# Psyco main functions.
# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Armin Rigo et.al.
"""Psyco main functions.
Here are the routines that you can use from your applications.
These are mostly interfaces to the C core, but they depend on
the Python version.
You can use these functions from the 'psyco' module instead of
'psyco.core', e.g.
import psyco
import _psyco
import types
from support import *
newfunction = types.FunctionType
newinstancemethod = types.MethodType
# Default charge profiler values
default_watermark = 0.09 # between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%)
default_halflife = 0.5 # seconds
default_pollfreq_profile = 20 # Hz
default_pollfreq_background = 100 # Hz -- a maximum for sleep's resolution
default_parentframe = 0.25 # should not be more than 0.5 (50%)
def full(memory=None, time=None, memorymax=None, timemax=None):
"""Compile as much as possible.
Typical use is for small scripts performing intensive computations
or string handling."""
import profiler
p = profiler.FullCompiler()
p.run(memory, time, memorymax, timemax)
def profile(watermark = default_watermark,
halflife = default_halflife,
pollfreq = default_pollfreq_profile,
parentframe = default_parentframe,
memory=None, time=None, memorymax=None, timemax=None):
"""Turn on profiling.
The 'watermark' parameter controls how easily running functions will
be compiled. The smaller the value, the more functions are compiled."""
import profiler
p = profiler.ActivePassiveProfiler(watermark, halflife,
pollfreq, parentframe)
p.run(memory, time, memorymax, timemax)
def background(watermark = default_watermark,
halflife = default_halflife,
pollfreq = default_pollfreq_background,
parentframe = default_parentframe,
memory=None, time=None, memorymax=None, timemax=None):
"""Turn on passive profiling.
This is a very lightweight mode in which only intensively computing
functions can be detected. The smaller the 'watermark', the more functions
are compiled."""
import profiler
p = profiler.PassiveProfiler(watermark, halflife, pollfreq, parentframe)
p.run(memory, time, memorymax, timemax)
def runonly(memory=None, time=None, memorymax=None, timemax=None):
XXX check if this is useful and document."""
import profiler
p = profiler.RunOnly()
p.run(memory, time, memorymax, timemax)
def stop():
"""Turn off all automatic compilation. bind() calls remain in effect."""
import profiler
def log(logfile='', mode='w', top=10):
"""Enable logging to the given file.
If the file name is unspecified, a default name is built by appending
a 'log-psyco' extension to the main script name.
Mode is 'a' to append to a possibly existing file or 'w' to overwrite
an existing file. Note that the log file may grow quickly in 'a' mode."""
import profiler, logger
if not logfile:
import os
logfile, dummy = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])
if os.path.basename(logfile):
logfile += '.'
logfile += 'log-psyco'
if hasattr(_psyco, 'VERBOSE_LEVEL'):
print >> sys.stderr, 'psyco: logging to', logfile
# logger.current should be a real file object; subtle problems
# will show up if its write() and flush() methods are written
# in Python, as Psyco will invoke them while compiling.
logger.current = open(logfile, mode)
logger.print_charges = top
profiler.logger = logger
logger.writedate('Logging started')
def bind(x, rec=None):
"""Enable compilation of the given function, method, or class object.
If C is a class (or anything with a '__dict__' attribute), bind(C) will
rebind all functions and methods found in C.__dict__ (which means, for
classes, all methods defined in the class but not in its parents).
The optional second argument specifies the number of recursive
compilation levels: all functions called by func are compiled
up to the given depth of indirection."""
if isinstance(x, types.MethodType):
x = x.im_func
if isinstance(x, types.FunctionType):
if rec is None:
x.func_code = _psyco.proxycode(x)
x.func_code = _psyco.proxycode(x, rec)
if hasattr(x, '__dict__'):
funcs = [o for o in x.__dict__.values()
if isinstance(o, types.MethodType)
or isinstance(o, types.FunctionType)]
if not funcs:
raise error, ("nothing bindable found in %s object" %
for o in funcs:
bind(o, rec)
raise TypeError, "cannot bind %s objects" % type(x).__name__
def unbind(x):
"""Reverse of bind()."""
if isinstance(x, types.MethodType):
x = x.im_func
if isinstance(x, types.FunctionType):
f = _psyco.unproxycode(x.func_code)
except error:
x.func_code = f.func_code
if hasattr(x, '__dict__'):
for o in x.__dict__.values():
if (isinstance(o, types.MethodType)
or isinstance(o, types.FunctionType)):
raise TypeError, "cannot unbind %s objects" % type(x).__name__
def proxy(x, rec=None):
"""Return a Psyco-enabled copy of the function.
The original function is still available for non-compiled calls.
The optional second argument specifies the number of recursive
compilation levels: all functions called by func are compiled
up to the given depth of indirection."""
if isinstance(x, types.FunctionType):
if rec is None:
code = _psyco.proxycode(x)
code = _psyco.proxycode(x, rec)
return newfunction(code, x.func_globals, x.func_name)
if isinstance(x, types.MethodType):
p = proxy(x.im_func, rec)
return newinstancemethod(p, x.im_self, x.im_class)
raise TypeError, "cannot proxy %s objects" % type(x).__name__
def unproxy(proxy):
"""Return a new copy of the original function of method behind a proxy.
The result behaves like the original function in that calling it
does not trigger compilation nor execution of any compiled code."""
if isinstance(proxy, types.FunctionType):
return _psyco.unproxycode(proxy.func_code)
if isinstance(proxy, types.MethodType):
f = unproxy(proxy.im_func)
return newinstancemethod(f, proxy.im_self, proxy.im_class)
raise TypeError, "%s objects cannot be proxies" % type(proxy).__name__
def cannotcompile(x):
"""Instruct Psyco never to compile the given function, method
or code object."""
if isinstance(x, types.MethodType):
x = x.im_func
if isinstance(x, types.FunctionType):
x = x.func_code
if isinstance(x, types.CodeType):
raise TypeError, "unexpected %s object" % type(x).__name__
def dumpcodebuf():
"""Write in file psyco.dump a copy of the emitted machine code,
provided Psyco was compiled with a non-zero CODE_DUMP.
See py-utils/httpxam.py to examine psyco.dump."""
if hasattr(_psyco, 'dumpcodebuf'):
# Psyco variables
# error * the error raised by Psyco
# warning * the warning raised by Psyco
# __in_psyco__ * a new built-in variable which is always zero, but which
# Psyco special-cases by returning 1 instead. So
# __in_psyco__ can be used in a function to know if
# that function is being executed by Psyco or not.