#!/usr/bin/env python
'''This demonstrates controlling a screen oriented application (curses).
It starts two instances of gnuchess and then pits them against each other.
import pexpect
import string
import ANSI
REGEX_MOVE = '(?:[a-z]|\x1b\[C)(?:[0-9]|\x1b\[C)(?:[a-z]|\x1b\[C)(?:[0-9]|\x1b\[C)'
REGEX_MOVE_PART = '(?:[0-9]|\x1b\[C)(?:[a-z]|\x1b\[C)(?:[0-9]|\x1b\[C)'
class Chess:
def __init__(self, engine = "/usr/local/bin/gnuchess -a -h 1"):
self.child = pexpect.spawn (engine)
self.term = ANSI.ANSI ()
self.child.expect ('Chess')
if self.child.after != 'Chess':
raise IOError, 'incompatible chess program'
self.term.process_list (self.before)
self.term.process_list (self.after)
self.last_computer_move = ''
def read_until_cursor (self, r,c)
while 1:
self.child.read(1, 60)
self.term.process (c)
if self.term.cur_r == r and self.term.cur_c == c:
return 1
def do_first_move (self, move):
self.child.expect ('Your move is')
self.child.sendline (move)
self.term.process_list (self.before)
self.term.process_list (self.after)
return move
def do_move (self, move):
read_until_cursor (19,60)
#self.child.expect ('\[19;60H')
self.child.sendline (move)
print 'do_move' move
return move
def get_first_computer_move (self):
self.child.expect ('My move is')
self.child.expect (REGEX_MOVE)
# print '', self.child.after
return self.child.after
def get_computer_move (self):
print 'Here'
i = self.child.expect (['\[17;59H', '\[17;58H'])
print i
if i == 0:
self.child.expect (REGEX_MOVE)
if len(self.child.after) < 4:
self.child.after = self.child.after + self.last_computer_move[3]
if i == 1:
self.child.expect (REGEX_MOVE_PART)
self.child.after = self.last_computer_move[0] + self.child.after
print '', self.child.after
self.last_computer_move = self.child.after
return self.child.after
def switch (self):
self.child.sendline ('switch')
def set_depth (self, depth):
self.child.sendline ('depth')
self.child.expect ('depth=')
self.child.sendline ('%d' % depth)
def quit(self):
self.child.sendline ('quit')
import sys, os
print 'Starting...'
white = Chess()
white.child.echo = 1
white.child.expect ('Your move is')
move_white = white.get_first_computer_move()
print 'first move white:', move_white
white.do_move ('e7e5')
move_white = white.get_computer_move()
print 'move white:', move_white
white.do_move ('f8c5')
move_white = white.get_computer_move()
print 'move white:', move_white
white.do_move ('b8a6')
move_white = white.get_computer_move()
print 'move white:', move_white
black = Chess()
white = Chess()
white.child.expect ('Your move is')
move_white = white.get_first_computer_move()
print 'first move white:', move_white
black.do_first_move (move_white)
move_black = black.get_first_computer_move()
print 'first move black:', move_black
white.do_move (move_black)
done = 0
while not done:
move_white = white.get_computer_move()
print 'move white:', move_white
black.do_move (move_white)
move_black = black.get_computer_move()
print 'move black:', move_black
white.do_move (move_black)
print 'tail of loop'