "Cancel"
or closed the autotyper window
@type data: string or None
if data != None:
self._autotyper = None
self._autotyper_ses = None
exported.write_message("autotyper: done.")
def clearInput(self):
""" Clears the text widget."""
self.delete(0, 'end')
def do_completion(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <KeyPress-Tab> event, trying to make a completion."""
(text, position) = self._partk.get_completion(self.get(),
self.delete(0, 'end')
self.insert(0, text)
return "break"
def callPrior(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <KeyPress-Prior> event."""
def callNext(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <KeyPress-Next> event."""
def callEsc(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <KeyPress-Escape> event."""
def callKillLine(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <Control-KeyPress-u> event."""
def callPushInputStack(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <Control-KeyPress-Up> event."""
def callPopInputStack(self,tkevent):
""" Handles the <Control-KeyPress-Down> event."""
if len(self._inputstack) < 1:
poppage = self._inputstack.pop()
def insertPrevCommand(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <KeyPress-Up> event."""
hist = exported.get_history()
if self.hist_index == -1:
self.current_input = self.get()
if self.hist_index < len(hist) - 1:
self.hist_index = self.hist_index + 1
self.delete(0, 'end')
self.insert(0, _decode(hist[self.hist_index]))
def insertNextCommand(self, tkevent):
""" Handles the <KeyPress-Down> event."""
hist = exported.get_history()
if self.hist_index == -1:
self.hist_index = self.hist_index - 1
if self.hist_index == -1:
self.delete(0, 'end')
self.insert(0, _decode(self.current_input))
self.delete(0, 'end')
self.insert(0, _decode(hist[self.hist_index]))
class NamedWindow:
This creates a window for the Tkui which you can then write to
programmatically. This allows modules to spin off new named windows
and write to them.
def __init__(self, windowname, master, partk):
Initializes the window
@param windowname: the name of the new window
@type windowname: string
@param master: the main tk window
@type master: toplevel
self._parent = master
self._tk = Toplevel(partk)
self._windowname = windowname
# map of session -> (bold, foreground, background)
self._currcolors = {}
# ses -> string
self._unfinishedcolor = {}
self._do_i_echo = 1
self._tk.title("Lyntin -- " + self._windowname)
self._tk.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)
if os.name == "posix":
fontname = "Courier"
fontname = "Fixedsys"
fnt = tkFont.Font(family=fontname, size=12)
self._txt = ScrolledText(self._tk, fg="white", bg="black",
font=fnt, height=20)
self._txt.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
# handles improper keypresses
self._txt.bind("<KeyPress>", self._ignoreThis)
# initialize color tags
def convertColor(self, name):
Tk has this really weird color palatte. So I switched to using
color names in most cases and rgb values in cases where I couldn't
find a good color name.
This method allows me to specify either an rgb or a color name
and it converts the color names to rgb.
@param name: either an rgb value or a name
@type name: string
@returns: the rgb color value
@rtype: string
if name[0] == "#":
return name
rgb = self._tk._getints(self._tk.tk.call('winfo', 'rgb', self._txt, name))
rgb = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (rgb[0]/256, rgb[1]/256, rgb[2]/256)
print name, "converted to: ", rgb
return rgb
def _initColorTags(self):
""" Sets up Tk tags for the text widget (fg/bg)."""
for ck in fg_color_codes.keys():
color = self.convertColor(fg_color_codes[ck])
self._txt.tag_config(ck, foreground=color)
for ck in bg_color_codes.keys():
self._txt.tag_config(ck, background=bg_color_codes[ck])
self._txt.tag_config("u", underline=1)
def _ignoreThis(self, tkevent):
This catches keypresses to this window.
return "break"
def close(self):
Closes and destroys references to this window.
def _yadjust(self):
"""Handles y scrolling after text insertion."""
self._txt.yview('moveto', '1')
# if os.name != 'posix':
self._txt.yview('scroll', '20', 'units')
def _clipText(self):
Scrolls the text buffer up so that the new text written at
the bottom of the text buffer can be seen.
temp = self._txt.index("end")
ind = temp.find(".")
temp = temp[:ind]
if (temp.isdigit() and int(temp) > 800):
self._txt.delete ("1.0", "100.end")
def write(self, msg):
This writes text to the text buffer for viewing by the user.
This is overridden from the 'base.BaseUI'.
if type(msg) == types.TupleType:
msg = msg[0]
if type(msg) == types.StringType:
msg = message.Message(msg, message.LTDATA)
line = msg.data
ses = msg.session
if line == '':
color, leftover = buffer_write(msg, self._txt, self._currcolors,
if msg.type == message.MUDDATA:
self._unfinishedcolor[ses] = leftover
self._currcolors[ses] = color
class Autotyper:
Autotyper class, it generates the autotyper window, waits for entering text
and then calls a function to work with the text.
def __init__(self, master, sendfunc):
Initializes the autotyper.
@param master: the main tk window
@type master: Tk
@param sendfunc: the callback function
@type sendfunc: function
self._sendfunc = sendfunc
self._frame = Toplevel(master)
# self._frame.geometry("400x300")
self._frame.title("Lyntin -- Autotyper")
self._frame.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel)
if os.name == "posix":
fontname = "Courier"
fontname = "Fixedsys"
fnt = tkFont.Font(family=fontname, size=12)
self._txt = ScrolledText(self._frame, fg="white", bg="black",
font=fnt, height=20)
self._txt.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
self._send_btn = Button(self._frame, text="Send", command=self.send)
self._send_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=0)
self._cancel_btn = Button(self._frame, text="Cancel", command=self.cancel)
self._cancel_btn.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X, expand=0)
def send(self):
Will be called when the user clicks on the 'Send' button.
text = fix_unicode(self._txt.get(1.0, END))
def cancel(self):
Will be called when the user clicks on the 'Cancel' button.
def buffer_write(msg, txtbuffer, currentcolor, unfinishedcolor):
Handles writing messages to a Tk Text widget taking into accound
ANSI colors, message types, session scoping, and a variety of
other things.
@param msg: the ui.message.Message to write to the buffer
@type msg: ui.message.Message
@param txtbuffer: the Tk Text buffer to write to
@type txtbuffer: Text
@param currentcolor: the current color that we should start with
@type currentcolor: color (list of ints)
@param unfinishedcolor: the string of unfinished ANSI color stuff
that we'll prepend to the string we're printing
@type unfinishedcolor: string
@returns: the new color and unfinished color
@rtype: list of ints, string
global myui
line = msg.data
ses = msg.session
if msg.type == message.ERROR:
if line.endswith("\n"):
line = "%s%s%s\n" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"),
line = "%s%s%s" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"),
elif msg.type == message.USERDATA:
if myui._do_i_echo == 1:
if line.endswith("\n"):
line = "%s%s%s\n" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"),
line = "%s%s%s" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"),
# if echo is not on--we don't print this
return currentcolor, unfinishedcolor
elif msg.type == message.LTDATA:
if line.endswith("\n"):
line = "# %s\n" % line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n# ")
line = "# %s" % line.replace("\n", "\n# ")
# now we go through and handle writing all the data
index = 0
start = 0
# we prepend the session name to the text if this is not the
# current session sending text and if the Message is session
# scoped.
if (ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session()):
pretext = "[%s]" % ses.getName()
if line.endswith("\n"):
line = (pretext + line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n")
line = pretext + line.replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n"
# we remove all \\r stuff because it's icky
line = line.replace("\r", "")
tokens = ansi.split_ansi_from_text(line)
# each session has a saved current color for MUDDATA. we grab
# that current color--or use our default if we don't have one
# for the session yet. additionally, some sessions have an
# unfinished color as well--in case we got a part of an ansi
# color code in a mud message, and the other part is in another
# message.
if msg.type == message.MUDDATA:
color = currentcolor.get(ses, list(DEFAULT_COLOR))
leftover = unfinishedcolor.get(ses, "")
color = list(DEFAULT_COLOR)
leftover = ""
for mem in tokens:
if ansi.is_color_token(mem):
color, leftover = ansi.figure_color([mem], color, leftover)
format = []
fg = ""
bg = ""
# handle reverse
if color[ansi.PLACE_REVERSE] == 0:
if color[ansi.PLACE_FG] == -1:
fg = "37"
fg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_FG])
if color[ansi.PLACE_BG] != -1:
bg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_BG])
if color[ansi.PLACE_BG] == -1:
fg = "30"
fg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_BG] - 10)
if color[ansi.PLACE_FG] == -1:
bg = "47"
bg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_FG] + 10)
# handle bold
if color[ansi.PLACE_BOLD] == 1:
fg = "b" + fg
# handle underline
if color[ansi.PLACE_UNDERLINE] == 1:
if bg:
# insert the text using the formatting tuple we just generated
txtbuffer.insert('end', _decode(mem), tuple(format))
return color, leftover
def fix_unicode(text):
Unicode to standard string translation--fixes unicode bug.
if type(text) == unicode:
return text.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING)
return text
def colorcheck_cmd(ses, args, input):
Prints out all the colors so you can verify that things are working
myengine = exported.myengine
# Local variables:
# mode:python
# py-indent-offset:2
# tab-width:2
# End: