from PyObjCTools.TestSupport import *
import objc
NSObject = objc.lookUpClass("NSObject")
NSAutoreleasePool = objc.lookUpClass("NSAutoreleasePool")
from PyObjCTest.copying import OC_CopyHelper,OC_CopyBase
def funcattr(**kwds):
def annotate(func):
for k, v in kwds.iteritems():
setattr(func, k, v)
return func
return annotate
class OC_TestCopy1 (NSObject):
def init(self):
self = super(OC_TestCopy1, self).init()
if self is not None:
self.x = 1
self.y = 2
return self
def modify(self):
self.x = 42
self.y = 24
self.z = 0
def copyWithZone_(self, zone):
other = OC_TestCopy1.allocWithZone_(zone).init()
other.x = self.x
other.y = self.y
return other
# Argh, copyWithZone_ is a classmethod by default unless the
# superclass implements -copyWithZone:
copyWithZone_ = objc.selector(copyWithZone_,
class OC_TestCopy2 (OC_CopyBase):
def init(self):
self = super(OC_TestCopy2, self).initWithInt_(10)
if self is not None:
self.x = 1
self.y = 2
return self
def modify(self):
self.x = 42
self.y = 24
self.z = 0
class OC_TestCopy3 (OC_CopyBase):
__slots__ = 'x y'.split()
def init(self):
self = super(OC_TestCopy3, self).initWithInt_(10)
if self is not None:
self.x = 1
self.y = 2
return self
def modify(self):
self.x = 42
self.y = 24
class OC_TestCopy4 (OC_CopyBase):
def init(self):
self = super(OC_TestCopy4, self).initWithInt_(10)
if self is not None:
self.x = 1
self.y = 2
return self
def modify(self):
self.x = 42
self.y = 24
self.z = 0
def copyWithZone_(self, zone):
other = super(OC_TestCopy4, self).copyWithZone_(zone)
other.x = self.x
other.y = self.y
other.z = "hello"
return other
class TestNSCopyingHelper (NSObject):
def copyWithZone_(self, zone):
return 42
class TestNSCopying (TestCase):
def testCopyingRegr20090327(self):
o = TestNSCopyingHelper.alloc().init()
v = o.copyWithZone_(None)
self.assertEqual(v, 42)
def testCopyingWithoutSuperFromObjC(self):
v = OC_TestCopy1.alloc().init()
self.assertEquals(v.copyWithZone_.callable.occlass, "OC_TestCopy1")
del v
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
o = OC_CopyHelper.doCopySetup_(OC_TestCopy1)
del p
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, o, 'z')
def testCopyingWithSuperFromObjC(self):
o = OC_CopyBase.alloc().init()
del o
o = OC_TestCopy2.alloc().init()
del o
o = OC_TestCopy3.alloc().init()
del o
o = OC_TestCopy4.alloc().init()
self.assertEquals(o.copyWithZone_.callable.occlass, "OC_TestCopy4")
del o
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
o = OC_CopyHelper.doCopySetup_(OC_TestCopy2)
del p
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertEquals(o.intVal(), 40)
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
o = OC_CopyHelper.doCopySetup_(OC_TestCopy3)
del p
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertEquals(o.intVal(), 40)
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
o = OC_CopyHelper.doCopySetup_(OC_TestCopy4)
del p
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertEquals(o.z, "hello")
self.assertEquals(o.intVal(), 40)
def testCopyingWithoutSuper(self):
v = OC_TestCopy1.alloc().init()
self.assertEquals(v.copyWithZone_.callable.occlass, "OC_TestCopy1")
del v
v = OC_TestCopy1.alloc().init()
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
o = v.copy()
v.x = 20
del v
del p
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, o, 'z')
def testCopyingWithSuper(self):
o = OC_CopyBase.alloc().init()
del o
o = OC_TestCopy2.alloc().init()
del o
o = OC_TestCopy3.alloc().init()
del o
o = OC_TestCopy4.alloc().init()
self.assertEquals(o.copyWithZone_.callable.occlass, "OC_TestCopy4")
del o
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
v = OC_TestCopy2.alloc().init()
o = v.copy()
v.x = 20
del v
del p
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertEquals(o.intVal(), 40)
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
v = OC_TestCopy3.alloc().init()
o = v.copy()
v.x = 20
del v
del p
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertEquals(o.intVal(), 40)
p = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
v = OC_TestCopy4.alloc().init()
o = v.copy()
v.x = 20
del v
del p
self.assertEquals(o.z, "hello")
self.assertEquals(o.y, 24)
self.assertEquals(o.x, 42)
self.assertEquals(o.intVal(), 40)
NSMutableArray = objc.lookUpClass("NSMutableArray")
import copy
class TestPyCopyObjC (TestCase):
# Testcases that ensure that copy.copy works
# with Objective-C objects as well.
def testCopyArray(self):
a = NSMutableArray.arrayWithArray_(['a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertIsInstance(a, NSMutableArray)
b = copy.copy(a)
self.assertIsInstance(b, NSMutableArray)
self.assertEquals(list(a), list(b))
if __name__ == "__main__":