#* FILE ************** gathers.py ************************#
#* Author: Chris Murray Martin Casado Tue Feb 19 18:15:03 PST 2002 #
#* Test interface and expected behavior of mpi.gather/mpi.allgather #
import mpi
import unittest
# test out gather()/allgather
class gathers(unittest.TestCase):
def testGather(self):
#decide on targets
tgts = [0,0,0]
#tgts = [int(mpi.procs / 3), 0, int(mpi.procs / 2) ]
#values to be gathered
list1 = [ mpi.rank + 1 ]
list2 = [0, mpi.rank, mpi.rank*mpi.rank, mpi.rank + 20]
string1 = "S" + str(mpi.rank % 4) + "FOO"
tuple1 = ("t")
tuple2 = ( "fOo", [1,mpi.rank, 3], (0,1) )
list3 = [] #Test gather where each process passes in a different count
for x in range(mpi.rank+2):
list3 += [x]
longList = range(256)
#do gathers
results = [0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0]
results[0] = mpi.gather( list1, 1, tgts[0])
results[1] = mpi.gather( list2, 3, tgts[1])
results[2] = mpi.gather( string1, 3, tgts[2])
results[3] = mpi.gather( tuple1, 1, tgts[0])
results[4] = mpi.gather( tuple2, 1, tgts[1])
results[5] = mpi.gather( tuple2, 3, tgts[2])
results[6] = mpi.gather( list3, mpi.rank+2, tgts[0] )
results[7] = mpi.gather( longList, 256, tgts[0] )
#correct answers
correctAnswers = [0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0]
for x in range(8):
correctAnswers[x] = []
for x in range(mpi.procs):
correctAnswers[0] += [x + 1]
correctAnswers[1] += [0, x, x*x]
correctAnswers[2] += ["S", str(x%4), "F"]
correctAnswers[3] += ["t"]
correctAnswers[4] += [ "fOo" ]
correctAnswers[5] += [ "fOo", [1, x, 3], (0,1) ]
for i in range(x+2):
correctAnswers[6] += [i]
correctAnswers[7] = range(256)*mpi.procs
for x in range(8):
if mpi.rank == tgts[x%3] and results[x] != correctAnswers[x]:
self.fail(" gather failed on test "+str(x))
elif mpi.rank != tgts[x%3] and results[x] != None:
errstr = "gather failed on off-target";
errstr += "process on test " + str(x)
self.fail( errstr)
def testAllGather(self):
#values to be allGathered
list1 = [ mpi.rank + 1 ]
list2 = [0, mpi.rank, mpi.rank*mpi.rank, mpi.rank + 20]
string1 = "S" + str(mpi.rank % 4) + "FOO"
tuple1 = ["t"]
tuple2 = [ "fOo", [1,mpi.rank, 3], (0,1) ]
item1 = str(mpi.rank%10) + "c"
if mpi.rank%3 == 1:
item1 = [ str(mpi.rank%10), "c" ]
if mpi.rank%3 == 2:
item1 = ( str(mpi.rank%10), "c" )
#do gathers
results = [0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0]
results[0] = mpi.allgather( list1, 1)
results[1] = mpi.allgather( list2, 3)
results[2] = mpi.allgather( string1, 3)
results[3] = mpi.allgather( tuple1, 1)
results[4] = mpi.allgather( tuple2, 1)
results[5] = mpi.allgather( tuple2, 3)
results[6] = mpi.allgather( item1, 2 )
#correct answers
correctAnswers = [0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0]
for x in range(7):
correctAnswers[x] = []
for x in range(mpi.procs):
correctAnswers[0] += [x + 1]
correctAnswers[1] += [0, x, x*x]
correctAnswers[2] += ["S", str(x%4), "F"]
correctAnswers[3] += ["t"]
correctAnswers[4] += [ "fOo" ]
correctAnswers[5] += [ "fOo", [1, x, 3], (0,1) ]
for x in range(6):
if results[x] != correctAnswers[x]:
self.fail("AllGather failed on test "+str(x))
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
mpi.barrier() # Wait for everyone!