from PyObjCTools.TestSupport import *
import objc
import sys
from PyObjCTest.instanceVariables import ClassWithVariables
NSObject = objc.lookUpClass('NSObject')
NSAutoreleasePool = objc.lookUpClass('NSAutoreleasePool')
class Base (object):
def __init__(self, ondel):
self.ondel = ondel
def __del__ (self):
class OCBase (NSObject):
def init_(self, ondel):
self.ondel = ondel
def __del__ (self):
class TestClass (NSObject):
idVar = objc.ivar('idVar')
idVar2 = objc.ivar('idVar2', b'@')
intVar = objc.ivar('intVar', objc._C_INT)
doubleVar = objc.ivar('doubleVar', objc._C_DBL)
class TestInstanceVariables(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.object = TestClass.alloc().init()
def testID(self):
# Check that we can set and query attributes of type 'id'
self.assertEquals(self.object.idVar, None)
self.assertEquals(self.object.idVar2, None)
o = NSObject.alloc().init()
self.object.idVar = o
self.object.idVar2 = o
self.assertIs(self.object.idVar, o)
self.assertIs(self.object.idVar2, o)
self.object.idVar = u"hello"
self.assertEquals(self.object.idVar, u"hello")
def testInt(self):
# Check that we can set and query attributes of type 'int'
self.assertEquals(self.object.intVar, 0)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda x: setattr(self.object, 'intVar', x), "h")
self.object.intVar = 42
self.assertEquals(self.object.intVar, 42)
def testDouble(self):
# Check that we can set and query attributes of type 'double'
# Can't rely on this for doubles...
#self.assertEquals(self.object.doubleVar, 0.0)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda x: setattr(self.object, 'doubleVar', x), u"h")
self.object.doubleVar = 42.0
self.assertAlmostEquals(self.object.doubleVar, 42.0)
def testLeak(self):
# Check that plain python objects are correctly released when
# they are no longer the value of an attribute
pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
self.deleted = 0
self.object.idVar = Base(lambda : setattr(self, 'deleted', 1))
self.object.idVar = None
del pool
self.assertEquals(self.deleted, 1)
def testLeak2(self):
self.deleted = 0
pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
self.object.idVar = Base(lambda : setattr(self, 'deleted', 1))
del self.object
del pool
self.assertEquals(self.deleted, 1)
def testOCLeak(self):
# Check that Objective-C objects are correctly released when
# they are no longer the value of an attribute
pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
self.deleted = 0
self.object.idVar = OCBase.alloc().init_(lambda : setattr(self, 'deleted', 1))
self.object.idVar = None
del pool
self.assertEquals(self.deleted, 1)
def testOCLeak2(self):
pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
self.deleted = 0
self.object.idVar = OCBase.alloc().init_(lambda : setattr(self, 'deleted', 1))
del self.object
del pool
self.assertEquals(self.deleted, 1)
def testDelete(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, delattr, self.object.idVar)
class TestAllInstanceVariables (TestCase):
# Some tests for accessing any instance variable, even those not
# declared in python.
def testReading(self):
obj = ClassWithVariables.alloc().init()
getter = objc.getInstanceVariable
cls = getter(obj, 'isa')
self.assertIs(cls, type(obj))
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'intValue'), 42)
self.assertIsInstance(getter(obj, 'intValue'), int)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'floatValue'), -10.055)
self.assertIsInstance(getter(obj, 'floatValue'), float)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'charValue'), ord('a'))
self.assertIsInstance(getter(obj, 'charValue'), int)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'strValue'), b"hello world")
self.assertIsInstance(getter(obj, 'strValue'), bytes)
self.assertIsInstance(getter(obj, 'objValue'), NSObject)
self.assertIsNone(getter(obj, 'nilValue'))
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'pyValue'), slice(1, 10, 4))
self.assertIsInstance(getter(obj, 'pyValue'), slice)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'rectValue'), ((1, 2), (3, 4)))
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getter, obj, "noSuchMember")
def testWriting(self):
obj = ClassWithVariables.alloc().init()
getter = objc.getInstanceVariable
setter = objc.setInstanceVariable
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'intValue'), 42)
setter(obj, 'intValue', 99)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'intValue'), 99)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'floatValue'), -10.055)
setter(obj, 'floatValue', 0.5)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'floatValue'), 0.5)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'charValue'), ord('a'))
setter(obj, 'charValue', b'b')
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'charValue'), ord('b'))
setter(obj, 'charValue', 10)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'charValue'), 10)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'strValue'), b"hello world")
setter(obj, 'strValue', b"foo bar")
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'strValue'), b"foo bar")
setter(obj, 'strValue', None)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'strValue'), None)
o =
self.assertIsNot(getter(obj, 'objValue'), o)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, setter, 'objValue', o)
self.assertIsNot(getter(obj, 'objValue'), o)
setter(obj, 'objValue', o, True)
self.assertIs(getter(obj, 'objValue'), o)
o2 =
self.assertIsNot(getter(obj, 'objValue'), o2)
setter(obj, 'objValue', o2, False)
self.assertIs(getter(obj, 'objValue'), o2)
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'pyValue'), slice(1, 10, 4))
setter(obj, 'pyValue', [1,2,3])
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'pyValue'), [1,2,3])
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'rectValue'), ((1, 2), (3, 4)))
setter(obj, 'rectValue', ((-4, -8), (2, 7)))
self.assertEquals(getter(obj, 'rectValue'), ((-4, -8), (2, 7)))
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setter, obj, "noSuchMember", 'foo')
def testClassMod(self):
# It's scary as hell, but updating the class of an object does "work"
# (for some perverted interpretation of the word)
class DummyClass (NSObject):
__slots__ = ()
o = NSObject.alloc().init()
self.assertIsInstance(o, NSObject)
self.assertIsNotInstance(o, DummyClass)
objc.setInstanceVariable(o, "isa", DummyClass)
self.assertIsInstance(o, DummyClass)
def testDir(self):
obj = ClassWithVariables.alloc().init()
# Note: cannot check the exact contents of dir(), who knows
# what NSObject defines...
v = objc.listInstanceVariables(obj)
self.assertIsIn(('charValue', objc._C_CHR), v)
self.assertIsIn(('intValue', objc._C_INT), v)
self.assertIsIn(('isa', objc._C_CLASS), v)
def testAnonymousIvar(self):
class AnonIvarClass (NSObject):
var = objc.ivar()
var2 = objc.ivar(type=objc._C_DBL)
outlet = objc.IBOutlet()
o = AnonIvarClass.alloc().init()
o.var = NSObject.alloc().init()
self.assertIsInstance(o.var, NSObject)
o.var2 = 4
self.assertIsInstance(o.var2, float)
if __name__ == '__main__':