from Cocoa import *
from InstantMessage import *
from AddressBook import *
kAddressBookPersonStatusChanged = u"AddressBookPersonStatusChanged"
kStatusImagesChanged = u"StatusImagesChanged"
class ServiceWatcher (NSObject):
def startMonitoring(self):
nCenter = IMService.notificationCenter()
self, 'imPersonStatusChangedNotification:',
IMPersonStatusChangedNotification, None)
self, 'imStatusImagesChangedAppearanceNotification:',
IMStatusImagesChangedAppearanceNotification, None)
def stopMonitoring(self):
nCenter = IMService.notificationCenter()
def awakeFromNib(self):
# Received from IMService's custom notification center. Posted when a
# different user (screenName) logs in, logs off, goes away,
# and so on. This notification is for the IMService object. The user
# information dictionary will always contain an
# IMPersonScreenNameKey and an IMPersonStatusKey, and no others.
def imPersonStatusChangedNotification_(self, notification):
service = notification.object()
userInfo = notification.userInfo()
screenName = userInfo[IMPersonScreenNameKey]
abPersons = service.peopleWithScreenName_(screenName)
center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
for person in abPersons:
kAddressBookPersonStatusChanged, person)
# Received from IMService's custom notification center. Posted when the
# user changes their preferred images for displaying status.
# This notification is relevant to no particular object. The user
# information dictionary will not contain keys. Clients that display
# status information graphically (using the green/yellow/red dots) should
# call <tt>imageURLForStatus:</tt> to get the new image.
# See "Class Methods" for IMService in this document.
def imStatusImagesChangedAppearanceNotification_(self, notification):
kStatusImagesChanged, self)