"""TableModel.py -- Minimal example showing how to use an NSTableView.
To build the demo program, run this line in Terminal.app:
$ python setup.py py2app -A
This creates a directory "dist" containing TableModel.app. (The
-A option causes the files to be symlinked to the .app bundle instead
of copied. This means you don't have to rebuild the app if you edit the
sources or nibs.)
# Or rather, this app shows how to create an object conforming to the
# NSTableDataSource protocol. The model object is connected to the table view
# in the nib, both as the delegate and the data source. The table view will
# ask our object for data; it controls us, not the other way around.
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
from Cocoa import *
import pkg_resources
# class defined in MainMenu.nib
class TableModel(NSObject):
label = objc.IBOutlet()
tableView = objc.IBOutlet()
# An instance of this class is connected to the 'datasource' and
# the 'delegate' outlet of the table view in the nib.
def awakeFromNib(self):
self.editedFields = {}
self.rowcount = ROWCOUNT
# tableView is an outlet set in Interface Builder
def init(self):
self.rowcount = ROWCOUNT
return self
def doubleClick_(self, sender):
# double-clicking a column header causes clickedRow() to return -1
print "doubleClick!", sender.clickedColumn(), sender.clickedRow()
# data source methods
def numberOfRowsInTableView_(self, aTableView):
return self.rowcount
def tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_(
self, aTableView, aTableColumn, rowIndex):
col = aTableColumn.identifier()
return self.editedFields.get((aTableColumn, rowIndex),
"{%s, %d}" % (col, rowIndex))
def tableView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_row_(
self, aTableView, anObject, aTableColumn, rowIndex):
self.editedFields[(aTableColumn, rowIndex)] = anObject
# delegate methods
def tableView_shouldSelectRow_(self, aTableView, rowIndex):
# only allow odd rows to be selected
return rowIndex % 2
def tableView_shouldEditTableColumn_row_(self, aTableView, aTableColumn, rowIndex):
# only allow cells in the second column in odd rows to be edited
return (rowIndex % 2) and aTableColumn.identifier() == "col_2"
def tableViewSelectionDidChange_(self, notification):
# Always use this delegate method instead of using the action to do something
# when the selection changed: the action method is only called when the selection
# changed by means of a mouse click; this method is also called when the
# user uses the arrow keys.
if self.tableView.numberOfSelectedRows() == 0:
if self.tableView.numberOfSelectedColumns() == 0:
items = list(self.tableView.selectedColumnEnumerator())
word = "Column"
items = list(self.tableView.selectedRowEnumerator())
word = "Row"
label = "%s%s: %s" % (word, ("s", "")[len(items) == 1], ", ".join([str(x) for x in items]))
def windowShouldClose_(self, sender):
print "Should Close?"
return 0