This is the runner for the tests defined in Modules/objc/unittest.m. Those tests
check a number lowlevel features of the bridge.
This file provides a nice unittest wrapper around the functions in that file,
the code in this file defines a class CTests that has the functions in the
unitest.m file as its methods.
import sys, platform
from PyObjCTools.TestSupport import *
from PyObjCTest import ctests
names = [ x for x in dir (ctests) if not x.startswith('_') ]
methods = {}
def make_test(name):
Create a method for use in a unittest, the exec is needed to get the
proper function name
result = { 'meth': getattr(ctests, name) }
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and name == 'CheckNSInvoke' and platform.machine() == 'Power Macintosh':
# There is a bug in Apple's implementation of NSInvocation
# surpress the test failure until Apple fixes the class.
# Don't change the C-code, the same function is used to disable
# parts of the unittests that trigger the bug.
def test_CheckNSInvoke(self):
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError, "NSInvocation works!"
return test_CheckNSInvoke
exec """\
def test_%s(self):
"""%(name,) in result
return result['test_%s'%(name,)]
for n in names:
methods['test_%s'%(n,)] = make_test(n)
CTests = type(TestCase)('CTests', (TestCase,), methods)
if __name__ == "__main__":