import objc
from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *
import objc
def serviceSelector(fn):
# this is the signature of service selectors
return objc.selector(fn, signature="v@:@@o^@")
def ERROR(s):
#NSLog(u"ERROR: %s" % (s,))
return s
class ServiceTest(NSObject):
def doOpenFileService_userData_error_(self, pboard, data, error):
#NSLog(u"doOpenFileService_userData_error_(%r, %r)" % (pboard, data,))
types = pboard.types()
pboardString = None
if NSStringPboardType in types:
pboardString = pboard.stringForType_(NSStringPboardType)
if pboardString is None:
return ERROR(NSLocalizedString(
"Error: Pasteboard doesn't contain a string.",
"Pasteboard couldn't give string."
if not NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().openFile_(pboardString):
return ERROR(NSLocalizedString(
"Error: Couldn't open file %s.",
"Couldn't perform service operation for file %s."
) % pboardString)
return ERROR(None)
import traceback
return ERROR(u'Exception, see traceback')
def doCapitalizeService_userData_error_(self, pboard, data, err):
#NSLog(u"doCapitalizeService_userData_error_(%r, %r)" % (pboard, data,))
types = pboard.types()
pboardString = None
if NSStringPboardType in types:
pboardString = pboard.stringForType_(NSStringPboardType)
if pboardString is None:
return ERROR(NSLocalizedString(
"Error: Pasteboard doesn't contain a string.",
"Pasteboard couldn't give string."
newString = NSString.capitalizedString(pboardString)
if not newString:
return ERROR(NSLocalizedString(
"Error: Couldn't capitalize string %s.",
"Couldn't perform service operation for string %s."
) % pboardString)
types = [NSStringPboardType]
pboard.declareTypes_owner_([NSStringPboardType], None)
pboard.setString_forType_(newString, NSStringPboardType)
return ERROR(None)
import traceback
return ERROR(u'Exception, see traceback')