from Cocoa import *
from Quartz import *
from LaunchServices import *
import os
# openFiles
# A simple C function that opens NSOpenPanel and returns an array of file paths.
# It uses uniform type identifiers (UTIs) for proper filtering of image files.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def openFiles():
# Get a list of extensions to filter in our NSOpenPanel.
panel = NSOpenPanel.openPanel()
# The user can choose a folder; images in the folder are added recursively.
if panel.runModalForTypes_(NSImage.imageUnfilteredTypes()) == NSOKButton:
return panel.filenames()
return []
# This is the data source object.
class myImageObject (NSObject):
_path = objc.ivar()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# setPath:path
# The data source object is just a file path representation
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def setPath_(self, inPath):
self._path = inPath
# The required methods of the IKImageBrowserItem protocol.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# imageRepresentationType:
# Set up the image browser to use a path representation.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def imageRepresentationType(self):
return IKImageBrowserPathRepresentationType
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# imageRepresentation:
# Give the path representation to the image browser.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def imageRepresentation(self):
return self._path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# imageUID:
# Use the absolute file path as the identifier.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def imageUID(self):
return self._path
class ImageBrowserController (NSWindowController):
imageBrowser = objc.IBOutlet()
images = objc.ivar()
importedImages = objc.ivar()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# awakeFromNib:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def awakeFromNib(self):
# Create two arrays : The first is for the data source representation.
# The second one contains temporary imported images for thread safeness.
self.images = NSMutableArray.alloc().init()
self.importedImages = NSMutableArray.alloc().init()
# Allow reordering, animations and set the dragging destination
# delegate.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# updateDatasource:
# This is the entry point for reloading image browser data and
# triggering setNeedsDisplay.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def updateDatasource(self):
# Update the datasource, add recently imported items.
# Empty the temporary array.
del self.importedImages[:]
# Reload the image browser, which triggers setNeedsDisplay.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# isImageFile:filePath
# This utility method indicates if the file located at 'filePath' is
# an image file based on the UTI. It relies on the ImageIO framework for
# the supported type identifiers.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def isImageFile_(self, filePath):
isImageFile = False
uti = None
url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(None, filePath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, False)
res, info = LSCopyItemInfoForURL(url, kLSRequestExtension | kLSRequestTypeCreator, None)
if res == 0:
# Obtain the UTI using the file information.
# If there is a file extension, get the UTI.
if info[3] != None:
uti = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, info[3], kUTTypeData)
# No UTI yet
if uti is None:
# If there is an OSType, get the UTI.
typeString = UTCreateStringForOSType(info.filetype)
if typeString != None:
uti = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassOSType, typeString, kUTTypeData)
# Verify that this is a file that the ImageIO framework supports.
if uti is not None:
supportedTypes = CGImageSourceCopyTypeIdentifiers()
for item in supportedTypes:
if UTTypeConformsTo(uti, item):
isImageFile = True
return isImageFile
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# addAnImageWithPath:path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def addAnImageWithPath_(self, path):
addObject = False
fileAttribs = NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileAttributesAtPath_traverseLink_(path, True)
if fileAttribs is not None:
# Check for packages.
if NSFileTypeDirectory == fileAttribs[NSFileType]:
if not NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().isFilePackageAtPath_(path):
addObject = True # If it is a file, it's OK to add.
addObject = True # It is a file, so it's OK to add.
if addObject and self.isImageFile_(path):
# Add a path to the temporary images array.
p = myImageObject.alloc().init()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# addImagesWithPath:path:recursive
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def addImagesWithPath_recursive_(self, path, recursive):
dir = os.path.isdir(path)
if dir:
content = os.listdir(path)
# Parse the directory content.
for fn in content:
if recursive:
os.path.join(path, fn), True)
self.addAnImageWithPath_(os.path.join(path, fn))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# addImagesWithPaths:paths
# Performed in an independent thread, parse all paths in "paths" and
# add these paths in the temporary images array.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def addImagesWithPaths_(self, paths):
pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
for path in paths:
isdir = os.path.isdir(path)
self.addImagesWithPath_recursive_(path, isdir)
# Update the data source in the main thread.
'updateDatasource', None, True)
del pool
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark actions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# addImageButtonClicked:sender
# The user clicked the Add button.d
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def addImageButtonClicked_(self, sender):
path = openFiles()
if path:
# launch import in an independent thread
'addImagesWithPaths:', self, path)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# addImageButtonClicked:sender
# Action called when the zoom slider changes.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def zoomSliderDidChange_(self, sender):
# update the zoom value to scale images
# redisplay
# Implement the image browser data source protocol .
# The data source representation is a simple mutable array.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# numberOfItemsInImageBrowser:view
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def numberOfItemsInImageBrowser_(self, view):
# The item count to display is the datadsource item count.
return len(self.images)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# imageBrowser:view:index:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def imageBrowser_itemAtIndex_(self, view, index):
return self.images[index]
# Implement some optional methods of the image browser datasource protocol to allow for removing and reodering items.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# removeItemsAtIndexes:
# The user wants to delete images, so remove these entries from the data source.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def imageBrowser_removeItemsAtIndexes_(self, view, indexes):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# moveItemsAtIndexes:
# The user wants to reorder images, update the datadsource and the browser
# will reflect our changes.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def imageBrowser_moveItemsAtIndexes_toIndex_(self, browser, indexes, destinationIndex):
temporaryArray = []
# First remove items from the data source and keep them in a
# temporary array.
for index in reversed(sorted(list(indexes))):
if index < destinationIndex:
destinationIndex -= 1
obj = self.images[index]
del images[index]
# Then insert the removed items at the appropriate location.
for item in temporaryArray:
self.images.insertObject_atIndex_(item, destinationIndex)
return True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# draggingEntered:sender
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def draggingEntered_(self, sender):
return NSDragOperationCopy
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# draggingUpdated:sender
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def draggingUpdated_(self, sender):
return NSDragOperationCopy
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# performDragOperation:sender
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def performDragOperation_(self, sender):
pasteboard = sender.draggingPasteboard()
# Look for paths on the pasteboard.
data = None
if NSFilenamesPboardType in pasteboard.types():
data = pasteboard.dataForType_(NSFilenamesPboardType)
if data is not None:
# Retrieve paths.
filenames, format, errorDescription = NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListFromData_mutabilityOption_format_errorDescription_(
data , kCFPropertyListImmutable, None, None)
# Add paths to the data source.
for fn in filenames:
# Make the image browser reload the data source.
# Accept the drag operation.
return True