#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This starts the python interpreter; captures the startup message; then gives
the user interactive control over the session. Why? For fun... """
# Don't do this unless you like being John Malkovich
# c = pexpect.spawn ('/usr/bin/env python ./python.py')
import pexpect
c = pexpect.spawn ('/usr/bin/env python')
c.expect ('>>>')
print 'And now for something completely different...'
f = lambda s:s and f(s[1:])+s[0] # Makes a function to reverse a string.
print f(c.before)
print 'Yes, it\'s python, but it\'s backwards.'
print 'Escape character is \'^]\'.'
print c.after,
print 'is alive:', c.isalive()