import os
import sys
sys.path.append( '../' )
from PyRTF import *
def MakeExample1() :
doc = Document()
ss = doc.StyleSheet
section = Section()
doc.Sections.append( section )
# text can be added directly to the section
# a paragraph object is create as needed
section.append( 'Image Example 1' )
section.append( 'You can add images in one of two ways, either converting the '
'image each and every time like;' )
image = Image( 'image.jpg' )
section.append( Paragraph( image ) )
section.append( 'Or you can use the image object to convert the image and then '
'save it to a raw code element that can be included later.' )
fout = file( '', 'w' )
print >> fout, 'from PyRTF import RawCode'
print >> fout
fout.write( image.ToRawCode( 'TEST_IMAGE' ) )
import image_tmp
section.append( Paragraph( image_tmp.TEST_IMAGE ) )
section.append( 'Have a look in for the converted RawCode.' )
section.append( 'here are some png files' )
for f in [ 'img1.png',
'img4.png' ] :
section.append( Paragraph( Image( f ) ) )
return doc
def OpenFile( name ) :
return file( '%s.rtf' % name, 'w' )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
DR = Renderer()
doc1 = MakeExample1()
DR.Write( doc1, OpenFile( 'Image1' ) )
print "Finished"