A simple setup.py file for building and publishing the website.
python setup.py build
This will regenerate the website from the current checkout
python setup.py publish [--skip-build]
This will upload the website to the server, building it beforehand
unless the ``--skip-build`` option is used.
Note that this is *NOT* a valid python package, we just use setuptools
facilities to ensure that all software we need is actually present.
from setuptools import Command,setup
from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
from distutils import log
import sys, os, shutil, subprocess, stat
# The truly interesting code is in the 'lib' directory, make that available.
import sitegen
import samples
import news
import docs
# Distutils command definitions
class buildsite (Command):
description = "Build the website"
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):
self.finalized = False
def finalize_options(self):
self.finalized = True
def run(self):
if not os.path.exists('../pyobjc-core'):
raise DistutilsError(
"Run me in a complete checkout of the pyobjc trunk")
frameworkList = [dn for dn in os.listdir('..') if dn.startswith('pyobjc-framework') ]
#frameworkList = ['pyobjc-framework-Cocoa']
('Home', '/index.html'),
('News', '/news.html'),
('About', '/about.html'),
('History&People', '/people.html'),
('Links', '/links.html'),
('License', '/license.html'),
generator = sitegen.SiteGenerator('templates', 'htdocs')
if os.path.exists('htdocs'):
log.info("Copying static resources")
for subdir in os.listdir('resources'):
if subdir.startswith('.'): continue
log.info(" - %s" % (subdir,))
generator.copy(os.path.join('resources', subdir), subdir)
log.info("Copying static HTML")
for fn in os.listdir('static'):
if fn.startswith('.'): continue
log.info(" - %s" % (fn,))
generator.copyReST(os.path.join('static', fn), os.path.splitext(fn)[0] + '.html', bottommenu=root_menu)
log.info("Processing news items")
newsItems = news.parseNews('news')
log.info("Emitting news")
generator.emitHTML("/news.html", "news.html", news=newsItems, bottommenu=root_menu)
for item in newsItems:
# Generate seperate files for the news items, will be used from an RSS feed.
generator.emitHTML('/news/%s.html'%(item['basename'],), 'news-item.html', newsitem=item, bottommenu=root_menu)
log.info("Emitting homepage")
generator.emitHTML("/index.html", "site-index.html",
pyobjc_release_date='November 24th 2009',
docs.generateDocs(generator, '/documentation', '..', ['pyobjc-core'] + frameworkList)
samples.generateSamples(generator, '/examples', '..', frameworkList)
class publishsite (Command):
description = "Publish the website"
user_options = [
('skip-build', None,
"Skip the build phase"),
('username=', None,
"login to use at SF.net (default to ronaldoussoren)"),
def initialize_options(self):
self.finalized = False
self.skip_build = False
self.username = None
def finalize_options(self):
if self.username is None:
self.username = 'ronaldoussoren'
self.finalized = True
def run(self):
if not self.skip_build:
# First ensure that files are group-writable, that makes it
# easier to update the website from several accounts.
log.info("Makeing files group-writable")
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('htdocs'):
for fn in dirnames +filenames:
st = os.stat(os.path.join(dirpath, fn))
mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) | stat.S_IWGRP
os.chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, fn), mode)
# Ensure that sourceforge has a shell account for us
log.info("Creating sourceforge shell account")
p = subprocess.Popen([
'ssh', '-t', '%s,pyobjc@shell.sourceforge.net'%(self.username,),
status = p.wait()
if status != 0:
log.error("Creating a shell account failed")
raise DistutilsError("creating shell account failed")
# Use rsync to push the new version of the website to SF.net
log.info("Running rsync")
p = subprocess.Popen(['rsync',
'-C', '-e', 'ssh', '--delete', '--delete-after', '-v', '-rltgoDz',
'--exclude', 'cvs-snapshots',
'htdocs/', self.username + '@shell.sourceforge.net:/home/groups/p/py/pyobjc/htdocs/'])
status = p.wait()
if status != 0:
log.error("Rsync failed with exit code %s", status)
raise DistutilsError("rsync failed")
log.info("Update is ready, don't forget to check the website!")
# Run distutils
name = "pyobjc-website",
description = "PyObjC's website",
setup_requires = [
'docutils >=0.4',
'Genshi >=0.4',