#!/usr/bin/env python
Report about the differences in two metadata files.
The script is incomplete at the moment: it doesn't look inside nested
elements yet (function, class, informal_protocol).
from PyObjCMetaData.et import *
import objc
import sys
import os
from scanframework import indentET,HEADER
def find_node(root, type, name, nameAttr='name'):
for node in root.findall(type):
if node.get(nameAttr) == name:
return node
return None
def filter64(value):
result = {}
for k in value:
if k.endswith('64'): continue
result[k] = value[k]
# Make sure all irrelavant bits of the signature string get ignored
if 'type' in value:
result['type'] = ''.join(objc.splitSignature(value['type']))
return result
def diffDict(first, second):
first = filter64(first)
second = filter64(second)
result = []
for k in sorted(first):
if k not in second:
elif first[k] != second[k]:
result.append('!%s[%s!=%s]'%(k, first[k], second[k]))
for k in sorted(second):
if k.endswith('64'):
# Ignore 64-bit variants for now
if k not in first:
return ' '.join(result)
def diffSimple(first, second, tag):
for f in first.findall(tag):
s = find_node(second, tag, f.get('name'))
if s is None:
print "< %s %s"%(tag, f.get('name'))
elif filter64(f.attrib) != filter64(s.attrib):
print "! %s %s"%(tag, f.get('name'))
print " ", diffDict(f.attrib, s.attrib)
for s in second.findall(tag):
f = find_node(first, tag, s.get('name'))
if f is None:
print "> %s %s"%(tag, s.get('name'))
def diffFunction(first, second, prefix='function', nameAttr='name'):
if filter64(first.attrib) != filter64(second.attrib):
print '! %s %s'%(prefix, first.get(nameAttr))
print ' ', diffDict(first.attrib, second.attrib)
f_r = None
f_a = []
s_r = None
s_a = []
for n in first:
if n.tag == 'retval':
if f_r is not None:
print '** < %s.retval duplicate for %s'%(prefix, first.get(nameAttr))
f_r = n
elif n.tag == 'arg':
print '** < %s.%s for %s: unknown tag'%(prefix, n.tag, first.get(nameAttr))
for n in second:
if n.tag == 'retval':
if s_r is not None:
print '** > %s.retval duplicate for %s'%(prefix, second.get(nameAttr))
s_r = n
elif n.tag == 'arg':
print '** < %s.%s for %s: unknown tag'%(prefix, n.tag, first.get(nameAttr))
if f_r is None:
if s_r is not None and (s_r.get('type') != objc._C_VOID or len(s_r.attrib) != 1):
print '> %s.retval %s'%(prefix, first.get(nameAttr))
if s_r is None and (f_r.get('type') != objc._C_VOID or len(f_r.attrib) != 1):
print '> %s.retval %s'%(prefix, first.get(nameAttr))
elif s_r is not None:
if filter64(s_r.attrib) != filter64(f_r.attrib):
print '! %s.retval %s'%(prefix, first.get(nameAttr))
print ' ', diffDict(f_r.attrib, s_r.attrib)
for idx in range(max(len(f_a), len(s_a))):
f = f_a[idx]
except IndexError:
f = None
s = s_a[idx]
except IndexError:
s = None
if s is None:
print '< %s.argument[%d] %s'%(prefix, idx, first.get(nameAttr))
elif f is None:
print '> %s.argument[%d] %s'%(prefix, idx, first.get(nameAttr))
if f.attrib != s.attrib:
print '! %s.argument[%d] %s'%(prefix, idx, first.get(nameAttr))
print ' ', diffDict(f.attrib, s.attrib)
def diffFunctionList(first, second, tag, nameAttr='name', prefix=None):
if prefix is None:
prefix = tag
for f in first.findall(tag):
s = find_node(second, tag, f.get(nameAttr), nameAttr=nameAttr)
if s is None:
print "< %s %s"%(prefix, f.get(nameAttr))
diffFunction(f, s, prefix, nameAttr)
for s in second.findall(tag):
f = find_node(first, tag, s.get(nameAttr), nameAttr=nameAttr)
if f is None:
print "> %s %s"%(prefix, s.get(nameAttr))
def diffClassList(first, second):
for f in first.findall('class'):
s = find_node(second, 'class', f.get('name'))
if s is None:
print "< %s %s"%('class', f.get('name'))
diffFunctionList(f, s, 'method', nameAttr='selector', prefix='class[%s].method'%(f.get('name')))
for s in second.findall('class'):
f = find_node(first, 'class', s.get('name'))
if f is None:
print "> %s %s"%('class', s.get('name'))
def diffProtocolList(first, second):
for f in first.findall('informal_protocol'):
s = find_node(second, 'informal_protocol', f.get('name'))
if s is None:
print "< %s %s"%('informal_protocol', f.get('name'))
diffFunctionList(f, s, 'method', nameAttr='selector', prefix='informal_protocol[%s].method'%(f.get('name')))
for s in second.findall('informal_protocol'):
f = find_node(first, 'informal_protocol', s.get('name'))
if f is None:
print "> %s %s"%('informal_protocol', s.get('name'))
def main():
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
fwk = sys.argv[1]
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.expanduser('~/Projects/pyobjc-leopard/BridgeSupport~dst')):
if fwk + '.bridgesupport' in filenames:
first = os.path.join(dirpath, fwk + '.bridgesupport')
raise RuntimeError("No Leopard data for %s"%(fwk,))
second = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
'Projects', 'pyobjc-leopard', 'stable', 'pyobjc-framework-%s'%(fwk),
'Lib', fwk, 'PyObjC.bridgesupport')
if not os.path.exists(second):
test = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
'Projects', 'pyobjc-leopard', 'stable', 'pyobjc-framework-Cocoa',
'Lib', fwk, 'PyObjC.bridgesupport')
if not os.path.exists(test):
test = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
'Projects', 'pyobjc-leopard', 'stable', 'pyobjc-framework-Quartz',
'Lib', fwk, 'PyObjC.bridgesupport')
if os.path.exists(test):
second = test
second = test
elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
first = sys.argv[1]
second = sys.argv[2]
print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: %s orig new"
print "Comparing %s and %s"%(first, second)
first = ET.parse(first).getroot()
second = ET.parse(second).getroot()
diffSimple(first, second, 'struct')
diffSimple(first, second, 'cftype')
diffSimple(first, second, 'opaque')
diffSimple(first, second, 'constant')
diffSimple(first, second, 'string_constant')
diffSimple(first, second, 'enum')
diffFunctionList(first, second, 'function')
diffFunctionList(first, second, 'static_inline')
diffClassList(first, second)
diffProtocolList(first, second)
if __name__ == "__main__":