import mpi,sys
from array import *
from struct import *
#Function to return BMP header
def makeBMPHeader( width, height ):
#Set up the bytes in the BMP header
headerBytes = [ 66, 77, 28, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 0, 0, 0]
headerBytes += [40] + 3*[0] + [100] + 3*[0] + [ 75,0,0,0,1,0,24] + [0]*9 + [18,11,0,0,18,11]
headerBytes += [0]*10
#Pack this data as a string
data =""
for x in range(54):
data += pack( 'B', headerBytes[x] )
#Create a string to overwrite the width and height in the BMP header
replaceString = pack( '<I', width )
replaceString += pack( '<I', height)
#Return a 54-byte string that will be the new BMP header
newString = data[0:18] + replaceString + data[26:54]
return newString
#Define our fractal parameters
c = 0.4 + 0.3j
maxIterationsPerPoint = 64
distanceWhenUnbounded = 3.0
#define our function to iterate
def f( x ):
return x*x + c
#Define the bounds of the xy plane we will work in
globalBounds = (-0.6, -0.6, 0.4, 0.4 ) #x1, y1, x2, y2
#define the size of the BMP to output
#For now this must be divisible by the # of processes
bmpSize = (400,400)
#Define the range of y-pixels in the BMP this process works on
myYPixelRange = [ 0,0]
myYPixelRange[0] = mpi.rank*bmpSize[1]/mpi.procs
myYPixelRange[1] = (mpi.rank+1)*bmpSize[1]/mpi.procs
if mpi.rank == 0:
print "Starting computation (groan)\n"
#Now we can start to iterate over pixels!!
myString = ""
myArray = array('B')
for y in range( myYPixelRange[0], myYPixelRange[1]):
for x in range( 0, bmpSize[0] ):
#Calculate the (x,y) in the plane from the (x,y) in the BMP
thisX = globalBounds[0] + (float(x)/bmpSize[0])*(globalBounds[2]-globalBounds[0])
thisY = (float(y)/bmpSize[1])*(globalBounds[3] - globalBounds[1])
thisY += globalBounds[1]
#Create a complex # representation of this point
thisPoint = complex(thisX, thisY)
#Iterate the function f until it grows unbounded
nxt = f( thisPoint )
numIters = 0
while 1:
dif = nxt-thisPoint
if abs(nxt - thisPoint) > distanceWhenUnbounded:
if numIters >= maxIterationsPerPoint:
nxt = f(nxt)
numIters = numIters+1
#Convert the number of iterations to a color value
colorFac = 255.0*float(numIters)/float(maxIterationsPerPoint)
myRGB = ( colorFac*0.8 + 32, 24+0.1*colorFac, 0.5*colorFac )
#append this color value to a running list
myArray.append( int(myRGB[2]) ) #blue first
myArray.append( int(myRGB[1]) ) #The green
myArray.append( int(myRGB[0]) ) #Red is last
#Now I reduce the lists to process 0!!
masterString = mpi.reduce( myArray.tostring(), mpi.SUM, 0 )
#Tell user that we're done
message = "process " + str(mpi.rank) + " done with computation!!"
print message
#Process zero does the file writing
if mpi.rank == 0:
masterArray = array('B')
#Write a BMP header
myBMPHeader = makeBMPHeader( bmpSize[0], bmpSize[1] )
print "Header length is ", len(myBMPHeader)
print "BMP size is ", bmpSize
print "Data length is ", len(masterString)
#Open the output file and write to the BMP
outFile = open( 'output.bmp', 'w' )
outFile.write( myBMPHeader )
outFile.write( masterString )