Python mapping for the SearchKit framework.
This module does not contain docstrings for the wrapped code, check Apple's
documentation for details on how to use these functions and classes.
import objc as _objc
from CoreFoundation import *
__bundle__ = _objc.initFrameworkWrapper("SearchKit",
except NameError:
# SKIndexGetTypeID is documented, but not actually exported by Leopard. Try to
# emulate the missing functionality.
# See also radar:6525606.
def workaround():
from Foundation import NSMutableData,NSAutoreleasePool
pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
rI = SKIndexCreateWithMutableData(NSMutableData.data(),
None, kSKIndexInverted, None)
indexID = CFGetTypeID(rI)
r = SKIndexDocumentIteratorCreate(rI, None)
iterID = CFGetTypeID(r)
del r
r = SKSearchGroupCreate([rI])
groupID = CFGetTypeID(r)
r = SKSearchResultsCreateWithQuery(r, ".*", kSKSearchRanked, 1, None, None)
resultID = CFGetTypeID(r)
if SKSearchGetTypeID() == 0:
# Type doesn't get registered unless you try to use it.
# That's no good for PyObjC, therefore forcefully create
# a SKSearch object
SKSearchCreate(rI, "q", 0)
searchref = objc.registerCFSignature(
"SKSearchRef", "^{__SKSearch=}", SKSearchGetTypeID())
searchref = SKSearchRef
del r
del rI
r = SKSummaryCreateWithString("foo")
summaryID = CFGetTypeID(r)
del r
del pool
def SKIndexGetTypeID():
return indexID
def SKIndexDocumentIteratorGetTypeID():
return iterID
def SKSearchGroupGetTypeID():
return groupID
def SKSearchResultsGetTypeID():
return resultID
def SKSummaryGetTypeID():
return summaryID
indexType = objc.registerCFSignature(
"SKIndexRef", "^{__SKIndex=}", indexID)
iterType = objc.registerCFSignature(
"SKIndexDocumentIteratorRef", "^{__SKIndexDocumentIterator=}", indexID)
groupType = objc.registerCFSignature(
"SKSearchGroupRef", "^{__SKSearchGroup=}", groupID)
resultType = objc.registerCFSignature(
"SKSearchResultsRef", "^{__SKSearchResults=}", resultID)
summaryType = objc.registerCFSignature(
"SKSummaryRef", "^{__SKSummary=}", summaryID)
# For some reason SKDocumentGetTypeID doesn't return the right value
# when the framework loader calls it the first time around,
# by this time the framework is fully initialized and we get
# the correct result.
SKDocumentRef = objc.registerCFSignature(
"SKDocumentRef", "@", SKDocumentGetTypeID())
return (SKIndexGetTypeID, indexType, SKIndexDocumentIteratorGetTypeID, iterType,
SKSearchGroupGetTypeID, groupType, SKSearchResultsGetTypeID, resultType,
SKSummaryGetTypeID, summaryType,
SKDocumentRef, searchref)
(SKIndexGetTypeID, SKIndexRef,
SKIndexDocumentIteratorGetTypeID, SKIndexDocumentRef,
SKSearchGroupGetTypeID, SKSearchGroupRef,
SKSearchResultsGetTypeID, SKSearchResultsRef,
SKSummaryGetTypeID, SKSummaryRef,
SKDocumentRef, SKSearchRef,
) = workaround()
del workaround