from PyObjCTools.TestSupport import *
from objc import *
from Foundation import *
import sys
if sys.version_info[:2] in [(2,4), (2,5)]:
raise ImportError, "py2.4 hangs when a CFArray is created, bug was filed"
# These tests are only useful on MacOS X when using MacPython
from Carbon.CF import *
class TestTollFreeBridging( TestCase ):
def testExplicitToCF(self):
o = NSArray.arrayWithArray_((u"a", 1, 1.9))
self.assert_(isinstance(o, NSArray))
c = ObjectToCF(o)
# On MacOS X 'o' will actually be an instance of NSCFArray,
# which is a subclass of NSMutableArray! Depending on how you
# test for the type of 'o' you'll get a different CF type...
self.assert_(isinstance(c, (CFArrayRef, CFMutableArrayRef)))
def testExplictFromCF(self):
c = CFArrayCreateMutable(0)
self.assert_(isinstance(c, CFMutableArrayRef))
o = CFToObject(c)
self.assert_(isinstance(o, NSMutableArray))
def testImplicitFromCF(self):
c = CFArrayCreateMutable(0)
self.assert_(isinstance(c, CFMutableArrayRef))
nsa = NSMutableArray.array()
o = nsa[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(o, NSMutableArray))
except ImportError:
if __name__ == '__main__':
main( )