Testcases for NSArchive-ing python objects.
(Implementation is incomplete)
import os
import sys, copy_reg
from PyObjCTools.TestSupport import *
from PyObjCTest.fnd import NSArchiver,NSUnarchiver
from PyObjCTest.fnd import NSKeyedArchiver,NSKeyedUnarchiver
from PyObjCTest.fnd import NSData,NSArray,NSDictionary
from PyObjCTest.fnd import NSMutableArray,NSMutableDictionary
# First set of tests: the stdlib tests for pickling, this
# should test everything but mixed Python/Objective-C
# object-graphs.
import test.pickletester
MyList = test.pickletester.MyList
# Quick hack to add a proper __repr__ to class C in
# pickletester, makes it a lot easier to debug.
def C__repr__(self):
return '<%s instance at %#x: %r>'%(
self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.__dict__)
test.pickletester.C.__repr__ = C__repr__
del C__repr__
def a_function():
class a_classic_class:
class a_newstyle_class (object):
def make_instance(state):
o = a_reducing_class()
return o
class a_reducing_class (object):
def __reduce__(self):
return make_instance, (self.__dict__,)
if int(os.uname()[2].split('.')[0]) >= 9:
# For some reason NSCoding support doesn't work on OSX 10.4 yet, ignore these
# tests for now
class TestKeyedArchiveSimple (TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.archiverClass = NSKeyedArchiver
self.unarchiverClass = NSKeyedUnarchiver
def testBasicObjects(self):
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(a_function)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIs(v, a_function)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(a_classic_class)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIs(v, a_classic_class)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(a_newstyle_class)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIs(v, a_newstyle_class)
o = a_classic_class()
o.x = 42
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, a_classic_class)
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(u"hello")
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, unicode)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_("hello")
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, str)
self.assertEquals(v, "hello")
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(sys.maxint * 4)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, long)
self.assertEquals(v, sys.maxint * 4)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(sys.maxint ** 4)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, long)
self.assertEquals(v, sys.maxint ** 4)
def testSimpleLists(self):
o = []
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, list)
self.assertEquals(v, o)
o = [u"hello", 42]
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, list)
self.assertEquals(v, o)
def testSimpleTuples(self):
o = ()
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, tuple)
self.assertEquals(v, o)
o = (u"hello", 42)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, tuple)
self.assertEquals(v, o)
def testSimpleDicts(self):
o = {}
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, dict)
self.assertEquals(v, o)
o = {u"hello": u"bar", 42: 1.5 }
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, dict)
self.assertEquals(v, o)
def testNestedDicts(self):
o = {
u"hello": { 1:2 },
u"world": u"foobar"
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, dict)
self.assertEquals(v, o)
o = {}
o[u'self'] = o
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, dict)
self.assertIs(v[u'self'], v)
def testNestedSequences(self):
o = [ 1, 2, 3, (5, (u'a', u'b'), 6), {1:2} ]
o[-1] = o
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, list)
self.assertIs(v[-1], v)
self.assertEquals(v[:-1], o[:-1])
def testNestedInstance(self):
o = a_classic_class()
o.value = o
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, a_classic_class)
self.assertIs(v.value, v)
def dont_testNestedInstanceWithReduce(self):
# Test recursive instantation with a __reduce__ method
# This test is disabled because pickle doesn't support
# this (and we don't either)
o = a_reducing_class()
o.value = o
import pickle
b = pickle.dumps(o)
o2 = pickle.loads(b)
print "+++", o2.value is o2
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(o)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, a_reducing_class)
print type(v.value)
print v.value
print v
self.assertIs(v.value, v)
def testRecusiveNesting(self):
l = []
d = {1:l}
i = a_classic_class()
i.attr = d
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(l)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertEquals(len(v), 1)
self.assertEquals(dir(v[0]), dir(i))
self.assertEquals(v[0].attr.keys(), [1])
self.assertIs(v[0].attr[1], v)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(d)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIs(v[1][0].attr, v)
def testTupleOfObjects(self):
o = a_classic_class()
t = (o, o, o)
buf = self.archiverClass.archivedDataWithRootObject_(t)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
v = self.unarchiverClass.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(v, tuple)
self.assertEquals(len(v), 3)
self.assertIsInstance(v[0], a_classic_class)
self.assertIs(v[0], v[1])
self.assertIs(v[0], v[2])
class TestArchiveSimple (TestKeyedArchiveSimple):
def setUp(self):
self.archiverClass = NSArchiver
self.unarchiverClass = NSUnarchiver
class TestKeyedArchivePlainPython (TestCase, test.pickletester.AbstractPickleTests):
# Ensure that we don't run every test case three times
def setUp(self):
self._protocols = test.pickletester.protocols
test.pickletester.protocols = (2,)
def tearDown(self):
test.pickletester.protocols = self._protocols
def dumps(self, arg, proto=0, fast=0):
# Ignore proto and fast
return NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(arg)
def loads(self, buf):
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
# Disable a number of methods, these test things we're not interested in.
# (Most of these look at the generated byte-stream, as we're not writing data in pickle's
# format such tests are irrelevant to archiving support)
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_insecure_strings(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_load_from_canned_string(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_maxint64(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_dict_chunking(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_float_format(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_garyp(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_list_chunking(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_singletons(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_simple_newobj(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_short_tuples(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_proto(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_long1(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_long4(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_get(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_load_from_data0(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_load_from_data1(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_load_from_data2(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_unpickle_from_2x(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_pickle_to_2x(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_bad_getattr(self): pass
@onlyIf(0, "python unittest not relevant for archiving")
def test_unicode(self): pass
def test_long(self):
# The real test_long method takes way to much time, test a subset
x = 12345678910111213141516178920L << (256*8)
buf = self.dumps(x)
v = self.loads(buf)
self.assertEquals(v, x)
x = -x
buf = self.dumps(x)
v = self.loads(buf)
self.assertEquals(v, x)
for val in (0L, 1L, long(sys.maxint), long(sys.maxint * 128)):
for x in val, -val:
buf = self.dumps(x)
v = self.loads(buf)
self.assertEquals(v, x)
# Overriden tests for extension codes, the test code checks
# the actual byte stream.
def produce_global_ext(self, extcode, opcode):
e = test.pickletester.ExtensionSaver(extcode)
copy_reg.add_extension(__name__, "MyList", extcode)
x = MyList([1, 2, 3])
x.foo = 42
x.bar = "hello"
s1 = self.dumps(x, 1)
y = self.loads(s1)
self.assertEqual(list(x), list(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
# The test_reduce* methods iterate over various protocol
# versions. Override to only look at protocol version 2.
def test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex(self):
for proto in 2,:
x = test.pickletester.REX_one()
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 0)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 1)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._reduce_called, 0)
def test_reduce_ex_called(self):
for proto in 2,:
x = test.pickletester.REX_two()
self.assertEqual(x._proto, None)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._proto, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._proto, None)
def test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce(self):
for proto in 2,:
x = test.pickletester.REX_three()
self.assertEqual(x._proto, None)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._proto, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._proto, None)
def test_reduce_ex_calls_base(self):
for proto in 2,:
x = test.pickletester.REX_four()
self.assertEqual(x._proto, None)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._proto, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._proto, proto)
def test_reduce_calls_base(self):
for proto in 2,:
x = test.pickletester.REX_five()
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 0)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 1)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._reduce_called, 1)
class TestArchivePlainPython (TestKeyedArchivePlainPython):
def setUp(self):
self._protocols = test.pickletester.protocols
test.pickletester.protocols = (2,)
def tearDown(self):
test.pickletester.protocols = self._protocols
def dumps(self, arg, proto=0, fast=0):
# Ignore proto and fast
return NSArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(arg)
def loads(self, buf):
return NSUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
# Disable testing of plain Archiving for now, need full support
# for keyed-archiving first, then worry about adding "classic"
# archiving.
#class TestArchivePlainPython (TestKeyedArchivePlainPython):
# def dumps(self, arg, proto=0, fast=0):
# # Ignore proto and fast
# return NSArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(arg)
# def loads(self, buf):
# return NSUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
# Second set of tests: test if archiving a graph that
# contains both python and objective-C objects works correctly.
class TestKeyedArchiveMixedGraphs (TestCase):
def dumps(self, arg, proto=0, fast=0):
# Ignore proto and fast
return NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(arg)
def loads(self, buf):
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
def test_list1(self):
o1 = a_classic_class()
o2 = a_newstyle_class()
o2.lst = NSArray.arrayWithObject_(o1)
l = NSArray.arrayWithArray_([o1, o2, [o1, o2]])
buf = self.dumps(l)
self.assertIsInstance(buf, NSData)
out = self.loads(buf)
self.assertIsInstance(out, NSArray)
self.assertEquals(len(out), 3)
p1 = out[0]
p2 = out[1]
p3 = out[2]
self.assertIsInstance(p1, a_classic_class)
self.assertIsInstance(p2, a_newstyle_class)
self.assertIsInstance(p3, list)
self.assertIs(p3[0], p1)
self.assertIs(p3[1], p2)
self.assertIsInstance(p2.lst , NSArray)
self.assertIs(p2.lst[0], p1)
class TestArchiveMixedGraphs (TestKeyedArchiveMixedGraphs):
def dumps(self, arg, proto=0, fast=0):
# Ignore proto and fast
return NSArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(arg)
def loads(self, buf):
return NSUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(buf)
# And finally some tests to check if archiving of Python
# subclasses of NSObject works correctly.
class TestArchivePythonObjCSubclass (TestCase):
if __name__ == "__main__":