"""PythonBrowserModel.py -- module implementing the data model for PythonBrowser."""
from Foundation import NSObject
from AppKit import NSBeep
from operator import getitem,setitem
import sys
class PythonBrowserModel(NSObject):
"""This is a delegate as well as a data source for NSOutlineViews."""
def initWithObject_(self, obj):
self = self.init()
return self
def setObject_(self, obj):
self.root = PythonItem("<root>", obj, None, None)
# NSOutlineViewDataSource methods
def outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem_(self, view, item):
if item is None:
item = self.root
return len(item)
def outlineView_child_ofItem_(self, view, child, item):
if item is None:
item = self.root
return item.getChild(child)
def outlineView_isItemExpandable_(self, view, item):
if item is None:
item = self.root
return item.isExpandable()
def outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem_(self, view, col, item):
if item is None:
item = self.root
return getattr(item, col.identifier())
def outlineView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_byItem_(self, view, value, col, item):
assert col.identifier() == "value"
if item.value == value:
obj = eval(value, {})
print "XXX Error:", sys.exc_info()
print "XXX :", repr(value)
# delegate method
def outlineView_shouldEditTableColumn_item_(self, view, col, item):
return item.isEditable()
# objects of these types are not eligable for expansion in the outline view
SIMPLE_TYPES = (str, unicode, int, long, float, complex)
def getInstanceVarNames(obj):
"""Return a list the names of all (potential) instance variables."""
# Recipe from Guido
slots = {}
if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
if hasattr(obj, "__class__"):
slots["__class__"] = 1
cls = getattr(obj, "__class__", type(obj))
if hasattr(cls, "__mro__"):
for base in cls.__mro__:
for name, value in base.__dict__.items():
# XXX using callable() is a heuristic which isn't 100%
# foolproof.
if hasattr(value, "__get__") and not callable(value) and \
hasattr(obj, name):
slots[name] = 1
if "__dict__" in slots:
del slots["__dict__"]
slots = slots.keys()
return slots
class NiceError:
"""Wrapper for an exception so we can display it nicely in the browser."""
def __init__(self, exc_info):
self.exc_info = exc_info
def __repr__(self):
from traceback import format_exception_only
lines = format_exception_only(*self.exc_info[:2])
assert len(lines) == 1
error = lines[0].strip()
return "*** error *** %s" %error
class PythonItem(NSObject):
"""Wrapper class for items to be displayed in the outline view."""
# We keep references to all child items (once created). This is
# neccesary because NSOutlineView holds on to PythonItem instances
# without retaining them. If we don't make sure they don't get
# garbage collected, the app will crash. For the same reason this
# class _must_ derive from NSObject, since otherwise autoreleased
# proxies will be fed to NSOutlineView, which will go away too soon.
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# "Pythonic" constructor
return cls.alloc().init()
def __init__(self, name, obj, parent, setvalue):
self.realName = name
self.name = str(name)
self.parent = parent
self._setValue = setvalue
self.type = type(obj).__name__
self.value = repr(obj)[:256] # XXX [:256] makes it quite a bit faster for long reprs.
assert isinstance(self.value, str)
self.value = repr(NiceError(sys.exc_info()))
self.object = obj
self.childrenEditable = 0
if isinstance(obj, dict):
self.children = obj.keys()
self._getChild = getitem
self._setChild = setitem
self.childrenEditable = 1
elif obj is None or isinstance(obj, SIMPLE_TYPES):
self._getChild = None
self._setChild = None
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
self.children = range(len(obj))
self._getChild = getitem
self._setChild = setitem
if isinstance(obj, list):
self.childrenEditable = 1
self.children = getInstanceVarNames(obj)
self._getChild = getattr
self._setChild = setattr
self.childrenEditable = 1 # XXX we don't know that...
self._childRefs = {}
def setValue(self, value):
self._setValue(self.parent, self.realName, value)
self.__init__(self.realName, value, self.parent, self._setValue)
def isEditable(self):
return self._setValue is not None
def isExpandable(self):
return self._getChild is not None
def getChild(self, child):
if self._childRefs.has_key(child):
return self._childRefs[child]
name = self.children[child]
obj = self._getChild(self.object, name)
obj = NiceError(sys.exc_info())
if self.childrenEditable:
childObj = PythonItem(name, obj, self.object, self._setChild)
childObj = PythonItem(name, obj, None, None)
self._childRefs[child] = childObj
return childObj
def __len__(self):
return len(self.children)