from Foundation import NSObject
from objc import *
from AppKit import NSBezierPath
from fieldMath import *
class CGraphModel(NSObject):
def init(self):
self.field = [1.0, 1.12, 0.567]
self.phase = [degToRad(0), degToRad(152.6), degToRad(312.9-360)]
self.RMSGain = 0
self.spacing = degToRad(90)
return self
def getGraph(self):
path = NSBezierPath.bezierPath()
maxMag = 0
mag = self.fieldValue(0)
maxMag = max(maxMag, mag)
path.moveToPoint_(polarToRect((mag, 0)))
for deg in range(1, 359, 1):
r = (deg/180.0)*pi
mag = self.fieldValue(r)
maxMag = max(maxMag, mag)
path.lineToPoint_(polarToRect((mag, r)))
return path, maxMag;
def fieldGain(self):
gain = 0
Et = self.field[0] + self.field[1] + self.field[2]
if Et: # Don't want to divide by zero in the pathological case
spacing = [0, self.spacing, 2*self.spacing]
# This could easily be optimized--but this is just anexample :-)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
gain += self.field[i]*self.field[j] * cos(self.phase[j]-self.phase[i]) * bessel(spacing[j]-spacing[i])
gain = sqrt(gain) / Et
self.RMSGain = gain
return gain
def fieldValue(self, a):
# The intermedate values are used to more closely match standard field equations nomenclature
E0 = self.field[0]
E1 = self.field[1]
E2 = self.field[2]
B0 = self.phase[0]
B1 = self.phase[1] + self.spacing * cos(a)
B2 = self.phase[2] + 2 * self.spacing * cos(a)
phix = sin(B0) * E0 + sin(B1) * E1 + sin(B2) * E2
phiy = cos(B0) * E0 + cos(B1) * E1 + cos(B2) * E2
mag = hypot(phix, phiy)
return mag
def setField(self, tower, field):
self.field[tower] = field
def getField(self, tower):
return self.field[tower]
def setPhase(self, tower, phase):
self.phase[tower] = phase
def getPhase(self, tower):
return self.phase[tower]
def setSpacing(self, spacing):
self.spacing = spacing
def getSpacing(self):
return self.spacing