from Cocoa import *
from AddressBook import *
class ABPerson (objc.Category(ABPerson)):
# Pull first and last name, organization, and record flags
# If the entry is a company, display the organization name instead
def displayName(self):
firstName = self.valueForProperty_(kABFirstNameProperty)
lastName = self.valueForProperty_(kABLastNameProperty)
companyName = self.valueForProperty_(kABOrganizationProperty)
flags = self.valueForProperty_(kABPersonFlags)
if flags is None:
flags = 0
if (flags & kABShowAsMask) == kABShowAsCompany:
if len(companyName):
return companyName;
lastNameFirst = (flags & kABNameOrderingMask) == kABLastNameFirst
hasFirstName = firstName is not None
hasLastName = lastName is not None
if hasLastName and hasFirstName:
if lastNameFirst:
return NSString.stringWithString_(u"%s %s"%(lastName, firstName))
return NSString.stringWithString_(u"%s %s"%(firstName, lastName))
if hasLastName:
return lastName
return firstName
def compareDisplayNames_(self, person):
return self.displayName().localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare_(