#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of Lyntin.
# copyright (c) Free Software Foundation 2001
# Lyntin is distributed under the GNU General Public License license. See the
# file LICENSE for distribution details.
# $Id: connection.py,v 1.2 2005/01/07 14:50:40 glasssnake Exp $
This new test-server is a patchwork of stuff from the existing test server
and code I wrote for the Varium mud server way back when. It is actually
a functional mini-mud now.
import string, testserver, toolsutils
from toolsutils import color
class Connection:
def __init__(self, world, newsock, newaddr=''):
self._world = world
self._sock = newsock
self._sock.setblocking(0) # non-blocking
self._buffer = []
self._addr = newaddr
self._name = "spirit"
self._desc = "A regular user."
self._dir = []
for item in dir(self.__class__):
if ( type( eval("self.%s" % item)) == type(self.__init__) and \
item.find("handle_") == 0):
def __str__(self):
return repr(self._addr)
def killConn(self):
"""killConn(self) -> None
Shuts down the socket for the Connection ob.
if not self._sock: return
self._sock = None
def write(self, data):
if not self._sock: return
if not data: return
data = string.replace(data, "\n", "\r\n")
def sockid(self):
return self._sock
def handleNetworkData(self, new_data):
for c in new_data:
if (c == chr(8) or c == chr(127)):
if self._buffer:
self._buffer = self._buffer[:-1]
elif ord(c) > 127:
elif c == "\n":
self._world.enqueue(testserver.InputEvent(self, string.join(self._buffer, "")))
self._buffer = []
elif c == "\r" or c == chr(0):
def handleInput(self, world, input):
comm = input.split(" ", 1)[0]
if ("handle_%s" % comm) in self._dir:
exec ( "self.handle_%s(world, input)" % comm)
# CATCH ALL for bad commands
self.write(color("huh? '%s'\n" % input, 35))
self.write("> ")
def handle_set(self, world, input):
""" Lets you set things: (name, desc...)."""
if " " in input:
input = input.split(" ", 1)[1]
if " " in input:
name, value = input.split(" ", 1)
if hasattr(self, '_%s' % name):
self.write("Old value of %s is '%s'.\n" % (name, eval("self._%s" % name)))
exec ("self._%s = value" % name)
self.write("Set to '%s'.\n" % value)
self.write("Nothing to set.\n")
def handle_say(self, world, input):
""" Talk to your fellow mudders!"""
if " " in input:
text = input.split(" ", 1)[1]
self.write(toolsutils.wrap_text("You say: %s" % text, 72, 5, 0) + "\n")
world.spamroom(toolsutils.wrap_text("%s says: %s" % (self._name, text), 72, 5, 0) + "\n")
self.write("say what?\n")
def handle_look(self, world, input):
""" Lets you look at things. syntax: look <at thing>"""
item = None
if " " in input:
item = input.split(" ", 1)[1].replace("at", "").strip().lower()
self.write(world.look(self, item))
def handle_quit(self, world, input):
""" Quits out."""
def handle_help(self, world, text):
""" Prints out all the commands we understand."""
commands = []
for mem in self._dir:
if mem.find("handle_") == 0:
doc = ""
try: doc = eval ("self.%s.__doc__" % mem)
except: pass
if doc:
commands.append(mem[7:] + " - " + doc)
self.write(string.join(commands, "\n") + "\n")
def handle_set_color(self, world, text):
""" Sets the color to yellow."""
self.write("\33[33m\nNow yellow.")
def handle_colors(self, world, text):
""" Prints out all the colors we know about."""
response = ''
for background in range(40,48):
for foreground in range(30,38):
response += color(str(foreground), foreground, background)
response += color(str(foreground), foreground, background, 1)
response += "\33[0m\n"
def handle_lyntin(self, world, text):
""" Returns a paragraph, which coincidentally, is a description of Lyntin."""
output = ("Lyntin is a mud client that is written in Python and uses " +
"Python as a scripting language. It strives to be functionally " +
"similar to TinTin++ while enhancing that functionality with " +
"the ability to call Python functions directly from the input " +
"line. It has the advantage of being platform-independent and " +
"has multiple interfaces as well--I use Lyntin at home with " +
"the Tk interface as well as over telnet using the text " +
output = toolsutils.wrap_text(output, 70, 0, 0)
# Local variables:
# mode:python
# py-indent-offset:2
# tab-width:2
# End: