from pychecker2.Check import Check
from pychecker2.Warning import Warning
from pychecker2.util import BaseVisitor
import compiler
class OpCheck(Check):
operator = Warning(
"Check for (++) and (--) which are legal, but not useful",
"Operator (%s) doesn't exist, statement has no effect"
operatorPlus = Warning(
'Check for unary +',
"Operator (+) normally has no effect"
def check(self, file, unused_checklist):
class OpVisitor:
def visitUnaryAdd(s, n):
if n.getChildren()[0].__class__ == compiler.ast.UnaryAdd:
file.warning(n, self.operator, '++')
file.warning(n, self.operatorPlus)
def visitUnarySub(s, n):
if n.getChildren()[0].__class__ == compiler.ast.UnarySub:
file.warning(n, self.operator, '--')
if file.parseTree:
compiler.walk(file.parseTree, OpVisitor())
class ExceptCheck(Check):
emptyExcept = Warning('Warn about "except:"',
'Empty except clauses can hide unexpected errors')
def check(self, file, unused_checklist):
class ExceptVisitor(BaseVisitor):
def visitTryExcept(s, node):
for exc, det, code in node.handlers:
if exc is None:
file.warning(code.nodes[0], self.emptyExcept)
if file.parseTree:
compiler.walk(file.parseTree, ExceptVisitor())
class CompareCheck(Check):
useIs = Warning('warn about "== None"',
'use "is" when comparing with None')
def check(self, file, unused_checklist):
def checkEqualNone(node, expr, op):
if (op == '==' and
expr.__class__ == compiler.ast.Name and == "None"):
file.warning(node, self.useIs)
class CompareVisitor(BaseVisitor):
def visitCompare(s, node):
children = node.getChildren()
for i in range(0, len(children) - 1, 2):
left, op = children[i:i+2]
checkEqualNone(node, left, op)
op, right = children[-2:]
checkEqualNone(node, right, op)
if file.parseTree:
compiler.walk(file.parseTree, CompareVisitor())